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Everything posted by CSTEP

  1. Where I work there was a guy that turned us on to the dinar.We all went in and bought about 5 million and split them up.He no longer works here and all I have are the dinar,no receipt of purchase to say when I bought them? If they ever become worth anything don't I need that receipt?
  2. What if I don't have a receipt from where I purchased? Thanks...
  3. Did you know the DOW was going to fall 1000 points since july too? I need some good info???
  4. Right on bro..And the same goes for dinarck.Dude no one just shhhhhhhhh.Put the books down,get a beer and maybe a J and watch a couple reruns of sanford and son.
  5. Tring to wrap my simple mind around this article..How would this affect a RV?
  6. Year 2011 Overview Out with the old matrix and in with something totally different -- with trailblazing Rams leading the way as usual. It's all about the new in 2011. Others will take their cues from you especially when Uranus follows Jupiter into Aries in March. You won't have a second to forget that you're the consummate pioneer of the zodiac. With Jupiter and Uranus tag teaming it in your constellation, much new ground needs breaking in 2011. You'll barely have a second to rest and process all the brand spanking newness that has become part and parcel of your everyday life. Long-distance travel, philosophy, higher learning and experimentation are all par for a very exciting course as this mighty year unfolds. Expect a birthday season to remember with lucky Jupiter and life-changing Uranus working wonders in your fiery stars. Your innate go-getter instincts are off the charts. As the spring season gets underway, life hits maximum speed (sleep, what's that?) May Day alert: Circle May 1 on your calendar with a big red sharpie, Rams! An explosive amount of Aries planetary energy abounds as six -- count 'em, six -- planets traverse your incendiary corner of the zodiac simultaneously. This includes Moon, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus all rallying for your cause. Age of Aquarius themes pop up as Jupiter in fact does align with Mars on this very powerful day. Every second counts and actions speak infinitely larger than words. Summertime brings Jupiter's jackpot in your money sector. Expect a nice fattening of the piggy between June and December with incredible opportunities to make the big bank. Love, pleasure and romance hit a high note in late September. Venus brings the beauty and love to your partnership sector while Mars simultaneously brings the sparks to your romance sector. Long-distance travel and adventures galore take precedence in November. While in December professional responsibilities will demand the majority of time and energy. But if you're willing to go the extra mile, your status could easily skyrocket. More from
  7. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries forecast world oil demand will grow at a slower pace for a second year in 2012 as consumption declines in Europe and slows in other industrialized nations. Global demand will average 89.5 million barrels a day in 2012, the group’s Vienna-based secretariat said today in its monthly report, giving its first forecast for next year. That’s up 1.3 million barrels, or 1.5 percent, on this year’s estimate. Crude oil consumption has been rising since the last quarter of 2009, driven by demand in emerging markets including China, according to OPEC. Chinese demand will rise by 500,000 barrels a day next year compared with a gain of 150,000 barrels a day in North America. European use will decline, it said. “An unsteady world economy is negatively affecting the oil market and imposing a high range of uncertainty for the short term,” the organization said in the report. OPEC members including Saudi Arabia, Iran and Venezuela will need to pump more crude to meet rising consumption. Demand for OPEC oil will climb to 30.3 million barrels a day in 2012, an increase of 300,000 barrels on this year, the report showed. The producer group, which accounts for about 40 percent of global supply, expects crude use of 88.1 million barrels a day this year, up by 1.4 million barrels on last year. OPEC’s output rose to 29.6 million barrels a day last month, the report said. The 11 members bound by quotas produced 26.9 million barrels, the most since 2008. In December of that year, the group announced record supply cuts amid a collapse in global demand. It capped supplies for all members except Iraq at 24.845 million barrels a day at that meeting. ‘Worst Meeting’ The organization last met in Vienna in June, when its members failed to agree on crude output limits for the first time in at least 20 years. “It was one of the worst meetings we’ve ever had,” Saudi Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi said. Saudi Arabia together with Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates proposed increasing production quotas at the meeting. They were blocked by members including Iran and Venezuela, which warned of a “collapse” in prices. Non-OPEC supply will rise by about 680,000 barrels a day to average 53.57 million barrels next year, OPEC said. Shipments from countries including Russia, Norway and the U.K. are estimated at 52.89 million barrels a day this year. Production growth in North America, Latin America and the former Soviet Union will offset declines in Europe, OPEC said. OPEC’s members are Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela. To contact the reporter on this story: Rachel Graham in London To contact the editor responsible for this story: Stephen Voss at
  8. While your searching for proof the U.S holds dinar,why don't you go ahead and find where they have who killed JFK posted.Come on guys....please you find what they want us to.
