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5 minutes ago, bigwave said:

Twist, twist, twist - okay I give....

Publisher: Biblical Studies Press 

Version Information


The NET Bible is a completely new translation of the Bible, not a revision or an update of a previous English version. It was completed by more than 25 biblical scholars—experts in the original biblical languages—who worked directly from the best currently available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts. Most of these scholars teach Old or New Testament exegesis in seminaries and graduate schools. Furthermore, the translator assigned to prepare the first draft of the translation and notes for each book of the Bible was chosen in every instance because of his or her extensive work in that particular book—not only involving teaching but writing and research as well, often extending over several decades. Many of the translators and editors have also participated in other translation projects. They have been assisted by doctoral students and advised by style consultants and Wycliffe field translators. Hence, the notes alone are the cumulative result of hundreds of thousands of hours of biblical and linguistic research applied to the particular problems of accurately translating and interpreting the text. The translators’ notes, most of which were created at the same time as the initial drafts of the translation itself, enable the reader of the NET Bible to “look over the shoulders” of the translators as they worked and gain insight into their decisions and choices to an extent never before possible in an English translation.

One of the goals of the NET Bible with the complete set of translators’ notes is to allow the general public—as well as Bible students, pastors, missionaries, and Bible translators in the field—to be able to know what the translators of the NET Bible were thinking when a phrase or verse was rendered in a particular way. Many times the translator will have made informed decisions based on facts about grammatical, lexical, historical, and textual data not readily available to English-speaking students of the Bible. This information is now easily accessible through the translators’ notes.

tn: Translator’s Note

Explains the rationale for the translation and gives alternative translations, interpretive options, and other technical information.

sn: Study Note

Incudes comments about historical or cultural background, explanation of obscure phrases or brief discussions of context, discussions of the theological point made by the biblical author, cross references and references to Old Testament quotations or allusions in the New Testament, or other miscellaneous information helpful to the modern reader.

tc: Text-critical Note

Discusses alternate (variant) readings found in the various manuscripts and groups of manuscripts of the Hebrew Old Testament and Greek New Testament.


No twisting here.


The most accurate notations do not note the "heavens" as firmament.


Firmament is a fictitious notation to promote a Cult Ideology like "flat" Earth.

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Does the Bible prove that the Earth is round and not flat?


Despite the many images of the Earth we have from space, theories about the Earth being flat continue to arise. By searching the Scriptures, you will not find proof that the Earth is round. Language in Scripture reflects the ancient Near East writers’ observations of the sun moving through its circuit in the sky (Ps. 19:6), of the sun rising and falling (Ps. 50:1; 113:3; Isa. 59:19; Mal. 1:11), and of the horizon being circular (Job 26:10).

The role of Scripture is to reveal spiritual matters, not to argue for scientific fact. For this reason, Scripture does not mention many scientific discoveries. The Bible is for making us wise toward salvation to carry out the work of the gospel (2 Tim. 3:14–17).

Believers must be people of truth (Prov. 12:19; Eph. 4:25); lying is a characteristic of those outside of Christ (1 Tim. 1:10; Titus 1:12; Rev. 21:8). As people of truth, in humility, we should tell people who debate over the spherical shape of the Earth that such an argument is unnecessary, for all related data points to the truth of a spherical Earth. When we encounter those who wish to argue, we should walk away and not argue with foolishness (Prov. 26:4–5). We can leave such persons to ponder the swirling of the water in their sinks and bathtubs—swirling that reverses direction when we cross the equator.



Dr. Eric C. Redmond serves as a professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and as associate pastor of adult ministries at Calvary Memorial Church in Oak Park, Ill. He is married to Pam and they have five children. He is the author of Say It!  Celebrating Expository Preaching in the African American Tradition (Moody Publishers), Where Are All the Brothers? Straight Answers to Men's’ Questions about the Church (Crossway), a commentary on Jonah in the Christ-Centered Exposition Series (B&H Publishers), and a study guide on Ephesians in the Knowing the Bible series (Crossway).

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For decades now, biblical creationists have had to contend with mockery and derision from those with differing world views, and it’s not uncommon for a belief in creation to be compared to the belief in a flat Earth. Evolutionists use this comparison as a way of showing just how ludicrous they consider biblical creation to be.

But, as unbelievable as it may seem, flat Earth ideas have actually seen a resurgence in the last couple of years, and many people seem to be quite sincere in their acceptance of it. Not only is this resulting in a lot of confusion, since some flat-Earth arguments can sound very compelling at face
value, but it’s also creating uncomfortable situations for people encountering this idea for the first time. Many people simply take the spherical shape Earth for granted and so are unprepared to defend that belief or answer Flat-Earthers’ questions.

