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Everything posted by gregp

  1. Mods can we please close this thread? Its went and headed down hill. Thank you 🙏🏻
  2. You’re a real saint. You’ve destroyed this topic. If you don’t like it stay out. Dang! Not a nice person.
  3. How about we all just watch the video and let it be. Take what you take. Don’t take what you don’t want to take. Let’s move on. I’m not Kim Clement. I just watched the video. Happy Monday everyone. Back to work we go now.
  4. He’s 100% on his prophecies. God told him Trump would beat the witch….Hillarious lost.
  5. Hopefully they can wrap things up by fall. Great article. Thank you.
  6. As I understand his videos, the dinar increase looks to take place between November and December of 2024. I so needed this motivation.
  7. I’ve needed some hope and inspiration. Here it is. Looks like November to December. Had to watch it a couple of times. Glad I did.
  8. My only hope is from Kim Clement. If it wasn’t for his prophecy on the IQD, I don’t know where I’d be in this investment right now.
  9. Here’s an idea….increase the rate of your currency. Just sayin.
  10. Oh, so now we have a second amendment in the constitution? When did that start?
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