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  1. People need to calm down and stop acting like the world is about to explode. Read this from an unbiased review of the healthcare bill:
  2. Thanks for the offer but i think the Dinars have an interesting look and a good conversation starter.
  3. i like this idea. The brick pattern is a good look. I may paint over them with an antique staining look.
  4. I'd like to hear you guys' ideas for cool wallpaper layouts. Im thinking of wallpapering the guest room with Dinars but I dont want to just line them up "end to end". I was watching HGTV and they did a cool thing with a frame and wallpapering inside the frames, where it looks like windows. Might be a cool idea. What are you guys planning on doing with your wallpaper?
  5. Not gonna be an RV on Sunday.
  6. I dont know what is worse. Medic having the gall to pass along info like he's "in the know" after being wrong TIME AND TIME AGAIN. Or, People on this message board actually believing what this guy says. How naive can you get?
  7. Wow what a shocker. dont promote other sites/medic intel was wrong again. Please stop posting &$@" from these loons.
  8. Ummm, yeah. I also find it very interesting that this guys grammar/spelling is that of a 4th grader. Come on people, top secret info being passed on to Sling Blade? I hope once tomorrow evening rolls around and everyone sees that this guy (along with many others) have no idea what theyre talking about, people will stop posting these B.S. chat logs.
  9. As stated before in previous posts, these are NOT new, only new to the site.
  10. BREAKING NEWS from Iraq. (may need better translation): "We understand Valentines Day is Sunday, and the message board is getting anxious to be rich, in time for this special holiday. Im pleased to announce that every IQD is worth $2.34. Now go and spend that cash, and make it rain." could this be real??
  11. When taking off 0's, prices of items would obviously then have to be dropped of 3 zeros. Or have 2 currencies coexisting together for year. Stores could have and "old" dinar price, and "new" dinar price. Same value just smaller denominations.
  12. NBC thursday night comedy has nothing on the Dinarvets rumor board.
  13. Or they could just take off 3 zeros like they are proposing, and only spend around 200 billion IQD.
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