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Everything posted by Riley

  1. [bumper64] Stop typing Please [Adam Montana] mods thank you for being here Topic: Ok everyone!! Same as always, Please no typing once Adam gets started with his chat!! Sit on your hands [Adam Montana] chat members, thank you for being here! [Riley] yw Adam [Adam Montana] I will try to keep this brief [bumper64] yw Adam [Adam Montana] I'm going to follow tonight up with another chat tomorrow or Friday [Adam Montana] because I realize there are WAY more questions than I can answer in one session [Adam Montana] so for now [Adam Montana] I'm going to tackle the first questions, including those asked by: [Adam Montana] debratzz, bluejay, War Eagle, oneremedy, lexicon, brandygirl45, and graml [Adam Montana] those are the first 7 - I'm not ducking or dodging anything, I never have [Adam Montana] so if you hear something you don't like, sorry - blame the people who asked smiles [Adam Montana] I'm just here to answer the questions [Adam Montana] first some information [Adam Montana] not VIP information - just a sharing of what I'm hearing [Adam Montana] hearing* [Adam Montana] it actually has to do with what two of the people asked - redemoninating and the currency in circulation [Adam Montana] I received an email yesterday regarding exactly this [Adam Montana] I know years back there was a report on the amount of Dinar in circulation [Adam Montana] if you keep up with the news [Adam Montana] or if you try to research the same subject tomorrow [Adam Montana] you will know that lately it is almost impossible to determine the exact amount of currency in circulation [Adam Montana] inside reports, from what I am being told, show that the amount is down from 27 trillion (estimated) [Adam Montana] to a number near less than 20 [Adam Montana] now [Adam Montana] that is still a lot, but consider how much oil Iraq is working with [Adam Montana] some will throw a number out there [Adam Montana] but the only number that REALLY matters is this one: [Adam Montana] EIGHTY [Adam Montana] 80% of Iraq’s oil is undiscovered [Adam Montana] in other words... we really have no idea how RICH Iraq is [Adam Montana] like it or not.... those people drive on land worth thousands [Adam Montana] they go to the corner store and get a gallon of milk... and they drive across a million dollars buried in the soil [Adam Montana] like it or not [Adam Montana] Shabibi - just recently - spoke of something funny, he mentioned a term we should recognize [Adam Montana] "propaganda" [Adam Montana] I think we all know what that means, it's like Joe Biden's "gaffs" [Adam Montana] magicians use the same trick - it's called "misdirection" [Adam Montana] aka look at this hand, not THIS one smiles [Adam Montana] one of the questions posed in the thread for tonight's thread was about the surrounding countries currency value [Adam Montana] and the other one that might cause some ruffled feathers was about the lop [Adam Montana] whether we like it or not [Adam Montana] a lo p removes the zeros, so a 25000 is worth 25. And your neighbor's bank account doesn't add to yours. So even though [Adam Montana] even though a lop doesn't make sense, for Iraq, it would mean a break even investment [Adam Montana] and the value of Kuwait's Dinar really doesn't have much to do with the value of Iraq - IRAQ's value is relevant, nothing else. [Adam Montana] two more topics then I'll ask for questions thank you for the patience! [Adam Montana] I will say "open floor", just wait for that [Adam Montana] Brandygirl45 asked if we should hold the currency if the RV comes out low [Adam Montana] there is a good chance you should! That is a very smart question [Adam Montana] Iraq is VERY likely to come out low [Adam Montana] they then buy dinar at a low price [Adam Montana] sell it at a little higher price [Adam Montana] buy it back as people sell it [Adam Montana] and keep selling it as it goes up [Adam Montana] they can make a TON doing that [Adam Montana] we have to keep an eye on the stability of the currency [Adam Montana] if we think something is going wrong in Iraq, I would suggest selling it all and taking any profit possible! [Adam Montana] but if things are stable and continue to rise [Adam Montana] then absolutely keep as much as possible and cash in at a higher rate [Adam Montana] the next question has to do with countries and companies investing based on the RV rate, in other words - getting in low and riding the wave [Adam Montana] that’s something I have worked for years to do for myself, myself, and the VIP group [Adam Montana] anyone who is VIP will have the same opportunities I do - I am opening all of my contacts and investments up to the entire group [Adam Montana] many companies want to use a low value investment to grow incredible worth - we aren't the only ones doing this [Adam Montana] so to answer the question - yes, YES, I 100% agree that there are companies investing based on the future growth of the Dinar [Adam Montana] and I'm right there with them [Adam Montana] and if you don't have your own methods, contracts, or contacts for this - I suggest you simply support the site - and after the RV I will happily invite you to invest with us [Adam Montana] Iraq is moving forward [Adam Montana] and I'm happy to be on this ship [Adam Montana] of course it would be great if it landed sooner than later lol; [Adam Montana] but I'm prepared to wait [Adam Montana] ok sorry I went so long, I think I addressed all 7 questions I read from that thread [Adam Montana] open floor [dgibbs20] Adam Montana will an L O P affect digital dinar say in a warka account? [moose 57] Adam Montana Break even investment? No way! I don't think you would do this if that were the case. [nointel] there is talk of shabs in Switzerland. if he is what does this mean if anything for the rv? [Old Guy] Adam, my question is, if they lift 3 zeros doesn't that concentrate the value by changing from XX Trillion dinar to XX Billion dinar to account for and isn't that a sort of RV in itself which makes it easy to RV from there and isn't that good for the Iraqis and us ? [gakman] Please expand on last week's 7 day window and the June window. Thxs [angelsunaware] what is your take on Shabibi's comments yesterday in DC when he said he couldn't answer them ?? regarding an RV of the currency, and then the investor that asked about the redomination? [Zemaduvant] wow [pleasantvalleySunday] ok stop and let him catch up please [Adam Montana] gakman yours first [Adam Montana] that is in regard to an email I received about 6 days ago, referring to the next 7 days, which means we're only about 5 days into what he was talking about [Adam Montana] (holy cow.... that last sentence should tell you why you don't want to deal with dates!!!!!!!1) [Adam Montana] lol [Adam Montana] I'm going to talk about that in my next email, I've received a little more information [Adam Montana] 90 [Adam Montana] % [Adam Montana] of it is public [Adam Montana] the only thing I really have is a perspective from someone in the CBI [Adam Montana] that doesn't mean I have a crystal ball [Adam Montana] but I'll share what I am hearing [Adam Montana] just give me till Friday [Adam Montana] next please! [gakman] TY [jackiefbh] could we see the rv by Friday as some are saying [Adam Montana] gakman yw! [dgibbs20] Adam Montana will an L O P affect digital dinar say in a warka account? [dgibbs20] Adam Montana will an L O P affect digital dinar say in a warka account? [Adam Montana] jackiefbh yes of course! I'm not promising though, it could take longer of course [Adam Montana] dgibbs20 good question [Adam Montana] answer is yes [ThePhantomRider] ……………. [Adam Montana] sorry to say it, but the truth is the truth. We hope not [Adam Montana] ThePhantomRider yes and also jet packs [angelsunaware] what is your take on Shabibi's comments yesterday in DC when he said he couldn't answer the ?? regarding an RV of the currency, and then the investor that asked about the redomination? [Riley] Adam Montana great answer [Riley] ThePhantomRider poof [Zemaduvant] it really was [Adam Montana] angelsunaware i LOVE it [puffsplus] [rsskelton] Do you expect a L.o.P.? [nointel] there is talk of shabs in switzerland. if he is what does this mean if anything for the rv? [EmilyJJJ] puffsplus hi [Adam Montana] they took him off guard and he stumbles, that is awesome for us - a\n interrogator would have nailed his butt [Adam Montana] next! [nointel] there is talk of shabs in switzerland. if he is what does this mean if anything for the rv? [blueflower_us] If the DFI is extended. Do we have to wait another year for the RV? [briannaa] concerning the muslim treatment of you think it is safe for american women to open a warka account and invest in the stock market in iraq? [Adam Montana] nointel I hate to say it but that switzerland thing is being promoted by a group that likes to simply make things up [Adam Montana] there is real value in this investment [nointel] i thought so ty [Adam Montana] and some people that really don't have anything to offer often try to make up "value" - as in "intel" - and we all know who some of those people are [joy1716] Adam Montana all my dinars are 25000. if i hold on to them will they prod i ce more [Adam Montana] those that have been on this site for years know one thing [EmilyJJJ] Trust in Adam... everyone else is full of it? [Kevin B] Doesn't a re-denomination make more sense than a L O P? Just because they are going to remove 0s does not mean it has to be a L O P does it? [rmac1966] rsskelton Had a a good question:: In your eyes are you expecting a lo p ? [Adam Montana] Kevin B that's a good questions [Adam Montana] they have to redenominate [Adam Montana] one way or another [moose 57] Adam Montana There is no way you went into this to break even or to make a little amount on your investment. [Adam Montana] if the currency revalues they can't keep the same demons [Adam Montana] denoms [blueflower_us] If the DFI is extended.. Do we have to wait another year to possibly see a RV? [Adam Montana] [Adam Montana] blueflower_us no [blueflower_us] ty Adam [dgibbs20] Adam Montana what is the safest way to approach this investment with some return, besides only investing what you can afford to lose [steph] Adam Montana You were right when you said "demons". [Adam Montana] they can enter an agreement, a revalue, or a change in currency value without a full meeting [Adam Montana] they can enter an agreement, a revalue, or a change in currency value without a full meeting [Adam Montana] steph no kidding [Adam Montana] rsskelton not at this point [rsskelton] TY [Adam Montana] I will email if I change my view [badCobra] If there is a El Oh Pea what are the chances in your estimation that we'll face a tim elimit to "exchenge" physical currency to lower denominations for removal of large denominations? [rmac1966] ty [Adam Montana] I am still positive [angelsunaware] Adam... so you think the "raising of the 000's" could be from the exchange rate?? [Perspective2011] Full meeting? Who does the meeting have to involve? [Adam Montana] BadCobra lol El OhPea [badCobra] wink [jon29] Post Rv question: Post Rv party--Steak and mashed potato's or Fish and steamed rice? [Perspective2011] Steak and MP [Adam Montana] BadCobra you're talking about dropping the zeros - I addressed it in detail in my book but I'll give you the 3 second version: [moose 57] Adam Montana How about PM's vs Dinar at this point? [Terryokie] Adam have you had any verification on the existance of smaller denominations yet? 1,5, 10 dinar notes yet? [dgibbs20] jon29 it sounds more like the dollar menu at mcdonalds [Adam Montana] countries do it when they are hurting, and iraq isn't hurting - they don't have to lo pea [linda55] dinartab , good night [dgibbs20] Adam Montana what is the safest way to approach this investment with some return, besides only investing what you can afford to lose [badCobra] thx! [hurricanewayne] Adam if they raise the 3 0's will we have to exchange are 25000 for new denomes or will they cash them as25000 [butifldrm] Adam Montana, do you really think the rise of inflation in Iraq is a big trigger for the RV and/or RD? [Adam Montana] dgibbs20 if you have a bodyguard, that's a good start [dgibbs20] Adam Montana [TXPoleman] Adam, what's your best guess when this will RV? [Adam Montana] other than that - I'm not sure what you mean by "safe" [dgibbs20] Adam Montana i'm talking isx warka etc [keepmwlknfny] Hey Adam Montana .....has your guy with the CBI mentioned anything with the visa cards they want to implement?? In my eyes I think thats the best thing for them to push for to get the physical supply of currency in country down and turn it digital....aka reducing the money supply without L.opping.... [Riley] hurricanewayne he answered that earlier [Perspective2011] or a very quiet approach, I have been super silent. [angelsunaware] Adam... do you think the "raising of the 000's" could be from the exchange rate?? [roohoo] adam what do you think about the viet. VND? any thought on that rv'ing? [dgibbs20] Adam Montana what will almost gaurantee a return [Adam Montana] angelsunaware good question! [hurricanewayne] Riley sorry I just got here [Adam Montana] raising the 000s from the exchange rate won't happen "exactly", but it could be a very close starting point [quadraph0nic] bankofbaghdad is switching to visa, cards available in may - thats what they told me yesterday. [butifldrm] Adam Montana, do you really think the rise of inflation in Iraq is a big trigger for the RV and/or RD? [jimpickles] you think the United States will stay in iraq to help make sure they work things out and become accepted globally? It seems we have a vested interest in their success...if the dinar is just tradable on the open market...wouldn't it just take off,as far as incressing in valu? [angelsunaware] Adam Montana thank you! [Adam Montana] the rate will be adjusted based on the current value of the Dinar, and it won't have anything to do with the neighbors value or the value yesterday [Adam Montana] think about it [Adam Montana] if you hold GOOG stock [keepmwlknfny] quadraph0nic I hope that catches on big time... [Adam Montana] and GOOG goes bankrupt [Adam Montana] do they care who the president is or how much AOL is worth? [double_duce_duce] Adam Montana be for or after the rv l o p /3 z's [Adam Montana] NO [quadraph0nic] keepmwlknfny no doubt it will, i hope it keeps the RV alive [hurricanewayne] Riley pssst what was the answer [desert surfer] Adam, when you text us that the RV has taken place. What will be in that text, just that it has taken place or the rate as well. Any other information that you are going to put in it? THANKS. [Adam Montana] they look at the trading price [4dinarnow] Adam Montana Thank you for all the information. I have a question about the visa cards. Will there be a way to take the Dinar I have On hand and get a visa card? [Adam Montana] and then adjust from there [RobbinL] hi everyone Hi Adam [moose 57] Adam Montana Have fun with all of this! You asked for it. Now you got it!!! [Adam Montana] so when the value of the Dinar is adjusted [steph] Adam Montana "When" this does RV, do you think they will they put a time frame on cashing in 25,000 notes, and what does that mean to us if it RV [Adam Montana] they will look