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Everything posted by bohica

  1. Let's keep this whiny little pitty party about how the negroe has no rights while one of the black panthers are screaming to kill all the white babies and the crackers must die all the time the government smiling and looking the other direction.
  2. The government is more than willing to place our men and women in hazardous situations but if they get harmed fulfilling their duties to their nation the government seems to love to abandon them. A Purple Heart is awarded for injuries sustained under hostile fire. A Purple Heart is not easy to get for the average service personnel. My father carried shrapnel in his forehead from WWII for the remainder of his life and he never was able to get a Purple Heart because he was not able to get it ‘verified’ by a medical provider that he was wounded in action under hostile fire. Somehow the government believes that my father should have stopped the firefight, keeping in mind he was on Iwo Jima and Guam with the Army Air Corps for counterattack after the Marines had captured the islands, and should have been able to leave the hand to hand combat he was engaged in and of gone to his company medic. What he did was what so many service men and women do in hostile situations was that he controlled the bleeding the best he could and continued fighting. At times I really wonder how stupid our government must be and just how little people in our government must know about combat. After the Fr. Hood was attacked by a traitorous member of their own ranks who had become a radicalized Muslim the event was immediately called ‘workplace violence’ by our President. It was clear he was willing to sacrifice our military men and women to protect the reputation of Islam. After years of living with the pain of having your loved ones murdered or living with the wounds both visible and invisible of being shot, some still having the bullets lodged inside their bodies, the government finalized recognized that they were attacked by a hostile force. I truly do not know what the government would call anyone trying to kill a person other than a hostile force. Now even after the battle for being recognized as being shot by a Muslim terrorist comes to a close and those men and women can receive their Purple Heart our government negates that medal as being nothing more than decoration. As one of those who still have two of the eight bullets remaining inside his body was seeking medical attention from the VA he was denied any service connection for his wounds. I would love to have someone tell me how the VA is able to deny the reality of a Purple Heart? They insult our service men and women. It is beyond time that our government stops playing politics with our military! Our military has been diminished under this administration. Our nation depends upon a volunteer military. But I must admit wondering who would ever want to join our military knowing full well the way that our government treats them if they get hurt. It was my privilege to asset many our veterans in getting their service connected disabilities from injuries received while in the service. There were more than a few cases that took years to finally get approved. The Department of Veteran Affairs claims to be in the corner for our military. In many ways there are many wonderful people who actually are there for the benefit of the veteran. But in so many cases our veterans are met by people who seem to act like any payments or benefits are coming out of their own pockets. Additionally I have found that quite often the more sensitive or deeper the duties of the veteran the more reluctant to almost impossible it is to get their benefits approved. Many times this is because the DD214 does not match the military actions of the veteran. The government does not like being honest with the service actions and orders issued to many of the veterans so the DD214 is completely incorrect. Additionally in many cases when the veteran tries to get records much has been redacted. Or, as in the cases of male rape in the military where the government does not like to admit that such things actually happen, those cases may find an intense uphill battle regardless of the documentation. Again, it is time the government stopped playing politics with our veterans. It does not matter if our government likes the duties that our veterans were required to fulfill, our government must support the veterans especially if they get hurt fulfilling those orders. In many ways those who are in the actual positions of the government where final decisions are made have absolutely no concept of our military. They lost to arm-chair quarterback our veterans from the safety of their warm living room where if they would even so much as watch an episode of M.A.S.H. it would easily triple their military knowledge. There is more concern for the enemy then there is for our own GI. After a GI tracks down a terrorist who has just killed his fellow soldiers and, in the heat of the moment, slugs the terrorist in the mouth for making a comment about them deserving to die, that GI is up on charges from our limp wristed liberal government. If our government wants to send our men and women out into hostile situations then our government should have some direct knowledge what it is like to be there living under those conditions. It is time our government stopped playing politics with our military. Our government must stop protecting Islam more than they protect our veterans and our active duty military. It is time our government stopped playing games with the health care of our military. It is time our government stopped treating our wounded and disabled veterans like any benefits are coming out of their own personal pockets. It is time from the beginning of all wars that our government did more than just give weak lip service to how much they appreciate their sacrifices. Actions speak much more than words. It is a complete disgrace how our military is treated as a political pawn. It is time our government was forced to provide the services that our wounded deserve. It is time our government STOP PLAYING POLITICS WITH OUR MILITARY!
