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Adam Montana

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Everything posted by Adam Montana

  1. People will still disagree and some will have negative attitudes, but with the dislike button gone... now they have to come out of the shadows and own their actions, rather than running around spreading negativity in the dark. I'm already seeing a difference
  2. Good morning DinarVets! So, day 1,354,298 of the lockdown... we now know everyone's actual hair color, most of us have forgotten how to tie our shoes and "pants with buttons" are things of the past. Other things that have changed - Today would normally be "tax day" in the USA, but not in 2020! Thanks to the Kung Flu, that deadline has been extended to July 15. Everyone's personal situation is different, but I have to wonder how much more things are going to change between now and July 15... we can't just keep printing money and keeping people at home and expect it to all work out ok. Don't take that the wrong way - I'm in favor of social distancing during this time. But I'm also in favor of being real about the overall effects, both immediate and long term. The "dislike" button has been removed from DinarVets because I felt it was being abused and there are some members who only come here to hand out the rubies. Life is too short to be angry and bitter, my friends! I left the other reaction options - spread some love, you'll like it. ❤️ Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Barrack Obama have all officially endorsed Joe Biden as the man to take down Trump. I'm curious who you all believe he will choose for a running mate? Kamala Harris appears to be the odds favorite, but tell me what you think! On to the Dinar - education is key in many things, especially when it comes to just understanding how it works. I explained how the Auctions and the Iraqi Budget work in pretty simple terms recently (you can find that here), and this article posted yesterday by @DWS112 ties in to those topics. OIL is currently under $20 (WTI), which is unsustainable on many levels. The largest OPEC production cut in history was agreed to on Sunday, in an effort to get prices moving up again... the markets don't seem to be reflecting that yet, but I have no doubt that OIL will go back up. Here's the bottom line: 1. The world isn't going to stop using oil. Not even COVID-19 can make that happen. 2. OIL will never be free. Period, end of story, that's "all she wrote". Oil will never be free. With Iraq being in the top ranks of all OIL producing/selling/exporting countries in the world, it has a lifeline that will never go away. Not in our lifetimes, anyway! Perhaps the most interesting Iraqi thread of the week (so far!) is this one: I say "so far" because one of these days we're going to have a huge winner in the Powerball Pool, and it may as well be today!* Get in here. *The lottery is a random chance. The IQD is not random. But if you play the lottery, you may as well join us in there! That's all for this morning, my friends! Stay safe, stay clean, cover the coughs and wash the hands, and GOOO RRRRVVVVVV!!!!! - Adam
  3. I spoke to Julie about this, and she had a great idea... introducing: DV Cash! Here's the product: As stated on the product page: About DV Cash Use this to purchase VIP credit for another member. Enter their USERNAME (the name you see on the forums) in the "Beneficiary" field. No refunds on this for any reason. The credit stays on the Beneficiary account whether they use it or not. Select your gift amount in multiples of $5. If you want to gift $25, make the quantity 5. DV Cash may be used on any product (OSI or VIP).
  4. Your Platinum (Lifetime) VIP is for you individually, you will receive a request for the Name (your name) to put on the Certificate that is issued to you. This Certificate has a unique identifier that enables you to take advantage of everything VIP has to offer... but it is not $99. Here is the correct link: The $99 option is for current Platinum members who lost their Certificate and need a replacement.
  5. Let's go, al-Kazemi! I was eying the appointment of Zarfi a little suspiciously... it didn't seem like a permanent thing. Maybe this is a shell game situation... keep an eye on the ball, which shell is it under? Mahdi here, wait, Zarfi here, no wait! Kazemi KAZAMMI KABLAMMIE (insert RV!)!!!!
  6. KristiD, thank you for still thinking of me, why can"t we use the same procedure that everyone uses,and why haven'y I been contacted by mods, adim, sorry this is becomming frustrating My apologies that I couldn't come up with an immediate solution that makes the Gift Card option easier to use. In their defense, the software we use for this forum/website is very good in many ways. The developers spend a lot of time on security features, and this particular feature hasn't made the cut yet... I did put in a request for the future addition of gifting via username without needing the person's email address. For now, it is acceptable for a member to purchase a product in the store under their own account and then submit a support request to transfer it to the username of the intended recipient. It adds what I consider a slightly annoying step to the process, but it will work until we have a better solution.