at what investors will pay [sawbuck] adios amigos [Adam Montana] what Iraq will supprt [steph] 's low. [Adam Montana] support* [RobbinL] hi everyone Hi Adam [moose 57] Adam Montana Have fun with all of this! You asked for it. Now you got it!!! [Adam Montana] so when the value of the Dinar is adjusted [steph] Adam Montana "When" this does RV, do you think they will they put a time frame on cashing in 25,000 notes, and what does that mean to us if it RV [Adam Montana] they will look at what investors will pay [sawbuck] adios amigos [Adam Montana] what Iraq will supprt [steph] 's low. [Adam Montana] support* [TXPoleman] Adam, when do you think this will RV? [Adam Montana] and the value will line up with that [Adam Montana] cheers all, that's all I can do tonight [AFC] gnite! [k98nights] Thanks Adam! [Lacey] Adam Montana TY [britney] Thanks for the great info well done Adam, Mods also:}:}:}:} [mrdinar] thx Adam [Perspective2011] Thanks! [butifldrm] Thanks Adam [4dinarnow] Thank You Adam [badCobra] nite Adam, thx! [gakman] Adam Montana TY! [TexasGranny] gn adam [glo] thank you Chief !!! [paydirt] Thanks Adam [disciple7] thanks [blueflower_us] Thank you for answering my question and have a great night Adam [brandygirl45] Thank you Adam [M.D.] Thanks adam [hurricanewayne] Adam Montana can you give more info on the email you got last week' [pjbandit] Adam Should we keep our offshore corps?? [desert surfer] Thank you. [double_duce_duce] TY [steph] Adam Montana Thanks and look forward to next chat! [Adam Montana] I wish all of us a prosperous future, and I hope Iraq helps that future come sooner than later! [angelsunaware] Thank you Adam you are always an encouragement [preston] thanks adam [basquebebe] TY ADAM! [upgradable] thanks group, for your courtesy!! [AirForce17] Thanks Adam [dinarinterest] ty adam [dklll] Thanks Adam [jon29] Thanks for taking the time Adam. [RobbinL] Thanks Adam [YukonJohn] TY Adam [meg13] Thnx Adam [big foot] Thanks [mytryans] Thanks for all the info. Learn so much all the time. [havasumom] bunch of worthless questions wasting adams time [jimpickles] thanks [classicgreen] whatever [upgradable] no kicks tonight, this is a first!! [quadraph0nic] thanks mods! [Happy Man] thanks Adam [behaviorkat] Adam Montana Adam Montana Adam Montana Adam Montana angelsunaware [Kevin B] thnx [Adam Montana] thank you all for your respect and thank you for supporting the site [debandlv] Thank you Adam you’re the man [rsskelton] thanks Adam [Miss Peg] ty Adam [Adam Montana] cheers all, and GO RV! [ROCKSCISSORSPAPER] Adam Montana = Thanks for your time [straightshot] Adam... what is the technical /professional term for llopp? [hovna] thanks [sucma] Can anyone summarize I missed it? [Gaet028] Cheers Adam [Terryokie] ty adam [bLEACHERMAN53] thnaks Adam [butifldrm] Rv [jon29] havasumom? [siberian_shaddow] is someone going to post this I came in late [preston] Roll rv!!!!!!!!1 [Riley] Chat will be posted shortly - Thanks Adam [classicgreen] bull [havasumom] jon29 ya [linda55] big foot did ya get that sweetie [gaybeth] Thanks Adam I respect you and your information [Matilda] thanks [pleasantvalleySunday] the chat will be posted as soon as possible [dgibbs20] so are we screwed or what? [Adam Montana] I'm done, good night all - sorry if I missed any questions. [EmilyJJJ] Thank you adam [quadraph0nic] Riley you are awesome thanks [glo] Great chat and better member tonight !!!! Congra to all of us !!!!!! [EmilyJJJ] and Mods [rdoncampos] thanks adam [big foot] linda55 yes ty [angelsunaware] loved it!!! Thanks Adam and DV Family for a wonderful chat - thanks to all for being respectful!!!!
  2. Back to the top again.....great questions - keep them coming.... FYI VIP Questions will be addressed in VIP Forums only and well date and rate questions I am not brave enough to bring those in to the chat room - I hope you all understand.....
  3. I have shoes older than you Mr. Youngin' Thanks for sharing PVS - Great Post!!!!!
  4. Uncalled for response....stop with the negativity please.....someone shares and it's responses like this that are not necessary....
  5. Thanks for sharing dj....
  6. Closing this thread - the actual news article was posted yesterday at this location - if you would like to read the actual news article instead of the re-post from another site - check it out at the attached link....oh and PLEASE refrain from the negative nasty childish bashing - remember we are all in this together and oh to the one that referred to this as a scam - best of luck with your investment .....
  7. Awesome theory Scooby Doo.....thanks for sharing
  8. Thanks MODS for posting the chat from this morning for those that were unable to be in the chat room - YOU ALL ROCK!!! Thanks Adam for sharing with us all, oh and you ROCK too !!!
  9. RRSport - are you coming here with argumentative intentions? It's threads like this that are not welcome.....Your first thread and such negativity - please refrain from being disrespective in the forums....thank you.
  10. [Adam Montana] ok let's get started [Adam Montana] I don't like to keep you waiting [Adam Montana] and I'm sure you don't want to drag this out either [Adam Montana] speaking of dragging things out [Adam Montana] [Adam Montana] Iraq [Adam Montana] oh boy [Adam Montana] there's a few things going on right now [Adam Montana] first [Adam Montana] the articles about new denominations and removing the 0s [Adam Montana] most of these articles originated in Arabic [Adam Montana] so it's important to understand that there is a lot that gets mis-translated [Adam Montana] Google doesn't employ someone to translate every article [Adam Montana] it's done through an automatic filter [Adam Montana] so words get mixed around and meaning gets lost [Adam Montana] so what does that mean for an RV? [Adam Montana] not much! That's the important thing to know [Adam Montana] they've been throwing articles like this out for years [Adam Montana] YEARS [Adam Montana] there is talk of cutting down on the amount of currency in circulation [Adam Montana] which is a good thing, but it will happen naturally [Adam Montana] and redenominating is a natural thing as well [Adam Montana] because they can't raise the value without introducing new denominations [Adam Montana] and if someone can show me a 1 dinar note [Adam Montana] that is legal tender right now [Adam Montana] I'll pay them $100 [Adam Montana] they HAVE to introduce new denominations [Adam Montana] and if they are going to raise the value [Adam Montana] they would be foolish to announce those plans to the world in any other way [Adam Montana] the other thing that has people all riled up is Ali [Adam Montana] [Adam Montana] this cracks me up [Adam Montana] seriously [Adam Montana] the guy is a dinar dealer - not a global economist or a forex expert [Adam Montana] two easy concepts [Adam Montana] #1 if he thought there was going to be a revalue - wouldn't he want everyone to sell their dinar back to him at a cheaper rate? [Adam Montana] #2 didn't anyone notice that his buy-back price dropped at the same time he did this conference call? [Adam Montana] the guy isn't a forex genius or a global economist [Adam Montana] but he is pretty smart [Adam Montana] that was a good move on his part. [Adam Montana] basically [Adam Montana] my opinion is that nothing he said affects this investment in any way [Adam Montana] and nothing the CBI is saying affects it either [Adam Montana] and other than that... we only have smoke and mirrors [Adam Montana] we HAVE to have smoke and mirrors... otherwise there would be no value here. [Adam Montana] I hope that makes sense [Adam Montana] I will do another chat this weekend [Adam