  9. From time to time ask the CBI idea of raising three zeros from the Iraqi currency, and announced that he is nearing completion on finalizing the drafting of the law to regulate the process of lifting to be sent to the Council of the Prime Minister and then to the House of Representatives to decide whether there is a need to raise three zeroes from the Iraqi currency or not, as was confirmed a senior official at the Monetary Authority that the Council of Representatives is the author of the recent decision in this regard. يقول مستشار البنك المركزي العراقي: إن المشروع سوف ينظم آلية رفع الاصفار الثلاثة للنهوض بقيمة العملة المحلية في التداول الاقتصادي الخارجي والداخلي ، واعتبر المشروع مشروعاً استراتيجياً يهدف إلى تقليل التضخم الذي تعانيه السوق العراقية ، وقد أعلنت وزارة المالية في شباط الماضي أن حذف الاصفار من العملة المحلية سيحرر الاقتصاد العراقي من القيود ويعزز قيمة الدينار العراقي في صندوق البنك الدولي. Adviser says the Iraqi Central Bank: The project will organize a mechanism for lifting the three zeroes for the advancement of the value of local currency in circulation economic, external and internal, and the project was considered a strategic project aimed at reducing inflation suffered by the Iraqi market, The Ministry of Finance announced last February that the deletion of zeros from the local currency will liberate the Iraqi economy from the constraints and enhance the value of the Iraqi dinar in the World Bank Fund. إننا نعتقد أن مشروع رفع الاصفار الثلاثة من العملة العراقية غير مجد ولا يرفع من قيمة الدينار العراقي وسوف يضيف عند تطبيقه مشكلة أخرى متعددة الأبعاد للمشاكل الكثيرة التي يعانيها الاقتصاد العراقي المتدهور ، ومن هذه المشاكل هي إرباك وتشويش السوق في البيع والشراء والديون بين المواطنين ، كذلك إرباك الحالة النفسية التي سوف تنتاب المواطن العراقي من جراء ظهور ظاهرة جديدة تتطلب الإجهاد الفكري والنفسي للتعود عليها وتقبلها. We believe that the project raise three zeroes from the Iraqi currency is the glory and not raise the value of the Iraqi dinar and will add when applied to the problem of several other dimensions to the many problems that afflict the Iraqi economy deteriorating, and this problem is the confusion and disorganization of the market in buying and selling and debt among the citizens, as well as confusion mental state that will plague the Iraqi people as a result of the emergence of a new phenomenon requires the intellectual and psychological stress of the back and accepted. ومن جهة أخرى يتطلب المشروع وقبل تطبيقه سك فئات صغيرة للعملة تمثل أجزاء الدينار الذي ستصبح قيمته فلساً واحداً ، علماً أن سك هذه العملات الصغيرة ستكلف الدولة مبالغ كبيرة ، ثم إن المشروع لا يعزز قيمة الدينار العراقي (( كما تقول وزارة المالية)) حيث ستبقى قيمته كما هي (( إذا طرحت كميات متساوية من أخرى متساوية تكون النتائج متساوية )). On the other hand requires the project and before applying Stamping small denominations of the currency represents parts of the dinar, which will be worth a penny, note that the SEC this small change would cost the state large sums of money, then the project does not enhance the value of the Iraqi dinar ((says the Ministry of Finance)) where it will remain worth as it is ((if offered equal amounts of other equal results are equal)). وفي تصريح مغاير للبنك المركزي العراقي مفاده أن عملية رفع الاصفار الثلاثة من العملة المحلية هي عملية معقدة وهي بحاجة إلى دراسة اقتصادية مستفيضة، أيضاً أوضح مستشار البنك المركزي العراقي علينا أن نتعامل مع هذه القضية بحذر وتأنّ لأنها قد تسبب مشاكل اقتصادية في حال التسرع أو القيام بأي شيء آخر يربك الوضع الاقتصادي العراقي. In a statement differently from the Iraqi Central Bank that the process of removing three zeroes from the local currency is a complex process and need to study the economic extensive, also pointed adviser to the CBI we have to deal with this issue cautiously and carefully as it may cause economic problems in the event of rush or do any Another thing confusing economic situation in Iraq. ونحن بدورنا نقول احترازاً ولدفع حدوث تلك المشاكل نرى من الأفضل والأجدى طرح المشروع على الرأي العام العراقي مع دعوة ذوي الاختصاص في علم الاقتصاد لبيان رأيهم والاستئناس به قبل إرساله إلى مجلس رئاسة الوزراء والبرلمان. And we say to guard and to pay the occurrence of such problems, see better and more useful to put the project on Iraqi public opinion with an invitation for specialists in economics to indicate their opinion and familiarity with it before sending it to the prime minister and parliament. وعوداً على بدء نرى عدم جدوى المشروع -كما نعتقد- كونه لا يؤدي إلى رفع قيمة الدينار العراقي ، فإننا نطمح لأن يتبنى البنك المركزي العراقي وخبراء الاقتصاد مشروعاً يهدف إلى رفع قيمة الدينار العراقي الى سابق قيمته ليعود مساوياً لـ(3.33) دولار أمريكي وذلك من خلال حزمة من الإجراءات والقرارات الجريئة ، أولها أعادة النظر في العملية الاستيرادية الخاطئة وتقليصها الى حد الضروريات، حيث أن الاستيراد المفتوح على مصراعيه يستنزف فائض العملة الصعبة والمودعة لدى البنك المركزي العراقي دعماً للعملة العراقية وعدم طرحها للبيع عن طريق المزاد العلني للراغبين من قبل التجار العراقيين لتغطية استيراداتهم للبضائع ، كذلك إعادة النظر بهدف تقليص الإنفاق العام للدولة ودوائرها في ما يخص استيراد الأثاث باهظة الثمن ، حيث يمكن الحصول عليها من السوق المحلية ، مما يشجع ويدعم قطاع الصناعة المحلية وتوفير فرص عمل للعاطلين ، أيضاً دعم وتنمية قطاع الزراعة من خلال مساعدة الفلاحين بالبذور والمكائن الزراعية بهدف زيادة الإنتاج للمحاصيل الزراعية . And promises to start see the futility of the project - as we believe - it does not lead to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar, we aspire to adopt the CBI and economists project that aims to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar to its previous value to return is equal to (3.33) U.S. $ through a package of measures and bold decisions, the first review of the operation import wrong and reduced to the extent necessities, as the import open wide to drain the excess foreign currency and deposited with the Central Bank of Iraq in support of the Iraqi currency, and not put up for sale through auction for those wishing to by the Iraqi traders to cover Astiradathm of goods, as well as the review in order to reduce public expenditure to the State and its departments in regards to import furniture is expensive, they can be obtained from the local market, which encourages and supports the sector of local industry and create jobs for the unemployed, also support the development of the agriculture sector by helping farmers with seeds and agricultural machinery in order to increase production of agricultural crops. وهناك أيضاً أمور أخرى لدعم العملة العراقية منها: تقليص عمليات الإيفادات للموظفين وجعلها فقط لغرض التدريب والتطوير. There are also other things to support the Iraqi currency, including: reducing operations Aliivadat staff and make it only for the purpose of training and development.