  3. In the same scientific frame of global warming here is my response to the news that it is a hoax....DUH!
  4. I keep thinking that one day my writing is going to get me in trouble with our government. But I also believe it is worth the risk. I was just thinking about our Forefathers. Yes, while many people think about the sunshine and trees, etc., I like to think about our Forefathers and what got us to where we are presently. I also think that the rumblings that have been felt in different areas of the country are not earthquakes but our Forefathers rolling over in their graves. I think that many of those who gave up so much for the founding of our nation looks at things periodically and asks themselves the simple question: I gave up what for who? There are many who still keep the vision of our Forefathers alive and well. Maybe actually more than what the media actually would like people to believe. One thing that our Forefathers definitely would not tolerate would be cowards. Unfortunately we have too many cowards in our government. Let’s name a few names. John Kerry is a bought and paid for coward. He was when he turned his back on his fellow Vietnam veterans and is still nothing more than a political call girl for the highest bidder. Obama is his present ‘John’ and is paying him to betray this country and to sell it over to Iran in the form of a nuclear deal. Kerry, I believe, is too stupid to understand that Iran is getting and will get a nuclear bomb and will use it against the world. It will not just be against Israel and the US; the world will feel the effects. The bimbos who stand in front of the televisions as spokes people for this administration insults airheads. Whoever made the wild eyed statement that you cannot kill your way out of ISIS and into peace and that you need to give them jobs should really sign up for the Darwin awards program. Please, would someone bleach the gene pool now and then? Pelosi and her wise words of: you must pass it in order to know what is in it; take the leading role in the local theater production of ‘The Dunce and I’. Following Pelosi as the leading lady would be people such as Shelia Jackson Lee, Patty Murray, Elijah Cummings and Hank (Guam is going to tip over) Johnson as backup singers with the Harry Reid and the Nit-wit four. Our Forefathers would be most entertained with Hillarious and have probably had to keel-hauling a ship somewhere on her way over to England for what she has done against this union thus far. And then there is Obama. Where do I begin and I am sure that our Forefathers would have also wondered where to begin with Obama likewise. This man is a traitor to this nation. He is an insult to the office of President. George Washington would not waste good horse poop on Obama. He has taken the office of President and has used his powers to set up America for probably the greatest fight for existence since the 1700’s. If America makes it to another election is yet to be seen. The chapter is not written. Obama has thrown everything and continues to throw all he can in opposition to the greatest experiment ever to be attempted in the history of mankind. I hope it never comes to anything near what our Forefathers had to face to give birth to this great land. All I can hope is that if it does that there will be another band of faithful who would be willing to make something near the same sacrifices that our Forefathers did in order to give this nation a beginning. It is up to us to keep it going. Which side of history would you be listed?
  5. The only 'Christian' groups that still require total covering are the ultra conservative groups that I even use the term ''Christian' carefully to describe them. People who want to defend Islam as a normal religion just like Christianity first of all needs to come into the 18th or 19th century., We will deal with the 20th and 21st later.
