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    Full endorsement on this opportunity - but it's limited, so get in while you can!

SinglePoint Acquisition Direct Solar Secures $421,808 in Solar Contracts From May 15th - 31st


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PHOENIX, June 04, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via OTC PR WIRE -- SinglePoint Inc. (SING) is pleased to announce Direct Solar has secured $421,808 in solar installation contracts since completion of the acquisition. Sales are recorded on a cash basis which happens at the time of project completion typically occurring within 60-90 days. SinglePoint expects most of the revenue driven so far by Direct Solar to be recorded on Q3 financial statements.

“We are very pleased with the performance of Direct Solar and their entire team. Sense closing the acquisition they have really outperformed everyone’s initial expectation. They goal was $1,000,000 a month after 90 days and it would appear, we are going to hit that sooner than anticipated. In addition to this major success in residential the team is also working on a small business funding relationship that would provide Direct Solar the ability to qualify small business customers and lend out up to $100,000,000 for solar projects. The funding for this market is very sparse right now and we believe this option with our funding partner will put us in the leadership position to attack this major market,” states Wil Ralston, President SinglePoint.

Direct Solar is currently averaging 2.7 sales per day and has been trending towards three very quickly. The company is looking to expand into Missouri very quickly as federal and state rebates continue to expand.




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Thanks BA, let's hope this will help SING get moving on the stock price. I keep seeing this stock sitting there doing nothing, but then I got it so cheap I will not sell. I still believe it has a good chance of being successful. So I hold. Thanks for finding this and posting it. Muchas Gracias!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trailing 30 Days - $1,709,460 in Solar Contracts, $803,769 Gross, $361,541 Net

PHOENIX, June 18, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via OTC PR WIRE – SinglePoint Inc. (SING) is pleased to announce Direct Solar has surpassed everyone’s expectations signing contracts to deploy $1,709,460 in solar installs over the previous 30 days. This revenue should generate approximately $803,769 in gross and $361,541 in net. Operating in just six states and all residential installs, the company has plenty of new opportunities and areas to grow in. Over the course of the next week, Direct Solar will add two more states – Missouri and Florida. The two new states should drive additional revenue and continue the explosive growth of Direct Solar.

SinglePoint Revenue Growth with Projections:Single Point Solar

These numbers put SinglePoint on the path to profitability from a cashflow standpoint very quickly. Management from both companies are very excited to see the continued growth of Direct Solar through multiple avenues including commercial. Direct Solar is currently negotiating a line of credit for cannabis businesses and other small businesses throughout North America. This provides Direct Solar the ability to not only generate the sale but provide the financing for these business owners.  

“This acquisition puts SinglePoint on a huge trajectory path. This is not only a home run, but a grand slam in our eyes. These revenues and profits provide SinglePoint the ability to be in a profitable cash flow position and the opportunity to aggressively expand sales. For every dollar we are putting into marketing we are seeing a return of five. Expanding in additional major markets would exponentially increase the revenues on top of the already explosive growth,” states Greg Lambrecht, CEO SinglePoint.




Let's hope this moves the needle.


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21 hours ago, md11fr8dawg said:

Yes BA let's hope. SING has just been sitting there fluctuating very little in the last several months. Time to get this thing moving.


Nice day yesterday, up 32%... Earnings are starting to flow and when you see big moves up or down in penny-land, it usually means somebody knows something before the rest of us... Hopefully today goes the same way...



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49 minutes ago, md11fr8dawg said:

Let's hope. BA, do you think tis is one to hold and see how far it will run, or be a pump and dump by the manipulators. Might sell have when I get my original investment back and then see what happens.


I bought 75,000 shares back a year or two ago for about .03... It rose to about .07 and I sold 25,000 share to recoup my initial investment. So I'm sitting 50,000 shares that basically are free shares. I'm letting them ride. I took my initial investment and put it on some other stuff. I'm hoping I can do the same thing again and keep getting free shares. I don't know your buy in price, but if you can hold and recoup your investment and even keep a few shares, I think they could have value in the future. They keep saying they want to get to the NASDAQ but from this price point it will never happen unless they do a huge reverse split. I will get out if that ever comes around. I Hope to see it hit somewhere around .20 with the news and earnings. If it does I will cash out and find another company to roll the dice on.


Right now I'm riding TBPMF... I'm down on it but I think it could be a win. I'm also on OGI which I'm up over 70% on and believe it could double over the next year.


But in penny-land big swings happen and you need to be able to take profits. I fell in love with a few in the beginning of my trading and got hurt big time... Greed is a terrible thing... LOL


So be sure to do your DD and remember, profit is never a bad thing.



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Man I feel your pain. Few years ago did the same thing. Bought a couple of penny stocks and they doubled, but ole greedy kept holding out for more and then the dump happened. Learned my lesson quite rapidly. Did have one penny go from about 10cents to $2.00. Made quite a bit on that one but that is a lucky shot. Anyway, I am like you hang on and see if this thing gets back even close to $0.20.

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