  10. I read it to heres the link
  11. . . المركزي العراقي يطالب بفتح سوق للأوراق المالية في محافظات الفرات الأوسط CBI calls for open market for securities in the provinces of the Middle Euphrates طالب مستشار البنك المركزي العراقي، وزارة المالية بفتح سوق للأوراق المالية في محافظات الفرات الأوسط بسبب وجود البيئة الاقتصادية والاستثمارية المناسبة لإقامة سوق التداول المالي . Student adviser to the CBI, the Ministry of Finance to open a securities market in the provinces of the Middle Euphrates because there are economic and investment environment for the establishment of financial market trading. وقال مظهر محمد صالح إن البنك المركزي العراقي يرى أن هناك ضرورة اقتصادية ملحة للافتتاح سوق للتداول الالكتروني للمال في محافظات الفرات الاوسط . وأضاف صالح أن افتتاح مثل هذا السوق له فوائد اقتصادية بسبب أتساع دائرة المشاريع الاستثمارية في تلك المحافظات وظهور حراك اقتصادي وتجاري واضح خلال العامين الأخيرين . He said the appearance of Mohammed Saleh said that the CBI believes that there is an economic necessity urgent for the opening of the market for electronic trading of money in the provinces of the Middle Euphrates. Saleh added that the opening of such a market has economic benefits because of the wide circle of investment projects in those provinces and the emergence of economic mobility, trade and clear over the last two years . وتابع أن افتتاح أربعة أسواق الالكترونية في البصرة وبغداد واربيل وواحدة في الفرات الاوسط تكفي للنهوض بواقع التعاملات المالية خلال المرحلة المقبلة، مبينا انه لايمكن افتتاح أسواق مالية في جميع المحافظات لوجود عوائق اقتصادية تحيل دون إقامة ذلك . He said the opening of the four electronic markets in Basra, Baghdad and Erbil and one in the Middle Euphrates enough for the advancement of financial transactions by during the next phase, indicating that it can not be the opening of financial markets in all provinces to the existence of economic obstacles to transmit without creating it. باهر/
  12. Dude I know I'm going to get bashed with you but that was FN FUNNY. +1 from me
  13. Hundred Days, was sentenced to everyone كتابات - خاص / شباب نصب الحرية Writings - Special / Youth Freedom Monument مع اقتراب انتهاء عدة المائة يوم التي الزمت الحكومة نفسها بها كعهد للشعب ووعد بتقديم الخدمات وفرض الامن ومعاقبة المفسدين ، سراق المال العام وتقديم المسؤولين عن كافة الجرائم التي ارتكبت بحق الشعب العراقي الى العدالة . Towards the end of several hundred days, which government committed itself to them as the era of the people and promised to provide services and to impose security and punish corrupt, thieves of public funds and all those responsible for crimes committed against the Iraqi people to justice. نود ان نبين نحن شباب نصب الحرية ان العدة هي ليست حكم على حكومة المالكي فقط والتي ستواجه قرار الشعب لامحالة بسحب الثقة عنها ولكنها حكم على جميع اعضاء البرلمان ورؤساء كتلهم ، فالعلة هي ليست وعود المالكي التي يعرفها الشعب انها تندرج ضمن وعود كل النخب الحاكمة والمشاركة في العملية السياسية التي لاتخرج عن كونها اكاذيب ووسائل للاستحواذ على المزيد من الامتيازات وتقاسم السلطة بهذا الشكل الذي انجب حكومة سياسية وليست حكومة مهنية تخدم العراق وتعيد اعماره وفق المواصفات العالمية . We would like to show the youth of the Monument of Liberty that the kit is not a ruling on the Maliki government only, which will face the decision of the people for the inevitable withdrawal of confidence, but the rule to all members of parliament and heads of their respective Groups, Valalp are not promises al-Maliki that are known to people they fall within the promises of all the ruling elite and participation in the political process to graduate from being a means of lies and to acquire more privileges and power-sharing in this format which begot the Government of a political, not a professional serve the Government of Iraq and re-constructing in accordance with international standards. فنحن كنشطاء في هذا التجمع ومعنا جميع الناشطين وحركاتهم الشعبية والمجتمعية نعرف اننا لن نرى ولن نلمس أي شيء مذكور من هذه الوعود سوى مشهد الابتزاز السياسي الذي اعتاده المواطن العراقي بين الكتل من اجل التحاصص وكأن العراق سوق بورصة وارواحنا