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Everything posted by ronscarpa

  1. Good Sunday Morning Dinar Vets, here's a couple opinions & comments that will be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceives to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Francis Albert I understand there's Dinar land excitement over Iraq 's PM going to Washington with the idea of Trump announcing Iraq 's National Sovereignty. And this may happen and of course is a good thing, and in now way is throwing a wet blanket on it helping the Dinar go International. This is good. But, please let's not believe that Iraq will ever be Sovereign. The war was about taking over the Country and doing a deal for cheap oil for a long, long time (oil credits), so you can say anything, but IMO U.S. runs the CBI and has Iraq on a leash until the people figure it out and kick U.S. out. So, whether it goes International at .10 or .86 or 1.00 the money, (dollars), that goes to currency investors will come from the oil, through the Treasury, through the banks that will monetize, (create), the dollars in exchange for the paper we have. It is the only possible way it can work. *** Ray Weekend UPDATE...: On Saturday, Parliament stated that they have reform plans that will change the economy of Iraq and reiterating that all the reform plans will boost Iraq. These plans will be submitted within the next 3 months. Amir and Malaiki are on Iraqi TV trying to get the Shiites and the Sunnis to agree on dismissing PM Al-Kadhimi. Leave it to them to try to undermine everything positive that PM Al-Kadhimi has accomplished ... it's the greed and Iranian influence. Plus these two will probably get investigated and hopefully prosecuted without amnesty based upon new laws. RON
  2. Nechirvan Barzani secretly visits Switzerland: photos by Pitcher Thanks for the article Pitcher. Even the once respected Barzani appears to have been corrupted by his position and power ... very sad..! RON
  3. Iraqi banks are waiting for a notice to launch salaries within 24 hours by Yota Thanks for posting this article Yota ... Have a great Sunday ... RON
  4. Banks: We are waiting for a notification from the Finance Ministry to launch salaries within 24 hours by Mary B Thanks for posting this article Mary B ... Have a great Sunday ... RON
  5. Others are calling for an end to the influence of public and political money in the upcoming elections THANKS FOR YOUR THREE ARTICLES MARY B ... Have a great Sunday ... RON
  6. Iraq is on the path to regain its stolen sovereignty By Pitcher Thanks for this great article PITCHER ... much appreciated ... blessings ... RON
  7. yota691 Iraqi-Kuwaiti agreement to form joint committees to activate the outcomes of the donors conference Thanks for this great article Yota ... much appreciated ... blessings ... RON
  8. Good Sunday Morning Dinar Vets, here's aother opinion & comment by MilitiaMan that will be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. He are simply stating his opinions based on what he perceives to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan Article: "Parliamentary Finance decision: Kurdistan has handed over its employee database to Baghdad...This is their exact number" Quote: "...this is what finally reached the signing of the comprehensive agreement..." ...This looks to be the comprehensive deal that is done now and what we have been waiting for...imo! Love it..! IMO it is timed right before the adjustments to be made at the borders with taxes, tariifs and fees that will be electronically monitored allocated accordingly...Wow...The timing is imo HUGE..!! The HCL/2019 FMLA, salaries, etc, is all in this...Wow..!! And we're off to a good start with this news ... Have a Blessed Sunday and thank GOD for where we are, and where we will be soon ... RON
  9. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's several other opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat The news this period is all about getting more pressure on the government (GOI) to assist the private sector to prosper and to get off oil as the sole source of revenues. Many articles telling us all kinds of rumors as to how they intend to find the salaries for June. These salaries are due next week. Will they have the money? NO – they are not borrowing from outside Iraq. Nor can they borrow any more internally either from the banks. *** Pimpy ...I told you guys things were starting to go and move at neck-breaking pace. Things are going really really good...We're that close IMO to the rate change happening for the Iraqi dinar...there's a push and I know I'm right about this...we see a lot of things happening at one time... Article: " Al - Kazemi on the strategic dialogue with America: It was confirmed for the first time the recognition of national sovereignty". Didn't I tell you what they needed to do? Did I not say they have to restore their sovereignty and then we need their currency to be recognized internationally? ...I'm telling you what's gonna happen is when they get here into the United States you're gonna see it...(post 1 of 2)... *** Pimpy You're gonna see a Rose Garden Podium speech with Al-Kazemi and Trump and Trump is gonna say to the international community it's time to restore the sovereignty of Iraq so that the Iraq people can start moving ahead and rebuilding their country and by doing so we need to remove the restrictions off of their currency and it will once again be recognized internationally which means banks like Wells Fargo, Chase banks and other banks that deal with currency will then be able to either sell or buy from from you the Iraqi dinar...we've been waiting for this...Iraq's national sovereignty - that is the's about to happen. It definitely looks like it's about to happen...