  6. Does this article mean that the FBI knew that America was going to be attacked by......the Simpsons?
  7. For many years I have watched the various police departments being brought into the media to be deep fried in public opinion. I am proud to come from a police department family. I have two brothers who are retired police officers and was raised to have respect for the police. Having owned my own security company I had opportunity to work closely with various police departments. Additionally, as a good security officer who took the job seriously we had many duties that are commonly shared by police officers. Likewise, I am also a trained crisis intervention counselor with many hours dealing with domestic abuse, suicide, fatalities and unattended deaths. This background and experience gives me at least a little more understanding as to what the police experience and their duties. People see the police and usually just see them as ticker writers who are out to meet a quota. They see them as the ‘heavy’ who will beat you with their nightstick if you get out of line. The police are being portrayed in the media as a group that is thirst for violence and cannot wait to use their weapon. In reality there are many police officers who never fire their weapon throughout their whole career in the line of duty. The media seems to love to get a video clip of an officer doing something that looks suspicious and play it infinitum. The problem with a clip is that you never know the total picture or the details. Granted there are some police, just like in every occupation, who should not be in that profession. They have pressures that are unique to the police officer which is why the police profession is a unique family. Whenever there is a use of deadly force the media immediately condemns their actions as extreme. Recently a young man was shot by a police officer who pulled a toy BB gun on the officer. This is an easy one for the media to get and rile the officer for his use of force. But those in the media have probably never been in a life or death situation. I would encourage members of the media to get behind a warehouse or walk the streets at 2 AM in some of the darker places in town is they truly wanted a good perspective. The officer has one hope when they go to work and that one hope is to come home again. When a person of any size, age, color pulls a weapon whether real or fake, the office must assume that it is real and that there is a real life and death situation unfolding. During that time the officer has less than a second to make a decision which would determine if he is coming home from that shift. Within domestic abuse cases, which are the worst cases an officer could encounter, it is not uncommon for the spouse who is being battered to go to the defense of the offender. While an officer is arresting the offender he must watch out for the battered spouse from doing anything up to and including attempting to kill the arresting officer. Also on those types of calls when the officer gets to the door he has no idea what he might encounter on the other side of the door. I would encourage the readers next time you go to a door to imagine not knowing the person on the other side. Image that as you knock on the door the possibility of someone shooting through the door. Imagine every window of the house being a potential porthole. These are the realities of the responding police officers. I have heard the complaint of the use of police force in attempting to get a person restrained. It must be remembered that death can happen in an instant. Many of these officers have witnessed their fellow officer die from a hidden firearm tucked inside a pocket of waist band. When the officer tells a person to stop moving it is because they want to know where that person’s hands are and that they are not trying to harm the officer of anyone else on the scene. Again, the officers primary goal when they head out to every shift is to come back home alive. It is easy to complain. It is easier to complain when a person has no information or has any idea of that of which they are complaining. I encourage, actually I dare, anyone who finds it easy to complain about the actions of an officer to ride along with an officer. Be out there on the street. Experience what they experience. Get a small idea as to what it is like not to know from one second to the other what someone else is going to do that would make the difference between life and death. Go home and kiss your children then go out and wonder if you would ever see them again. I encourage anyone who thinks the life of a police officer is easy to walk down the street and with every passing car wonder if behind that darkened window if there is a gun pointed at you simply because you are wearing the uniform of the police department. It is easy to complain. It is harder to complain after having a little experience. It is time we started thanking those of the various police departments rather than criticizing their every action.
  8. There is a great deal of talk about ISIS wanting to attack American homeland. There are many brags about how many sleeper cells there are on American soil and how radical Islam is going to destroy the United States from within. There are known training camps within our borders. There are also communities of radical Islam that wants to force sharia law on Americans. I have a simple answer to these threats and to the vermin called radical Islam. It is found in the US Constitution under the Bill of Rights amendment 2. I believe it is safe and right to take the time to instruct all legal gun owners, and actually anyone out there who does not want to see their family butchered by these animals, to carry discreetly concealed your firearm. I would love to see how these morons would respond after trying to take over a shopping mall when a few hundred armed citizens start returning fire. These animals are cowards. The butcher innocent