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Everything posted by OKLAHOMA

  1. and these websites are on the rafidain bank website with is on the cbi website just something people can read and ponder with
  2. Thanks for the post, I'm glad to hear news about the dong as well. Dang i'd be happy with 1 cent on the dong!! and 10 cents on the dinar. just to get some kind of return. thanks Adam have a great week!
  3. When link appears hit variety oh well i see its old! sorry
  4. I use to always use there converter, a year ago it didnt function. then it did for about 6 months now they removed the iqd about 2 months ago.
  5. Heres the link I didnt post with the article
  6. الرئيسية Home الاخبار News المركزي عن تراجع سعر الدينار: تجار صغار يخربون سياستنا النقدية Central dropped the dinar: small traders destroy our monetary policy المركزي عن تراجع سعر الدينار: تجار صغار يخربون سياستنا النقدية Central dropped the dinar: small traders destroy our monetary policy الأحد, 21 أغسطس 2011 00:00 Sunday, August 21, 2011 00:00 Translated Link خبراء: بيع المحاصيل زاد الطلب على الدولار.. Experts: sale of crops increased demand for the dollar .. ودبي واسطنبول يقبلان على شراء العملة العراقية Istanbul, Dubai and accept to buy Iraqi currency بغداد - ناصر البجاري BAGHDAD - Nasser Bijari عزا اصحاب شركات صرافة امس السبت، تراجع سعر الدينار امام الدولار الى ارتفاع الطلب على الاخير بالتزامن مع الاسعار العالية التي دفعتها الحكومة لشراء المحاصيل الزراعية، فيما ارجعه البنك المركزي الى "تلاعب مضاربين"، مشددا على ان احتياطاته النقدية اثبتت كفاءته في حفظ سعر العملة منذ ست سنوات، واشار الى ان الدينار محط ثقة الدول الاخرى، التي باتت تسعى لشراء اكبر كتلة نقدية منه. He attributed the owners of exchange companies, on Saturday, the devaluation of the dinar against the dollar to rise in the demand for the latter in conjunction with the high prices paid by the government to purchase crops, while attributing the central bank to "rig speculators", stressing that the reserves of cash has proven its efficiency in the exchange rate since six years, and noted that the dinar trusted other countries, which are seeking to buy the largest mass of cash from it. وكان سعر صرف الدينار مقابل الدولار، في بغداد والمحافظات، شهد تقلبا واضحا خلال اليومين الماضيين، حيث تراوح سعر شراء الدولار بـ 1120 دينار / دولار، وسعر البيع ما بين 1121 و1123 دينار / دولار، فيما تراوح سعر الشراء، في المحافظات، بـ 1119دينار / دولار، وسعر البيع بـ 1121 دينار / دولار، وبحسب خبراء، قالوا لـ "العالم"، فان الدولار سجل نسبة ارتفاع بلغت ثلاث نقاط عن قيمته في الاسبوع الماضي. The exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar, in Baghdad and the provinces, has seen volatile and clear during the past two days, ranging purchase price of the dollar to 1120 dinars / dollars, and the selling price of 1121 and 1123 dinar / dollar, and ranged the purchase price, in the provinces, to 1119 dinars / dollars, and the selling price to 1121 dinars / dollars, according to experts, they said "the world", the dollar registered a rise of three points of its value last week. ويقول جمال العجيلي، مدير شركة تحويلات خارجية، في حديث مع "العالم" امس، ان "اغلب ادخارات المواطن العراقي حاليا هي بالدولار وليس بالدينار العراقي الذي لازال يشكل مصدر قلق له في حال اختلفت اسعار صرف العملات الاجنبية". Jamal Al Ajili, director of foreign remittances, in an interview with "the world" yesterday, said that "most of the savings of Iraqi citizens are currently in dollars, not Iraqi dinars, which is still a source of concern to him in case of different exchange rates of foreign currencies." وعن اسباب ارتفاع قيمة الدولار امام الدينار العراقي خلال الايام القليلة الماضية، يشير العجيلي الى "ارتفاع الطلب على الدولار في السوق العراقية، التي بدأت تتحضر لتأمين كافة احتياجات القطاع الزراعي". And the reasons for the high value of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar during the past few days, Ajili refers to "high demand for the dollar in the Iraqi market, which began preparing to provide all the needs of the agricultural sector." ويوضح بالقول "بعد ان قامت الدولة بشراء جميع الانتاج المحلي لمحصولي الحنطة والشعير وباسعار عالية دعما لشريحة الفلاحين، يبدأ المزارع بتحويل ما يتقاضاه من الدولة، من الدينار للدولار وشراء سيارات وحاصدات وبذور واسمدة وكل ما يحتاج اليه". Explains by saying "after the state bought all the local production of crops of wheat, barley, and prices high in support of the segment of farmers, beginning farmers to transfer what is received from the state of the dinar to the dollar and buy cars and harvesters, seeds, and fertilizer and everything it needs." ويؤكد العجيلي ان "هذا الطلب المفاجيء سيعمل على رفع قيمة الدولار، خاصة اذا علمنا ان ما نسبته 80% من حجم المباع داخل مزاد البنك المركزي هو مخصص للتحويلات الخارجية، وهنا تصبح نسبة