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Everything posted by LDJ

  1. Oh now they distance themselves from Potus....... He couldn't even say AARP last night he referred to them as "ARP". Just example of judgement error on their part being cozy with O over his symbolic gestures and analogies that have no real substance behind them.
  2. Let's see so far 88% for R and only 3% for O. Hmmm if our little microcosim is any indicator for getting O out of the WH, let's hope it is. We all need to stay vigilant and keep reminding every1 we can that this country cannot take 4 more years of the same failed attempts and socialistic ways. The far left will come out swinging and try and cover it all up with the old demo washington 2 step. Congrats to the Romney team on preparing Mitt.
  3. Amen Bishop, I think your comments are even fitting and appropriate for any race color or creed.
  4. Romney won it no doubt about it. There was actully a CEO and decisive leaderon the platform tonight. The other guy is a teleprompter reading fear mongering democratic whinner......
  5. First Gibbs can bite me....... second yeah it's a distraction away from the fake picture that they want to project versus how O really looks and smells. He needs to go back to Chi town and write a book and work on his shrine with Michele and the girls.
  6. Now let's see what is the common theme in this article... hmmmm. Could it be MAILIK !!! 14 times his name or a reference to his name is used in this article. Then add the descriptive terms of disease, dictator, sectarian, failing, poor-services, boredom, and last but not least look at how many times resignation or replacing is used 8 ..... I'm no expert but seems like a recurring thread throughout Iraq - Maliki needs to go. I know singing to the choir.
  7. And trust us it will be important too. Once we figure out what to make up next time.
  8. well he hasn't done didly so far, except say he is going to talk which is all he has done. Action is what is required Papa Talabani
  9. They couldn't vote their way out of a paper bag if the instructions were printed on the inside of the bag in any language.
  10. I can hear him now in his best Don Knotts voice impression " Now I ain't kidding I'll have a Natl Meeting if you keep making me mad". I'd hold my breath but my right lung collasped already
  11. Hello Democrats you want your elderly parents and grandparents to receive this kind of care from their illustrious leadership? If we all aren't completely outraged over this then we have already gone to hell in a handbag
  12. if you have ever said you wanted to do something but never actually do it and have repeated the fact that you still really want to several times within the same year in between holidays..... You might be an Iraqi
  13. Dont rush him now boys, if you wait just a few more months we can have a 1 yr anniversary party of planning the meeting and it will be much better. By the way what were we supposed to do at the meeting anyway I forgot?
  14. Naaahh say it aint so, could it be? Not one of those sweet peaceful don't work to much senior offical types.
  15. The caption is: "You are a tall lion, but can you do the fandango? Let me lead this time, I just got back from NYC where I practiced the 2 step Boogey with all my friends, very good if I must say so myself"
  16. Come on Talabani, talk talk talk. That's all we ever see from this guy, he should have a talk show on the O network. Get something done, set a date for your dang meeting, do anything but have another meeting with the fools that just keep making up excuses !!!! Jeeess, enough already. I am sure within another week or so he will need to fly to England for a health check up or go attend the Natl Day to Procrastinate ceremony or some other holiday.
  17. I think he's done this more than once just sayin - SCARY
  18. from what you posted it follows suit with Obama = nothing.... Except 4 years of more government and more debt.
  19. How many years do you need to get the stuff that needs to be done DONE !! Moon will not release them until it's all done.
  20. I hate to say what I am about to say, ...... but I am not expecting good results on Chap VII at this time, I hope I am wrong. I think that they are scrambling today at the 11th hour if you look at the past few hours at least 3 different articles (one from the Natl Alliance) all begging UK, USA, and anybody else they can think of to please help us poor Iraqi folks....... I am guessing because they have been whispered to while in New York that it isn't in the cards this week..... Most likely due to the fact that they (Maliki) have been involved with so many wonderful and helpful issues lately like money to Iran, Iranian airplanes hauling things in and out of Baghdad airport, other Syrian issues, and they have not completely 100% finalized their Kuwaiti obligations. Now the week when they could have come to New York and acheived some great press by having nailed 100% success and they are begging to be let off the hook beause basically "Trust Us" which isn't a safe bet with Iraq IMHO. I truely wish they would be released because I think that it would really help stimulate investment issues in Iraq and many other things would begin to loosen up, but I think there is too much scrutiny and expectation from the UN on them to be perfect which they are not by any stretch. They can't make decisions that really matter, they continue to delay HCL, total delay on Erbil, Delay, Delay, Delay. Sorry but until someone in their higher ranks can stand up and shut down Maliki, our dear Dr. Shabbi will be on stand by. I want it to happen for so many great and exciting reasons and I know that I am not alone on that point, but the Iraqi sand box is filled with greedy corrupt politicians that just don't have a clue how to turn the corner for the Iraqi people.
  21. The trick will be is will Iraq do what the need to do faster. Moon will not give them any slack is what I am thinking, so we go all the way to December which is the deadline Moon set back in June. I hope they get released sooner but I am not holding my breath.
  22. I have wondered for a while if the reason some things have moved a little slower than they should have with the Finance and Economic committee folks in Parliment; due to the fact MAYBE that many of the MP's have/HAD lots of dirty money and when Shabbi started ramping things up they had to slow things down because they would have been caught with forged paper. Hmmmmmm Nahhhh not those guys
  23. Let's all hope he has a tad more urgencey to the process now and he sets a date for the dang Natl Meeting, make them all agree to the 8 or 9 steps to success and get something done. My clothes are going out of style waiting for some real action here !!!!!
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