واعمارنا ومستقبلنا ودماؤنا هي الاثمان وهي الوسيلة في ظل هذا الصراع الخفي والمعلن منه بين السياسيين . We as activists in this assembly, and with us all the activists and movements of the People and community know we will not see will not we see anything mentioned of these promises, only a scene of political blackmail, which are customary among the Iraqi citizens between the blocks for the allotment and if the Iraq Stock Exchange, and our souls and our lives and our future and our blood is the price is way under the This hidden struggle and declared it among politicians. لذلك علينا الاستمرار بالخروج وتحويل المظاهرات بعد يوم القرار يوم 10 حزيران الى اعتصامات مفتوحة اذا لم يكشف للشعب العراقي : Therefore, we continue to go out and convert the demonstrations, a day after the decision on June 10 to open sit-ins if not disclosed to the Iraqi people: 1 - مصير المفقودين الابرياء . 1 - tracing the fate of innocent people. 2 - مصير اموال الشعب العراقي . 2 - the fate of the Iraqi people's money. 3 - مصير مشروع الخدمات العملاق الذي حلمنا به . 3 - the fate of the draft services giant who dreamed of. 4 - مشروع الامن واستببابه . 4 - Draft security and Astbbabh. 5 - انتهاء وجود المليشيات على ارض العراق مهما كانت عناوينها وارتباطاتها فنحن نريد دولة سيادتها القانون عمود ودستور اية دولة متحضرة . 5 - the end of the existence of militias on the land of Iraq, whatever their titles and their linkages, we want to state sovereignty, law and the constitution of any column of a civilized country. 6 - ...... 6 - ...... 7 - ...... 7 - ...... 8 - ...... 8 - ...... مطالب اخرى نعلن عنها لاحقا . Other demands announce them later. سنستمر ولن نعود الى منازلنا ، سنتظاهر رغما عن ارهاب الحكومة ومندسيها ومخبريها سواء العاملين في الاجهزة الامنية او الذين سولت لهم انفسهم من بعض " الاعلاميين والمثقفين " الذين حصلنا على القائمة الاولى باسماء هؤلاء الذين ستلعنهم ساحة التحرير وتلفظهم قامة سماء نصب الحرية . We will continue and will not go back to our homes, We will demonstrate against the government and for terrorism Mendseha and informants, whether working in the security services or who have themselves Salt of some "journalists and intellectuals" who got the first list of names of those who Stalnhm Tahrir Square Tlfezhm taller sky and the Monument of Liberty.
  14. This is the most positive I have heard you in a long long time!!!
  15. People like yourself are very scary to me.The reason why is,YOU DON"T KNOW YOUR CRAZY.And we the people around you don't know that one day,that will come.When you SNAP......annnnnnd sets you of on your killing spree.
  16. Met with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, on Thursday, South Korean President Lee Myung-bak at the presidential palace in the Korean capital Seoul, and during the meeting, they discussed ways to strengthen relations between the two countries. المالكي أكد في بيان صدر عن مكتبه " اهمية تعزيز تلك العلاقات التي تربط البلدين منذ سنوات والحاجة الى تقويتها وتوسيعها " مشيرا الى ان هناك نقاط مشتركة مشجعة لتوسيع اطر التعاون والتنسيق في المجالات كافة لاسيما مشاركة الشركات الكورية في المشاريع التنموية والاستثمار. Maliki said in a statement issued by his office "the importance of strengthening the relations between the two countries for years and the need to strengthen and broaden," noting that there are common points encouraging to expand cooperation and coordination in all fields especially the participation of Korean companies in development projects and investment. وقال :" ان زيارتنا الى كوريا تحمل معاني كثيرة لتوسيع العلاقات في جميع المجالات ، ، واننا نسعى الى تأسيس علاقات ثابتة ومتنامية ". He said: "Our visit to Korea may mean many things to expand relations in all areas, and we seek to establish stable relationships and growing." واضاف :" ان العراق يسعى للاستفادة من التجربة الكورية في كيفية النهوض بالواقع واعادة البنى التحتية " مشيرا الى ان الظروف التي مرت في الماضي على كوريا هي شبيهة بالظروف التي مرت على العراق. He added: "Iraq is seeking to benefit from the Korean experience in how to promote the reality and bring the infrastructure," noting that the