(Post 2 of 2)... *** Jeff ...they only extended Allaq's proxy which means temporary term as Central Bank Governor until July 15th. That could suggest to us that they might or him only until July 15th to commission and execute and complete the rate change... *** Pimpy ...the bigger question is what is in the "white paperwork" that's coming to Washington? Everybody is buzzing about that. There's a lot of people assuming the rate change is in there. I don't want to throw that assumption there but it's kinda hard not to...there's a lot of reasons to believe that there really is... *** Pimpy this guy [PM Kazemi] is starting to become a hero for the Iraqi people. He really is. He seem to be really doing what's necessary to help out not only the Iraqi people but the Middle East in general...he is literally weaning out those Iranian puppets...this is a huge and bold move...for some strange reason Iran has been very very quiet about everything. I don't know what that means. I haven't been been able to figure out why that is...why after all this hassle is Iran being so quiet? There's a weird part of me that thinks they're thinking, 'great once Biden is in then we'll do what we need to do. But until then let's remain quiet.' That's what's going through my head. We will see. Every day I keep seeing more and positive news that tells us that we're almost there...we are way closer than we've ever been before and something tells me there's more on the line of what's happened in Iraq here in the United State in regards to Trump's reelection. That's all for today Folks. Sleep well and have a great Sunday...Blessings... RON
  10. Good Saturday Morning Dinar Vets - Here's a post of our Adam Montana taken from another site who follows Adam"s Opinions and posts snippets from them. Posted here in case you haven't yet read his remarks. RON ******* Adam Montana Article: "Kurdish deputy: Kurdistan Region delegations no longer ask Baghdad about the application of Article 140" [So Why Would The Kurds EVER ‘Give Up’ On Article 140 Under Any Circumstances ? Unless ‘Perhaps’ - That Particular Item Has Already Been Resolved And is no longer a problem!] If anyone is at all excited about what I had to say on Wednesday, I'm sure you're all DOUBLY excited about this stuff..! [Reference Adam Montana post from 6-24-2020 - See below] You can read Adam's whole chat at: Adam Montana Weekly 24 June 2020 ***** Adam Montana ...I made mention last week that we are in a great spot, and I was hoping to see some movement on the HCL. Article quotes: "The oil and gas law will be included in the upcoming sessions."; "the current government has a clear and ongoing project in the process of economic and financial reform"; "Al-Alaq, announced that the Central Bank of Iraq has succeeded in reforming the economic environment and stabilizing prices"; "The white paper includes 3 stages, starting with the reform of niches and currency auctions" And...seriously, it just kept going. There are times when I find it perfectly acceptable to be calm, sit back, and not get too excited. This is not that time..(post 1 of 2).. { REPOST reference above } ***** Adam Montana We are looking at constant HCL news, constant mention of monetary change, constant clues that we are on the brink of a monumental event. I'm ready. There is just so much going on right now that smells like "HCL"... it's almost overwhelming. You can bet the gurus are going to be going nuts here pretty soon. Hang on to your hats, friends... stay grounded...and enjoy the ride. Go Kazzammie. Go HCL. GO RV..(post 2 of 2)..
  11. Enjoy yourself Brother, and have a great weekend - and the week ahead, and an awesome July 4th weekend as well..! Blessings ... RON
  12. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's another RAMBLING opinion & comment by Pimpy that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy ...the news just keeps getting more and more exciting. I almost quit my job this morning. I'm not even kidding. I had to calm myself down. I'm so sure this is getting ready to happen I literally typed up my resignation letter and had it in the drafts getting ready to email my boss...I didn't send it thank God but I sure as hell was thinking about it...we need to come back to reality. It's hard not to feel this way...I can't comment on anything prior to 2018. My experience started at 2018 but just in my short period of time I don't think we've ever been so close to a rate change...last year we saw a lot of activities and we thought for sure it was gonna happen but that is nothing compared to where we are right now. So all those naysayers out there, get ready - because I have a feeling that we'll be able to laugh back at those naysayers and say: "see, we told you so..." Like I said, another RAMBLING opinion & comment by Pimpy to amuse us
  13. Added @ 5:30 PM CDT: ****** Jeff On July 24 Kazemi will be going to Washington to visit the Trump Administration to continue the strategic dialogs...It does appear they might only be keeping Allaq in position long enough to complete the rate change - the reinstatement...Allaq's temporary proxy position has only been extended through July 15.