الـ 20% المتبقية غير كافية لسد حاجة السوق المحلية". And confirms Ajili that "this sudden demand will increase the value of the dollar, especially if we know that 80% of the volume sold in the auction the Central Bank is intended for foreign remittances, here becomes the proportion of the remaining 20% ​​is sufficient to meet local market needs." وبلغ سعر الدولار يوم الخميس، في مزاد العملة الذي يديره البنك المركزي، نحو 1170 دينار/ دولار، فيما لم يحدد سعر الشراء لعدم وجود عروض بيع من قبل المساهمين، فيما بلغ حجم المبلغ المباع من قبل البنك 188 مليون و140 الف دولار . The price of the dollar on Thursday, in the currency auction run by the Central Bank, about 1170 dinars / dollars and did not specify the purchase price for a lack of offers for sale by the shareholders, while the total size of the amount sold by the bank 188 140 000 dollars. يشار الى ان سعر بيع الحولات اعلى من سعر البيع بفارق يبلغ 1183 دينار / دولار، اي بنسبة اضافة تبلغ 13 دينار لكل دولار، كما يقوم البنك المركزي باستقطاع عمولة بيع مباشرة بنفس القيمة، حسبما افاد مصدر مسؤول في البنك لـ "العالم" امس السبت. It is said that the sale price of Alihulat top of the sale price difference of 1183 dinars / USD, ie by addition of 13 dinars per dollar, the Central Bank will also deduct a commission sale directly with the same value, according to an official source at the bank's "world" on Saturday. وعن حجم الطلب الذي شهدته السوق المحلية على الدولار، يوضح مدير شركة الصيرفة بالقول "حصلت شخصيا على رخصة من المصارف العراقية لسداد اقيام بيع الحبوب للفلاحين، وهذا الامر جاء لتسهيل مهام مصارف الرافدين والرشيد في عموم المناطق"، مشيرا الى انه "سلم لوحده اكثر من 10 مليارات دينار، وقسم كبير منهم طلب تحويلها مباشرة للدولار". And the volume of demand witnessed in the local market on the dollar, explains managing director of banking saying "I got myself a license from the Iraqi banks for the payment of Akiem sale of grain for farmers, and this was to facilitate the functions of banks Rivers and good governance in public areas," he said, adding that "peace alone, more than 10 billion dinars, and a large portion of them asked directly converted to dollars. " وحول اثر الازمة المالية العالمية على الاقتصاد العراقي، يقول العجيلي "اغلب تعاملات السوق العراقية هي الان مع الخارج، وتتم تحديدا من خلال مصارف الامارات العربية التي تتأثر بشكل يومي بأي تقلبات عالمية وتعكسها على تعاملاتها مع العراق واي بلد اخر"، مشيرا الى ان "المصارف الخليجية تحاول دوما تحويل خسارتها للعملاء، ومنهم العراقيون، فتلجأ مثلا لرفع قيمة الفائدة او رفع نسب الاستقطاع". And on the impact of the global financial crisis on the Iraqi economy, says Ajili "Most transactions of the Iraqi market is now with the outside, and are specifically through banks Arab Emirates that are affected on a daily basis any fluctuations in global and reflect on its dealings with Iraq or any other country," he said, adding that "banks GCC always trying to convert the loss of customers, including Iraqis, for example, resorting to raise interest rates or raise the rates of withholding. " ورأى العجيلي ان رفع الاصفار عن الدينار العراقي سيؤدي لزيادة الثقة بالعملة المحلية، ويوضح "بعد حذف الاصفار ستتراجع ظاهرة تداول الكتل النقدية الكبيرة التي اعتاد عليها العراقيون منذ التسعينيات" لافتا الى ان "بعض الدول بدأت تتعاطى بالدينار العراقي، فخلال تحويلي مبالغ لكل من ايران والامارات وسوريا والاردن ومصر يسألني الجانب الاخر اذ كان الزبون يريد استلام حوالته بالدينار ايضا، وهذا يعني ان الدينار متوفر لديهم بكميات كبيرة". He believed Ajili that lifting the zeros from Iraqi dinar would lead to increased confidence in local currency, explains "After you delete the zeros will drop the phenomenon of trading blocs, the large cash used by Iraqis since the nineties," noting that "some countries have started to deal in Iraqi dinars, during the transformative amounts of both Iran and the UAE , Syria, Jordan and Egypt, asking me the other side as the customer wants to receive Hwalth also dinars, and this means that the dinar is available with large quantities. " بدوره نفى البنك المركزي تخوفه من تعاملات السوق، كونها لا تشكل شيئا بالمقارنة بمزاد العملة، الذي حافظ على سعر بيع ثابت لاكثر من ست سنوات وهو انجاز كبير"، بحسب الدكتور مظهر محمد صالح، المسؤول البارز في البنك. ويشير مظهر، في مقابلة مع "العالم" امس، الى ان "المركزي سعى لتغطية قيمة الدينار، وقبل يومين بلغت قيمة الغطاء المالي بالخارج للعملة المحلية اكثر من 57 مليار دولار اي اكثر من 110% من حجم الكتلة النقدية العراقي"، ويضيف "وهذا عامل تعزيز اخر لقيمة الدينار" كاشفا عن "قيام البنك بالغاء تحويلات كثيرة للخارج تقوم بها مصارف وشركات تحويل مالي، لوجود شكوك بانها ضمن فقرة (غسيل الاموال)". In turn, denied the central bank fears of market transactions, they are not nothing compared to auction the currency, which has kept the selling price fixed for more than six