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Everything posted by donnydoright

  1. Wow, you have some pretty low self esteem if you took that as an attack....Do you really need me to pat you on the back and tell you its ok? I hope you will one day be able to survive in the real world....because if the comment i made above bothered you THIS much, well i'd hate to see the way you cry yourself to sleep most nights
  2. I had a dog named Sunny that was a boy...also my younger brother dated a girl in college named Soni
  3. The problem is, with all the news articles that have come out, they've all pointed to a removal of three zero's and a RD/LOP....ALL the facts we have point directly at that as the most likely scenario If someone is saying RV, they are either not keeping up with the news coming out of Iraq, there for too uninformed to listen to, or they are intentionally misleading people for unknown reasons... So by getting rid of the pumpers(people who say RV), your going to end up with only a handful of people left on this forum...and it'll get very boring everyone agreeing after weighing the facts and figures, the pumpers(Rv'ers) are the ones that make this forum fun, they bring such nonsense and silliness that they can still Pump(talk about a RV) even with EVERYTHING pointing in the other direction Let them stay, who would want a forum full of well informed, educated investors? Every Class needs a Clown and thats what the Pumpers(RV'ers) are!
  4. The People aren't the CBI anymore then the US people are the Federal Reserve Bank...and if the US Federal Reserve Bank went up to me and said "you own this land outright, so it is ours to use so we can raise our exchange rate" i'd most likely spit in their eye(Figuratively obviously, the Federal Reserve Bank doesn't have an eye)
  5. How many Oil and Natural gas wells DOES the CBI own? I know there are MANY in Iraq that the Iraqi Government makes money off of, But since the CBI is completely autonomous and has no ties to the Iraqi government(yes, i'm defining Autonomous for you), plus Maliki isn't going to be friendly to giving money to the CBI Since the CBI refused to give him money, so it doesn't matter how much the Iraqi government makes to cover its budget So, how would the Dinar be backed by oil and natural gas, if the CBI doesn't really HAVE any oil or Natural gas? Or are you suggesting they should Nationalize the Central Bank like Saddam did?
  6. This is idiotic....Its a violation of personal freedom, since when does the government have a right to decide what you do in your free time? Whats next a nicotine test before the fire department can put out a house fire? A backround check before the police can search for the people that robbed your house? I CAN'T BELIEVE ANY ANY CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATIVE WOULD STAND FOR THIS LEVEL OF THEFT OF PERSONAL FREEDOMS!!!! Just ABOLISH WELFARE and it'll solve the whole problem, don't make a move that will lead to ALL people losing their constitutional Rights!@!
  7. I added another negative...You know Aqua, it takes just as long to answer a question as to make a snide remark about it....if you don't know the answer, you CAN just admit it
  8. Yah see, but its not, the Tea party was protesting barry soetoro's election WAY before he had failed this country, heck, they were protesting his being brought forward as a candidate....granted once he was elected the failure started almost immediatly....But the tea party starting shouting WAY before then about Soetoro...
  9. All due respect Adam, here is The Text of EO mentions nothing about investing in Iraq or giving the american people the right to invest in Iraq
  10. Iraq has a 11,700,000 Dinar Bill? that's how many dinar it would take to equal $10,000
  11. It's still money guys...i don't get how this is unusual, ok i get unusual, but i don't see why you think its a lie, hell, i'd take dinar as payment for somethings, why not? Maybe you guys are assuming they are giving you $300 worth of work for 300 dinar? I'm sure its at the current exchange rate...or less, i.e. you get $854 worth of work for a million dinar
  12. Thanks for the offer, i already have a personal assistant that arranges my day and takes care of small costs here and there from my accounts....i'm sure you wouldn't want to take the pay cut required to do that job....i don't know how she survives on only 85k a year... Without carrying atleast $100 how do you tip the doorman, valets, coat checks, concierge, limo driver, room service, etc?
  13. HAHA! RACISM AND STEREOTYPING IS HILARIOUS!!!! Got to admit, i found this funny
  14. the Iraqi people aren't as rich as the Average American, But i still think with the 25,000 dinar worth around $21.37 that you can compare "How many $20 bills the Average American has in their wallet" to "How many 25,000 notes the Average Iraqi has in their wallet" I'm in no way average, i tend not to carry my own wallet, and more of my everyday costs come off of one of several corporate i'm not sure how many $20's most people carry, i'd think atleast five to get through the day
  15. They can't afford my fee's....Don't get me wrong bringing in a ringer like me wouldn't hurt.....But i tend to lean towards much more powerful people and industries in my practice...I've discussed this with some of the people i consider friends, Bloomberg, Dimon, Tillerson...But in the end, simple minds like Shabibi aren't going to listen to guys like me in the know BTW, it doesn't take someone with the levels of education and influence to be able to understand simple things like this....But i guess, its beyond you...Public school tends to be structured, well, for the general public
  16. Thats kinda not really how its happening though....the CBI isn't pushing to buy Dinar or Pushing to Sell Dollars, the banks go to the CBI and say "we need this many dollars for our daily transactions" and the CBI says "Ok, you can have them at this price" The CBI isn't buying anything, they are just charging for dollars When you go to the Gas station and buy gas, are they "Buying Dollars" off of you, or are you buying gas off of them.... I realize it's two different sides of the same coin...But the demand is where the truth lies....and in the Case of the CBI Auctions....The Demand is FROM the Banks to BUY Dollars, NOT from the CBI to Buy Dinar
  17. Why would we see articles like this right before a RV? Why would they put any articles out at all? Seems silly, think about it this way, if your trying to keep people from figuring out what your doing, are you going to tell them the opposite of what is true, so that the only two guesses are your lying or telling the truth, or are you just not going to say ANYTHING and leave an infinite amount of possibilities on the table I don't buy the smoke screen thing....these aren't they type of articles we'd see right before a RV, we wouldn't be seeing ANY articles that imply ANYTHING before a RV, athough these ARE EXACTLY the kinds of articles that need to go out before a RD to inform the Iraqi people of the process
  18. This should clarify everything for those that think deleting three zero's means just removing notes or RVing
  19. Yup kinda the most important line in this article, before we impeach Barry Saetoro, we should start looking back at previous presidents and realizing that he's been no better or worse then ANY previous president
  20. Hey Adam, I know you don't really like to put bets on dates or things that can't be known for sure......But what do you think is more likely, the Dinar will RV within the next 2yrs or someone Alex38's age will live another 50-60yrs? (haha, Alex i'm just kidding, i'm sure you'll live atleast that long!)
  21. We use this term ALOT on this forum...And i thought it was connected with spouting off dates and rates that never came to be.... But now Okie has announced that he will no longer be spouting off dates and rates.... IS he still a Guru? Is there a different perimeter that i'm missing?
  22. If he's not giving dates and rates anymore....Is he still a Guru? What defines a Guru if its not their constant lies of date and rate?
  23. I would buy a hell of a lot more Lotto tickets if the odds were 50:1! Heck, i'd buy alot more dinar too if a RV had those kinda odds!
  24. Iraq has NEVER been a fan of currency speculation...Foreign investment they LOVE, their whole GDP is based on foreign oil companys....But Currency Speculation is a BIG no-no for them...
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