women and children. The only way they can kill an adult is if his is hogtied. These animals will never take on a healthy adult one on one. I see them waving their knives in the air like some idiot high school sophomore drunk after his football team one there first game. (no insult to high school sophomores intended). These wack-jobs are running around screaming allah akabar and other crazy things after insulting anything and everything that Islam is supposed to represent. Despite what our dear administration want people to believe, these nut cookies do represent their version of Islam. Personally I do not know why more Muslims in our nation are so silent. I am glad to see Muslims from around the world attacking these idiots and sending them right where they belong and that is in little pieces back to the ground as food for the jackals. Americans, it is time to prepare yourself is you are not already. It is time to make sure that your family is protected. These idiots are cowards and only want unarmed victims. I know there are those who are going to have a hemorrhage over the fact that I am saying to arm yourself against potential idiots who want to kill your family. In my opinion these anti-gun loonies probably have armed guards surrounding them on a daily basis. For those anti-gun loons who are just anti-gun and think that everything can be solved through sitting down over tea and cookies really deserve what they get. Unfortunately there will be good people who are going to be put in harm’s way because some unarmed liberal decided to want to chat with a terrorists and the armed citizen will have to try to get his miserable liberal butt out alive. Do not be misled. These radical Islamic followers are out there. They have every intention to destroy America from within and every intention to kill anyone in their way. They do not care about you, your family, your values or your freedoms. If they are allowed they will burn anyone who refuses to submit to Islam alive and cut off the heads of your children. Do not fall asleep believe all the wonderful bed times stories our administration want to tell you. Basically regarding this issue I firmly personally believe that if their lips are moving they are probably lying. During World War II the Japanese never attacked American borders because they knew that behind every blade of grass was a citizen with a rifle. It is time to let those radical warmongers of Islam know the same thing. We the People of the United States will NEVER sit back and watch you idiots take over our country, our families or our freedoms. We the People of the United States will fight and kill anyone who wants to do our families or our nation harm. We the People of the Unites States are armed and we know how to use them. We the People of the United States of American are pissed and a pissed off American is a major force with which to be reckoned. DO NOT TRY US OR CROSS US! RADICAL ISLAM, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
  9. In 2015 a secret nuclear facility that had been in operation since 2008 was discovered in Iran. This is only one event of secret facilities in violation of present restraints and agreements with Iran. Why would anyone possibly begin to believe that if Iran enters into an agreement limiting the number of facilities that they can be believed? The naïve approach to the nuclear talks with Iran has consequences that will have long reaching effects. It is public knowledge that Israel does not want any agreement regarding Iran’s nuclear program. Israel has good reason to be concerned since Iran has been open with its desire to completely remove Israel from the face of the map. But is it equally as naïve to believe that Israel is the only nation that needs to be concerned. Iran has lied and deceived inspectors and world leaders for years. Now Kerry and the Obama administration wants the world to believe that Iran is trustworthy simply because things can be ‘inspected’. Things were supposed to be able to be inspected now and Iran has been found to be hiding nuclear facilities for years. It is as if Obama and Kerry just do not understand the ramifications. We are not talking about someone being able to hack into cable television to get free HBO. We are talking about a regime that has sworn to destroy America and to eliminate Israel getting a nuclear bomb. It is beyond any comprehension why our political leaders continue to insist that Iran is only interested in peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Granted Iran would probably get a nuclear weapon with or without an agreement. But why should any nation even remotely want to make it easier for them to get the nuclear materials needed? Once Iran is able to openly have a large number of nuclear facilities they have already proven that they will secretly have more than the permitted number. Once Iran has a nuclear program that is ‘agreed’ upon by world leaders then there is no hiding their efforts. Nuclear talks with the goal of achieving an agreed upon nuclear program is total and complete global suicide. It not just Israel that stand to be in danger of Iran developing a nuclear weapon. America will also be on the receiving end of any nuclear weapon. For any American leader to be pushing for an approved nuclear program in Iran should be seen as treason. Once Iran gets the nuclear materials required to create a nuclear weapon it will create that weapon and use it. Once Iran begins to get the materials to create a nuclear weapon and sees an opportunity to use it in its less refined form as a ‘dirty bomb’, Iran will use it. The world is not looking at an ‘IF’ situation regarding Iran creating and using nuclear weapons. The world is looking at a ‘when’.
  10. I try to give the benefit of the doubt just to fight my own tendency to want to say that all Muslims are not to be trusted, all muslims will kill you if they have the chance, and that all Muslims would improve America by leaving it.