Montana] I have an email I want to share, from a contact that doesn't talk to me much [Adam Montana] but it sounds like this is coming to a head [Adam Montana] and I may be able to do something I [Adam Montana] ve never done before: [Adam Montana] I may be able to give a date range [Adam Montana] it sounds like its coming [Adam Montana] but I want to finish the conversation first before I stick my neck out though [Adam Montana] thanks for the patience [Adam Montana] ok thank you all for the respect [Adam Montana] I’ll take questions from those that Riley has on the list [sDDINAR] [Adam Montana] and when she opens the floor I'll take a few more [Riley] Adam here is the first [KentuckyMudd] Riley, has Adam or anyone else for that matter ever said anything about the possibility of the dinar being a reason for our governments extension of our budget? Seems outlandish but maybe a VERY small possibility? [Adam Montana] Riley, thanks [Adam Montana] KentuckyMudd it's a good question [Adam Montana] I find it a bit "conspiracy theory-ish" [Adam Montana] and I'm more of a value and fundamental investor [Adam Montana] but I've heard that very idea from some people I would never guess it would come from [Adam Montana] not going to name names, but they are government [Adam Montana] that's all I will say on it - other than this [Adam Montana] if I told you today [Adam Montana] that the $100 bill in your pocket tonight [Adam Montana] will be worth only one penny in a week [Adam Montana] you'd say I'm crazy [Adam Montana] and walk away laughing [Adam Montana] well, that happened to the Iraqi currency [Adam Montana] now we tell people there's a good chance that the opposite will happen [Adam Montana] and they walk away laughing [Adam Montana] we will see who laughs last [Adam Montana] it happened the other way, and for it to be reversed - even in a partial amount - would be amazing for the world, not just Iraq [Adam Montana] and that includes our broke government [Adam Montana] next please Riley [Riley] next question - [jimpickles] Adam how important do you think the BIS is... [Adam Montana] in what regard? jimpickles please explain [Riley] jimpickles are you still here? [jimpickles] do they influence a country's RV? [Adam Montana] RVs aren't as common as some think - at least not in a major way. With Iraq, there is a LOT of factors to consider [Adam Montana] The GOI, the stability of Iraq, the HCL, and Chapter 7 are majorly important. Everything else is negotiable [Adam Montana] thanks for the question [Adam Montana] ! [jimpickles] thanks [Riley] [double_duce_duce] you are next please, thanks [Adam Montana] Riley next please? [double_duce_duce] ty, GE adam, what are we still waiting on to happen, to get things moving along. [Adam Montana] double_duce_duce GE! Is double_duce_duce 222, 6, or 8? [Adam Montana] ok honestly there are a couple of things [double_duce_duce] trip D [Adam Montana] but the key at this point is getting that last position filled. Once that's done we can probably expect a week or less wait, barring a civil outbreak [Adam Montana] that's key [Adam Montana] civil peace must be constant [Adam Montana] it doesn't have to be perfect [Adam Montana] but it has to be steady [Adam Montana] and predictable [Adam Montana] right now [Adam Montana] it's very predictable [Adam Montana] which means it's controllable [Adam Montana] and that's a great thing for us [Adam Montana] if they can predict and control the climate of society [Adam Montana] they can make solid plans for a major currency change [Adam Montana] and it will happen [Adam Montana] until then we wait [Adam Montana] that's why things are actually looking good right now [Adam Montana] the monotone news releases from the State [Adam Montana] are likely designed to kind of lull the people into an almost hypnotic state [Adam Montana] don't take that literally [Adam Montana] [Adam Montana] thanks for the question [Riley] swamprat you are up next please, thanks [double_duce_duce] aah ok, fun and tyvm [swamprat] Adam - please explain exactly what bunny-ear means if RV is at $1.00 to someone that has a million dinar....I would like you to explain the math, etc.. [Adam Montana] my point is that with consistency and stability we can see a smooth transition [Adam Montana] swamprat a bunny-ear is simple [Adam Montana] they take a 100,000 dinar note [Adam Montana] and pretend some of the 0's aren't there [Adam Montana] it is a possibility [Adam Montana] but I don't think it makes sense for Iraq [Adam Montana] so a three 0 l o p on 1,000,000 means you have 1,000. [Adam Montana] that's it [Adam Montana] you don't lose [Adam Montana] you just don't gain [Adam Montana] make sense? [swamprat] kind of [Adam Montana] there's a few good explanations in the l op section [swamprat] meaning that the 100000=100 @ 1.00 = $1000.00 [Adam Montana] and there's also a lot of information about why countries do that [Adam Montana] and Iraq doesn't fit the bill [Adam Montana] so although it COULD happen [Adam Montana] it's not the most likely situation [Adam Montana] speaking of most likely [Adam Montana] we have to understand Iraq is not dumb [Adam Montana] Even if they can afford and sustain a $3 rate [Adam Montana] they won't come out at $3 [Adam Montana] and people will argue that by saying "if they come out low, all the investors will..." blah blah blah [Adam Montana] SO WHAT [Adam Montana] who cares what the "investors" do? [Adam Montana] IRAQ will make more by buying, selling, and rebuying on the way up than ANYONE will! [Adam Montana] After the RV happens Iraq will have the buying power they need and the trust they need to out buy ANYONE [Adam Montana] so YES, other people will make money [Adam Montana] if it comes out at a penny, I'll cash in part, and then wait for it to keep rising [Adam Montana] Riley, next please? [Riley] rsskelton you are next please, thank you [rsskelton] Adam, thanks for taking my question. Actually you already answered part of it, but I would still like to ask (partly because my questions usually get asked by someone else before I get a chance) In YOUR opinion, do you personally still feel, no matter how small, that we are looking at a straight up RV, or a L.O.P. first. I know you have said in the past that you did not expect a L.O.P. I just wondered if your opinion has changed ? I know you can't say for certain. I simply want your opinion because I value it. Thank you. [Adam Montana] rsskelton thank you for the question [Adam Montana] ThePhantomRider you are banned from chat [Adam Montana] thanks for the question - no, my opinion is the same. I haven't seen anything or heard anything that makes me think a lo p is more likely than before [rsskelton] rsskelton Thank you Adam, you too Riley. [Adam Montana] my outlook is steady, thankfully! [Adam Montana] I will let you know if I change my mind [Adam Montana] I don't sell dinar [rsskelton] [Adam Montana] I have other businesses that do well [Adam Montana] I would rather let everyone here know if I think it's time to get out [Adam Montana] this place is a lot of work! if there's no RV, I want to get on with my life too you know!!!! [Adam Montana] thanks for the question though [Adam Montana] next please! [bumper64] amen!! [Riley] sheree you up next thanks..... [sheree] Adam Montana last week in chat you said you had heard from a contact and they were excited about the next 10 days, have you had any updates from them, are they still excited? Are you excited about the things we hear happening, news, etc.? Is there any truth to Sonny1 selling all his dinars? Thank you for your time tonight!!! [Adam Montana] Sheree yes about the contact! No about Sonny [Adam Montana] in