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Time to choose?


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What do Clive Bundy and Don Sterling have in common?


They have both been victims of overreaching, illegal, and oppressive destruction campaigns.


The Feds tried to destroy Bundy, and when Americans stood their ground, an edited answer to a leading question was released, and he was demonized for being a "racist".


Don Sterling was a victim of illegal wiretapping and video surveillance, was denied core fundamental American rights, but because he is not a nice person, was demonized.


Somehow, not being particularly smart, or nice, is now reason to arbitrary deny any individual their basic rights, and then obliterate them.


Racism, prejudice, and bigotry are all vile, heinous traits to be sure, but they are still entitled to their views.


Otherwise, why don't we just call out the fanatic Muslims? They are trying to directly destroy us.


Because even they are entitled to their views.


We are now being openly assaulted, day after day, with one "reason" or another to deny humans their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


It won't be long until they come for you.


Do you know where you stand? Will you even make a stand, or will you "justify" sitting back and let someone take the heat?


The time to decide is now................   JMHO...DM



It is time to choose our side


The American Revolutionary War, or our war for independence from the oppression of the British that officially began in 1775 and birthed our nation, was a most pivotal time in our nation’s history. Many men and women of average means and intelligence rose to become celebrated heroes and heroines.


They placed everything on the line, from their families to their businesses to take up the cause of freedom to form the greatest nation in the world. In doing so, they risked their own freedom as well as their very lives. We can learn much from these wise and brave people, and owe much to their courageous actions and sacrifices. While many American heroes were created by their acts of total selflessness and fighting on behalf of all citizens of the American colonies, there were others who chose to sit out the fight… or worse.

One of the most villainous names in U.S. history is that of Benedict Arnold. So reviled were his traitorous actions that his name has become synonymous with betrayal. Once an important and very effective leader in the American cause, he turned his allegiance to the British at a most critical time in our war for independence. Some historians speculate that his betrayal against his own country originated by his hurt feelings that he was betrayed himself. Some accounts suggest that he felt personally slighted and unappreciated for the sacrifices he made and the battles he fought and won, during which his leg was badly injured, forcing him to walk with a limp for the rest of his life. Many historians suggest that he sustained a much deeper wound—a fatal wound to his pride that led him to turn against the noble fight for the freedoms and liberties for all Americans.

Today in America, there are an increasing number of men and women who see the ominous parallels between the pre-Revolutionary War days and the present day. Instead of an overt foreign enemy, we are facing a more insidious threat spoken of by not only some of the heroes of the Revolutionary War, but warned of by Communist insiders and defectors: the threat from within.


Only those buried deep in denial or their own normalcy bias refuse to see the increasing oppression against the citizens of America by their own government. Only those who are completely clueless or complicit cannot see or vociferously deny that the clouds on the horizon are not storm clouds, but the dust clouds of an approaching enemy selected and elected to retake our freedoms. Only those who have been effectively brainwashed believe that those currently in power reflect the true will of the people. History, it appears, is about to repeat itself as the overreach and aggression of an out-of-control government is ramping up their attacks against our God given freedoms and rights as enumerated in our Constitution.

Today, we are in the midst of a propaganda war where the contemporaries of our pre-Revolutionary history, the true American patriots who hold the principles upon which this nation was founded near and dear, have been openly identified as enemies of the leaders of our nation. There is no ambiguity in the statements or intent of those leading our country. There is only their resolve, where they are unified in their objectives to subjugate us to their royal ambitions at the expense of our rights and freedoms.

We, as the contemporaries of our forefathers, are now the domestic terrorists. We have been declared the enemy, in speech and in writing, and there is a willing army forming at their hands to create two classes of people, those who are in power and those who are their subjects. Again, there is no ambiguity in their words and deeds.

If you do not—or choose not to— understand and call out the traitorous and seditious actions of those in power and their complicit media lapdogs, along with their resolve to use everything in their arsenal to marginalize and vilify the outspoken patriots who are fighting to stop further oppression while regaining lost ground, then you deserve what’s coming as that’s exactly what you’ve earned.

