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Everything posted by rightsonword

  1. As an outside spectator who doesn't really care one way or the other how this whole thing goes and that sees an RD as extremely likely, I don't think you got negged for knowing an economic definition. Rather, it seems you got negged for seeming to have a chip on your shoulder and using belittling remarks.
  2. It's because many people don't have the gumption to seek change. Change is scary to some people and we witness it every four years. Many people can't get past the superficial issues politicians continue to argue about instead of demanding attention to the real issues.
  3. Many of Ron Paul's supporters are college age students and graduates. He has the youth vote more than any other candidate by far imo.
  4. Good grief. What is so foreign about the concept of ignoring threads one has no interest in reading? If you don't care for American politics and don't care for the modern way (internet social medium) of sharing ideas and beliefs, then ignore it. I don't go into Canadian threads and complain about topics that don't not concern me. *face palm*
  5. Hi Jarred. A lot of the stocks on the ISX are 1-5 IQD per share on average I'd say. Personally, I think investing in the ISX is a great opportunity in the long run (years). A lot of members here use Al-Jazera brokerage company. Their information is on some threads on the ISX page. They have no minimums per order and only charge a 1% fee per transaction. I believe some members use another brokerage firm, too (NOT WARKA!!!!), so they may be able to point you towards their information since I only use Al-Jazera. Keep in mind that when you send a wire, it'll cost you close to $100 per wire. So, take that into consideration when determining how much money you are going to wire. One last note: If Iraq decides to LOP the currency, they will, from my understanding, also adjust the number of shares a person owns to reflect the change in a company's worth. So, if they lop 3 zeros, your 100,000 shares will become 100 shares. BUT, in the long run, the ISX has a lot of potential for gains LOP or RV in the long run. Think 10 years, not tomorrow. I hope this helps. And check the ISX website to look at the stocks available. I'm hardly an expert, but there is one key rule to investing: Diversify. I'm a very small player, but I own a few stocks in every sector minus a couple. ISX website
  6. So, again, what you're saying is that even if Ron Paul is the nominee based on the delegates who elected him, you would still write in Romney's name, thus splitting the GOP vote and giving the presidency to Obama because you hold your ethics, morals, and what you believe to be right higher than winning an election? You sound like a Ron Paul supporter. Vote with your conscience, not for the party a person is affiliated with. I can respect that.
  7. So, if a Ron Paul supporter writes in his name, they are helping Obama get reelected. If you write Romney's name in, your voting with a conscious? Did I get that right?
  8. My mistake, 60 trillion m2 and $60 billion reserves would make it closer to the current rate.
  9. Thank you for the response, but I'm still somewhat confused. If the reserves are growing, why do most articles/CBI say it is at or has been stagnant at $60 billion? Where is the reserves growth reflected? Also, if the m2 is 60 trillion, wouldn't that make the value of the dinar much less than what is it now if they only on face value have $60 billion in reserves? Wouldn't they need much, much more in reserves to cover a rate of 1166? If there is 60 trillion in circulation, and only $60 billion worth in reserves, then the IQD would have to be valued much less, would it not? I can't imagine them taking in enough on the spread to cover to growing M2.
  10. Gotcha. I'm not sure. Perhaps 40oz or Scrum might know, but I would assume the economics would mean a reduced overall military size which would mean less spending, but a stronger national defense since you would have more military within the nation.
  11. I have a dumb question: How do you calculate the worth of a pegged currency? By diving the money in circulation by the amount in reserves? So if Iraq has 29 trillion IQD in circulation and we divide it by $60 billion in reserves, would that mean a value of 483 to the dollar? So, I guess my question is how does the rate stay at 1166 or whatever its at when the reserves aren't growing and the money supply is growing according to the CBI reports?
  12. How would a stronger national defense be very dangerous? I would think it would make the US safer. No other country is as spread out around the world as we are and they don't seem to be having many problems. According to the below link, Germany doesn't even has any troops stationed overseas. I believe this proves that wrong the myth that having a strong overseas military force is contingent upon national security. If anything, it creates animosity towards said country. Would you like another countries having military bases within our borders? Believe Dwight D Eisenhower when he said to beware of the Military Industrial Complex. It;s all about fear mongering, money, and controlling the public; nothing more. World Wide Military Deployments BTW, no neg. It's a valid question. Thanks for asking.
  13. End of the GOP, you say? I like the sound of that.
  14. Thanks for the heads up on BMNS, btw. I agree that there is potential in this stock. The AGM was held back in March. Do you know how long it normally takes for a company to begin trading again after their AGM?
  15. I can't wait until June/July for the Asiacell IPO. Also, it seems Korek will be trying to become a shareholder company by September, so maybe they'll be listed shortly thereafter? Gebara hoped Korek would still become a shareholder-owned company by September as a step towards listing.
  16. Other people on the forum do the same thing, but when they do it it's hardy har har. Keep doing what your doing, Luigi. Haters are going to hate.
  17. I don't know. Seems the entire exchange was unedited to me.
  18. My buy order for Al Mansour is on back order until Al-Mansour beings trading again on the ISX according to Al-Jazera. Hopefully it trades soon so my order isn't sitting there for too long.
  19. Yeah, I have the same concern since they haven't traded in a while. I'm going to place an order and see what happens.
  20. Very true, But I was under the impression that the reserves have been stuck at 60 billion or so while the amount in circulation has been increasing by the trillions. So it appears the rate of increase of dinar in circulations is greater than the growth rate of the reserves. Am I incorrect in my assessment?
  21. Good point. If the amount in circulations is increasing by the trillions, then the rate should be falling, but it's rising.
  22. Yeah, his foreign policy seems to be the reason why most people won't vote got him. It is radically different than what we've been use to, that's for sure.
  23. That, my friend, I don't know much about. I admit that I don't expect Ron Paul to win the nomination, but I'm interested to see how the whole delegate counts play out in the coming months. But may I ask what is the one thing that turns you away from Ron Paul? Is it his foreign policy?
  24. Don't let these people get you down. They have cliques and protect their own. The mrref was totally in the wrong. You have not responded in the best way, but it's understandable that you did.
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