fact [Adam Montana] the contact is what I'm waiting on [Adam Montana] and I'll hop into chat sometime this weekend [Adam Montana] to give an update [Adam Montana] but I can't speculate on this until I hear back [Adam Montana] I expect to be here by Friday night [Adam Montana] evening [Adam Montana] with that update [sheree] that sounds great, thank you [Adam Montana] thanks for the patience! [Adam Montana] I want to talk about it now but I have to wait [Adam Montana] k98nights yes sir [sheree] Adam Montana and the sonny1 rumor? [k98nights] nothing... my puter is acting up [Adam Montana] Sheree he better not have sold it without letting me have first crack at it [sheree] Adam Montana [k98nights] He didn't sell his dinar [Adam Montana] he comes and goes, sometimes he just gets tired of being online [sheree] that rumor has caused some stir in here is all [Adam Montana] I don't blame him some days [Adam Montana] Riley next please [Riley] Staightshot you are up [straightshot] We have heard, months ago, that US treasury has 3.5 tril IQD… where does that figure come from… shouldn’t it be much more than that by now? And how much do we have in private/individual/corporate investments in IQD? Thanks... also: When we talk about a LLOPP shouldn’t we say “demonetization”… as that is the true, legal term? [Adam Montana] Straightshot I heard about the US Dinar reserve amount as well [Adam Montana] I've heard a lot of stories, of course. [Adam Montana] But every rumor usually has some truth in it [Adam Montana] starts somewhere [Adam Montana] (Sometimes I guess it starts on the Rumor section here... ) [Adam Montana] anyway [Adam Montana] my point is there is no way to walk into the White House or the Treasury Vault with a clipboard and count it [Adam Montana] so we have to use logic [Adam Montana] this investment started for some earlier than others [Adam Montana] in fact [Adam Montana] for some you have to assume it was orchestrated to some extent [Adam Montana] Riley last question then open floor please [Riley] [Darin] If the CBI makes revenue based upon the buying & selling of IQD. Wouldn't they make even more revenue if it was internationally traded? Via forex, netdania, etc? And from my recollection two Resolutions of sanctions still exist, (not sure on the #s), but are they type of sanctions that may prevent the IQD going international or is it not like that..? [Adam Montana] Darin good question [Adam Montana] answer is yes [straightshot] Thanks ... peace/out [Adam Montana] and I'll explain why YOU as an investor should know this [Adam Montana] first know that every currency transaction has a spread [Adam Montana] that's how banks make money [Adam Montana] they aren't going to pay tellers and computer people and others to work to change your money for free! [Adam Montana] the CBI controls Iraq's currency [Adam Montana] they are going to make a KILLING on the spread when the value changes [Adam Montana] 95% of the people who invested will cash in no matter what the rate [Adam Montana] and the CBI will have a high rate [Adam Montana] our local banks will add to that rate [Adam Montana] and if the CBI rate is wide, in other words if they are charging a premium [Adam Montana] you will still pay it - it's a business cost [saved] Adam , I keep hearing about the CBI LOPing the zeros and again today from Sara , sorry I don't type as fast as others !!!!!! ,this was not in the RUMORS section , can you elaborate:? ? P.S. I'm new at this , Sorry ! [Adam Montana] if you walk away with 50, 100, or 1000k profit - that's a good deal! [Adam Montana] even if it's after a large cost [Adam Montana] I strongly recommend reading my cash in guide - it's free, and I explained this in detail [Adam Montana] get it at ••• uide.php [Adam Montana] Saved you're late, I went over that [jimmycat] ADAM IF I GIFT my dinars to my corporation before RV do I physically take them to Belize and they will cash them in at Rv? [Adam Montana] [Adam Montana] jimmycat no you just hold them [Adam Montana] please post that in VIP [Adam Montana] for further clarification [Adam Montana] bottom line is you never lose control or possession of your dinar [Adam Montana] open floor [puffsplus] According to the U.S. Treasury, worn bills are destroyed by Federal Reserve Banks during ordinary currency processing and the life expectancy of each $1 is approximately 18 months. Bills of larger denominations stick around longer since they are handled less than the $1 bill. Wouldn't natural wear and tear over the past 7 years delete a lot of dinar from circulation?? Did they print & distribute only once or have they continued to print dinar? [rsskelton] Thanks Adam, due to your teaser I guess I will be sitting on chat till sometime Friday night. [Adam Montana] puffsplus absolutely [puffsplus] thanks [Adam Montana] nobody knows how much currency is REALLY in circulation [bigdogg] Is the Emirates website correctly [RVDinar4MyFamily] Adam Montana do you think Iraq oil exports increasing will help lead to the RV and do you think that a big increase in exports will lead to a bigger RV [digital11] bigdogg absolutely not [keepmwlknfny] 24 trillion..... [digital11] it’s an error in an excel spreadsheet [eddiemac] Gambling sucks, although I have risked what I could lose, I just wish for more solid answers, which I know no one can give, It’s the American dream and I want it in my sleep, Adam and ezrider thanks for all your input.... Very valued.. [Adam Montana] bigdogg you gotta give me a link, I’m not sure what you mean [Adam Montana] eddiemac that's a wise position to take [digital11] Adam - it’s a bank site showing a rate of 9.22 [wallybean] Adam, what is the affect on the RV with the US remaining in Iraq, or being kicked out by the end of the year? [Adam Montana] don't invest more than you can lose [digital11] but it’s full of errors [Adam Montana] digital11 omega [vader] so - my understanding is that their gov has to vote for the rv to take place - and the gov is still not all seated -- and then it’s the Iraqi gov [Adam Montana] wow [jimmycat] Adam Montana can we talk sometime about gifting [digital11] someone screwed up today's excel spreadsheet [digital11] everything is shifted 8 rows [digital11] so it makes it look like the rate is 9.22 [Adam Montana] that's fodder for the gurus! [Adam Montana] no, it's incorrect [digital11] I know, can't wait to see the rumors started from that one [Adam Montana] we will never see a $4,$5, $6, or higher RV [digital11] it’s JIB all over again [Adam Montana] $3 is out of my personal opinion [jon29] Adam, someone brought this up (maybe you already answered it): In your opinion, does amount of Dinar in circulation (ie: 20 trillion, 5 trillion) and Iraq's assets, have any bearing on a high or low revaluation of dinar? hopefully, this makes sense. [Thor363] jimmycat gifting is well discussed in the VIP forums [Adam Montana] out of range [DstormOIF_VET] what happen to the "sticking your neck out" as you said earlier? [Adam Montana] but I won't say absolutely not [vader] also we have the chap 7 that is still not dealt with [rsskelton] Is 25 cents possible? [wallybean] Adam, what is the affect on the RV with the US remaining in Iraq, or being kicked out by the end of the year? [vader] and debt that is still not sorted [RVDinar4MyFamily] digital11 but the new guy really wanted to prove you wrong, poor guy, I almost felt sorry for him [Adam Montana] jon29 of course it does [digital11] RVDinar4MyFamily I know, it was kinda sad [keepmwlknfny] vader pretty much....still a few things left there.... [dgibbs20] Adam Montana if they decide to L O P will that effect digital dinar say in warka too [digital11] I tried to go