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DD on CMKX, Thing 1 & Thing 2

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Looks like Roger is fed up with the latest "global settlements"/"end of Federal Reserve" nonsense from the GET team, Thing 1 and Thing 2.


I feel I need to say this… I could be off-base, but I believe I’m right, so here’s what I’ve got to say…

Earlier today, I wrote a post basically stating that the “Global Settlements and other stuff” was no longer going to be posted on my site. I wanted to be clear about a few things…

1) CMKX is legitimate as a penny stock company, and they do have a pending case. That part is true. but that case simply has NOTHING to do with the Iraqi Dinar. Why it’s tied into this is beyond me. The only thing it says to me is that there are other groups outside the online Dinar-following community that are waiting on Iraq to get it’s act together so they can get paid by the federal government of the United States of America. An association has been made by this group with relation to their eventual pay-0ut as “black farmers of America”, but that’s the extent of it. There is no further tie-in.

2) Nesara and discussions around aliens, and other stuff is absolutely up in the night. That is complete speculation and information, that in my mind, is being thrown out there, by those who are involved for the sole purpose of discrediting this legitimate investment. This IS the “mis-information” I’ve shared would happen as we got closer. Some thought it would be through news articles.

Well, that still has been and most likely is the case, but I want all of you to be absolutely clear that what has recently come out from these outlandish groups… i.e. Thing One and Thing Two… Star Children… or whatever you wish to call them, has been introduced for the exclusive and sole purpose of destroying the credibility of this investment for all mainstream investors. As such, I want you to know that I am calling them out RIGHT NOW, and stating with certainty that they are not going to do that here.

There have been some good people who have been caught up in the frenzy and hype over their conspiratorial information. You need to let go of it, as it’s only making a mockery of this process, and destroying your credibility; not to mention hurting many along the way through frustration, confusion, concern, and even panic.

It is the sad tradition of those in power to help throw the public’s eye off the ball by inventing outlandish things in order to cause conspiracy to cloud the truth. It is the mastery of the these wicked men to allow such untruths to be shared, as it only confuses the issue of things that are really happening (their intent) and thereby destroys the topic all together… eventually. So, make no mistake about it. The revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar is real, and is part of the way things have been for years with the global monetary system. Things may be changing, but not to the level some have reported, and used to create hype on their various websites.

Please use your God-given discerning capabilities to learn and find the truth. We are being lambasted with falsities all around us, but there are truths we are being exposed to as well. Allow the government of Iraq to get settled, budget passed, and moving along, and then you’ll receive what you’ve been waiting for. We are investors in a new currency of the world. Allow it to happen like other times before with other nations.

To what degree will all this happen, who knows? Either way, they can’t keep the currency of Iraq at it’s current level forever. They have a nation to rebuild, an economy to boost, and a people to succor. Things always change and evolve… so will the status of this investment… but not to the level of the outlandish things shared by those who are becoming more and more irresponsible in their information gathering and sharing.

I’m sad it’s come to this, that the Dinar-following community has been thrown off course so far. But, we can correct this, and we will. Back to the business at hand… Government Seated… Budget Passed… HCL Approved… Final approval and sign-off by the powers-that-be, and then we should start seeing the Dinar rise. Until then, try to enjoy the ride, and, using a sporting analogy, try not to “take your eye off the ball”, or you just may get burned. After all, this will happen when the timing is right, and not a day before.

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Thank you for the post. I am wholey in support of the views expressed herein. I shall never be distracted by external politices of the right or the left nor by any other matters that do not foster my economics and social welfare. As a citizen, I shall carry out my civil duties and obligations by voting during an elections but however, I shall never support any politician with my resoures nor give support for or against any politician for their own plotical agenda. You can abuse, paint, present , distort and decorate any US President the way you want, I shall never be moved.

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