Just as no ambiguity exists in the statements made about and against true American patriots by our current oppressors, there must be no ambiguity or lack of resolve on our part. There cannot exist any gray area or middle ground, for it is just such compromise that has contributed to our current state of affairs. We must fight this propaganda war head on, and call out those who have betrayed us and are betraying us for reasons that range from complicity to pride, from promises of seats at their table to the assurances that they will live life unscathed by royal mandate.  Whatever the reason, whatever the cause, there exist those who have turned against the greater objective of restoring and maintaining our freedoms by attacking those who are staying the course.

It is time that we must publicly choose the side for which we stand, be it for freedom as it was intended, or to be subjugated to the will of an elite ruling class who will decide what Constitutional rights we may retain that were won by the sweat and blood of our forefathers, for they are watching.

It is time that we must publicly question the motives of those once described as patriots in this fight for freedom and the future of our country, much like Benedict Arnold.

Recently, the American ruling class sent their foot soldiers to a small Nevada community named Bunkerville. It was there that the globalists dispatched a heavily armed contingent of federal agents and their mercenary supporters to face down a small group of patriots unwilling to be bystanders in an overt and aggressive overreach of power and control. The corporate media intentionally and with malice, mis-portrayed the intent of both sides and efficiently convoluted the true issues behind the stand-off. War and propaganda, however, are rarely simple in their public portrayal. When one side loses, however temporary the loss, they must exploit public opinion and perception to their favor. And that is exactly what is taking place today.

Although we know that the federal government will indeed return to Bunkerville, it will likely be with the orchestrated support of many Americans who have, or will have, fallen victim to the tactics of the enemies of freedom. Many have already acquiesced to the false narrative that demonizes not just Cliven Bundy, but those who actively support him in deeds and words. Despite their perceived intellectual prowess, they have either fallen for the lie, or worse, have already chosen their side.

It is with this spirit that I felt heartfelt sadness as I read and heard the words of self-proclaimed patriots and lovers of freedom such as Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media and Glenn Beck who, in this author’s opinion only, seem to be fueling the propaganda war by attacking those who are putting it all on the line for what is right and proper.

It is with great concern for every freedom loving patriot that I find myself questioning the true motives behind their Alinsky-style tactics of diverting the issue and marginalizing those who refuse to compromise our rights and freedoms that appear to be employed in this covert propaganda war. It is their ad hominem attacks against other fellow patriots, and their attempts to deceptively mischaracterize these messengers of freedom. Their shameful tactics are as transparent as those of the captured media speaking on behalf of the oppressors.

Will future historians write about Beck, Kincaid and others who appear to be turning against the very objectives they proclaim to promote much like what has been written about Benedict Arnold? Amid the white noise of diversion and orchestrated attempts to divide and conquer, I believe we must choose a side, right here and right now. We must choose the side of truth and righteousness, and shun those who want us to devolve into divisiveness and mire us in attacking our fellow patriots.

As we near an event, or events not of our choosing that will likely forever change the course of American history and the future of our families, our children and all future generations, the side we ultimately support will forever be recorded in the annals of history. It will determine whether our ancestors will visit our graves with deserved admiration or equally earned contempt.

It’s time to choose our side, not just for this battle, this war against our freedoms and the future of our country, but for the sake of the future generations. It is up to you whether your ancestors will walk across your gave without reverence to that of another who had the will, the courage, and the integrity to stand up for truth and the preservation of the rights bestowed upon us by Almighty God.

Choose now, or accept the future you have so rightly earned and deserved.



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So i guess you support both of these fine gentlemen who have been demonized by the media?  I guess the liberal media made these people say the things they said.  Now you spun it just like fox news to some how i guess support but not support them?  Sean Hannity was lock stock and barrel in with Clive Bundy until he went off on Black People and MLK.  See how fast the conservative media ran for cover?  I guess it is ok to sprew hatred and bigtory once again.  You have to remember dive this is not the 60 when you can do as you please to put down people of color and the majority said it was ok.  But LBJ took a stand and did the right thing.  No one is coming after anyone just another way to stir up the populace.  Yes it is time to choose and do the right thing.  Don't support those who choose to use race as a weapon to stir up people to prove a point.

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Bundy may have been the victim of media selective cutting out segments of what he actually said!

Don Sterling is just plain STUPID!


The good old boy system is still alive and still in place in America. They have just learned to keep their mouths shut & operate behind closed doors!