conditions experienced in the past of Korea is similar to the circumstances which have passed on Iraq. وتابع المالكي :" لذلك نرغب بالاستفادة من التجربة الكورية ونقل تلك النجاحات الى بلدنا " مشدد على ان العراق بحاجة الى تحديث كل القطاعات وخاصة قطاعي الزراعة والصناعة. He said al-Maliki: "So we want to benefit from the experience of Korea and the transfer of those successes to our country," aggravating the fact that Iraq needs to be updated all sectors, especially agriculture and industry. من جانبه اكد الرئيس الكوري ، ان بلاده ترغب بتمتين هذه العلاقات بما يخدم مصالح الشعبين الصديقين. For his part, South Korean President, said that his country is willing Pettmtin these relations to serve the interests of two friendly countries. وقال ان كوريا ترغب بالمشاركة في عملية اعمار العراق من خلال دخول الشركات الكورية الى السوق العراقية ، مشددا على ضرورة ان تتخذ الحكومتان سياسات داعمة في هذا المجال ، بحسب البيان. He said the DPRK would like to participate in the process of reconstruction of Iraq through the entry of Korean companies into the Iraqi market, stressing the need for governments to take supportive policies in this area, according to the statement. وفي ختام اللقاء جرى التوقيع على اتفاقية لتوسيع التعاون في مجال الطاقة والاقتصاد ، حيث كان نائب رئيس الوزراء لشؤون الطاقة حسين الشهرستاني ممثلا عن العراق في حفل التوقيع ، فيما كان وزير إقتصاد المعرفة At the conclusion of the meeting was to sign an agreement to expand cooperation in energy and the economy, where he was Deputy Prime Minister for Energy, Hussein al-Shahristani, Iraq's representative at the signing ceremony, as he was the Minister of Knowledge Economy ونقل بيان لمكتب المالكي عنه التأكيد على " اهمية تعزيز تلك العلاقات التي تربط البلدين منذ سنوات والحاجة الى تقويتها وتوسيعها " مشيرا الى ان هناك نقاط مشتركة مشجعة لتوسيع اطر التعاون والتنسيق في المجالات كافة لاسيما مشاركة الشركات الكورية في المشاريع التنموية والاستثمار. The statement quoted Maliki's office for the emphasis on "the importance of strengthening these relations between the two countries for years and the need to strengthen and broaden," noting that there are common points are encouraging for the expansion of cooperation frameworks and coordination in all areas, especially participation of Korean companies in development projects and investment. وقال :" ان زيارتنا الى كوريا تحمل معاني كثيرة لتوسيع العلاقات في جميع المجالات ، ، واننا نسعى الى تأسيس علاقات ثابتة ومتنامية ". He said: "Our visit to Korea may mean many things to expand relations in all areas, and we seek to establish stable relationships and growing." واضاف :" ان العراق يسعى للاستفادة من التجربة الكورية في كيفية النهوض بالواقع واعادة البنى التحتية " مشيرا الى ان الظروف التي مرت في الماضي على كوريا هي شبيهة بالظروف التي مرت على العراق. He added: "Iraq is seeking to benefit from the Korean experience in how to promote the reality and bring the infrastructure," noting that the conditions experienced in the past of Korea is similar to the circumstances which have passed on Iraq. وتابع المالكي :" لذلك نرغب بالاستفادة من التجربة الكورية ونقل تلك النجاحات الى بلدنا " مشدد على ان العراق بحاجة الى تحديث كل القطاعات وخاصة قطاعي الزراعة والصناعة. He said al-Maliki: "So we want to benefit from the experience of Korea and the transfer of those successes to our country," aggravating the fact that Iraq needs to be updated all sectors, especially agriculture and industry. من جانبه اكد الرئيس الكوري ، ان بلاده ترغب بتمتين هذه العلاقات بما يخدم مصالح الشعبين الصديقين. For his part, South Korean President, said that his country is willing Pettmtin these relations to serve the interests of two friendly countries. وقال ان كوريا ترغب بالمشاركة في عملية اعمار العراق من خلال دخول الشركات الكورية الى السوق العراقية ، مشددا على ضرورة ان تتخذ الحكومتان سياسات داعمة في هذا المجال ، بحسب البيان. He said the DPRK would like to participate in the process of reconstruction of Iraq through the entry of Korean companies into the Iraqi market, stressing the need for governments to take supportive policies in this area, according to the statement.
