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Everything posted by rriver1010

  1. With the supposed RV in front of us, it's going to be very very important to have your financial house in order. There are also very powerful forces at work to confiscate and tax away any and all of your RV profits. Get in on the right side of the long term trends. Remember that the elite are all in this investment and they have back doors to create and protect their wealth. You MUST know these back doors if you want to escape pilfering of your treasury. This free webinar is given with a biblical world view. donot promote other sites This new video was just uploaded concerning the NATIONAL CEILING DEFAULT and should help you to understand and get positioned whether the RV hits sooner or later. The world continues to turn with or without an RV and we need to be off the crisis train! donot promote other sites I hope these free webinars are a blessing to you. Sincerely, Dr. D.
  2. Hey guys - as the last post don't want the Dinar to go up in number! This is weighted against the USD so if the Dinar numbers go up, it means that it's devaluing against the dollar. It takes more worthless Dinar to buy the same Dollar. SO you want the Dinar to go DOWN against the Dollar. You will be singing the blues if Dinar goes to 2,000/1. But you'd be happy if Dinar numbers went DOWN to 1/1.
  3. I read your post and wanted to reply. You are in my prayers. Remember that where God closes a door, He will open a window. Be busy looking for that window. Now that I've said that, let me speak frankly so that you can be looking in the right place for that window. It's probably NOT where you would normally think it's at. The millions of jobs that were lost, and the millions more that WILL BE LOST in the next downturn coming to a theatre, state and community near you, will NEVER come back to America until we are reduced to what we would call, third world standards. There is a forced winding down that's already happening, and much, much more is to come. This nation began outsourcing it's jobs back in the early 90's and the jobs that just crumbled with the popping bubbles - have all been outsourced to other countries, where the people will work for $1.00 per hour or $3 per day. I hate to say this, but if you have lost your job or are about to lose your job, it's time to look at RE-TOOLING. This means that you must quickly get educated on your present career, a new career direction, or get ready to move to another country where the opportunities are BOOMING! Most people who stay in America over the next 20 years will experience the horrid "SPREAD THE WEALTH AROUND" winding down of our nation's wealth and finances, as money is sheered off of the fat American sheep, and re-distributed to the rest of the world. Welcome to the new socialist era (with a little communist twist) which is bent on bringing up the third world, and reducing the wealthy Western societies, so that all are even. There are ways to get out of the way of the speeding freight train which is coming to decimate American wealth and the land that we've loved, but the movements are not easy, nor are they convenient. A new era has dawned, and the old ways of the "good ole days" are gone. It's time for precise actions, on purpose, out of the ordinary decision making, and people will need to have kahunees of steel to steer around this financial tsunami that's coming and hitting wave after wave. It can be done successfully! My friend, if I were you, I would take my welding career and look for the job that will require, demand and beg for welders for the next 20 years (or how much time you have left before retirement). Realize also that when the next round of jobs are lost, that you might have 30 - 100 people fighting for your job, willing to take less than you are wanting to get paid. These are realities to come, and they are likely scenarios that you need to prepare for now - in advance, so you can weather the storm. If you can't find any place to park your welding career in this country for the next 20 years, you may need to look overseas, if you are willing or able to make that move. If you can't do that - then you need to dig deep and find your true calling and talent which is inside of you, which will rise to take care of you and your family for the duration of your life. God has put one in there - but it's up to you to find it, tap it, perfect it and utilize it. For all Americans, we must realize that home prices MUST come down further. Homes will be properly valued once a school teacher can afford to buy a house in the community that she teaches in - on her individual income. This is not what we want to hear, but this is where housing prices NEED to go, to recover from the huge housing bubble that our fed created. They created it to keep us from looking at the OUTSOURCING OF JOBS problem. If they didn't flood the market with free money, low interest loans and "everybody deserves a home" mentality, we would have seen the job outsourcing problem and dealt with it in the 90's. We will also get to deal with tsunami waves called state and federal government