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Everything posted by DropItLikeItsHot

  1. STILL CONFUSED Same article posted 2 ways Previous post: Guess you could say I'm double confused DropItLikeItsHot GO RV
  2. Wonder if I can get a Hallmark talking Blaino? Kinda like the talking Hallmark Christmas Ornament that's on TV commercials that tells you how many days till Christmas and what the elves are doing. Only thing different would be bank screen announcements daily w/ Blaino and the final RV Day Had to do it LOL DropItLikeItsHot GO RV
  3. Great job UNEEK Cheers Makes me look forward to a Happy New Year DropItLikeItsHot GO RV
  4. Hmmmm.... Lets see, Replace bills 250 to 1000 - one would think large bills are damaged too Isn't bad enough carrying a suitcase full of larger bills, now they will have more smaller notes Time to trade the suitcase for a duffel-bag Or could they have something planned in the near future for those smaller bills Makes you wonder what's up their sleeve DropItLikeItsHot GO RV
  5. Bank Screens, Forex Screens + Gurus = Silly Bull$h!t These guys are too funny DropItLikeItsHot GO RV
  6. Time to get the Aflac Duck to plug the holes in those sinking boats [media][/media] DropItLikeItsHot GO RV
  7. Oh Boy, here we go again, maybe they can finally finish this chapter this time DropItLikeItsHot GO RV
  8. Beats Camels - Send 10 of those Tractors over to Iraq - Maybe it'll help speed up the RV DropItLikeItsHot GO RV
  9. Thursday, November 15, 2012 Johnnie had enough of the crap I just about had enough of all this crap. Time to tell it like it is folks. 1) The election was stolen and rigged. Face it folks --- you are all sheep slaves to the Cabal. 2) This general circus is too much BS. I would take the word of West Point Cadets & Generals over corrupt politicians. The CIA Manchurian Candidate has 0 credibility. Not buying the BS put out by the corrupt mass media. Spooks who hide under the rocks have 0 credibility too. The libya situation is still sticking to Hillarious and O despite all the lies they say. 3) The Blockage of the Global Reset MUST End Now! These dinar gurus and there Spooks directed messages need to go to the garbage. Any politician, banker still blocking the RV should be removed for treason. 4) Now the people of 50 states have submitted petitions for secession to the White House. Hmmm - what is next ---- hopefully the push towards a restoration of the republic. 5) Feds should be terminated. No justification for there survival. I and we the people of this Republic have ran out of patience. I had enough of the crap! John MacHaffie - A Real Person & A Patriot Nesara News My link I kinda liked the way John put it, once in awhile he's "Spot-On" DropItLikeItsHot GO RV
  10. I'm with ya' on this one Hammer - praying it's camel dung DropItLikeItsHot GO RV
  11. Nice way to start the week with good news, keep it coming Yota Lets hope they keep playing nice in the "Sand Box" too. DropItLikeItsHot GO RV
  12. Banked out 90 pips last night, WOW then Draghi said a few words this morning and Down went the Euro, vote later for more relief, wonder if another temp reversal is in store, got my eye on it, not in any trade right now, playing it safe, happy with the quick 90 pips early this morning! Was looking at EUR/AUD Thanks DropItLikeItsHot GO RV
  13. Didn't say that, but if you have a FOREX account Long it today. The Euro is in trouble, but Ride the Wave when you can! DropItLikeItsHot GO RV
  14. Yepper, kinda goes like this, European stock market influences US stock manket and visa versa Democrats in office push up US market, I don't ask why, thats just what happens, But get this when our Stock Market goes up our dollar falls, SO PLAY THE EURO LONG !!! Gonna be 200 ++ Pip day today DropItLikeItsHot GO RV Well said Wally you beat me to the post
  15. Obama win is PUSHING the Euro, can't wait to see the stock market tomorrow Now lets get the RV PUSHED thru DropItLikeItsHot GO RV
  16. That's a real kick in the A$$, he better run before they linch him DropItLikeItsHot GO RV
  17. Just hope the RV goes our way and you're holding enough Dinar to get out of this country! RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN - RUN BOY RUN DropItLikeItsHot GO RV