years and is a great achievement, "according to the appearance of Dr. Mohamed Saleh, a senior official in the bank. Suggests the appearance, in an interview with" the world "yesterday that" the Central sought to cover the value of the dinar, and two days before the value of financial cover outside of the local currency of more than $ 57 billion, more than 110% of the money supply Iraqi, "he adds," This is an enhancement of the value of the dinar, "revealing the "the bank to cancel out many conversions carried out by banks and money transfer companies, because of doubts as in paragraph (money laundering)." وحمل المسؤول البارز في البنك المركزي "المصارف العراقية مسؤولية كبيرة امام ترويج معاملات ذات شبهة في غسيل الاموال"، مضيفا ان "الكل يعلم ان اوضاع العراق لا زالت غير مستقرة، ولهذا فعلى جميع الاذرع التعاون لانهاء هذه الظاهرة الخطرة وحماية امن البلاد واقتصاد البلاد". He held a senior official at the Central Bank "of Iraqi banks a great responsibility to promote the transactions with suspicion of money laundering," he said, adding, "Everyone knows that the situation in Iraq is still unstable, and for that For all arms cooperation to end this dangerous phenomenon and the protection of the country's security and economy of the country." وحول المخاوف التي اثارها تقلب سعر الدينار امام الدولار خلال الايام الماضية، اكد مظهر "امتلاك العراق احتياطات كافية لصد اي الاعيب يقوم بها المضاربون". Regarding the concerns raised by the volatility rate of the dinar against the dollar during the past few days, confirmed the appearance of "Iraq's possession of reserves sufficient to stave off any tricks performed by speculators." واضاف "احذرهم من تمشية اي معاملات مشبوهة". "I warn any walk of suspicious transactions." وعزا تقلبات صرف الدينار الى "قيام المضاربين، وللاسف حين ترفض طلباتهم، باختلاق هكذا امور بالمضاربة باسعار الصرف وغيرها لكنها امور لا تنطلي علينا"، مشيرا الى ان "البعض يضاربون بالسوق في شهر رمضان والعيد وموسم السياحة، وهم يستربحون للاسف على صغار المتعاملين وهذا لا يعني شيئا فما يهمنا سوق الجملة المستقرة". He attributed the volatility of exchange of the dinar to "speculators, and, unfortunately, while refusing their requests, inventing such things speculative exchange rates and others, but things do not deceive us," adding that "some are speculating the market in the month of Ramadan and Eid, the holiday season, they Astervhon Unfortunately, the small traders and this does not means nothing, what concerns us the wholesale market stable. " وعن مشروع رفع اصفار الدينار واعادة هيكلة العملة، قال مظهر ان "المركزي انتهى بشكل كامل من اعداده واحيل للحكومة ومجلس النواب لمناقشته بهدوء، وهو مشروع استراتيجي طويل الاجل، ولا اقول انه سيحدث غدا او بعد غد، لانه من مشاريع اصلاح ادارة موارد العملة بالعراق". And Raising the zeros of the dinar and the restructuring of the currency, said the appearance of the "Central finished fully prepared and referred to the government and the Council of Representatives to discuss it calmly, a project of strategic and long-term, I do not say it will happen tomorrow or after tomorrow, because it projects the reform of management of resources, the currency in Iraq" . ولفت الى ان "اعادة الهيكلة تعني اصدار تركيبة من الفئات المختلفة عن الفئات الحالية، ورفع الاصفار يعني ان الرقم الحسابي سيكون اقل بشكل لايؤثر على قيمة العملة وتعاملات الافراد ومدخولاتهم وثرواتهم ولا يؤثر على تعاقدات والتزامات الافراد التعاقدية والالزامية، مشير الى ان "مجموع الكتلة النقدية من العملة والبالغــة نحـو 32 ترليون دينار وبعد استـبدالها ستصــبح اقل من 30 مليار دينار". He pointed out that "the restructuring means the issuance of a combination of the different categories of existing categories, and the lifting of the zeroes means that the number of account will be lower, does not affect the value of the currency and transactions of individuals and their income and wealth does not affect the contracts and obligations of individuals contractual and mandatory, arguing that" the total money supply of currency, amounting to about 32 trillion dinars and will be replaced after less than 30 billion dinars. "
  7. AND U.S. Treasury - Report on U.S. Holdings of Foreign Long-Term Securities … Algeria Algerian dinar 50105 Angola … Bahrain Bahraini dinar 40703 Bangladesh … Iranian rial 42307 Iraq Iraqi dinar 42404 Ireland …   Article Date: 08/12/2011   21:07:10 Size: 503KB When i looked for Iraq, it came it with this link, I didnt see iraq listed specifically but they are listed with there currecny code for the US. Although it shows on the link from the US treasury iraqi dinar so it maybe hidden inside there totals somewhere hope this helps alittle
  8. I purchased dong from they were great! They use to sell dinar I bought some dinar from them but they quit selling the dinar, just dong now.