default and bankruptcy, hyper inflation of many products that we need and won't be able to afford, disruption of food and other supply normal "good times" chains as businesses disappear and supply lines are cut, and more terrorism as our enemies believe that they're bringing the great giant satan (their terms) down further with each attack they make. More tsunami waves with their own waves are coming, but there's not enough time to write them now. I personally believe that we need to believe for the best and plan for the worst. That worst includes an unemployment rate of 25% or greater, 60 - 80 million on food stamps (we just hit 40 million last month, and they project 43.3 by end of 2010 - (why?). Also included is millions fighting for the jobs that you may have been holding on to. Investments need to be reduced in the vacation home, the third car, ownership in the suntan salon, and other "good times" investments, and start thinking about meeting people's needs during this winding down of the American economy as the sheep is sheered of it's wool. There are many ways to succeed and prosper during this re-distribution process. However, only 20%or less of Americans will actually succeed, because they're thinking "old school", they're hoping in the wrong direction, planning against the tide, and will generally make every wrong decision which will cost them their inheritance, their savings, their home equity and their retirement accounts. My prayer is that somehow, this can be averted. However, I'm planning for the worst as any good business person would do. There is so much more to say, and so much more for us to learn. The key is to GET STARTED, and we must start by taking an accounting of our jobs, where they stand in the future, will they survive a depression, 25% unemployment and outsourcing to a citizen of a country who will do your job for $10 per day? If your job cannot survive those tsunamis that are coming, it's time to get out of the way. ACT, MOVE, JUMP! Where God shuts a door, He opens a window. Look for the open window and JUMP OUT of the house where the doors are closing! My thoughts. Thanks for taking time to read. I post my blogs at where we trade and invest in the markets every day while helping others to sidestep disaster in the markets and the world economies. Dr. Daniel Daves
  4. Unless you own the bakery and a wheat field...then they bring the gold to you for the loaf of bread.
  5. My thought is that the pressure is huge on the Dollar. We're taking $1,000 and turning it into $1 Million. Take that times the 100,000 or more investors, some of them with millions wrapped up in this deal, and you have huge pressure on the Dollar. We're talking about devaluing the Dollar (at least the $1,000 that you put into your 1 Million Dinar) and crunching it from $1,000 to $1 Million. That's 1,000 times the pressure - times how many people who cash in. This will end up being another Trillion of wealth transfer... won't be what sinks the boat, but it's not going to help it.
  6. That is a great observation! We're in international waters now! Gotta play by their rules of monetary movement. Anyone who put $1,000 US into South African Rand over last 12 months has made $1350 PLUS the 8% interest that they pay, over 40% on your money - just because of the devaluation of the Dollar. Same goes for Canadian over last year. US Dollar has lost over 25% against Canadian in last 12 months. I don't personally believe that the Dollar is meant to stabilize as the Fed is clearly trying to devalue it so they can pay off bills with cheap money at the expense of WE THE PEOPLE. The Dollar will eventually be replaced by a new currency - after they create the Dollar bubble crisis that will send Americans fleeing for cover and begging for relief. But to keep it in IQD might help you keep it's value. Who says we have to exchange it anyway? Just go to an Iraq bank and open a bank account, get an ATM card on your account and go worldwide, swiping the card and writing checks on your Iraq account. No U.S. banks, no U.S. paperwork, etc....just a thought. And if you can't get an Iraqi bank account unless you have a utility bill, go rent an adobe hut for $200 per month so you can get your bank account, and let someone live there free of charge. My thoughts.
  7. Sorry - exchanging dinar for dollars will NOT make the dollar more valuable. If you paid $1,000 Dollars for a million Dinar, and then will exchange the million Dinar for $1,000,000 Dollars - it's the Dollar that loses. You just DEVALUED the Dollar from $1,000 to $1,000,000 by using a worthless piece of paper called Dinar as your means of exchange. If I buy a lamp from you for $1,000 and then sell it back to you for $1,000,000 - who wins? You or I? Same lamp, but the one holding the Dollars loses Dollars....plain and simple. Fed will print another Trillion to make this happen and hyper inflation will hit hard once the money goes into circulation. Great posts people - gold, silver, land, money producing apartments, anything with seed value or multiplication value in it, commodities, even a cow would be better than holding it in opinion.