  7. One of these weeks I'm going to check here and be tasked with organizing a payout. Better luck to us next week
  8. Happy Wednesday, DinarVets! Day 759,438 of lockdown. Coronavirus - we live in a new world since this started, and this new world will forever be different than the one we lived in a month ago. It's not just the threat of getting sick and dying that is shaking things up. Even with the immense stimulus packages flying off the shelves faster than jigsaw puzzles before Christmas, and another probable $250 billion in "free" money being dumped into the economy, we are still in completely unknown territory. Scammers are in full swing, like this popup "testing" station charging $240 per "HIPPA" approved test (it's "HIPAA", fyi!) and this deal on the world's tallest statue. Celebrities are once again proving their intellectual prowess with stuff like "5G is causing Corona!"... celebrities, stay home like everyone else please. For us non-celebrity types, we all need to stay safe and avoid stuff like this. Just looking out for you all! Some good and hopeful news, to hold onto during this time of panic and turmoil and the yet-to-be-determined long term effects... China has ended the Wuhan lockdown. This too shall pass. Markets - I'm no longer commenting on Markets. @Pitcher has been doing an incredible job of following up in the Weekly chats with his form of engaging and enlightening commentary, so I'll leave that to him so long as he is willing and able! Calendar - Passover (now), Easter (shortly), and Ramadan (upcoming). Happy (whatever-you-observe)! May your days be full of love and happiness. OIL - currently at WTI $24.xx, which I find to be a good thing. As much as we all like cheap pump prices, the big picture is more important than the quick fix, and plummeting prices were an indication of bad times ahead. The current stabilization is positive for the big picture. GOI - this is where things start getting interesting! I love to hear things like this: and this: Any and all failures for Iran as related to Iraq are welcome right now. Al-Zarfi, being the newly seated/"named" Prime Minister, is a name we are watching closely. More to come. Stay safe, wash your hands, get in our Powerball Pool, and Goooooo RRRRVVVVVVV!!!! Talk to you soon, - Adam
  9. I happened to stumble upon it this morning and I agree with you. It should be easy to gift a VIP package to another member with only their username, not needing their email. I'm working on it right now.
  10. I agree with a lot of what you're saying in the entire post, for example: I think the term "black market" carries a stigma that can be misleading. People immediately think of human organs, illegal drugs, and slaves... but in this case, the term mostly means "currency trading outside of the government actions". The term "black market" is technically correct, but in the case of the RV/RI the "black market" will be tiny and almost insignificant compared to CBI Auctions, FOREX, etc - the "not-black market". There are big numbers - lots of currency - that is and will be traded on the "black market". But those numbers will pale next to the official trading, and most people don't have access to the "black market" and will primarily use official channels. Which is why - although I agree with your logic and argument - I still think the GOI can successfully RV at ten cents. It would be most successful with a float, because the ability for IQD to increase more will encourage people to desire IQD over USD because of the opportunity for profits. The USD, after all, is not going to gain in value. Herd mentality kicks in, Iraqi people and outside sources will increase the demand for IQD based on further speculation, and that adds even more value. I do see and agree with some of the logic in the $1.16 argument. I just also see strategic value in a 10 cent + float. With a float, their currency will hold more potential than the USD. But I agree with you that at $1 or higher ($1.16) there is no question - at that rate it is more valuable. Both rates have positive aspects. Solid plan for anyone.