  9. I thought I was seeing things , kept drinking my coffee and rereading the same article! to funny
  10. Does anyone understand the 3rd reading? What it pertains to? if so , help!
  11. Thanks k98knights, I was looking for this site.
  12. Sorry for arabic, if a mod wants to clean this post up you are welcome to ,
  13. Expectations of a heated session in parliament today تم قراءة الموضوع 84 مرة Thread has been read 84 times 11/08/2011 11/08/2011 شواني لـ«الصباح»: لا تعديلات على قانون مجلس السياسات Huani «morning»: No amendments to the law of the Policy Board بغداد – شيماء رشيد BAGHDAD - The Rashid Shaimaa توقعت مصادر نيابية ان تشهد جلسة البرلمان اليوم سجالات ساخنة بين النواب، بعدما اعلن عن ادراج مناقشة قانون المجلس الوطني للسياسات العليا الستراتيجية على جدول اعمال الجلسة. Parliamentary sources expect to see a session of parliament today, heated debates between the House of Representatives, after it announced the inclusion of discussion of the National Council of the Supreme policies on the strategic agenda of the meeting. وقال رئيس اللجنة القانونية في مجلس النواب خالد شواني في تصريح لـ"الصباح": "اننا في اللجنة القانونية وافقنا على ادراج قانون مجلس السياسات ضمن اعمال مجلس النواب اليوم.. وسوف تتم قراءته القراءة الاولى كما هو عليه من دون تغيير كما ورد من رئاسة الجمهورية". The head of the Legal Committee in the House of Representatives Khaled Shwani in a statement the "morning": "We are in the Legal Committee and agreed to the inclusion of the law of the Policy Board within the work of the House of Representatives today .. and will be read the first reading as it is without change, as received from the Presidency ". ونفى شواني "اجراء اي تعديل على القانون، وسيطرح القانون للقراءة كما هو بدون تعديل وسيجري التعديل عليه عند القراءة الثانية". Huani denied "any amendment to the law, and will present the law to read as it is without amendment and the amendment will be on second reading." وسط هذه الصورة، تباينت اراء النواب في تصريحات صحفية بشأن مجلس السياسات ودوره وصلاحياته، حيث قال النائب عن الائتلاف الوطني علي شبر: ان "الكتل السياسية ملزمة بتمرير قانون مجلس السياسات العليا في البرلمان، كونه من ضمن اتفاق اربيل". The center of this picture, differing views of Representatives in a press statement on the Policy Board and its role and powers, where the MP said the National Coalition on foot: "The political blocs passed a law binding on the Supreme Council policies in Parliament, as part of an agreement of Arbil." واضاف ان "المجلس تم الاتفاق عليه في اتفاق اربيل، ولابد ان يكون ملزما لجميع الكتل بتمريره، وهذا من حق القائمة العراقية". He added, "The Council has been agreed in the Erbil, and must be binding on all the blocks passing, and this is the right of the Iraqi List." لكنه قال: ان "السؤال الذي يطرح والذي اثار الخلاف في مساحة صلاحيات هذا المجلس، اذ ان هذا الامر يحتاج لرؤية مشتركة بين الكتل لتحديد هذه الصلاحيات". But he said: "The question that has stirred controversy in the area of powers of the Council, since it needs to see the joint between the blocks to specify these powers." من جانبها، اكدت النائبة عن كتلة الاحرار اسماء الموسوي ان مسودة القانون "تتضمن مخالفات قانونية ودستورية ". For its part, said Liberal MP for the mass of the names of al-Moussawi said the draft law "include legal and constitutional violations." واوضحت ان "المسودة اعطت المجلس صلاحيات تنفيذية وتشريعية وقضائية، وتضمنت تشريع المجلس قانون المحكمة الاتحادية، وهذا مخالف للدستور"، مشيرة الى ان "المسودة، بخلاف ما جاء في الدستور بان العراقيين متساوون، انطوت على اخلال بالتوازن في تركيبة المجلس، من ناحية تمثيل المحافظات وتمثيل الكتل". She explained that "The draft gave the Council the powers of executive, legislative, judicial, and included legislation to the Council the Federal Court Act, and this is contrary to the Constitution," noting that "the draft, other than those stated in the Constitution that the Iraqis are equal, involved a breach of the balance in the composition of the Council, in terms of provincial representation and the representation of the blocks. " بدوره، دعا النائب عن التحالف الوطني محمد سعدون الصيهود اعضاء مجلس النواب الى عدم التصويت على مسودة قانون مجلس السياسات الستراتيجية كونها تتناقض مع الدستور والتوجه العام نحو الترشيق الحكومي. In turn, called the National Alliance MP Mohammed Saadoun Chihod House members not to vote on the draft Law on the Council strategic policies as contrary to the Constitution and the general trend towards Limbering government. وقال الصيهود في بيان نقله مكتبه الاعلامي: ان "اعضاء مجلس النواب مطالبون بعدم التصويت على مسودة قانون مجلس السياسات الستراتيجية كونها تتناقض مع الدستور الذي لم يشر في اية مادة منه الى هكذا مجلس فضلا عن كونه يناقض اتفاقات الكتل السياسية بشأن الترشيق الوزاري". Chihod said in a statement quoted by his press office: "The members of the House of Representatives are required not to vote on the draft Law on the Council strategic policies as contrary to the Constitution, which did not refer in any way material from the Council as well as being contrary to the agreements on the political blocs Limbering Ministers." الا ان النائب عن القائمة العراقية اركان زيباري قال: ان "ما يظهر في وسائل الاعلام من ملاحظات متبادلة بين العراقية ودولة القانون، سوف لن يؤثر في تمريره"، مبينا ان "مجلس السياسات العليا ادرج ضمن اتفاق اربيل، وان ما ادرج في هذا الاتفاق سوف يمرر". But the MP for the Iraqi List of Staff Zebari said: "What appears in the media notes exchanged between the Iraqi and state law, will not affect the pass," noting that "the Council senior policy listed in the agreement of Arbil, and what is included in this agreement will passes. " المزيد من الأخبار More News