  8. Remember that if or when the Dinar RVs, it will cause billions or hundreds of billions in transfer from freshly RV'd Dinar (backed by country and it's oil) - to U.S. Dollars which will put stress and more strain on the suffering U.S. Dollar. You and I are planning on cashing in our Dinar for Dollars, but when you take your $1,000 of Dinar and turn it into $1 Mil. in U.S. Dollars, the pressure comes on the Dollar - not on the Dinar. Therefore, I think it's very important to get your investment QUICKLY out of the U.S. Dollar after you do your transfer. This thing could be as big as a failed treasury auction if everyone (including U.S. Treasury) moves to put this pressure on the Dollar. This will also figure in to the TIMING of the RV - as U.S. will not want the Dollar to fall apart as Iraq is being brought up into stability. Another thing you can do after RV is to transfer into another stronger currency - if you can do it. NZD, AUD, Brazilian and CAD are the strongest in business right now (New Zealand, Australian, Canadian, Brazilian). Regardless, I can just see ignorant people suddenly becoming millionaires - only to suffer a 30% reduction in U.S.Dollar value through hyper inflation, along with your 30% fed tax rate, leaving you once again with only peanuts. Get counsel from strong and reliable financial investment advisors who know their stuff with big money before just jumping in to an RV. Don't necessarily trust the U.S. Dollar base that you plan on exchanging into - and consider getting out of Dollars and into hard assets as quickly as possible!!! Those have been my concerns for quite some time and I'm surprised that no one is talking about this reality on the site. Your comments and suggestions are welcomed and encouraged. We post stories on Dinar and U.S. Dollar weakness almost daily. Dr. Daniel Daves
  9. Tonight (2/16/10), the markets are poised for a potential U.S. Dollar Index move upwards, which will be regarded by many as a DOLLAR RALLY. If this happens, silver and gold stand a chance of dropping to new lows. WARNING: I am personally looking at a drop to new lows as an opportunity to buy and get into position for the next mega upswing. I have deep targets of $12.50 for silver and under $1,000 for gold. I don't know if they'll get hit, but if they do, I consider them as an act of God's mercy for anyone who's not yet on the gold/silver bullet to the sky! By the way, if the Dollar rallies, this typically will cause the S&P 500 to drop. So all eyes are on the Dollar tonight and tomorrow in trading. If the Dollar fails from where it sits at 10:30 PM CST... then things will change. But if God's rhythm works as it normally does, we should see some of these movements this week. God bless, Dr. Daniel Daves
  10. Just a quick note to indicate that S&P 500 is sitting AT a critical resistance line, which it ran itself up to the line and parked as the market closed today. Likewise, the U.S. Dollar Index just sat down on a potential rocket launch pad today. Therefore, there is a strong potential that TOMORROW - the S&P could drop towards new lows (1035 is my target) and the U.S. Dollar index could run on up to new highs - possibly hitting 83. The lines that we're at - are technical lines where the big checkbook MIGHT show up to reverse the direction on daily charts - tomorow. We'll see - a good day trader will see a meltdown coming, and will jump on quickly as the markets start changing direction. God bless, Dr. Daniel Daves CHECK OUT MY CHART PICTURES HERE