  11. glad ya'll like it...thank you
  12. The Mayor of New York City was recently quoted at wanting a frank talk about race. Personally I do not think they really want to hear a frank talk about race. If people were truly honest about race it would not fit the liberal agenda. Let’s be frank about race for a bit. Let’s be honest about race for a minute. Race is not based upon skin color. I have known people who had skin color of white, black, brown, red, yellow and few shades in between these. They all were able to go toe to toe in racist bigotry. They all had good people in them. They also had some of the nastiest people in them who blamed the rest of the world for all their problems and woes in life. Everyone has had bad things happen to their race. Deal with it and get over it. Stop wallowing in the past and self-pity. I hear people whine about slavery as the reason why black people today are mistreated. I hear how the white man mistreated the Native Americans is why there MUST be a change to a major football team. I even hear politicians say how the term ‘Asian’ Carp is offensive. Well my ancestors were Huguenots. Huguenots were a religious order that clashed with the established Catholic Church in France and England and were ordered to be executed. In one day over 50,000 Huguenots were slaughtered. Now if any liberal says that because it was a white based religious order that this does not count and mistreatment just identified the problem. They do not want a realistic view of life and mistreatment; they want a politically advantageous view of life and mistreatment. My lineage also goes back to before the 1700’s in this country so my ancestors include numerous Native American tribes, slaves, and even a few people with the last name of Hun and Chin. Liberals seem to like being the voice ‘shining the light’ on racism by pointing out all the offensive symbols in America. Let’s again be frank. The Confederate flag is not offensive. It is simply a flag that represents an army, people and ideology. That ideology is not any more racists than the Australian, French or British flag. It is no more racist than any of the flags from many of the nations of Africa where slavery was started for America in the selling of Africans by Africans to white merchants. The Confederate flag actually is based upon the St. Peter’s flag, which is not racist. The Confederate flag has its roots in Scotland, which is not racist. Before, during and after the Civil War the South was not a place where every black individual was in chains. There were many black businessmen and many who were quite influential. After the Civil War many black men were members of Congress and usually as Republicans. It was the Democrats who brought back hostility to the black in the South. If we are going to have a frank talk about race we need to accept facts and the liberal does not like facts. Another frank discussion of race is that regardless what color a person’s skin might be, if an opponent has me by at least a good 6-12 inches in height and 100-150 pounds in weight, I am going to do everything in my power to mitigate my risk factors. If I am a police officer and that person is breaking the law and not doing as I have instructed them to do I will be finding any means by which to reduce my risks. Keep in mind that the officer in New York had to ‘reach up’ in order to put that choke hold on the individual. Additionally, anyone who has even taken beginning courses in first aid and the Heimlich Maneuver is taught that one indicator of a choking person is that they cannot speak. Speaking includes breathing because that is what causes the sound of the voice. The voice is air or breath passing through the vocal chords. If a person can speak then they ARE breathing. If you cannot breathe you cannot speak! Race is nothing more than a fact of reality. It is an example of existence just like male, female, hungry and thirsty are nothing more than facts of reality. It is a thing. It is neither good nor bad. It is a thing, a reality and nothing more. Racism is an attitude. Racism is when benefits or punishments are rendered based upon race. It does not matter to whom the benefits or punishments are directed. If it is based upon race then it is racism. Remember that racism is what people want to eliminate. But Affirmative Action renders benefits based upon race. The schools that now are instructing their staff to not punish black students as harshly as white students is rendering punishment based upon race. Groups, organizations and scholarships that are based upon race and exclude all other races are racists. Again, I believe that racism is the thing that people are opposed to and want ended. People do not really want frank discussions about racism. They want a form of socially acceptable racism. But racism is racism. You cannot have an acceptable form of racisms while at the same time demonizing racism. Race is not the problem. Racism is the problem.