  17. By Ali Shattab Azzaman, April 28, 2011 Azzaman, April 28, 2011 Work on a new housing project, billed as the largest in Baghdad, has began this week, according to Baghdad Governor Salah Abdulrazzaq. Work on a new housing project, billed as the largest in Baghdad, has began this week, according to Baghdad Governor Salah Abdulrazzaq. Abdulrazzaq said the project, which will cost $120 million, will take four years to complete. Abdulrazzaq said the project, which will cost $ 120 million, will take four years to complete. “This project includes 690 housing units, 48 10-story buildings, malls and other annexes,” he said. "This project includes 690 housing units, 48 10-story buildings, malls and other annexes," he said. He said the project, to be constructed by a foreign firm, will employ 1,200 Iraqis. He said the project, to be constructed by a foreign firm, will employ 1,200 Iraqis. “It is part of the a larger scheme which calls for the construction of 1 million housing units in the country,” Abdulrazzaq said. "It is part of the a larger scheme which calls for the construction of 1 million housing units in the country," Abdulrazzaq said. More housing projects are scheduled to start in the near future, according to Abdulrazzaq. More housing projects are scheduled to start in the near future, according to Abdulrazzaq. “In the coming days, we are going to lay the foundation stone for four other important housing projects,” he said. "In the coming days, we are going to lay the foundation stone for four other important housing projects," he said. The four projects are part of housing the government wants to build for low-income Iraqis. The four projects are part of housing the government wants to build for low-income Iraqis. “Two of the four projects will have 10,000 housing units each and the other two 2,400 units each,” Abdulrazzaq said. "Two of the four projects will have 10,000 housing units each and the other two 2,400 units each," Abdulrazzaq said. “The stability of the security situation has directly contributed to implementing such big projects,” he said. "The stability of the security situation has directly contributed to implementing such big projects," he said.
  18. The articles news coming from Iraq that have mention of some type of RD LOP keep referring to the Iraqi citizens.Inside the country.Now what I can't seem to understand and that's alot,is if they were to LOP RD.You know that there is dinar currency all over the globe.Private individuals Governments even if we can't find proof,you know they do.My point is say the US were to do it,(just an example) we know our currency is all over the world.We wouldn't have a allie one,our country would crumble.So I just can't see how they could survive after,if they were to.JMO
  19. Very well said !!! No one knows what will take place.BOTTOM LINE.
  20. April 27, 2011 Too many zeroes: iraq plans to change currency The Iraqi government plans to chop three zeroes off the national currency. It should make transactions easier and enhance the exchange rate. But local economists are not sure the country is ready. Recently the Iraqi government announced that they were close to completing plans for re-denomination. Three zeroes will be removed from Iraq’s currency, the Iraqi dinar or IQD, and old banknotes will gradually be phased out. For example, this would make an IQD 1,000 note into an IQD 1 note. Currently IQD 1,000 is worth around €0.60 and US$0.85. Logically speaking, re-denomination does not change the value of a currency nor should it cause inflation. It should make currency easier to use and increase its credibility. Re-denomination may also be a matter of political expedience. For example, when Turkey announced a re-denomination in 2005, the country’s central bank explained that extra zeroes on their banknotes meant “problems in accounting and statistical records, data processing software and payment systems”, adding that the move to cut them was “psychologically and technically essential”. Re-denomination can usually only be undertaken once inflation is under control and over the last few years, inflation in Iraq has dropped from over 30 percent to single digits. Nonetheless Iraqi opinions about the planned change remain divided. Qasim Jabbar, an economic researcher, is concerned about the psychological impact the removal of three zeroes will have on locals. Additionally Jabbar does not think the time is right. “We must create a stable environment in political, economic and legal terms, in order to control the conditions during the transition period to a new currency,” he explained. “This is necessary in order to ensure that the transition is not manipulated by government departments and in society in general, where there is rampant corruption.” Jabbar was also worried about the absence of a central authority that was truly capable of controlling the Iraqi currency market. He believed that the psychological problem will be people “focusing on the change in numbers, rather than in real value”. By rights, re-denomination should not impact the actual value of a currency; it should still buy the same goods as it did before for the same prices. “But a person with IQD 10 million will feel they have lost a fortune when the zeros are removed,” he noted. Re-denomination is nothing new. “Many countries, such as Turkey and Germany, have also taken this step,” another Iraqi economist Kareem al-Halfi said. “But this doesn’t mean that the