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Everything posted by Frank61

  1. That $$ gain would have to come out in the wash at some point.
  2. Warka requires a passport to do business. Thats pretty much the story.
  3. Frank61

    Ali on cnbc

    That is ancient and has been shown on this site a thousand times.
  4. I just dont see or feel the need to bring religion or the 12 step program into my investment in Iraq. I can handle the fact if I profit from this and I am not greedy or selfish. I have put a lot of hard work into this opportunity and I am prepared to reap the rewards of my work.
  5. I agree. I suspect they merged with Citibank, which would be the most logical conclusion.
  6. Why would anyone go to Bank of America and start probing for answers about the IQD and RV ?? You will get no info because they and most other major banks have no info to give out. A very big waste of time by many folks who are on this site !! Well, just my opinion......
  7. Frank61


    Great post....well laid out and sensible. Those numbers do work along with the logic.
  8. Agriculture is and was a major asset in Iraq. They were at one time the date capital of the world. In my town of Northampton , Mass, several business are selling candles made by widows in Iraq. They are quite popular and beautiful.(the candels, that is, but so are the women !) A wonderful way to help so many struggling women in Iraq !
  9. Press onward O wise one !!
  10. I dont recall seeing the post about Adam removing his funds from warka asap after rv. Are you sure he said that ??
  11. A Country laden with natural gas and oil is generally a good investment. A Company may very well not be.
  12. Frank61


    Those folks probably have good intentions but they have NO business doing what they did on this site. This is Adam Montana`s site. He owns it, he started it and he makes the rules. If those folks dont like the rules they should go and start their own Dinar Site. If this type of a thing were allowed this site would be a three ring circus !!
  13. Why not join the Adams VIP group and cash out with the group discount. Why promote cashing out with Ali on this site ? Kind of odd, no ??
  14. I like the caps for a post in that format too.
  15. Thank you for the post. I totally agree. So sick of these people posting B. S. about what they THINK should happen and creating a panic in the mean time all for nothing because they didnt know what they were talking about. They should creat another forum section called "Dinar B. S. " !!
  16. Great post. This is exactly what most people do not understand !!
  17. Thanks Viper. Good news good post !
  18. You are not correct. All you know how to do is go on and on with name calling. You are not a team player and dont even belong here. You seem to hope things go wrong for our members. Just go away.
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