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Proposal to allocate part of the budget of 2013 for the poor .. Poverty and unemployment are rampant in the provinces under the explosive budget


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Proposal to allocate part of the budget of 2013 for the poor .. Poverty and unemployment are rampant in the provinces under the explosive budget

BAGHDAD - agencies

Asked MP / Kurdistan Alliance / Hamid Buffy, select ministries Federal accordance with the Constitution and the abolition of ministries is sovereign in Baghdad, and the distribution of allocations to local governments in the provinces is part of a region, and prevent trespassing on the powers and functions of those provinces. Said Buffy in a statement received (News Agency news) copy of it: The conditions governorates not organized in a region badly where a high proportion of poverty and unemployment in the budget explosive is the largest in the history of Iraq at all, and there is no trace of the development and the promotion of it. added: that the regime in Iraq is a federal, democratic, The most important aspect in such systems is the distribution of powers and resources to the people in all the regions and provinces, and the constitution give priority to the laws of the provinces and territories in the event of a dispute between them and the laws of the federal government, also distributed Constitution powers and wealth to the provinces is part of a region according to the principle of administrative decentralization, as in Article 122 thereof, and others. continued: Must institutions legitimacy and representatives of those provinces to move hurry to rectify the matter and half of those provinces, and through set aside half the budget, at least for the development of regions and provinces and distributed by souls, and refused to allocate seven trillion and a quarter only for the development of the provinces and territories of this budget enormous, adding that the victory of the provinces is part of a region and a national duty and the need to mass. between: should be reduced budget sovereign sown and wasted money unlawfully, what was allocated to the security sector and defense alone has about 20 trillion dinars, which equals the state budget medium whole, Therefore rampant corruption in most joints government, were bribes and kickbacks in the arms deal and only one convergence almost half a billion dollars, according to some reports, a calamity large and above calamity. stressed: the need to claim accounts closing all previous years, because the government refrain from providing so Now demanding settlement of advances in amounts too large than at 35 trillion dinars, as it is in Article 15 of the Code of Federal budget public, and some have no financial allocations never, what constitutes the law crime of substantial financial, where public funds sanctity and everyone protection. continued: So all we must be MPs of the people and defend the rights of citizens in the provinces, and that we are not deputies of authority and defend the corrupt rulers and their pockets المبددة to the people's money and so we can satisfy our Creator, and Novi least partially Bahdna for our people, especially as funds budget is mostly of oil imports which King of all the people in all the provinces and territories, and we must also devote to the citizens, all amounts of imports their oil distributed to them in cash and directly.

For his part suggested economic expert on behalf of Jamil, activating taxes and customs duties on imported goods to allocate funds in the general budget of the layers of the poor community for the purpose of reducing the proportion of the poverty line in the country. Jameel said (of the Agency news) on Sunday: The international reports indicate that the percentage (23%) of Iraqi society are below the poverty line, and this negative indicator is on the process of economic development in the country. added: must work to raise the level of the poverty line within the budget year (2013), by allocating funds distributed financial grants to the poorest layers of society Kalmsakin and orphans and widows, through the activation of taxes and customs duties and transfers some of the paragraphs of the general budget. This was confirmed by the government to alleviate poverty that rate reached thirty-eight percent of the population of Iraq. Committee Chairman Mahdi Keywords The Statistics showed the presence of six million people were living below the poverty line, adding that the number of poor people in rural areas than the one in the cities.

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