  14. جـــــــــدول عمـــــــــل الجلســـة (19) الخميس (11) آب 2011 Schedule work session (19) Thursday (11) August 2011 . First, read verses from the Koran. . Second: The first reading of the bill into force of the Iraqi law on contractors and sub-contractors with the multinational forces. ((Legal Committee, the Commission on Security and Defence, the Foreign Relations Committee). . Third, the first reading of a bill disengagement House Mesopotamia for printing from the Iraqi Central Bank and attached to the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers. (ربية). (Finance Committee, Education Committee). . Fourth: The first reading of the bill in addition to the Directorate of Military Pensions Bill and the Defense Department. (). (Commission on Security and Defence). . Fifth: discuss increasing financial allocations to fund housing. . VI: Discussion of the government program. ). (Minister of Human Rights). تبدأ الجلسة الساعة 10:00 صباحاً. Session begins at 10:00 am. استنكار نيابي بشأن الاستخفاف بفضيحة التعذيب في سجن ابو غريب Disregard for parliamentary condemnation on torture scandal at Abu Ghraib prison لجنة حقوق الإنسان تسعى إلى تنظيم جلسة استماع علنية في مايخص قانون الاتجار بالبشر Human Rights Commission is seeking to organize a public hearing in the Human Trafficking Act Mi_khas لجنة الصحة تشارك في ندوة بوزارة الصحة Health Committee participated in a seminar at the Ministry of Health لجنة شؤون الاعضاء تستضيف منظمة usaid Affairs Committee will host members of the Organization of usaid لجنة شؤون الأعضاء تناقش الغاء الامرين المرقمين (21) و(36) Affairs Committee members discussed the two things cancel (21) and (36) قانون حقوق الصحفيين The law of the rights of journalists قانون المعهد العالي لتشخيص العقم والتقنيات المساعدة على الإنجاب Law of the Higher Institute for the diagnosis of infertility and assisted reproduction techniques قانون تصديق اتفاقية التعاون بين حكومة جمهورية العراق والمنظمة الدولية للهجرة Law on ratification of the Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the International Organization for Migration قانون تصديق الاتفاقية العربية لتيسير انتقال الإنتاج الثقافي العربي Law on ratification of the Arab Convention to facilitate the movement of Arab cultural production قانون إلغاء قرار مجلس قيادة الثورة المنحل رقم (800) لسنة 1989 Decision to cancel the law of the dissolved Revolutionary Command Council No. (800) for 1989 Original Arabic text: جـــــــــدول عمـــــــــل الجلســـة (19) الخميس (11) آب 2011 Contribute a better translation
  15. The security summit is being held in Turkey next month with Iraq at the end of the month , so Im guessing maybe by then. or after this summit
  16. Wonderful post thank you adam, have a great weekend!
  17. Excellant post, heres another one if not already posted ... Real Document: Facts below State of California - Department of Corporations STATE OF CALIFORNIA BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATIONS TO: US Dinar Bank US DinarEx David 165 West Maple Street San Diego, CA 92103 DESIST AND REFRAIN ORDER (For violations of sections 25110, 25401, 29520, 29535 and 29236 of the Corporations Code) The California Corporations Commissioner (“Commissioner”) finds that: 1. US Dinar Bank is an entity that does business and has offices located in California but is not registered with the California Secretary of State. After the California Department of Financial Institutions contacted US Dinar Bank about the use of the word “bank” in its name, US Dinar Bank changed its name to US DinarEx on April 14, 2011. US Dinar Bank and US DinarEx (hereinafter “US Dinar”) have never been registered with the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) or a member of the National Futures Association (“NFA”). 2. David (“”) during relevant times resided in California and acted as the CEO or manager of US Dinar and was responsible for the operations of US Dinar. solicited investors on the internet via US Dinar’s websites at and The websites offer investors an Iraqi bank account for dinar and dollar exchange. (The dinar is the currency of Iraq.) has never been registered with the CFTC or a member of the NFA. 3. US Dinar and provided potential investors with an information package. told investors that US Dinar will open an interest (3%) bearing Iraqi savings account at a large commercial bank in Iraq, Al Warka Bank. This account would enable an investor to buy and sell dinars and have online review 24/7. 4. stated that the bank account is managed by William Burbank and that the return on an investment would be four times the initial investment within a short period of time and investors would be charged 20% of the total profit for managing the account. offered dinars at a “discount” for between 75 and 85 cents and stated dinars would be listed on FOREX, the foreign exchange market. stated “the Dinar will open trading at between $1.50-$2.00 minimum.” projected the Dinar to rise “within days to the $3.00-$3.50 range.” 5. US Dinar solicits clients that are unsophisticated individuals with minimal or no investment experience. A client receives and signs a customer agreement in which US Dinar agrees to accept a customer and to open and maintain accounts for dinar trading in which US Dinar is authorized to act as broker or agent, or as principal to execute a customer’s orders. 6. US Dinar and violated provisions of the California Corporate Securities Law of 1968 and the California Commodity Law of 1990, respectively set forth in Corporations Code section 25000 et seq. and section 29500 et seq. 7. US Dinar’s offering of an interest bearing Iraqi “custodial” bank account is an investment contract that is not exempt from the qualification requirements of the Corporate Securities Law of 1968. US Dinar and offered or sold investment contracts in violation of Corporations Code sections 25110. 8. US Dinar and offered and sold commodity contracts or options to investors by means of fraudulent acts, which are in violation of Corporations Code sections 25401 and 29536. These include, but are not limited to, the following misrepresentations and omissions of material fact: MISREPRESENTATIONS a. US Dinar Bank was not a “Bank” or financial institution; b. Investors would receive a return of three percent (3%) on the amount of their respective investment; OMISSIONS a. US Dinar Bank, US DinarEx and David were not registered with the CFTC; and, b. US Dinar Bank, US DinarEx and David did not qualify the investment offerings in California. 9. US Dinar sold or purchased, offered to sell or purchase commodity contracts or options, or offered to enter into, or entered into as a seller or purchaser commodity contracts or options in California. 10. The commodity contracts and options that US Dinar sold or purchased, offered to sell or purchase, or offered to enter into or entered into as a seller or purchaser on behalf of investors, were primarily for speculative or investment purposes, in that, the contracts were offered, purchased, sold, or entered into based on quoted price changes and fluctuations in particular contracts, rather than as a means of acquiring these physical commodities. 11. The contracts or options US Dinar sold or purchased, offered for sale or purchased, or offered to enter into or entered into as a seller or purchaser are commodity contracts and commodity options, as respectively defined in Corporations Code sections 29505 and 29510. 12. US Dinar’s above-described transactions do not meet the exemptions found in sections 29530, 29531 and 29532 of the Corporations Code and are in violation of Corporations Code section 29520. 