The discrimination is NOT only one sided either! Blacks discriminate against whites & hispanics are suffering most of all these days! :(

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So i guess you support both of these fine gentlemen who have been demonized by the media?  I guess the liberal media made these people say the things they said.  Now you spun it just like fox news to some how i guess support but not support them?  Sean Hannity was lock stock and barrel in with Clive Bundy until he went off on Black People and MLK.  See how fast the conservative media ran for cover?  I guess it is ok to sprew hatred and bigtory once again.  You have to remember dive this is not the 60 when you can do as you please to put down people of color and the majority said it was ok.  But LBJ took a stand and did the right thing.  No one is coming after anyone just another way to stir up the populace.  Yes it is time to choose and do the right thing.  Don't support those who choose to use race as a weapon to stir up people to prove a point.



Wow, been some time since I read a more twisted and deranged load of crap like that.

So now, Bundy's comment is being taken as a direct assault on MLK?


Wow, you need to stick your head in a paper bag and stop hyperventilating, you've went and got yourself all worked up, put far more into those stupid words then he ever meant, or said, and next thing your going to be calling him a demon worshiper, oh wait, that's you guys, I forgot.

Did you really say "Don't support those who choose to use race as a weapon to stir up people to prove a point." with a straight face?

Oh my God, THE IRONY!!!

However do you justify bending your knee to the likes of Sharpton, Jackson, and all those other race baiting professional haters?

Oh yeah, he's on YOUR side, so that sadistic bastard can say whatever the hell he wants to and you just love every spoonful, don't ya?

Your argument is nothing but a frenzied attack on a person that doesn't agree with everything you say, and you have deluded yourself into thinking you have a good enough excuse to destroy his individual rights as a human being, and therefore you are now justified in destroying his life. After all, you already hate him just because he is some rich jerk, so any chance to destroy him is freaking awesome, huh?


I personally think the guy is a jerk.

He would probably rip me off on any contract, steal a penny from his own Mom, and maybe even take from the church offering basket on Sunday.

But that doesn't give me, you, or anyone else the right to take away one freaking cent of his, and the fact you are so willing to use the mob mentality scares the hell out of me.


The day mob's start ruling in this country is the day I'll grab my gun and take as many of those bastards out as I can before they come and take me out.


Please, think about what you are saying, and try not to just lash out in an emotional justification of a criminal act.


The ends DO NOT justify the means.


If you don't understand that statement, you are lost.

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The whole Sterling thing is complete circus.... His wife leaped into the press saying his mistress (about whom he's pretty much matter of fact public)... that his mistress embezzled or somehow stole all these things, which are presents he gave her, so now wife looks a bit silly... then Don tells his Black girlfriend not to hang out with black guys (wot?!?!) and now all this stuff is coming out about the rental properties, in violation of fair housing... and I heard literally not more than 2 hours ago (yeah I know its late), that someone else just got more tape which is a continuation of the same and looks even worse.... Not agreeing or disagreeing with your post at all.... Just noting that the circus is in town....


The NBA on Tuesday banned Sterling for life over racially charged comments he made in a recording. Sterling cannot attend any NBA games or practices, be present at any Clippers office or participate in any business or player personnel decisions involving the team. He will be fined

 the maximum allowed under the NBA constitution, which is $2.5 million and the commission is trying to force a sale of the Clippers. But a 75-percent majority of NBA owners would have to vote in favor of forcing the sale... Seems the vote will come in,.... it was stated earlier, that it's "very, very likely it will be a unanimous vote because those owners, regardless of how they feel, don't want to put up with the public scrutiny of voting in Sterling's favor.


At the front of the line to buy the Clippers is Oprah Winfrey, David Geffen and Larry Ellison (as a group), I think I also heard Matt Damon is in the bidding ring as is De La Hoya... Magic Johnson and his Guggenheim partners registered interest and P Diddy threw out a name your price message already... and there are a few other money folk in there (I think I heard 11 so far).....


It will be interesting to see if Sterling fights to keep the team, and it appears that folks are lining up at the ready should he decide to sell..... And of course he does not have to.... though it would be pretty tough to stay in the game while restricted from every aspect of it, and at 80- years old, who knows if he will take the 480 million profit as the least he would make in the sale... or stay and fight... ...


That's all the overheard at dinner chat I got... will be interesting to follow.....

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