  13. I know there are some of the Muslim communities who probably feel that nothing that is happening applies to them because they just want to live alone and at peace. I can accept that stance. But I hope that you give this article the consideration it truly deserves for you well-being. I will accept the premise that only a small portion of Islam are the radical nut jobs we see in the media killing people, beheading, raping, torturing, and basically trying to exterminate the rest of the world. But you need to remember that only about 10% of Germany was part of the Nazi party. History does not always specify that the World War was with the Nazi party. History often refers to the Axis powers as including Germany. If you do not want to be painted with the same brush as the wackos of Islam the duty lies with you and not the rest of the world. The responsibility for being openly different is your responsibility. It is not the responsibility of the rest of humanity to assume you are different. It is your responsibility to prove you are different in part by openly speaking out against the nut jobs and all who either support or condone their actions under the mask of Islam. Personally I do not want to see innocent people caught up in the crossfire but that is what is coming if you do not separate yourselves from those of Islam who are creating the conflict. You must speak and act now to separate yourself if you do not want to be assumed to be just like all the rest. Second is that if you think that Sharia Law is your friend you are mistaken. There is no reason for a female to support Sharia Law. Sharia Law supports only the males who wish to have a club over which to dominate the rest of Islam. Sharia Law has already killed many females in Islam for defending themselves against rape. Sharia Law has even killed the victim of rape by stoning the woman for having sex with someone other than her husband. She was innocent except for under Sharia Law. Any male who thinks they will be able to live under Sharia Law does not understand the Law. The only ones who are going to survive under this rule are those elite high ups of Islam whom no one is going to question. Much like the only ones who were able to withstand the Nazi Gestapo were the elite of the party, so will it be under Sharia Law. Everyone else in Germany whether Nazi or not was under the scrutiny of the Gestapo. They trembled at the words of the Gestapo because they knew there would be no defense should the Gestapo want you condemned. Regardless if you are a good Muslim or a bad one, you will not survive under Sharia Law. Lastly you need to ask yourself if today’s Islam is what you signed up for in the past. If this is what Islam has become perhaps you might want to change your mind about whom you are following. I know every religion has good and bad. But if my religion was doing some of the atrocities that are being done in the name of Islam, promoted in many of the Mosques and expounded by many of the world leaders of Islam, I would serious consider a change. If you simply want to live in peace then you obviously do not support the death of Israel. If you do then you do not want to live in peace. If you do want to simply live in peace then honor killing are as abhorrent to you as they are to the rest of the world. If you simply want to live in peace then the idea of beheading someone because they do not want to convert is as disturbing to you as it is to the rest of the world. You simply must ask yourself if you can accept Islam as it is being presented today or not. I know there can be and are good people in every religion. There is unfortunately coming a time in which people are going to have to choose. The world will not accept the butchery too much longer. As ISIS and radical converts attack more people who simply are trying to live in the States and elsewhere the less tolerant people are going to remain. Please do not get caught in the crossfire if you do not want to be seen as a threat. We want to all live in peace.
  14. I am so tired to hearing people whining about the police. First of all is the ridiculous outcry to the police to be regulated by the federal government. Personally I severely doubt just how far most of those people doing the protests have studied history. Anyone thinking that it is alright to promote the murder of police officers cannot be the brightest bulb in the lamp. To look at the realities of a federally governed and controlled police force all a person needs to do is to look at history. Germany under Hitler had a government controlled police force. I can hear people screaming and having blood running out of their ears right now over the comparison of our ‘federal’ police force and Hitler’s. At one time I would have agreed that there could never be a possibility of what happened in Germany during the 20’s happen in America. But I have also seen things happening to our Constitution that I never thought I would see such as the attacks that the government has been doing on personal liberties, gun ownership, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion. There have been things done to question the sanctity of the voting booth and the reality of voter fraud. With the reality of voting machines switching votes from one candidate to another after the voter has cast their ballot raises real concerns about voting corruption. With the potential of 5 million illegals flooding America as ‘new citizens’ and the prospect that many of these people are going to be encouraged to vote a particular party in exchange for citizenship, the potential of a signal party rule in America is a very real threat. Our Constitution and liberties are being used against our Constitution and liberties. Secondly I would like to know who these people are going to call if they get robbed or mugged. In many cases these things are happening in neighborhood where no one really cares about anyone other than themselves. If the police are not there to investigate nothing would ever get done. According to facts, and not these is not racial, you have drug crimes being done dealer against dealer. The police are the only ones willing to stick their necks out to do anything regarding the matter. These idiots who love to protest are deaf, dumb and blind to anything they do not like to hear. They do not like the idea of how many blacks kill fellow blacks. Yet if there is one white cop who