13. Corporations Code section 29509 defines a commodity merchant as a futures commission merchant, commodity pool operator, commodity trading advisor, introducing broker, leverage transaction merchant, an associated person of the foregoing, a floor broker and any other person required to register with the CFTC. 14. Corporations Code section 29535 states no person shall engage in the trade or business or otherwise act as a commodity merchant unless the person is registered or temporarily licensed with the CFTC for each activity constituting that person as a commodity merchant. US Dinar acted as a commodity merchant and is not exempt from the registration and licensing requirements. 15. Corporations Code section 29536 states it is unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, in connection with the purchase or sale of, the offer to sell, the offer to purchase, the offer to enter into, or the entry into, a commodity, commodity contract, or commodity option to do any of the following: (a) to willfully employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud, ( to willfully make any false report, enter any false record, make any untrue statement of a material fact, or omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading, © to willfully engage in any transaction, act, practice, or course of business which operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon any persons, or (d) to willfully misappropriate or convert the funds, security, or property of any other person. 16. US Dinar Bank, US DinarEx and David failed to comply with the qualification provisions when they offered and sold securities in violation of Corporations Code section 25110. 17. US Dinar Bank, US DinarEx and David made misrepresentations or omissions of material facts that violated Corporations Code section 25401. Based upon the foregoing, the California Corporations Commissioner is of the opinion that US Dinar Bank, US DinarEx and David sold or purchased, or offered to sell or purchase commodities under commodity contracts or options, or offered to enter into, or entered into, as a seller or purchaser commodity contracts or options. Pursuant to section 29542 of the Corporations Code, US Dinar Bank, US DinarEx and David are hereby ordered to desist and refrain from the further sale or purchase or offer to sell or purchase any commodity contract or under any commodity option, including, but not limited to, contracts and from the further offer to enter into, or entering into, as sellers or purchasers of any commodity contract or any commodity option in the State of California, unless and until such activity is not in violation of Corporations Code section 29520 of the law. The Commissioner is of the opinion that US Dinar Bank, US DinarEx and David are engaged in a trade or business as a commodity merchant without registration or licensure, then in effect, in violation of Corporations Code section 29535. Pursuant to Corporations Code section 29542, US Dinar Bank, US DinarEx and David are hereby ordered to desist and refrain from conducting business as a commodity merchant in the State of California, until registration or licensure has been made with the CFTC or unless exempt. The Commissioner is of the opinion that US Dinar Bank, US DinarEx and David engaged in the above-described offer and sale of commodities, commodity contracts or commodity options in this State by willfully making an untrue statement of material fact or omitting to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. Pursuant to Corporations Code section 29542, US Dinar Bank, US DinarEx and David are hereby ordered to desist and refrain from offering or selling any commodity, commodity contracts or commodity options in the State of California by means of any fraudulent act including, but not limited to, willfully making an untrue statement of material fact or omitting to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. The California Corporations Commissioner is of the opinion that the activities of US Dinar Bank, US DinarEx and David involve the unqualified offers or sales of securities in California that are subject to qualification under the CSL, without such offers or sales first being qualified or exempt, in violation of Corporations Code section 25110. Pursuant to Corporations Code section 25532, US Dinar Bank, US DinarEx and David are hereby ordered to desist and refrain from the further offer or sale of securities including, but not limited to, investment contracts, unless and until the offers and sales have been duly qualified under the Corporate Securities Law or unless exempt. The California Corporations Commissioner is also of the opinion that such offers and sales of securities in this state were made by means of written or oral communications which included an untrue statement of a material fact or omitted to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading, in violation of Corporations Code section 25401. Pursuant to Corporations Code section 25532, US Dinar Bank, US DinarEx and David are hereby ordered to desist and refrain from offering or selling or buying or offering to buy any security in the State of California by means of any written or oral communication which includes an untrue statement of a material fact or omits to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. / / / This Order is necessary, in the public interest, for the protection of investors and consistent with the purposes, policies, and provisions of the California Commodity Law of 1990 and the Corporate Securities Law of 1968. Dated: June 10, 2011 Los Angeles, California PRESTON DuFAUCHARD California Corporations Commissioner By________________________________ ALAN S. WEINGER Deputy Commissioner Enforcement Division 1
  18. HARRYSMUG-- I do have have my own opinion but would rather not say , I'm not wanting to get creamed in here, I've been on this site for a while and would rather not say,
  19. Here you go! something to read and learn.
  20. Good to see this MOP is the site that showed 1.13 so maybe there finally getting somewhere! Thanks for the post
  21. I have family in Pinellas Park Florida, When i was there my family member and I ask Wachovia if they accept or sell Dinar , they said no but, after June 16th 2011 when the merge is complete with Wells fargo that Wells fargo will accept and exchange Dinars. just for your info, its the branch on US19 and Park Blvd.