  14. Good Afternoon Dinar Vets, here's several other opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy ...For a period of time they were spending per month 1 to 1.5 billion U.S. dollar to buy dinar off the open market. This went on for a very long time. In fact, the rumor is that they removed 72% of the currency that was in the open market out of the open market. Whatever they know that's out there they made sure...whatever rate they choose they have whatever it takes to back that up. We seem to be very very close...I think 2020 is our year. Also, remenber that the CBI has stated that the IQD outside of Iraq was to go into the International Currency Reserves of each country that would recover them (ie: in the US, IQD exchanged to US$ will be sent to the our Central Bank as part of our International Currency Reserves). Also, they said Iraq was to become a Donor Nation. RON
  15. Good Afternoon Dinar Vets, here's several other opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Vital Brad ..the Central Bank of Iraq - they put out a new article - looks pretty dang good. Article "Clarification of Foreign Reserves In The Central Bank of Iraq" They are saying whatever they revalue their currency at...they're going to be able to cover it and they are going to use the Iraqi dinar as the local's all worked out...that's incredible. They need to establish a rate. That's what this is saying...all the time that I've been researching this - to have an article like this where they're talking about the rate and ain't over till the fat lady sings. But is it done? ...We have to keep being patient. Don't have a date. Don't have the rate but looks pretty dang good... *** Mark ...I have been looking at the first of July now for a couple of weeks…I really hope we are that close. Some folks in Iraq still think they will get a new rate before July 1st. Foreign currency markets have dried up everywhere…i think that is a sign of us finally pulling into the station.
  16. Added at 9:50 AM CDT: *** MilitiaMan Article: "Clarification on foreign reserves in the Central Bank of Iraq" Quote: "...the minimum value of foreign reserves that the monetary authority must possess and that is calculated according to internationally approved standards - represents the ability of the monetary authority to defend the local currency exchange rate"... This article ought to be one we all smile about... Because they are not doing this now at a program rate. imo.. They are gearing up to use the tools for a new exchange rate and it appears they are ready to act on a moments notice...imo...This is timed accordingly...
  17. Good Morning Dinar Vets, here's aother opinion & comment by Pimpy that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy ...people are saying they're finding it harder and harder to stay motivated about going into work because they feel like this thing's gonna happen any day...I'm in the same boat as you. But you can't allow that feeling to overwhelm you. My job has all of a sudden become, you know, I just can't feel motivated to go. That's because every day the news just keeps seeming better and better and it feels like we're getting closer. So I have to tell myself to snap out of it. I don't want you to start counting your chickens before they hatch...yes everything is looking good...but don't make any assumptions. I literally typed up my resignation letter because I can't feel motivated to go to work and that's really really bad. So hang tight. We'll ride this bad boy out and we'll see what happens. Trust me I can't wait...It looks so good, so much so that it is a little bit hard to feel motivated everyday to go to work. I feel you but don't quit yet.
  18. Thanks for the good article Sage449 ... Much appreciated ... RON Thanks GregHi - I agree with gregp, I think you're right on ... RON
  19. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's other opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan Article: "Mechanism for opening government documentary credits with private banks" ...A Documentary credit or "Letter of Credit" is to facilitate trade payments internationally. They are used to make sure things are fair and run smooth. Being internationally accepted in the world requires countries to play on a level playing field... They cannot give out the international exchange rate with out properly announcing they are Article 8 compliant by actually raising the value of the exchange rate. So they use the example of the program rate - IMO. Keep in mind they are telling us they are going to use the D/Cs [Documentary credit]. That means they are telling us they are about to change the value of the exchange rate to be internationally accepted and IMO that will cease the Multi Currency Practices (MCPs) they have been using...So, the timing of this is by design...Telling us they are ready to go ...IMO. *** Mark [Comment: Trump needs to get the RV done before the election...] I agree…I am looking at around 120 days before the election…this is before the 4th…which is coming up soon. I believe he will get the RV out before the election... *** Footforward ...I can't fathom why on Earth somebody in the dinar community would be talking about this going into 2021. This was in response to a comment made during a conference call.