  18. Just announced OBAMA WON All I can say NOW DROP IT LIKE ITS HOT GO RV
  19. I need a Vodka & Red Bull, maybe 2, 3 or more, gonna be up all night and tomorrow watching the markets and CASHING IN Like SgtFury said at least it's something positive out of this mess we're in DropItLikeItsHot GO RV
  20. Long the stock market and short the dollar in Forex tomorrow!! It's not correct but the Euro will kick a$$ in the market, LOOONG THE EURO !! Euro already hammering up Yes its politics pumping it, sad but true I just want to make enough cash to get out of this country, THE RV WILL ICE IT DropItLikeItsHot GO RV
  21. Interesting, That's a bold statement out of Iraq, That woman has "Brass Balls" DropItLikeItsHot GO RV
  22. force banks to increase capital reserves to triple almost to be implemented over six years from January Now there's a line for ya, So where's the money coming from? Could be an RV or the dreaded printing presses DropItLikeItsHot GO RV
  23. Thug, Thanks for the post! Sidney, I was wondering what a Donor Country was, thanks for clearing that up! Nelg, I couldn't agree more, so lets all strap in and enjoy the ride, it will eventually happen DropItLikeItsHot GO RV
  24. Thursday, 25 October 2012 Dinar Gurus predict earthquakes: a little humour for a Thursday morning A friend sent this to me last night. I read it. I snickered. I read it again this morning, and I snickered again. So, as there is nothing else going on this morning I thought I'd share the giggle with any of my readers who have spent months and years reading Dinar updates from the "gurus" The Dinar RV is sort of like an earthquake along the San Andreas Fault in California. We know it's coming, we don't know when, and we don't know how big. So if the guru's were all earthquake experts, how would they be reporting this to us? Let's take a look: Intel Guru Bluwolf: Would be standing right on the fault screaming "Any Second Now," but nobody would be paying attention to him any more. Intel Guru Footforward: "The earthquake should have already happened." Intel Guru zzzzzzzzz: Would be talking incessantly about why we need to get our earthquake preparation kits in order and why all the other earthquake guru's are wrong Intel Guru TonyTNT: "It's a great day for an earthquake." Intel Guru Gary: "Dr Todd is still scratching his head wondering why this earthquake hasn't happened yet." Newshound Guru Adam Montana: Believes that the earthquake will start small, and then there will be multiple earthquakes getting bigger over time. Intel Guru Okie: He has been told that the U.S. Geological Survey is giving him exclusive rights to announce the earthquake to the entire world. Intel Guru Jonnywg: Keeps staring at the seismonitor screens waiting for the earthquake to register. Intel Guru Soonerfan62: Tells us once again that we will not have to go through another weekend without an earthquake. Newshound Guru BGG: Believes that Maliki is somehow stopping the earthquake and until he is removed from the San Andreas Fault, it' won't happen. Intel Guru Poppy3: "The corrupt politicians have figured out a way to stop this earthquake, and they have to be removed." Newshound Guru SWFlorida Guru: Would produce endless research articles detailing exactly why the earthquake has to happen, but still wonders if this is all true. Intel Guru Bulldog75: Would be sitting in a Starbucks near the San Andreas Fault talking aimlessly about geological events that might be happening soon, but nobody can understand what he's really trying to say. Intel Guru Hammermann: "Y'all know that I'm the smartest earthquake predictor in the entire world, and I have it on great authority that the earthquake will start in Reno." Intel Guru Blaino: Will sound like Billy Mays as he does infomercials selling his brand of earthquake prediction instruments to the public. Guru Ali: Says the earthquake won't be happening for years and years down the road while he still eagerly sells earthquake insurance to the masses. My link Saw this post and thought of DinarThug Here's to you Thug, Love your posts DropItLikeItsHot GO RV
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