  22. the first meeting of the parliament deputies calling for the Advancement of Baldorin legislative and regulatory تم قراءة الموضوع 20 مرة Subject has been read 20 times 15/06/2011 15/06/2011 بغداد – الاء عبد الستار BAGHDAD - Alaa Abdel-Sattar بعد مضي عام على انعقاد الجلسة الاولى للدورة البرلمانية الثانية اجمع برلمانيون على ضرورة ان ينهض مجلس النواب بمهامه وممارسة دوره التشريعي والرقابي لتعويض ما فاته من خلال اعتماده خطة عمل جديدة تؤسس لانجاز وتشريع اكبر عدد من القوانين التي تحتاجها الحكومة في مرحلة البناء والاعمار، على وفق تصريحات لـ"الصباح".فقد اكد النائب عن القائمة العراقية عبد الله الجبوري ان "البرلمان وبعد مضي عام على بدء الدورة البرلمانية الثانية تمكن من تحقيق الكثير.. وان هنالك ارضية مناسبة الان لينهض البرلمان بمسؤولياته وممارسة دوره الرقابي والتشريعي والمهام المناطة به".واضاف الجبوري ان "الخلافات التي تظهر بين الحين والآخر تعد حالة صحية وهي نتاج للتجربة الديمقراطية الجديدة ، كما انه ومن خلال البرلمان تمكنت كل الكتل من عرض ممثليها والتعريف بشخصياتهم ومواقفهم اي ان كل برلماني افصح عن نشاطه كعضو برلمان، كما ان الوعي بدأ يتسع لتشريع القوانين المهمة. One year after the first session of the second parliamentary session the whole parliamentarians on the need to promote the House of Representatives his duties and the exercise of its legislative role and oversight to make up for lost through the adoption of a new work plan established for the completion of the legislation the largest number of laws needed by the Government in the process of construction and reconstruction, to according to comments "morning." The MP from the list, Abdullah al-Jubouri that "Parliament and one year after the parliamentary session starts the second was able to achieve a lot .. and there is suitable ground now to rise Parliament responsibilities and exercise its oversight role and the legislative and the tasks entrusted to him". "Jibouri "The differences that appear between now and then is the state of health is a product of the experience of the new democracy, as it is through the parliament was able to all the blocks to view their representatives and definition of their personalities and attitudes that is to say every parliamentary articulated about his activity as a member of Parliament, and that awareness began to expand the legislation of important laws. واشار الى ان "على أعضاء مجلس النواب وبعد مضي سنة ان يرتقوا بعمل البرلمان ويأخذوا دورهم في النهوض بمسؤولياته والتخلي عن المصالح الحزبية واداء المهام التي ردد القسم من اجلها بان تكو ن مصلحة البلاد اولا وخدمة المواطن العراقي هي الهدف"، منوها بان هنالك تقصيرا لا يمكن تجاهله ناجم عن حداثة التجربة الديمقراطية في البلد فيما تتطلب المرحلة الحالية جهودا مضاعفة وعملا متواصلا لانجاز المخطط الحكومي والعمل المتكامل بين السلطات التشريعية والتنفيذية، خاصة اننا في مرحلة انتقالية تتطلب تشريع الكثير من القوانين وتفعيل الدور الرقابي لدعم عملية البناء والاعمار".وكان مجلس النواب قد عقد اولى جلساته في يوم 14 حزيران من العام 2010، حيث كانت الجلسة بروتوكولية وهي الأولى منذ انتخابه في 7 اذار من العام نفسه، وقد إستمرت الجلسة نحو 20 دقيقة، أدى خلالها النواب اليمين ورفعت بعدها لتبقى مفتوحة الى حين اتفاق الكتل الفائزة على من يتولى رئاسة الجمهورية ورئاسة الوزراء ورئاسة مجلس النواب. فيما اوضح النائب عن التحالف الوطني احمد العباسي ان الدورة البرلمانية مرت بظروف استثنائية وهي تأخير تشكيل الحكومة الذي امتد الى نهاية العام 2010 وبدوره ادى الى تعطيل عمل البرلمان بشكل عام والحكومة لم تباشر اعمالها، الا في اذار من العام الحالي اي ان العمل الحقيقي للوزارات هو ثلاثة اشهر التي من خلالها استطاع مجلس النواب ان يمارس دوره الرقابي اكثر من الدور التشريعي".وقال العباسي: انه "ومع بدء الفصل التشريعي الثاني سيلاحظ المواطن حزمة القوانين التي ينوي البرلمان اقرارها.. فكل يومين او ثلاثة ايام ستشهد تشريع قانون او اكثر لان الارضية مناسبة ومهيأة ليباشر البرلمان مهامه باعتباره السلطة التشريعية والرقابية".اما النائب عن التحالف الكردستاني محسن السعدون فقد قال: انه "وبعد مرور عام على افتتاح البرلمان لاولى جلساته في الدورة الثانية التي شهدت تقاطعات بسبب تأخير تشكيل الحكومة وعدم تفعيل دور البرلمان، لا يمكن احتساب هذه المدة ضمن العمل الحقيقي للبرلمان ولاسباب خارجة عن ارادته لم يتمكن من انجاز مهامه الا لاشهر قليلة". He pointed out that "the members of the Council of Representatives and the year after that progressed beyond the work of the Parliament and take their role in carrying out its responsibilities and the abandonment of partisan interests and the performance of the tasks that echoed the section for it that the form n the interest of the country first and serve the Iraqi people is the goal," noting that there was negligence can not be ignore the result of modern democratic experiment in the country with current stage requires redoubled efforts and sustained action to accomplish the government plans and integrated action between the legislative and executive authorities, especially as we are in transition require legislation many of the laws and activate the oversight role to support the process of construction and reconstruction. "The House of Representatives may hold its first session on 14 June 2010, where she was meeting protocol, the first since his election on 7 March of the same year, and has continued meeting about 20 minutes, led lawmakers to the right and lifted then to remain open until the agreement the winning blocs on who would assume the presidency of the Republic The Prime Minister and the Presidency of the Council of Representatives. as MP for the National Alliance Ahmed Abbasi said the parliamentary session passed the exceptional circumstances which