  20. Good Afternoon Dinar Vets, here's other opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Mnt Goat I want everyone to understand today that there is NO positive proof that the CBI intends to revalue or reinstate the Iraqi dinar by the end of June or even in July. However, there are many signs that yet more progress has been made to clean up the corruption and pave the way for the eventual reinstatement, and do it sooner rather than later... *** Mark We are still getting all kinds of chatter… but we are not out of the gate yet… [Q? : What's the deal with Iraq? Auctions have stopped…how is Iraq living?] Without them auctioning their currency for US dollars they do not do well…that they have suspended those auctions lets you know how important it is that they change their value. This lets us know how close they are to RV. Even Shabibi said that at the end, close to the RV, they would stop their foreign currency auctions. This is big. They are trying to get dinar off the streets and limit the supply before they RV…
  21. Good Morning Dinar Vets, here's other opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy [IFEX Investors' Question] The question was - if the conversion fees, buying from other countries and bringing it into Iraq it's gonna be very costly, the fees are going to be very high, the conversion fees are gonna be very high...and they're worried about inflation because if they start building in this nation that means you're going to need a lot more currency and if you have to keep pumping out more and more local currency, then that can cause inflation to go up. Of course the response was 'That should not a problem. We have a solution for that. Don't worry about that.' Along those lines. I don't want to tell you guys that they're talking about changing the rate but it sure the hell sounds like it...never in my life have I felt that we're closer to a rate change... *** Kaperoni Does Iraq want to see the dinar go up in value? Of course they do but these conferences are all about inviting foreign investment to rebuild and create a private sector. Only then can the dinar begin to go up in value.
  22. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's other opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** Pimpy Article: "Iraq officially discloses the date for Al-Kazimi's visit to Washington" This is big man. I don't know why. Call me crazy it's just a vibe that I have. I don't know how to explain it but something tells me this visit is going to be the big visit. I think we're gonna see some great things... hopefully Trump himself gets into this meeting and what we find out is they're very happy about the progress that's been made and we restore the sovereignty of Iraq and remove all restrictions off their currency and allow them then to trade on the'll change the rate of an Iraqi dinar if it gets on Forex. There has been a lot of really positive and good news. A lot of good positive vibes. I like what's going on. I'm excited about it... We shall see what this meeting yields - once it takes place. What's the date..?..Hopium..!!
  23. Good Evening Dinar Vets, here's other opinions & comments that might be of interest to you. Remember, no one really knows what will happen, or when. They are simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq. RON *** MilitiaMan Article: "Parliamentary Economy: The white paper includes 3 stages, starting with the reform of niches and currency auctions" There is nothing at all bad with this openness in regard to pushing forward to a market economy. Stopping the auctions will force the mechanism to be applied.. That imo is the first step and it is a very important one!!! imo Looking so very good now...imo *** Mark [Q? : More can kicking?] I don’t think they are kicking it anymore…they seem to be full tilt getting it out the door...I think we are awfully close to “the boy who cried wolf” being right. I believe we are exceptionally close now. Do I think a day or two? I hope it is. *** Pimpy the foreign expo for Iraq, Allaq gave a speech...basically what he was saying was before we can go international (he was talking about the dinar) we have to make sure we have reform that makes everything stable internally. The economy needed to be stable. The banking needed to be stable. Pricing needed to be stable. Low and behold today guess what happens... Article: "The Central Bank of Iraq announces the success of its efforts to reform the economic environment and achieve stability in prices". This is why so many people feel like the dinar is going to happen this year - 2020...these things are exciting...this is great if the stability locally is done, what does that mean for us internationally? It's looking good guys - really good. I have faith this thing is going to happen really soon...
  24. Adam's posts were taken from another site that follows Adam's Opinions and posts snippets from them. You can read Adam's whole chat at: Adam Montana Weekly 24 June 2020 ***** Adam Montana ...I made mention last week that we are in a great spot, and I was hoping to see some movement on the HCL. Article quotes: "The oil and gas law will be included in the upcoming sessions."; "the current government has a clear and ongoing project in the process of economic and financial reform"; "Al-Alaq, announced that the Central Bank of Iraq has succeeded in reforming the economic environment and stabilizing prices"; "The white paper includes 3 stages, starting with the reform of niches and currency auctions" And...seriously, it just kept going. There are times when I find it perfectly acceptable to be calm, sit back, and not get too excited. This is not that time..(post 1 of 2).. ***** Adam Montana We are looking at constant HCL news, constant mention of monetary change, constant clues that we are on the brink of a monumental event. I'm ready. There is just so much going on right now that smells like "HCL"... it's almost overwhelming. You can bet the gurus are going to be going nuts here pretty soon. Hang on to your hats, friends... stay grounded...and enjoy the ride. Go Kazzammie. Go HCL. GO RV..(post 2 of 2)..
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