easy on him, then he attacked my credibility [Adam Montana] you can have perfect credit and no assets and not get a million dollar loan [vader] we have sanctions that were lifted that still can be reinstated [Adam Montana] but if you have 3 million in assets and decent credit you can get a reasonable loan [siberian_shaddow] Adam Montana does gov need to be announced before they will announce RV [RVDinar4MyFamily] digital11 yeah, not to wise on his part [Adam Montana] Iraq is building credit and has a ton of assets [vader] the iraqi financial protection is about to be lifted [sk 1962] Adam you were asked several chats ago if you feel it would take until June for the RV, and your response was no, you sais to expect it before then! Do you still feel IT WILL HAPPEN BEFORE THEN? [bobycharles] Adam Montana Give us that posible date!!!!!!!!!! [vader] still dont see it soon [jon29] ok thanks, someone brought up the currency in circulation and rv topic earlier. [vader] lucky if its this year [vader] [snickers77] of course you dont vade [snickers77] r [Adam Montana] Sk 1962 it might, I don't have a crystal ball sorry [puffsplus] Snickers77 [dgibbs20] Adam Montana if they decide to L O P will that effect digital dinar say in warka too [straightshot] Think of it this way... for those negative-heads out there... ask them where else can they invest that even in the worst-case scenario is a break-even proposition (less the bank 10% spread... etc)... [RVDinar4MyFamily] Adam Montana do you think Iraq oil exports increasing will help lead to the RV and do you think that a big increase in exports will lead to a bigger RV [digital11] vader we need to get coffee again soon [vader] digital11 im down [bumper64] Adam Montana hope you took speed reading classes! [vader] heard your moving [Adam Montana] Straightshot good point [wallybean] adam, what is the affect on the RV with the US remaining in Iraq, or being kicked out by the end of the year? [DinarFord] bunny-ear 3 0's, then a 10,000 dinar note becomes 10 dinar, then times the rate, say $3.22 = $32.20 for a 10,000 dinar note [digital11] yep, in august [Adam Montana] DinarFord is that the end of the world? I don't think so [vader] still dont see us addressing the chap 7 issues that have not been addressed [Adam Montana] vader please address them [dgibbs20] Adam Montana if they decide to L O P will that effect digital dinar say in warka too [Adam Montana] Snickers77 Friday [Adam Montana] that's the date [DinarFord] I hope not [Adam Montana] that I'll be in chat next [jon29] Adam, can you give us a hint? [siberian_shaddow] Adam Montana atleast your down to earth and you seem to stay the course i respect what you have said and look forward to hearing from you again [vader] Dreamin 2011 adam just clearing the air - [digital11] bigdogg you mistyped the link [myst] Adam Montana thank you this was a pure i see how hard it is to sit on my hands..........chuckling here [DinarFord] That's the only logical way the high dinar rv rate makes if it's after a bunny-ear [Adam Montana] bigdogg no I didn't sorry [digital11] bigdogg i already thoroughly debunked that website [digital11] every rate on it is wrong [vader] no l o p [jon29] Adam thanks for fielding all the questions. [Adam Montana] myst thank you for waiting! [saved] Adam , I know I was " kiked " a moment ago and I didn't see your responce to Sars's posting about the CBI lopping the zeros [waitingondinar] Adam, Just got on........Are we looking at this year for RV?????? [Adam Montana] Saved it will be posted [gene45750] thanks adam [jon29] Riley thanks for listing everyone. [bobycharles] Adam Montana you mods just band dinars_ready [Adam Montana] waitingondinar it just happened, we're all going to Tijuana to cash in [DinarFord] Same time Friday night, Adam??? [Riley] jon29 sorry - I have you first for the next chat.... [vader] Adam Montana DinarFord i thought is was always on a monday [Weapon X] bobycharles what did he do?? [Adam Montana] DinarFord I will try [double_duce_duce] Thor363 sup ge [jon29] that's ok Riley, I got the question in. [Adam Montana] vader it's always Wednesday [Adam Montana] ok thank you all! [vader] oh crap [vader] i miss it [k98nights] Thanks Adam! [Adam Montana] was a fun Wednesday chat! [jon29] Peace Adam. [Weapon X] Adam Montana thank you [DinarFord] Thanks for spending time with us [Capital stack] Adam Montana Thanks Adam [dgibbs20] Adam Montana if they decide to L O P will that effect digital dinar say in warka too [swamprat] you mentioned your friend's we have to wait? [bumper64] thanks Adam [lambert] vader right sfter hsppy hour [vader] Weapon X brown nose [behaviorkat] thanks Adam [Adam Montana] I'll see you on Friday, hopefully with something positive to share [saved] Adam , where will it be posted ? [Adam Montana] have a good night! [straightshot] Adam Montana ... peace/out thy [Lacey] Adam Montana ty [fishing] Adam thank you! [vader] swamprat im still typing it [swamprat] thanks Adam! [Harvestime] many thanks adam.... [bigdogg] @digital11 how do you know the website is wrong???? [shunshine] thanks Adam [Adam Montana] Saved give Riley a few minutes [Weapon X] vader [TBB] Thanks Adam ! [Thor363] Adam Montana Sorry I missed most of this, but thanks for all you do! [bobycharles] Weapon X he responded to me for thanking him for the news. he just emailed me and said he got band for that [lambert] later [waitingondinar] Adam Montana thanks for the straight up [Adam Montana] shold be in the chat section [upgradable] good night Adam! and all the rest of you rabble rousers!! [rsskelton] See ya Friday [Jimsdandy] did somebody else copy or should I post tt [Adam Montana] Riley if you have any issues let me know [gakman] Thanks [Adam Montana] thanks all! [bumper64] Upgradable gn [snickers77] goodnight Upgradeable [nointel] i copied [Hook1Slice2] Thanks [DinarFord] I'm so afraid of a bunny-ear, then a high rate on what's left... [bumper64] nointel thanks!!! [Miss Peg] goodnight and thank you for your time and wisdom! [sassyk] Saved i saw where you said you were new--when you have a question and you know you are going to be called on--have you question already typed and all you have tro do when called on is hit enter [dmdebar] Good stuff,thanx Adam [HYDRANT] nointel HEY [brandygirl45] thank you Adam [nointel] should i post? [rsskelton] And POOF, he's gone [jon29] Time for whiskey, cigars, and shooting of the guns in de air! [snickers77] thanks Adam .. fingers crossed its soon [Riley] Adam Montana I have it all copied - thanks for your time [jon29] Vaya! [gp49] Thanks mods [Jimsdandy] nointel I can also [snickers77] and thanks mods [vader] NOT BOOTED! booooooyaaaaaa [bumper64] nointel if it isn't already posted!! YES!! [Matilda] great chat tonight Thanks DV family and friends for a great chat!!!!!!!!
  11. article translated.....
  12. First - this appears to be your writing - some people might not understand you copied someone else's post..... Second - why would you decide to copy something so negative? Let's leave the negative trash out of the forums - if it's a rumor and you don't want to read it - move on - if you want to read it for entertainment purposes - that's your choice as well... enjoy and have fun... Now, lets all get back to the positive, friendly, respectful debates, read the news, share ideas and continue to enjoy the BEST Dinar Site!!!!! Best of luck to all
  13. Gonna close this for now - she can recap tomorrow after she goes back to the bank.....
  14. Anyone can "take issue" with Adam - if you are respectful in your debate - I love to hear a great debate and all logical theories - Adam's Q&A Session is not the forum to debate with him - hence the Q&A......
