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Everything posted by af4mi

  1. RSS, solid post. Really doesn't mean anything related to RV, RI, RD, LOP or no-LOP....but at least, that lessens the amount of USD that will be supporting what was formerly known as DFI or more correctly, the black hole the USG threw money into. Now we wait and see what Geitner and Bernanke has up their sleeve...that's the 64-thousand dollar question.
  2. Gives Geitner and Bernanke time to figure a way to get a few more points of 'profit' from the unwashed masses into the treasury/Fed. Nothing more.
  3. Yeah but the only question left is petting or stroking?
  4. Again Luigi...pretty spot on. The only question remaining is WHEN or for HOW LONG.
  5. Dalite, you just offered the only seat in the room to a 400-pound gorilla. Kudos!
  6. Good forecast is not very soon and only to the tune of 200-500% appreciation on the investment made. Remember, this is 'penny stock'...treat it like that and you won't be disappointed.
  7. Luigi...only a few us understand that appreciation in value. Investment versus lottery ticket. My best guess has been 200-500% appreciation. You're about the 10th person to grasp reality. My hat is off to you. And by the way, altruism hasn't played 1% of the purchases of dinar....only good old fashion greed has. TNX!
  8. I am impressed; finally a crumb of understanding. This is 'penny stock' for lack of any other finely-honed description. Shabs has to deal with the in-country cash first. Then, he can think about the dinar the rest of us are holding. I know very few are receptive, but an appreciation of the currency to the tune of 200-500% for the forseeable future is reasonable. The concept that he's going to allow a million or so become millionaires with 'monopoly money' is ludicrous and highly unlikely. Thanks for some rational's a breath of fresh air!
  9. Scoot, Dalite tells me you're a good guy. After 40 years of chasin' bad guys on 4 continents, I am also disgusted with what I see. Difference between you and I is that I have made fine livin' dealing with the same types.....while running up and down the road in a Jag roadster, I laugh all the way to the bank. You've done well, it's ashame that the forest couldn't see the trees...take care and good luck!
  10. It IS good news. Finally a 5th grader on the playground with the 3d graders. There might be a chance this could turn positive. Sadr and Barazani.....this could work. Santa Barbara meets Indio.....I like it! Now if only someone would tell Maliki and Allawi that recess is over.............
  11. Solid post. Remember, pumpers and cheerleaders aren't the problem, only those that think this is a lottery ticket are responsible. Investment versus lottery...there's a big difference. Thousands of percent appreciation...I hope so, but don't buy it......200-500% increase...more reasonable. Caveat emptor.......
  12. Maliki is nothing but a power-hungary hack. WaNts to be Saddam lite but too stupid and can't even slicker Allawi....can't be too bright. TBI had it going on...just a perfect, target rich bank that Maliki and his crooked buddies to rape and pillage...too bad. There was at least them doing business the proper way.......again strikes Saddam-Lite, wannabe.
  13. Easy, tnx for the post BUT all is hotair. I go back to my original perspective: RV, RI, RD, LOP, no-LOP....this is nothing but 'penny stock', not a lottery ticket. I do hope all will turnout well, but, a small (200-500%) return is likely....nothing is guaranteed. Too many wanting 1,000s of % return is IMO, unlikely ... But not impossible. Too much false hope based upon too many variables and unknowns keep this investment as speculative...nothing more. Plan for the worst and hope for the beat. BTW: does Modesto have a bunch of car clubs like they did in the '60s?
  14. Yeah...some 'secret'. If it's on this site...almost as good as putting it in the NY Times, Washington Post and Janes. BTW: How did that work out for Nixon?
  15. Thanks for the first hand info. It would be a fine return.....not what some wished for, but a solid return for the money invested. Something on the order of 300% in less than 1year.....wish I could get that rate of return in the stock market and property markets!
  16. Well said. Probably the most solid assessment/accurate picture of the situation as it stands presently.
  17. Good post. IF Azri is 'straight and true', this is an imperative to not only clear his name, but to expose the financial corruption and start the corrective process.
  18. I've said it before, I'll say it again.Maliki is in it for one else. He's an obstructionist and a wannabe, period. Before anything will happen, they need to clean house and find some honest, sincere and qualified people to run their government. Til then, nothing but more of the same.
  19. af4mi


    UNBERTINO you're spot on
  20. Stupid a former USMC Staff NCO, this makes me sick. officer, senior enlisted too smart and have too much integrity to do something like that. 20 years in KS would do this idiot good...better yet, same length in Reidsville would be more fitting!
  21. Amen, russianhuey... SEMPER FI!
  22. Not bad Jack...that's on point. IF you don't own several million dinar you're just playing the lottery. No more. One can talk about 'intel', historical documents, research (which a few efforts have been well done) but in the final analysis I've come to 2conclusions. They are: 1. That chasing the elusive revaluation, Re-denomination, LOP, no-LOP or Re-Institution of 2003's rate are nothing but hyperbola. Point 2 is that all is hyperbole. Nothing more. IF anyone had true access, then winks and nods combined with innuendo wouldn't be pushed as hard as it has. It's a penny stock investment. Maybe small return, maybe large and finally, there might be a pot at the end of the rainBow"........only time will tell. Enjoy the ride.....
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