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    Full endorsement on this opportunity - but it's limited, so get in while you can!

Another Pathetic Newbie

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Been perusing this site for a couple months now. Watching. Pumped. My excitement bashed.

I'm a simple dude - social work major, work in the mental health field, never made more than $50k a year in my life.

I don't consider myself materialistic. Nah - I'm a simple guy and I don't need or want much. I guess more than anything, I just want freedom.

I want to be able to work because I want to, not because I have to. I know that money is freedom. Money is important. Money makes life more enjoyable.

And money allows us to do good in the world. I never want to forget that.

I know some of you have been invested in this for years, and can only imagine your angst.

I just bought my dinars a couple months ago. First heard about this investment on Jan 19. Interestingly enough my horoscope for that day was, "A great opportunity is coming your way, but keep doing what you're doing now". Patience - I'm learning patience - and I'm only two months into this - whah whah whah - woe is me. :D

But my investment begins years ago really: all my hopes, aspirations, and dreams and it all takes money.

I'm curious - what do all you Dinar Vet peeps plan on doing with this money? Just curious.

As for me: I hope to be the same laid back dude that I am now WHEN not if but WHEN - this RV happens. I'll probably just pay off my '08 Civic and buy me a Ford Ranger - doesn't have to be new. I'll probably still go to thrift stores. Jeans and Tshirts. That's me. I'll quit my job, buy a few acres in northern CA in the Russian River Valley - land of magnificent redwoods. I want a simple house. A cottage really - a big front porch and gardens - lots and lots of gardens. And I want it to be a beacon of hope for so many -

That's my dream - plain and simple. Go RV.


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Pay off what you can

GIve what you want and to whom you want, in the name of Charity, Just remember that Charity starts and ends with each one of us.

Enjoy your few acres and home on the river.

Just remember , just as death comes so does the tax man

And more Friends than you ever thought you could ever have. ( do not LOAN TO FRIENDS , at least with any expcetation of ever being repaid. They will think, HMM he has plenty of money to go around so I dont have to worry about paying him back) Be very careful

Keep some for your self and enough to pay your taxes and lets not forget those glorious Property taxes that come along every year, and you gotta have enough to buy fishing gear I hear thoes fish on the Russian get pretty big.

I honestly wish the best for you.

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As for me I plan to pay off my debts and I have a couple of simple charities that I want to help out.

I have hired several homeless people in my years in business and almost to a Man they were very grateful.

If you give someone something (like money ) they tend not to appricate it. If you hire someone to work for you and pay them what they are worth, you have done 3 things.

1. They completed A task you needed to be done.

2 You put money in their pocket and in what ever small way it might be both you and them have helped the economy and generated a Tax revenue.

3. and MOst of important of all You have given that person Dignity and A sense of accomplishment.

Yes its Grandoise I know, but trust me It has worked for me 95% of the time.

God Bless Robert Harris and God Bless Williman Lester Smith. BOth Fine men who at one point were homeless and yet would not take a hand out , but would take a job I had to offer. Taken before our time with them was finished.!

To Truly be blessed for a Day, You must do something for someone who cannot repay you in return

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A mental health expert is a refreshing asset to DV I would think! As for me, I'm going to spend every dime as hard and fast as I can go until I can't take anymore! With my investment, I'm thinking I'll have a lot more money than time. I plan on blowing a little of it as well! biggrin.gif

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my main hope is for the iraq people and their childern ...for not that hard to please...I want to be able to help my church, family,pay off my house and bills and taxes and help where I can help...there are 2 things I would like to have season box seats at bush stadium and an early 70s volkswagon convertable candy apple red with a black top...found 1.. 9 or 10 years ago..should have bought it was 7900.00 perfect shape inside and out.....

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After a rather difficult day at work listening to people that have no common sense, I called my mother and asked where did you say that secluded island was for sale and does it get cable? If that doesn't work out, I am thinking one of those silos for sale in colorado.

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Welcome to DV.

I plan to help my father as he is 83 and needs alot of care now and I am not able to do that as much as I want to because I am chasing the dollar to keep my head above water . My daughter, her husband and my grandaughter also to help them out of debt but not to spoil them so they don't appreciate that they need to contribute to society in a positive way. I am though going to by me a muscle car not a new one but one that I can fix from the ground up. Then I'll just take life as it comes.

I am not a very religious person but I do believe that Gods greatest gift to you was life and your greatest gift to God is what you do with your life.

Keep the Faith

GO RV !!!!!!!!!!


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