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    Catching Up On Dinar News!

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  1. Well I will ask what you are probably already going to explain. You reported in on a drive by saturday. Are there more details you can give us as to what is happening that made you give us that update? Obviously you won't give dates, but any better thoughts on rates?
  2. I agree...seems legit to me. With Adams post this weekend I think we all are on edge waiting to learn more. Some real bank stories would kind of help prove Adam has some hot tips. I wonder, why not wait until after the lunch to write the story. Now if he doesn't learn anything at the lunch....people are goign to really get ugly on here. Also, if the banker is invested in the IQD...isn't he on this site reading everything this guy is writing??? Hoping for good thoughts and good news.
  3. Good Morning! Hoping the Bears put a beating on the packers this week! :)/> I recently read that no RV has ever happened other than around the 1st of the year? IF this thing doesn't happen around Jan 1, 2013 are we on the wait until Jan 2014 in your opinion? THanks!
  4. Good Morning, A 2.5 weeks ago following Ramadan you stated you were closing VIP because you felt like we were 6 weeks away from the RV. DO you still feel this to be the case? What made you believe we were 6 weeks away from the HCL or Chapter 7 being taken care of at the time you said we were 6 weeks away? Thank you sir and GO BEARS!
  5. Never been in the chat rooms...just read the post. How do i get there?
  6. Usually the chat has posted by now...did adam go and cash in? lol!
  7. Good Morning Sir! Alright, an article came out saying they approved the "Tarrifs Law" which to my understanding is a 50% raise on imported goods and that it is to go into effect by July 1st. Did this really happen and is it true? Finally, why would they approve this law (with most regular joe Iraqis being very poor).....if they were not going to RV? Doesn't this law approval give us a clue that they will RV? Thanks again! I am sure you will address this....but where are we at with Maliki being in or out as things have heated up on this story? What outcome could this have for our longterm goal of an RV?
  8. Does anyone have the highlight points of the call? I don't have 154 minutes to devote to the phone conference today. Thanks
  9. Good Morning Sir! There is an article posted Titled the Erbil Crisis Resolved posted by Phoenix 3333. It states that Erbil has been resolved via disputes over border issues in Kirkuk. Do you believe this article and information to be true? If so, then when might we see pen put to paper over this issue and CHapter 7? Is this the step we are looking for? THank you for your time. Blessings!
  10. Easy big fella......don't break your arm trying to pat yourself on the back.
  11. Goodmorning Adam! I keep hearing people say that if IRAQ was going to LOP they would have done it by now since it wouldn't take much to line all the ducks up in a row to pull off a LOP Seems like a good argument against LOP to me, but I am not nearly as educated as you. Do you believe this to be true? When other countries have done a LOP did it take as long as IRAQ has taken or did they do it much sooner? THank you!
  12. Since the start of the weekend (with exception to Adam;s drive by) things have been really quiet. I keep checking several times a day thinking this thing is going to pop at any moment. the old phrase the "silence is deafening" comes to mind. Can't wait to get osme real updates from folks soon! Until's to hoping and here's to hoping Adam has big news about those items he is waiting on...come Wednesday!
  13. Great reply....+1 from me. Good insight and good honest thoughts! THank you so much!
  14. Ok....if it comes in low like .10-.25 would some of you think about cashing in a little bit to pay off bills/slash get some extra cash. Then take some of the money and reinvest back into the new currency for the long haul pay outs. Just checking thoughts. Also, while I don't expect anyone to release how much they have (seems to be a big secret)....people always talk about life changing amount of money. Just you feel like most people have less or more than a million dinar when they talk about life changing amount of money? I am worried I have not purchased enough, while my wife says don't be greedy and be happy with what you have. THanks for your thoughts!
  15. Man was really hoping Adam would have been back on by now to give us an update.....feels like its all about to go down. Such an exciting time friends.
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