Iraqi experience will be like that, of those nations. Iraq has serious structural problems and high rates of unemployment. These problems cannot be solved in the short term and we need to create the economic conditions necessary to allow re-denomination.” According to Mothahhar Mohammed Saleh, an advisor to the Central Bank of Iraq, which was established in 2004 to administer monetary policy in Iraq, the impact of re-denomination could have both positive and negative effects. Firstly, a reduction in the large amount of currency in circulation – there is an estimated IQD 27 trillion in circulation – could have a negative impact on everyday transactions, he said. For example, one previously recorded impact in other countries has included the rounding up (or down) of prices due to re-denomination. On the other hand, the currency will become far easier to use. “In the wholesale sector, goods are being traded using US dollars.” This process is known as “dollarization” and occurs when a country uses a foreign currency, in parallel to or instead of, its own currency because it is seen as more stable and subject to fiscal disciplined. Anyway, according to Saleh, “this change will not be introduced hastily. It will only be introduced when inflation is under control - and after parliament and the Iraqi cabinet has gone through legislation thoroughly. They will then decide how the [re-denomination] law will be implemented.” As Saleh said, “the Central Bank is proceeding cautiously in this matter because it realizes re-denomination could cause economic problems if implemented in haste.” The IQD was first introduced in the early 1930s and was pegged first to the British pound, then the US dollar. After Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, under the leadership of Saddam Hussein, strict economic sanctions saw the value of the IQD drop. By the mid-1990s, IQD 3,000 was worth around one US dollar. In order to make purchases in Iraq, huge amounts of cash were needed. An IQD 25 note was the highest denomination available so to make life easier, the government introduced an IQD 250 note. After the American-led invasion in 2003, the Iraqi government issued even more notes with higher values. IQD 25,000 notes were now the highest value. The average person on the Iraqi street said they would be happy to see the IQD stabilize further. But they are also afraid that the lopping off of zeroes will have a negative impact. Baghdad merchant Abdul Amir trades in food products and when he deals with wholesalers he prefers to use US dollars because then he doesn’t have to carry as much paper around. “Large transactions require millions of Iraqi dinar. If I use foreign currency, I don’t need as much,” he explained. “But when it comes to daily transactions, I don’t mind using the dinar.” As to his thoughts on the planned re-denomination, Amir had only questions: “Would there be a loss expected? Would the market be controlled to guarantee its stability?” he asked. Government employee Sabah Daoud raised further questions: “Would the Iraqi dinar rise against the dollar? Would my salary be worth the same, with and without the zeroes?” He wanted to see more research on the impact of such a step on the average Iraqi citizen. Currently the Iraqi government seems set on losing the extra zeroes, those digits that have become such a burden on the dinar. But the road toward this goal is a difficult one. And it is just one stop along an even longer road, the one leading toward prosperity and steady, stable economic growth for Iraq. Niqash: briefings from inside and across Iraq ~〈=0
  21. Completed by the Central Statistics inflation report for the month of March 2011 which was prepared on the basis of field data collection "on the prices of goods and services components of the consumer basket from a selected sample of outlets in all of Iraq's provinces have adopted the base year 2007, the results showed the following: اولاً :- مؤشرات الأرقام القياسية لأسعار المستهلك على مستوى العراق First: - indicators of indices of consumer prices at the level of Iraq بلغ الرقم القياسي العام لأسعار المستهلك (130.0%) في شهر آذار 2011 مسجلاً انخفاضاً بنسبة 0.7% عن الشهرالسابق وارتفاعاً بنسبة 5.0% مقارنة مع شهر آذار 2010 وقد أظهرت النتائج حسب الأقسام مايلي:- Total index of consumer prices (130.0%) in the month of March 2011, a decline of 0.7% for Alshahralsabak and increased by 5.0% compared with the month of March 2010 has shown results as the following sections: - 1- قسم الاغذية والمشروبات غير الكحولية :- سجلت أسعار هذا القسم إنخفاضاً خلال شهر آذار 2011 بنسبة 2.8% مقارنة بالشهر السابق، نتيجة لإنخفاض أسعاره في منطقة كردستان بنسبة 2.1% وفي منطقة الوسط بنسبة 3.2% وفي منطقة الجنوب بنسبة 1.1%، السبب الرئيسي لإنخفاض أسعار هذا القسم على مستوى العراق يرجع بشكل رئيسي لإنخفاض أسعار الفواكه والخضروات. 1 - Department of Food and non-alcoholic beverages: - the prices of this section is decreased during the month of March 2011 by 2.8% compared to the previous month, due to lower prices in the Kurdistan region by 2.1% and in the central region by 3.2% in the South by 1.1%, the main reason for the low the prices of this section at the level of Iraq's mainly due to lower prices of fruits and vegetables. سجلت أسعارهذا القسم إرتفاعاًً بنسبة 2.7% مقارنة بأسعاره في شهر آذار 2010. Recorded Osarhma section increased by 2.7% compared to prices to the month of March 2010. 