  11. Thanks for the update Frank.
  12. I do agree. What a shame that you have to post 10 times to get into the chat room.....geez!!!
  13. As a technical trader, I have to warn you that our trading mechanism says that there is a 90% chance of the S&P 500 dropping to 1987 lows (Black Monday) with two targets above. The official targets are 500, 445 and 200. This lower one would put the DOW at around 3,000. I hate to be the BEARer of bad news, but this is the technical play until those targets are hit. What drives markets up and down? We call it the rhythm of God, as everything that has human interaction will move up and down in rhythm - like your heart beat, wake and sleep patterns, and breathing in and out. The markets have gone up up up for years. Straight up for 13 years after the 1987 crash. But now it's time to head downward. Why? Because the institutions that drive and turn these markets are in the markets for a profit. They demand a deep, low entry into the market this decade, and they are patient - willing to wait for that ultra low price. Unfortunately, Mr. & Mrs. Joe America have no idea that the institutions are going to require their savings, retirement accounts, etc. People say that they've lost money in the markets, but money is not really ever lost - it just changes hands. We're in a time where the instiutions want to capture all of the baby boomers and their lifetime savings plans. Unfortunately for most, these poor people don't know what's coming, and their brokers are going to make them broker. Their licensed professional advisors have never been taught in the ways of market movements, and are only licensed to sell people INTO the markets, but never will they say GET OUT. They're the licensed hit men who convince the poor guppies to swim in sharkville. Anyone who's in for the long haul during this time frame, will indeed be in the market for the LONG HAUL, as the time is coming soon (I believe) when the markets are going to respond to the true news about the economy, 17% jobless rate, banks ready to fold, 3 more waves of foreclosures and a commercial real estate bubble popping. If Washington continues to spend us into bankruptcy and they bail out the banks with another, larger 3 trillion to try and fill the black hole void - we may see an uncoupling of the U.S. Dollar from the U.S. Stock market. Right now, when the Dollar goes up, the S&P 500 goes down. So if Bernanke strengthens the Dollar and raises interest rates, the stock market goes down and crashes, and the people get fearful because they're losing their retirements. But if Benanke destroyes the value of the Dollar and it goes down - the S&P 500 goes upwards as if we're all making money - and the people are happy because they think they're making money. They'll be taxed on their profits, and then they'll find out that the Dollars they made will buy much less than before because of hyper inflation! (Get ready for $8 per gallon gas, and $5 milk, bread and eggs. This will only be the beginning of price hike woes). Watch closely for the S&P 500 and the Dollar to both head downward together. If this happens, it will mean that the world has uncoupled with the Dollar, they're pulling their Dollars out of the market and going into another market of some kind - probably hard assets like gold, silver, platinum, palladium, commodities, faminig, and land...hard assets that will still be around after the paper fiat Dollar burns to nothing. If you see this happening, you'll most definitely want to be on the GOLD and SILVER rocket. Concerning the Dinar, I'd rather be holding Dinar notes than U.S. Dollars right now because Dinar is directly connected to the oil that Iraq is sitting on. Our Dollars are directly connected to a mass credit card debt that the U.S. is drumming up at neck break speed. I'd rather own money backed by oil than money backed by debt any day. I am not a firm believer in the DOCTRINE OF DEBT which is going to sink America. The DOCTRINE (or belief) OF DEBT is a doctrine of devils that will sink America. It was drummed up during the last great depression era - and has convinced Americans from the top down - that the best life is to live in debt. It's actually a bad thing to be debt free and a person is looked down upon if he doesn't have or need credit. Our nation has bought the lie - hook, line and sinker, and now actually believes that the way out of debt is to go further into debt. WOW.... Easy to believe when you can just turn on the printing press and print up next year's budget (ie. federal reserve and the sweet deal they have with congress). However, this will unravel and come to an end with hyper inflation and the final destruction of the Dollar as it slides to zero value. The Dollar has already lost 