  15. [Adam Montana] ok I'll start, please wait till I open the floor to ask questions [Adam Montana] Riley will call on the people who are already in line [Adam Montana] and I'll try to take more after that [Adam Montana] please wait till I open the floor to ask questions [Adam Montana] I have a couple things to go over [Adam Montana] so I'll try to be as brief as possible [Adam Montana] it's already 10 after and I know people have better things to do than sit in a chat room! [Adam Montana] first [Adam Montana] the list [Adam Montana] on the agenda tonight is some very basic stuff - 1, HCL. 2, bunny-ear. 3, cashing in and swapping for gold or other precious metals to reduce taxes [Adam Montana] first then the HCL [Adam Montana] if you look on my blog [Adam Montana] my most recent post is about the HCL talks that are coming up [Adam Montana] this is an AMAZINGLY important step [Adam Montana] in fact it's one of the three "catalysts" [Adam Montana] that can trigger the RV [Adam Montana] make no mistake [Adam Montana] that if the HCL is resolved [Adam Montana] either by mandate, force, or straight agreement between the parties [DinarFord] What is HCL? [Adam Montana] we could be days away from the RV [Adam Montana] HCL is Hydro Carbon Law [Adam Montana] it's almost as important as Chapter 7 [Adam Montana] until the HCL is resolved, there is no strong Iraq [Adam Montana] until Chapter 7 is resolved, there is no strong Iraq [Adam Montana] and until the Government is fully seated, there is no strong Iraq [Adam Montana] all we need, in my opinion - and I've been studying this for years [Adam Montana] 8 years, in fact [Adam Montana] all we need is one of the three! [Adam Montana] if the HCL is resolved, it can smooth out Chapter 7 [Adam Montana] if that doesn't make sense, comment on my blog post at and I'll do a full write up on it [Adam Montana] if Chapter 7 is resolved, we can easily see the HCL completed [Adam Montana] and if either of those cause an imminent RV, then we can easily see the government seated VERY fast [Adam Montana] any one of these three can tip the RV into place [Adam Montana] that brings me to a scary subject [Adam Montana] bunny-ear [Adam Montana] dang filters [Adam Montana] l-op [Adam Montana] you may have read the articles today and yesterday about lopping the zeros [Adam Montana] IF that happened, basically [Adam Montana] if they lopp all 3 zeros, you break even [Adam Montana] if they lop and then RV to Kuwait’s dinar, then you made triple or more, depending on how long you've been invested [Adam Montana] ok that's worst case scenario [Adam Montana] I don't think it will happen, for quite a few reasons [Adam Montana] countries do that when inflation is out of control [Adam Montana] Iraq's inflation is NOT out of control [Adam Montana] they do that to control the economy [Adam Montana] Iraq's economy is already under control [Adam Montana] in fact [Adam Montana] you may know people who have been invested for 7 years, like me [Adam Montana] it would have been impossible for Iraq to RV 6 years ago [Adam Montana] because a massive RV could throw the country, the economy, and the world economy into a tailspin if it wasn't prepared. [Adam Montana] but Iraq has shown the world for 7 years now that they are moving forward [Adam Montana] and they have shown for almost THREE YEARS that they have a VERY good grip on their "controlled value" [Adam Montana] now [Adam Montana] in 2003 the country lost an immense amount of wealth [Adam Montana] BAM! Just like that [Adam Montana] with an RV, the country regains so much of that wealth just as fast [Adam Montana] and so do many of us [Adam Montana] which brings me to point 3 [Adam Montana] and yes, I'm going to talk about VIP [Adam Montana] for a very good reason [Adam Montana] some of you think you can swap your dinar for a precious metal, like gold or silver [Adam Montana] then hold it for over a year to get long term capital gains [Adam Montana] that is 100% untrue [Adam Montana] I'm not an internet chat flunkie spouting off [Adam Montana] if you don't know me, I actually took and passed the Series 65 (to be a Registered Investment Adviser) [Adam Montana] in order to be able to share investments with our VIPs group after the RV [Adam Montana] you can NOT avoid taxes by swapping to gold [Adam Montana] as soon as you take XX dinar and receive XXXXX Gold THAT is when you received the gain [Adam Montana] so if that happens in 2011 [Adam Montana] it doesn't matter if you wait to cash it in [Adam Montana] that, and 100 other bits of valuable LEGIT information on how to protect your investment is in the VIP [Adam Montana] I advise anyone who is serious about this investment to join [Adam Montana] not for what you get now [Adam Montana] there's no stupid "Intel" - I don't make up rumors [Adam Montana] ask 100 VIPs how they feel about what they have learned and 99 of them will say it's priceless [Adam Montana] ok I'll take those 10 questions. Mods, please kick anyone who speaks out of turn [Adam Montana] Riley, you're up. Please call the first person [Riley] Thanks Adam - Texasknightwind is first and then Islandgirl [Adam Montana] we have 10 people already in line [Texasknightwind] Adam, you mentioned in a chat 2 weeks ago that the crisis in Egypt would probably cause the RV to take longer....why is it in Iraq's best interest to delay the RV due to the crisis in Egypt OR Libya or Iran or anywhere else in the Middle East chaos???... Adam Montana] Texasknightwind thanks for the question [Adam Montana] that is a simple matter of being able to pay for your debt [Adam Montana] imagine if you were about to be hired as an OTR trucker [Adam Montana] but your boss found out you lost your license [Adam Montana] same thing - you're going to have to wait to start work [Adam Montana] Egypt controls a LARGE part of how the Middle East exports oil [Adam Montana] if Iraq's currency goes up in value [Adam Montana] they have to be able to back the debt [Adam Montana] if they can't export oil [Adam Montana] they can't repay the debt [Adam Montana] which means the RV must be lower [Adam Montana] so it's in Iraq’s best interest [Adam Montana] and OUR best interest [Adam Montana] to regain complete control of the Euphrates river [Texasknightwind] Thanks for clearing that up [Adam Montana] and have a settled Egypt [Adam Montana] before they RV [Riley] Islandgirl is next please [islandgirl7] Hi and thanks for taking my question...2 if you don't mind what is break even...what we've paid or how much dinar we hold in their currency? And. not related to tonight’s discussion...did you get the message from bumper about the lady who needs access...her husband has passed away? Thanks in advance...and thanks again bumper [Adam Montana] this is a global investment, it doesn't just focus on Iraq [Adam Montana] Islandgirl7 yes [Adam Montana] if you paid $25 for a 25,000 dinar note [Adam Montana] and they bunny-ear the 0s [Adam Montana] and then RV 1:! [Adam Montana] that means you get back what you paid for it [Adam Montana] if they RV at 3:1 [Adam Montana] you triple your money [Adam Montana] I don't think it will happen; Iraq isn't in the same boat as other countries that have been FORCED to lopp4 [Adam Montana] bunny-ear* [Adam Montana] dangit [islandgirl7] Ok that what I thought not a currency guru...still learning...thx [Adam Montana] Islandgirl7 no problem, we're all here to help [Adam Montana] next pleaess, Riley? [Riley] preacherman you are up next - thanks [preacherman] Are you considering chartering flights and do you know where from? I know you started a post to see what airport we would use. What do you think at this time? Does it make sense for you to set them up? [Adam Montana] I am, but that's a VIP question. I think it makes sense considering how many people we have interested [Adam Montana] I will be updating the thread in the VIP section as the plans progress [Adam Montana] if I