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Everything posted by kittycat

  1. Thanks PHOENIX for answering my question and bringing me up to speed on this issue. I appreciate it!
  2. Was this a required step for the RV to happen? I am only asking because I have never heard it mentioned in any post - ever.
  3. Forgive my ignorance on the subject of banking.......but what significance does this mean. Does it mean that the Iraqi banks are new to this ISO and is this status an indicator that the RV is another step closer?
  4. At this point I don't think I care who they pick...............JUST DO IT! Shoot the DEAD HORSE and get on with it! Those poor Iraqi people....this must be so frustrating for them!
  5. Thanks for the post - I think the world economy is at a MOST critical time. God help us all!
  6. I know your words are from the heart and that you want great things for the Iraqi people!
  7. I'm not saying this post is right or wrong.....but I swear,........God could make a post and tell us the date and time and I know that he would be squashed like everyone else. Why do people come on here and read this stuff if they are only going to discredit everybodys post??????
  8. I enjoyed the post Chief V. It is a real blessing to hear that our troops are training Iraqi forces in these extremely sensitive area's. The Liberals don't look at all the positive things that are happening there - via the US - they only like to bad mouth the war and talk badly about the US. But the truth is.........we have done a LOT of GOOD there!
  9. Well said. I was just going to respond as such. CONSERVATIVES ARE NOT HEARTLESS.....just proves how STUPID, STUPID IS!
  10. Like my Mamma used to say......"if it ani't one thing, it's another" Will it ever get done??????
  11. That is the BID - not the value. The BID is someone saying - I will buy it at that price. Go to - that is the most clear way to check on VALUE. you will have to click on more curriencies, then scroll down to the IQD - but you won't see BIDS and you won't get confused.
  12. Not bad for your first post! Thanks.
  13. I have said it before and I just can't help saying it is like a zoo over there. This court could have demanded this long ago - why now? Glad they are stepping in finally!
  14. This is incredible and looks as if it took a look of time to create! Thanks so much for sharing - I plan to spend several hours with it tonight looking at all the bubble links. Again, much Thanks.
  15. great post - and I think you might be on to something.
  16. There is never a day that someone doesn't post a question about the L O P...............amazing!
  17. I personally think "he"......meaning Obama along with the Dems - will try to take credit anywhere and any way they can - paper trail or not. They have done nothing good to stand on, so they will use whatever they can find. They will lie, name it. They are a bunch of wolves!
  18. "Monetary policy will continue to aim at keeping inflation low, predominantly through a continuation of our exchange rate policy." Reading this makes me wonder??????
  19. Thanks for posting the link. I read it and I take it that they are calling Maliki PM because he is PM until the New PM is named. I didn't get the impression that they are calling him that as the winner of the new PM spot.
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