94% of it's value since it's creation. This is a hidden and secret tax that governments use to steal (fraudulently) your hard earned value from you. In 1913 a $20 gold coin was 1 ounce of gold and was worth $20 Dollars. At that time, an ounce of gold or a $20 bill would buy you a nice suit, tie, shirt, shoes, socks, a belt and a night in a swanky hotel. Today, that same ounce of gold will buy you exactly the same suit and a couple of nights in a swanky hotel. But your $20 bill won't even buy the belt!!! We have 6% of our monetary value left. Yet the Federal Reserve has DOUBLED the money supply in 2009. That means that once this inflation of the Dollar seeps into the world markets, your $2.50 gas is going to $8 or more!! Then $20, Then $40, and onward to destruction. Only holders of hard assets will be the winners. Times will get very tough for those who are not ready. It's time to get ready - the laws of physics are calling on us to be prepared!! Dinar may RV just through our hyper inflationary status in 2010 and 2011!!! To find out more, see our FREE INVESTMENT COMMUNITY at . Sincerely, Dr. Daniel Daves
  14. Children's Feeding Network is providing tents, tarps, rope, food, water and critical supplies to orphanages and community relief in Jacmel, Haiti. If you'd like to see real time updates, a video and pictures/stories of what's happening in that embattled country, go to . Haiti's Heroes are mounting up to buy families $25 tents. We're going to take a relief trip to Haiti within 6 weeks and if you're interested in going, let me know. It might be dangerous, but it will be worth it! Dr. Daniel Daves
  15. Most people don't realize that the S&P 500 and the U.S. Dollar move contrary to one another. If they knew the truth, they'd get their butts out of the normal stock market until they figured out how to trade it accurately. From March 2009, the S&P 500, Dow and other indexes moved upwards at breakneck speeds, blowing away all historical gains and making Americans happy, calming fears, etc. However, it's important that Neo takes the red pill if he wants to know the truth about the market's rebound in 2009 (from movie: The Matrix, where Morpheus offers Neo the opportunity to see the veiled truth about his life). The facts are that while the stock market was rocketing upwards against all odds, the U.S. Dollar was dropping out of the sky in value. So if you thought you made any money in the markets last year, when it comes to gathering those dollars, you'll find that those dollars lost the same amount of "VALUE" as the U.S. Dollar slid off the cliff in 2009. So three things happend that most people don't know about: 1. The U.S. Dollar lost massive value in 2009, because of the hyper inflated printing presses in the trillions that the Fed is creating and throwing at the black hole (which is not working, by the way. I don't care what they say about recovery!) 1. In response to the drop of the U.S. Dollar, the S&P 500 and stock market rocketed upwards simply because it is now taking MORE WORTH-LESS DOLLARS to buy the same market (one of the signs of hyper inflation). Actually, the stock market has flatlined since March 2009, but due to manipulation by government forces - the people are at ease, thinking we're in recovery. The recovery of the market has simply left people with less value. More dollars - great. Less value of those dollars - YIKES! 3. For every dollar that you made in the market last year, you get to pay Uncle Slam his taxable share of your earnings. Therefore you lose twice. You made dollars that are WORTH-LESS, and then you got to pay taxes to the government because these dollars have seemingly been increased. Well Neo - if you want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes - you'll have to seek education. Some of this education is available at the free trading community at . Read the blogs there as they unfold in reaction to market movements. IF the Dollar does any recovery at all - it will be at the expense of the U.S. Stock Market! A recovered U.S. Dollar will result in the word DEPRESSION in America because the S&P 500 moves contrary to the U.S. Dollar. However, if the U.S. Dollar and S&P 500 ever lock together and begin to drop at the same time - beware, run for the hills and get yourselves into solid hard assets, gold, silver, farm land or anything that would survive fire. A drop in both S&P and Dollar at the same time means that the big money is exiting the U.S. Stock Market (which is a conglomerate of U.S. Dollar held assets) and also exiting their belief and good faith in the U.S. Dollar. At that point, I hope that you're on the gold and silver rocket. DINAR - If Dinar is directly connected to the oil that's under Iraq's territory, then DINAR is a better