  11. Iraq has a stimulus built in and ready to go! I don't mean to sound jaded, but I don't expect Iraq to do it for "the citizens". It's not going to get done "for the people" - but it will get done, and many will benefit, including the little people. The "unsung heros" indeed - there are a lot of them! I just threw out a couple of examples off the top of my head, and that's one I know many people don't even realize exist. to yours and many more like her 💖
  12. Happy Wednesday DinarVets! It's April first, which means you can expect some pranks today... all from 6 feet away, of course! There will be no RV pranks in this Weekly update, for the record. If I send out an RV text today, it's the real deal. (I have not yet!) Day 534,691 of the CoronaVirus lockdown... how is everyone doing? I ask out of real concern. As humans, we are a social species. Social distancing is something we are currently doing to control the spread of a virus that should burn out on it's own if we don't find a cure, but it's still a scary situation. Verizon reports that phone calls are double what they are on a normal Mother's Day, which is proof enough that we need human interaction... the Butterfly Effect is real, my friends, and it applies to more than butterflies and typhoons on the other side of the world. Stay strong and healthy through this, both mentally and physically! Wash your hands and don't be afraid to phone a friend that you haven't talked to in ages - you're stuck in the house, how many more times can you organize the pantry or clean the garage?! Whatever you do, be sure to show extra love and patience and kindness to the people you're stuck with right now. That's good advice on any day, and it goes double right now. On to the Weekly! The markets are a jungle, cryptos seem stable, OIL may have stopped the plunge but that's still uncertain, unemployment levels are and continuing that way indefinitely... is there any hope? There is always hope. There is also always truth to be found in adages, for example: Better late than never. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. As dinar holders, we are most certainly living by those two! One day, soon, these will be things that we look back on and smile about. The world is being shaken up like never before. There has never been a better time to watch things - unprecedented things - unfold right in front of us. These are wild and crazy times. Here's an example: Politicians rarely agree on anything, but a recent (historic) stimulus passed, unanimously. If you read my recent Budget and Auctions post, I described an equally possible scenario that would turn the Iraqi Dinar around overnight. Many thought the Stimulus bill passing like that just could not happen, just like many would deny the possibility of the Iraqi Dinar increasing in value. It's not just a "possibility". This is something that is going to happen. The only question is, when will it be and how prepared are you? This is going to be the “I told you so” group. When the world is crying about unfairness and how the rich get richer and a hundred other things, you can join them... or you can think back to that time you could have spent $100 on Amazon stock at $1.73 (currently $1,949.72), $75 on btc at less than 10 cents per coin, or $50 on VIP at DinarVets when the IQD was undervalued and represented an incredible opportunity. Quick forum PSA: I'm all for diversity and contrary opinions and intelligent discussions. This thread is a great example of intelligent people politely discussing something they don't fully agree on. I could also link to some examples of how not to have an intelligent and respectful debate, but I won't - I'm just going to issue a warning to anyone that comes here just to antagonize members, hit the "dislike" icon, or click that annoying "report" link on anything that you personally don't like. Warning issued. On a lighter note... @tjokie shared a new crypto with us in the VIP section. Might be worth taking a sWipe at this one. Before I head out - I mean stay in - this morning, I want to give a quick shout out to the hard working women and men out there still taking care of us... truckers on the roads, people working in the schools to prepare meals for the kids that need them, teachers improvising and doing the best they can with online classes and connections, health care workers, the people in the grocery stores, and more... I appreciate you all. And last but not least - get in the Powerball Pool! Keep your heads up, stay safe, wash your hands, and GOOOO RRRVVVV!!!! - Adam
  13. That's a topic that has much room for discussion... gold will always be a store of value, but (countries / the global banking system) have way too much power due to central banking and the fiat system, and those are almost polar opposites of a system that uses a "gold standard". The concept of using "gold" to measure a country's currency value can be shifted to "resources", though. Resources can be physical (like gold or oil), or they can be measured in value by demand (technology, human resources, intellectual property, value services, etc) - in that light, Iraq has a measurably higher "value" than many other countries. This conversation easily leads into the Global Currency Reset topic and the Universal Currency topics - both of which have merits, but are unlikely without a "One Government, One Bank" world takeover type of situation. I'm just going to stop there before I get lost in that rabbit hole
  14. Whatever works for you is good by me, bud! I appreciate your efforts and commentary.
  15. There is a smallllllll small tiny chance. A sharknado could happen as well.
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