Here at the Creation Experience Museum, we are now encountering flat-Earth ideas on a regular basis, among both Christians and non-Christians alike, and several of our guests have asked for advice on how to answer the questions and challenges of those who believe in a flat-Earth.

Now, while there are indeed numerous scientific experiments and evidences supporting a spherical Earth, those evidences are not the focus of this article, for two primary reasons:
1. First, there are already many articles, papers, and books on the topic available, written by many highly-qualified scientists.

These resources are easily discoverable with a quick internet search, and have addressed the issue very thoroughly, so there is no need to repeat their findings here. Suffice it to say that Earth is demonstrably spherical, and the experiments saying otherwise have either been improperly conducted, thus producing incorrect results; are inconclusive, not actually proving a flat Earth; or are based upon conspiracy theory and false accusations (e.g. suggesting astronauts have lied or been deluded about seeing Earth’s shape from space).

2. Second, in conversing with people who espouse the flat-Earth theory, we have discovered that logical arguments seem to have next to no impact on their beliefs.


No amount of scientific evidence, no matter how well-researched or grounded in observable facts, seems to make a difference. Perhaps the flimsy arguments of the flat-Earth movement have actually convinced some people of their truth. Or, perhaps the appeal of a conspiracy or of being in the “rebel minority” is just too strong to resist. Regardless, this means that countering flat-Earth ideas with scientific evidence rarely produces the desired effect.

So how, then, do we respond when confronted with flat-Earth theory, if actual scientific evidence makes no difference to its proponents?


While there is, unfortunately, no one-size-fits-all solution, we believe that the best option is to try to get to the heart of the issue, and to stay focused on what really matters.

In Genesis chapter 3, we see Satan luring Eve away from the truth with the lure of hidden, secret knowledge and wisdom (Genesis 3:5-6). 

Even the very first humans were not immune to the appeal of a conspiracy! 

This should serve as a very serious warning to all of us, and a reminder not to be led astray by the desire for hidden, secret wisdom or conspiracies (of any kind, not just flat-Earth). Furthermore, the Bible clearly and repeatedly states that true wisdom comes from the fear of the Lord (Proverbs 1:7, 9:10; James 1:5-6), and that hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge are found in Christ (1 Corinthians 1:30, 2 Corinthians 4:6, Colossians 2:3). If we truly desire wisdom and understanding, we should seek them by growing deeper in our relationship with Christ, by seeking His will in our lives, by obeying His commands, and by storing His word in our hearts—not by seeking out conspiracy theories.

Another (and even more alarming) trend we have noticed among Christians who subscribe to flat-Earth theory is that many of them seem determined to pull every conversation back to a discussion of their flat-Earth ideas, even when there is no relevant connection to the topic. It is as though it has become an all-consuming fixation, distracting them from more important issues and making it very difficult to communicate truth to them.

Some good questions to ask such people are:


  1. Why does it matter so much? 
  2. Does the shape of our planet effect whether or not the Bible is true? 
  3. Does the Bible’s relevance increase or decrease based on the shape of Earth?
  4. Does the shape of Earth change the fact that we have sinned, and that Jesus died to redeem us?

Of course, the answer to these questions is “No”.

The Bible shows us that Satan is very busy trying to deceive, confuse, and distract people from focusing on the truth of God (2 Corinthians 4:4, 11:3; Ephesians 6:11; 1 Peter 5:8). This is how he managed to lead humanity to rebel against God in the Garden of Eden at the very beginning (Genesis 3:1-5). Later, in the New Testament, we see the case of Martha, who let her focus become fastened upon the inconsequential and distract her from sitting at the feet of Jesus to learn from Him (Luke 10:38-42). The more fixated we become upon an inconsequential hot topic or conspiracy theory, the more at-risk we are of being led astray like Adam and Eve, or distracted from spending time with Jesus, like Martha.

Lastly, the Apostle Paul refers to the importance of Christ being our primary focus in 2 Corinthians 4:5, when he says “You see, we don’t go around preaching about ourselves. We preach that Jesus Christ is Lord, and we ourselves are your servants for Jesus’ sake.” This is a beautifully clear reminder that our mission is not about us, but about Christ. It’s not about our own ideas, but about the gospel.

If we allow personal, inconsequential conspiracy theories to consume our minds and dominate our conversations to the exclusion of all else, we are neglecting the Great Commission that Christ has given us to preach the gospel to every nation. As Christians, our desire should be just the opposite: to keep Christ at the center of our focus, and to declare His gospel above everything else.


Recommended reading:

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