investment than your U.S. Dollars in your bank account. Hard Assets will survive the coming collapse of fiat currencies. So Dinar could sky rocket without an RV - just because of the fiat system unraveling and disintigrating. If DINAR RVs, I recommend that you get it converted to something other than U.S. Dollars. I would hate to see Americans convert their Dinar to U.S. Dollars and then the next few days - the Dollar falls off the cliff by 50% and we lose the value of our new found blessing. Study other currencies that are more clearly connected to hard assets, or which are out of the way of the West's unwinding of fiat currencies. Also, might be a good bank to transfer RV Dinars through. They can give BRIC accounts that are guaranteed no risk CDs, as well as many other international currencies, and they're a 4 star rated bank. Most other banks at this time are only 1 - 3 stars, and I only personally know of 1 5 star rated bank, a small local bank in Missouri. Standing with all for success during this decade! Dr. Daniel Daves FREE INVESTMENT COMMUNITY
  16. As a technical market trader, I'd like to mention that silver is heading towards a target price of $12.50. This is a 70% play with 7/10 chance of hitting. I believe it will. However, I'm a big believer in dollar destruction, silver and gold bull market, etc. It's hard for any of us to believe that silver and gold would dip so low - with gold under $1,000 and silver at $12.50? But technically - that's what the big money is doing to the precious metals. I think that this low area is built to SCARE out all of the timid and weak traders and investors, and provide a tremendously deep 35% off opportunity for long term upside momentum. I believe that gold and silver, as well as other precious metals, and commodities, gold and silver companies, farm and food stocks, etc.... will be good opportunities in the future. However, look for deep drops in DOW, S&P500, etc. as Dollar provides it's fake rally, markets move in the opposite direction, and the word "DEPRESSION" shows up on your TV through the talking heads who know nothing about normal market directions, the rhythm of God and some serious downside that's coming to the normal markets - bringing a deep wholesale price to the institutions that wait below for cheap, wholesale entries. I hate to say this, but my technical targets for S&P 500 are the lows of 1987 Black Monday. My technical charts say that we have a 90% chance of hitting S&P 445, and possibly 200 (which would take the Dow to 3000 or below). This will scare the bejeebers out of most unlearned investors who will lose everything, wealth transfer will move baby boomer stored assets into the hands of wealthy bankers and government entities. This downdraft move may drop gold and silver well below the targets I mentioned above, OR if gold and silver uncouple from the S&P 500 and start heading higher, or if the Dollar and the S&P500 drop together - this will be PERFECT STORM bad, and the only answer will be gold, silver, commodities and HARD ASSETS - as Dollar and S&P locking together into a market drop - will mean that everyone is exiting the stock market with their Dollars and putting thier Dollars into something hard - land, gold, something that is real and not fiat. Sorry I don't have better news, but this is what the technical markets foretell. We see Washington unfolding the master plan that coincides with the targets listed above. Big debt with no plan to save the Dollar and curtail spending - will unwind the Dollar. The doctrine that will destroy America will be the DOCTRINE OF DEBT. In other words, the belief that more debt will deliver us from our troubles. The world will stand and watch us destroy ourselves by our own beliefs and doctrines of stupidity. DINAR - If Dinar is directly connected to the oil that's under Iraq's territory, then DINAR is a better investment than your U.S. Dollars in your bank account. Hard Assets will survive the coming collapse of fiat currencies. So Dinar could sky rocket without an RV - just because of the fiat system unraveling and disintigrating. If DINAR RVs, I recommend that you get it converted to something other than U.S. Dollars. I would hate to see Americans convert their Dinar to U.S. Dollars and then the next few days - the Dollar falls off the cliff by 50% and we lose the value of our new found blessing. Study other currencies that are more clearly connected to hard assets, or which are out of the way of the West's unwinding of fiat currencies. Also, might be a good bank to transfer RV Dinars through. They can give BRIC accounts that are guaranteed no risk CDs, as well as many other international currencies, and they're a 4 star rated bank. Most other banks at this time are only 1 - 3 stars, and I only personally know of 1 5 star rated bank, a small local bank in Missouri. Standing with all for success during this decade! Dr. Daniel Daves FREE INVESTMENT COMMUNITY