delay the formation of the government, which extended to the end of 2010, and in turn, led to disruption of the work of Parliament in general and the government did not proceed with its business, except in March of this year, any The real work of the ministries is three months in which managed the House of Representatives to exercise its oversight role over the legislative role. "said Abbasi: It's" With the start of the second legislative term will notice the citizen package of laws intended to parliament approval .. Every two or three days will see legislation law or more because the land suitable and ready to begin the Parliament functions as the legislative authority and oversight. "MP for the Kurdistan Alliance, Mohsen al-Sadoun, he said: he was" a year after the opening of parliament for its first session in the second session which saw the crosses because of a delay forming a government and not to activate the role of Parliament , can not be calculated within this period, the real work of Parliament and the reasons beyond his control was unable to complete his duties except for a few months. " وتابع السعدون: "مع بدء الفصل التشريعي الثاني نعتقد بان هنالك قاعدة عريضة في البرلمان يمكن ان تنجز الكثير من القوانين الجاهزة للتصويت"، داعيا الى ضرورة انجاز المهام المناطة بالبرلمان بالرغم من ان البرلمانات في كل العالم هي انعكاس للوضع السياسي، حيث لا يستطيع ان يتجاوز مايحدث في البلد. He Sadoun: "With the start of the second legislative term we believe that there is a broad base in the parliament can accomplish many of the laws ready-to-vote", calling for the need to accomplish the tasks entrusted to the parliament, although the parliaments in all the world is a reflection of the political situation, which can not exceed what is happening in the country. لهذا لابد من التركيز على كثير من الامور بعد التأكد من الجانب الأمني والاتجاه لتشريع القوانين التي تخدم الجوانب الامنية والخدمية لتسهيل مهمة الحكومة".واعلن عن وجود "خطة عمل جديدة في البرلمان لمنع السجالات السياسية في اوقات جلسات البرلمان، اذ ان هنالك فسحة موجودة تتمثل بالاعلام بامكان اية كتلة او اي نائب ان يعبر عن كل ارائه من دون التأثير في جلسات مجلس النواب.. For this to be focus on many things after making sure that the security aspect and the trend to legislate laws that serve the aspects of security and service to facilitate the task of the government. "He announced a" new plan of action in Parliament to prevent the political controversies in times of meetings of the Parliament, since there is space there are flags the possibility of any mass or any Deputy to express his views, all without affecting the meetings of the House of Representatives .. وهذه الخطوة تتمثل بمنع البيانات، معربا عن اعتقاده بان المرحلة المقبلة ستكون ناجحة في عمل مجلس النواب لتعويض ما فاته. This step is the prevention of data, expressing his belief that the next phase will be successful in the work of the House of Representatives to make up for lost time.
  23. meeting between Talabani and Barzani and chest تم قراءة الموضوع 29 مرة Subject has been read 29 times 15/06/2011 15/06/2011 لتوحيد جهود حل الخلافات السياسية To unite efforts to solve the political differences بغداد – الاء عبد الستار BAGHDAD - Alaa Abdel-Sattar من المقرر ان تشهد الايام المقبلة لقاء يجمع رئيس الجمهورية جلال طالباني ورئيس اقليم كردستان مسعود بارزاني وزعيم التيار الصدري السيد مقتدى الصدر لتوحيد الجهود الخاصة بانهاء الخلافات بين بعض الكتل السياسية. Scheduled to witness the coming days, a meeting attended by President Jalal Talabani and Kurdistan regional president Massoud Barzani, the leader of the Sadrist movement, Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr to consolidate efforts to end the differences between some of the political blocs. اعلن ذلك لـ”الصباح” النائب عن التحالف الكردستاني محمود عثمان، مؤكدا ان السيد الصدر يعتزم زيارة اقليم كردستان للقاء طالباني وبارزاني. This was announced by the "morning" Kurdistan Alliance MP Mahmoud Othman, saying that Mr. Sadr intends to visit the Kurdistan region to meet with Talabani and Barzani. وقال عثمان: ان رئيس الجمهورية، وبعد اطلاق مبادرته لاحتواء الازمة، لديه اتصال مع السيد الصدر لتوحيد الجهود والمساعي الرامية لاحتواء الازمة السياسية الاخيرة بين قادة الكتل السياسية. Uthman said: The President of the Republic, and after the launch of his initiative to contain the crisis, he has a connection with Mr. Sadr to consolidate efforts and the efforts to contain the recent political crisis between the leaders of political blocs. واطلق الرئيس طالباني الاسبوع الماضي مبادرته الرامية لانهاء الخلافات، حيث التقى كلا من رئيس الوزراء نوري المالكي ورئيس المجلس الاعلى الاسلامي السيد عمار الحكيم ورئيس المؤتمر الوطني العراقي احمد الجلبي، فيما التقى بارزاني في اربيل زعيم القائمة العراقية اياد علاوي.وتابع عثمان: ان مبادرة طالباني هي استمرار للمبادرات السابقة، لكن باسم جديد، لاسيما ان رئيس الجمهورية يسعى الى خلق ارضية مناسبة لتنقية الاجواء. Fired by President Talabani last week initiative aimed at ending disputes, where he met with both Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and President of the Supreme Council of Islamic al-Hakim and Iraqi National Congress leader Ahmed Chalabi, as he met with Barzani in Arbil, the leader of the Iraqi List, Iyad Allawi. Othman continued: The Initiative Talabani is a continuation of previous initiatives, but with a new name, especially that the President seeks to create a suitable ground for the purification of the atmosphere
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