kills a black person then suddenly everything is racist. The reality of blacks killing whites is totally ignored. If you really want peace and what to make a fool of yourself holding your hands up walking down the streets chanting how ‘black lives matter’ then be real at decide that ALL lives matter. If you are not equally upset by blacks killing white cops or blacks killing white people then shut up and move on because you are nothing more than just another piece of the problem. So many of the police are in a lose-lose situation. They are condemned if they do nothing and they are condemned if they do anything. So many of those screaming about how bad the police are probably make more money on drug deals in a month than the police earn in a year. The police risk their lives on a daily basis for an income that is nothing out of the ordinary and totally absent regarding the level of risk endured and then they get condemned if they even look like they are accepting a free meal from a grateful citizen. Our government is more concerned over the freedom of speech for those who are calling for the deaths of our police officers than they are the very lives of those sworn to serve and protect. It is time that all good citizens come to the aid of the police. The police have to *****-foot around and make sure they do not compromise the ‘Maranda’ rights of the criminal. The common person does not have to worry about Maranda rights. This is one reason why I encourage all law abiding citizens to carry a weapon. The police cannot be around everywhere all the time. If a thug wants to mug an armed citizen and he gets ‘removed’ from society then I personally believe that armed citizen who was defending his or her life actually did society a huge favor. If someone wants to break into your home you have no idea if they are armed or not and your life is in danger. I encourage every home to be armed for this very event and to use that protection to remove another thug from society because your life was in danger. If you see an officer being attacked on the street, remember that you do not have to follow Maranda rights. Go to the aid of that officer and beat the crap out of the person attacking the officer. Give aid and support to that police officer. Be willing to go up to an officer and shake their hand telling them how much you appreciate what they do for you on a daily basis. It is up to the good people to control the bad. It is up to the good people to make sure that the bad and stupid people do not rule the day. It is up to the good people to let the police know that they are appreciated and wanted because I know it is not easy to put that uniform on each day to go out into an environment that you feel hates you. AMERICA NEED THEIR POLICE OFFICERS.
  15. I have listened to our President continually whine about who people do not want to work with him, the Republicans are so evil, people just want to hinder his ability to lead the country , and how nobody likes him just because he’s black. I always thought there was an age requirement to be president. This guy acts like he is three. I wonder what kind of spoiled brat he have living in the White House. For supposedly being a great communicator and able to get communities to work together this man is a total failure in his absolute inability to even attempt cooperation between himself and Congress. It is not just Republicans who oppose the Iran deal. Perhaps if he would stop trying to force his will and opinions on the rest of the nation and would stop long enough to listen to people other than radicals he might actually accomplish something. It is no wonder Obama opposes the Constitution or the Bill of Rights since he is the very embodiment of the things that our Forefathers warned us about within those two documents. Now Obama is placing himself in an authority over the Bible condemning it as being sexist and racist. Are there any limits to this man’s arrogance? The office of the President used to be an honorable and professional position. Now the office of the President is reduced to interviews by internet characters such as the likes who consider taking a bath in milk and cereal as being news worthy. Six years into his terms of office Obama still is heard blaming Bush. On one side he blames too much snow when his policy fails while blames global warming for the next time things do not work as planned. I wonder when Obama is going to grow up and take responsibility for his own actions. One thing I tried to do with my children was to instill in them the idea that if they did something wrong to admit it. The problem is not when people do something wrong but when they avoid taking responsibility. It is even worst when someone puts the blame on others rather than being accountable for their own actions. Obama has yet to admit when he is wrong. Even after the last election Obama put the blame on the Democrat losses on the shoulders on those who did not vote. He never got the message that the American people did not like the direction he and his party was taking the nation. Obama acts like a spoiled rich kid who was never held accountable for his actions. It would be one thing if he was just a spoiled rich kid but it is also that this spoiled brat holds the office of the most influential nation in the world. One big reason why America was stuck with this whiny spoiled brat was because the media failed the American people. They fail to do their job of investigative journalism and of informing the public. Questions should have been asked that were not. They were more enamored with the idea of him being ‘the first black President’ then that he was mentored by a radical who was routinely investigated by the FBI, had a history of overt racism, uses a social security number that belongs to a recently deceased individual and does not have documentation as to if his name is truly Soetoro or Obama. The media was too caught up in having that ‘tingling going down their leg’ at the thought of a ‘black’ President. This sound more orgasmic than journalistic. I can only hope that the media would get their heads out of their backsides long enough to do their jobs right this next election. Instead of being caught up with the ‘possibility of having the first female President’ it would be nice if the media was actually more concerned about having a President that wanted to put America first and back as a world power.