  17. USD is amazingly recovering against other currencies. While many agree that the Dollar is being printed into oblivion, and it's been expanded by 50% in the last 18 months, still the FOREX charts are showing that the Dollar could take off with an amazing recovery in the near future. I personally believe that the USD has one more move down to new lows before it makes it's attempted recovery. This move down will SHAKE OUT all of the weak and timid investors - as it breaks new lows. But then it has the capacity to rocket upwards for quite some time. If the Dollar rebounds and runs upwards, despite the hyper inflationary moves that the Treasury and Fed are pressuring through massive printing, then this will indicate to me that other currencies are suffering MASSIVELY worse than the struggling Dollar. Just because the Dollar is going up against other currencies, doesn't mean that it's really getting stronger. It could be that the Dollar just isn't plummeting into the abyss as fast as the other currencies. I like to think of "24" and Jack Bower on a jet airliner. He's kicking the terrorists butts on the plane and he's winning the war in the plane. However, what most people don't understand is that the plane is still crash diving towards the earth. So winning the battle on the inside is one thing, but Dollar devaluation is still plummeting the Dollar value into oblivion. BIG TARGET TO HIT: USDCAD needs to hit par/parity - at $1.00/$1.00. This is a 90% accurate play according to our "Rhythm of God" trading. Therefore, I believe that the Dollar will drop once more, break new lows, hit parity with Canadian - and then will make it's move to attempt to head upwards. IF the Dollar makes it's recovery upwards, it will cause the S&P 500 to tank downwards. If Bernanke decides to strengthen the dollar and save it for now, then this will have a negative impact on the markets and cause investors to be fearful. A great decision has to be made - which most people don't know about. Either save the dollar for now and destroy market investor's retirement plans and investments, or use hyper inflation to cause the markets to go up - yet the dollar plummets off the cliff. The S&P 500 breaks new highs and everyone thinks that we're winning the war. BUT when they go to cash in their earnings, they get worthless dollars and they will buy $5 bread milk and eggs and $6 per gallon gas through hyper inflation. One last thought. If the Fed devalues the Dollar in order to cause the S&P 500 to go up, fooling the people into thinking that their value is rising, while the Dollar will drop in value, the IRS will still tax all profits and supposed earnings that are made - so the investor loses - period! Wisdom is needed during this time. Sincerely, Dr. Daniiel Daves FREE BLOGS:
  18. We have a high probability move downward to 1035 because of the failure of support up at the top - 2 weeks ago. Watch this level closely. Today - our first target of 1063 fell down to that line and the day ended - very powerful. Join the free investment community that also has a Dinar USD link at the upper left corner so you can see what the current exchange rate is instantly - every day in real time. I don't normally promote these types of sites, but this one is absolutely FREE and is very powerful to help arm Dinar investors with HOW TO trade markets, and what to look at investing in during the upheaval of a failing dollar, threat of hyper inflation, etc. I think that everyone would be served well to check out this site - free sign up. . Check out the DINAR blog posts out there which give some powerful insights on multiple ways to make money using Dinar. Thanks, Dr. Daniel Daves
  19. Hey Radio Guy - I'm in Dallas - would love to find out what radio station you work with. Please post that for me. THanks!!
  20. My name is Dr. Daniel Daves and I am a market trader, educator in the markets, and I'm president of a children's feeding program that currently works in Africa, Philippines and Central America with malnurished orphans and those with AIDS to restore them to health. It's my privilege to be here as a part of your group and I'm thrilled with the prospects of Dinar - even if it doesn't revalue - it should be the biggest and best investment I have in the next 10 years as the fiat Dollar devalues and IQD rockets upwards locked to the true price of hard asset oil. Thanks for all that you guys are doing. It's great to see 250 people in a chat room all at the same time - at all hours of the day! Thanks, Dr. Daniel -
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