don't update it before the RV, just get on the first plane to whatever bank you need to go to! [Adam Montana] it's a long process, but it's coming along [Chassisman] Riley I have a question if there is time. Thanks [Adam Montana] thanks preacherman [Adam Montana] Riley next please [preacherman] Thank you, wanted to know before I do all the work here. [Adam Montana] preacherman understood [Riley] glo - you are next please - thank you [glo] Last week I called td bank to buy dinars...they told me to open an account to buy dinars and gave me the to go i called to know today rate to buy dinars...they told me "we don't sell that currency" think is good info ! Hour later I read the same in a post in forums....2- I understood that "if" there is a loop we will maintain the value of the dinars. [glo] Here in Miami beach Florida [Adam Montana] glo thanks for the question [Adam Montana] regarding D [Adam Montana] TD Bank [Adam Montana] is that all branches or just your local branch? Because for example, 5/3 sells at some branches but not others [Adam Montana] they make that decision at the local level [Adam Montana] now [Adam Montana] I hate to bear the bad news [glo] Adam Montana well, that branch was selling until last week [Adam Montana] but IF they did lop, which I don't think they will, the exchange rate will be what it is. There is no law that allows you to get past value [glo] Adam Montana thank you very much ! [Adam Montana] Riley next please [Adam Montana] yw glo! [Riley] jon29 you are next please [jon29] Adam, thank you for fielding the questions and taking the time, my question is in reference to the Iraq stock market, in your opinion, do you think it would be wise to set up things now to take part in that market to avoid a big influx of people post rv and goi established, or setting up an account later would be fine and no big deal? [Adam Montana] jon29 in my opinion YES! I love the ISX. In my opinion, a better penny stock was never born! [Adam Montana] I definitely think doing it before is going to be more profitable [Riley] bahtman you are next [bahtman] On F ranks CC tonight he stated that Warka Bank in Baghdad closed today for good. Do you know anything about this? [jon29] ty Adam. [Adam Montana] bahtman I don't like to talk bad about people... so I'm just going to say that is 100% untrue and I have no idea why he would say such a ridiculous thing [Adam Montana] Riley next please? [Riley] speculatorsride is next [Adam Montana] (thanks for the Q bahtman!) [bahtman] Thanks Adam, I hope you are right [Riley] ok chassisman [Riley] ok next is AFC [Riley] Adam I got booted and missed AFC's question [Adam Montana] I explained this in my book [Adam Montana] I see Warka as a hedge [Adam Montana] but I like cash better [Adam Montana] I like ISX even better [Adam Montana] so it's kind of hard to do one without the other [Adam Montana] look at it this way [Adam Montana] when the Dinar rises in value [Adam Montana] thousands of companies will begin pouring money into Iraq [Adam Montana] because the Iraqis again have money to spend [Adam Montana] and it will make sense [Adam Montana] right now you can own a decent chunk of stocks for $5 or $10! [Adam Montana] when the Dinar rises, the value of those stocks should fly up too! [Adam Montana] if you wait till after the RV, I think you'll miss the largest increase in profits [Adam Montana] there will still be money making opportunity [Adam Montana] but not like there is if you get in now [Adam Montana] thanks for the question [AFC] Do you have any Intel on ETFs for Iraq stock market being made available? [Riley] AFC thank you [Adam Montana] AFC I have rumors, but I don't spread them. At this time there is no way to invest in any ISX ETFs, so you have to decide if you are comfortable investing in the ISX as it is now. [AFC] OK, thanks for everything (and for not booting me off again lol) [Adam Montana] that's all I can say on the matter until actual solid information comes [Adam Montana] thanks [Adam Montana] one more question then I have to jet, we're pushing 45 minutes already [Adam Montana] whew! [WealthInfo] What is the minimum deposit Warka needs to fund your accounts, both $ and Dinar? [Adam Montana] WealthInfo $150 in USD and 250,000 IQD i believe. If you're VIP you can download my book for free at this link: [Adam Montana] I gave exact instructions on page 18 I believe [Adam Montana] thank you all [Dinars_ready] one more try eh? Adam..... why does A L I think you and your book is a joke eh? [Adam Montana] Dinars_ready I'll answer that [Adam Montana] look at all the Dinar sites on the web [Adam Montana] you'll notice they all have a DT banner Adam Montana] but I refuse to be "bought" [Adam Montana] and I don't display that same banner [Adam Montana] that should give you a hint [bumper64] Thanks for a great chat Adam [Adam Montana] (even though this site reaches more people than any other site on the net) Darin] Adam Montana : refuse to be bought? Do you believe that Ali is fond of IQD forums to help him profit?? [Adam Montana] Darin he pays all of them to put the banner there [Adam Montana] you do the 'math" [bumper64] yes [Adam Montana] ok thanks all [AFC] thanks! [Adam Montana] glad we got to talk about some good stuff [Adam Montana] Dinars_ready I have nothing to hide. Thanks for the question [Adam Montana] 500+ people and only 3 got banned - this is an amazing group [Adam Montana] thank you all *****To all the people who said their thanks and gratitudes....I have it copied to send to Adam Montana - just excluded it from this chat....thanks again to everyone for being respectful and thanks for the great questions....for those that have questions for the next Q&A - please forward a note to me on my profile and I will add your name...thank you from the MOD's......
  16. Thanks Scooter - you are the best!!!!! This will keep me busy for a few weeks....thanks for all that you do!!!!
  17. Welcome to DV - fyi there is a section for LOP Issues and concerns that you may want to check out....also - just beware and don't be discouraged of the bashers and nay-sayers....again welcome to DV and best of luck.....
  18. Riley


    A cop stops a Harley for traveling faster than the posted speed limit, so he asks the biker his name. 'Fred,' he replies. 'Fred what?' the officer asks. 'Just Fred,' the man responds. The officer is in a good mood and thinks he might just give the biker a break and, write him out a warning instead of a ticket. The officer then presses him for the last name. The man tells him that he used to have a last name but lost it. The officer thinks that he has a nut case on his hands but plays along with it. 'Tell me, Fred, how did you lose your last name?' The biker replies, 'It's a long story, so stay with me.' I was born Fred Johnson. I studied hard and got good grades. When I got older, I realized that I wanted to be a doctor. I went through college, medical school, internship, residency, and finally got my degree, so I was Fred Johnson, MD. After a while I got bored being a doctor, so I decided to go back to school. Dentistry was my dream! Got all the way through School, got my degree, so then I was Fred Johnson, MD, DDS. Got bored doing dentistry, so I started fooling around with my assistant and she gave me VD, so now I was Fred Johnson, MD, DDS, with VD. Well, the ADA found out about the VD, so they took away my DDS. Then I was Fred Johnson, MD, with VD. Then the AMA found out about the ADA taking away my DDS because of the VD, so they took away my MD leaving me as Fred Johnson with VD. Then the VD took away my Johnson, so now I am Just Fred.' The officer walked away in tears, laughing
  19. My prayers go out to his family and friends....what a brave group - the truck drivers were not honored and thank'd enough.....
  20. Thanks DK for posting and thanks Adam for sharing....sounds like great news.
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