  16. nstoolman...I do not have any problem at all with what you wrote. I agree most hardily.
  17. There is carbon deoxide in cow farts. What is the government going to do...stick a cork in them all and watch them explode?
  18. I guess you is 5/6/15 1500hr and no RV.
  19. I am proud to be the brother of two retired police officers. They served this nation in a noble capacity facing domestic war zones on a regular basis. If you want me to have any sense of sympathy for the protesters of Ferguson you are barking up the wrong tree. These people are not protesters. These people are nothing more than low life animals. People are all upset about a high number of black people pulled over in comparison to white people in Ferguson. Evident these people which includes Mr. President have not heard of a simply thing called ‘basic math’. Ferguson is made up of basically 2/3rd black and 1/3 white. These are not hard fast numbers since there are other smaller portions of races that are sprinkled in the area. It should not be a surprise that more blacks are arrested or pulled over than whites. I am not saying that there may not be racial issues or concerns. Anytime anyone in law enforcement is in a situation where they are constantly being threatened by members of a particular race they will have additional concerns regarding people of that race. THIS IS NATURAL! How many veterans from Vietnam are wary of Asians today nearly 5 decades the war? How many World War II veterans were wary of Japanese for the rest of their lives after the war was over? I can assure you that if Jim Bowie had lived through the Alamo he probably would have had concerns being around Mexicans. This is a natural response to consistent threat. One big problem with the animals of Ferguson is that they overshadow the good black people of that area. I am sure there are many good black people who appreciate what the police force has done to keep them safe. It is truly sickening how many people love to complain about the police while not having any concept of their jobs. I dare anyone of those animals who love to demonize the police force to go behind the badge and live their life for one year. I truly do not believe the complainers would have what it takes to live the badge for even that amount of time. I want to see how they survive in the streets at two in the morning. I want to see how they would survive clearing a warehouse that has had an alarm go off. I would love to see how they would deal with unattended deaths and then have to tell a family member the news. I want to see how those idiots who love to protest would deal with a child that has just been beaten so badly by their father that they are unrecognizable. The protesters do nothing but protest and have no brains left over to do any good for society. If you really want to accomplish something, shut up and get behind the badge! I want these people who love to protest to know what it is like to live every day of work and then every hour off work wondering if some nut-job is going to try and kill you. I want them to know what it is like wondering if your family is safe of if some wacko is going to try to get to you through your family. I want these idiots who love to protest to feel the anxiety of just hoping you are observant enough not to overlook the signs of a sniper. I want them to feel what it is like to go into a druggies den and hope you do not set off a booby-trap. I want them to have the sleepless nights that are shared by our police officers because of cold sweats or the waking up in the middle of night terrors. These people who love to protest will never take up this offer. They do not have the nerve, courage, or ability to follow in the shoes of a police officer. They have no idea of the life of a police officer. All these protesters know to do is to show the world just how stupid they are by complaining about the very people who protect their rights to be morons. These people love to protest about things they have no concept regarding.
  20. I have no idea what you are talking about in 'sheep, wolves and sheepdogs'. I am refering to the Scriptures. If you are saying that the primary importance is a behavior over following the leading of the Holy Spirit then you are greatly mistaking. Too many people place priority on how to act or not to act. At one time it was the most of evil sins to go to a dance. Some demoninations are still that way. Some nut job denomination have it a sin to cut your hair or use deordorant. It is not a behavior but attitude, heart, and obedience to the leading of God that makes you a follower of Christ. Nothing else matters.
  21. They keep all this up and a cop is going to be expected to take the little perp out for tea and cookies in order to get them to confess. These attorneys need to get street smarts.
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