2- قسم المشروبات الكحولية والتبغ :- سجلت أسعاره في العراق إرتفاعاً خلال الشهر الحالي بنسبة 0.2% مقارنة بالشهر السابق، نتيجة لإرتفاع اسعاره في منطقة الوسط بنسبة 0.4% في حين استقرت اسعاره في كل من منطقتي كردستان والجنوب. 2 - Department of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco: - prices were recorded in Iraq has increased during the current month by 0.2% compared to the previous month, as a result of the high prices in the center by 0.4% while prices stabilized in each of the regions of Kurdistan and the south. سجلت أسعار هذا القسم إرتفاعاً بنسبة 1.9% مقارنة بأسعاره في شهر آذار 2010 . This section prices increased by 1.9% compared to prices to the month of March 2010. 3- قسم الملابس والأحذية :- سجلت أسعاره في العراق إرتفاعاً خلال الشهرالحالي بنسبة 0.7% مقارنة بالشهر السابق، حيث ارتفعت أسعارها في منطقة كردستان بنسبة 5.5%، وفي منطقة الجنوب بنسبة 0.6% في حين انخفضت اسعاره في منطقة الوسط بنسبة 0.1%. 3 - clothing and footwear: - prices were recorded in Iraq during Alshahralhali increased by 0.7% compared to the previous month, where prices have increased in the Kurdistan region increased by 5.5%, and in the South rose 0.6% while prices fell in the center by 0.1%. شهدت أسعار هذا القسم إنخفاضاً بنسبة 1.4% مقارنة بأسعارها في شهر آذار 2010 . Prices this section decreased by 1.4% compared to prices in the month of March 2010. 4- قسم السكن :- :- شهدت أسعار هذا القسم إرتفاعاً خلال الشهرالحالي بنسبة 0.3% مقارنة بالشهر السابق، نتيجة لارتفاع أسعاره في منطقة كردستان بنسبة 1.3% وفي كل من منطقتي الوسط والجنوب بنسبة 0.1%. 4 - Department of Housing: -: - prices have increased during this section Alshahralhali by 0.3% compared to the previous month, due to higher prices in the Kurdistan region increased by 1.3% in each of the center and south by 0.1%. سجلت أسعار هذا القسم إرتفاعاً بنسبة 12.1% مقارنة بأسعاره في شهر آذار 2010، بسبب ارتفاع اسعار ايجارات الدورالسكنية بنسبة 9.5% وكذلك إرتفاع أسعار اجور الكهرباء نتيجة تطبيق التسعيرة الجديدة حيث بلغ الارتفاع بنسبة 100% . Prices this section increased by 12.1% compared to prices to the month of March 2010, because of the high rents Alldoralexanip by 9.5% as well as high wage rates as a result of the application of electricity pricing as it hit new high at 100%. المجموعة الفرعية الوقود (البنزين والنفط والغاز) Sub-group of fuel (gasoline, oil and gas) بالنسبة للمجموعة الفرعية الوقود (البنزين والنفط والغاز) فقد شهدت أسعارها إرتفاعاًً خلال شهر آذار بنسبة 2.5% مقارنة بالشهر السابق نتيجة لإرتفاع اسعارها في منطقة كردستان بنسبة 11.6% وفي منطقة الوسط بنسب 1.3% وفي منطقة الجنوب بنسبة 0.2%. For the sub-cluster of fuel (gasoline, oil and gas) have seen their prices during the month of March increased by 2.5% compared to the previous month as a result of high prices in the Kurdistan region increased by 11.6% and in the central region at rates of 1.3% in the South by 0.2%. سجلت أسعارهذه المجموعة إرتفاعاً بنسبة 7.4% مقارنة بأسعارها في شهر آذار 2010 . Recorded Osarhzh group increased by 7.4% compared to prices in the month of March 2010. 5- قسم التجهيزات والمعدات المنزلية :- سجلت أسعاره في العراق إنخفاضاً طفيفاً خلال الشهر الحالي بنسبة 0.1% مقارنة بالشهر السابق ، نتيجة لإنخفاض اسعارها في كل من منطقة كردستان بنسبة 0.3% وفي منطقة الوسط بنسبة 0.1% وفي منطقة الجنوب بنسبة 0.2%.سجلت أسعار هذا القسم إنخفاضاً بنسبة 0.2% مقارنة بأسعاره في شهر آذار 2010 . 5 - Department of household furnishings and equipment: - recorded price in Iraq has decreased slightly during the month by 0.1% compared to the previous month, due to low prices in each of the Kurdistan region by 0.3% and in the central region by 0.1% in the South by 0.2%. Prices This section decreased by 0.2% compared to prices to the month of March 2010. 6- قسم الصحة :- سجلت أسعاره في العراق إرتفاعاً مقداره 0.8% خلال الشهر الحالي مقارنة بالشهر السابق، نتيجة لإرتفاع أسعاره في منطقة الوسط بنسبة 0.8% وفي منطقة الجنوب بنسبة 1.1% ، في حين استقرت اسعاره في منطقة كردستان. 6 - Department of Health: - recorded in Iraq, prices increased 0.8% during the current month compared to the previous month, as a result of the high prices in the central region by 0.8% in the South by 1.1%, while prices stabilized in the region of Kurdistan. سجلت أسعار هذا القسم إرتفاعاً بنسبة 8.3% مقارنة بأسعاره في شهر آذار 2010 . This section prices increased by 8.3% compared to prices to the month of March 2010. 7- قسم النقل :- سجلت أسعاره في العراق إرتفاعاً طفيفاً مقداره 0.1% خلال الشهر الحالي مقارنة بالشهر السابق ، نتيجة لإرتفاع أسعاره في منطقة الوسط بنسبة 0.4% ، في حين انخفضت اسعاره في منطقة كردستان بنسبة 0.1% وفي منطقة الجنوب بنسبة 0.8% . 7 - Department of Transport: - in Iraq, oil prices recorded a slight rise of 0.1% during the current month compared to the previous month, as a result of the high prices in the central region by 0.4%, while prices fell in the Kurdistan region increased by 0.1% in the South by 0.8%. سجلت أسعار هذا القسم إرتفاعاً طفيفاً بنسبة 0.1% مقارنة بأسعاره في شهر آذار 2010 . Prices this section increased slightly by 0.1% compared to prices to the month of March 2010. 8- قسم الاتصال :- سجلت أسعاره في العراق إستقراراً خلال الشهر الحالي مقارنة بالشهر السابق ، نتيجة لإستقرار أسعاره في كل من منطقتي كردستان والوسط ، في حين ارتفعت أسعاره في منطقة الجنوب بنسبة 0.1%. 8 - Department of contact: - recorded in Iraq, oil prices stable during the current month compared to the previous month, due to the stability of prices in all regions of Kurdistan and the center, while prices rose in the South by 0.1%. سجلت أسعار هذا القسم إنخفاضاً بنسبة 8.8% مقارنة بأسعاره في شهر آذار 2010 . Prices this section decreased by 8.8% compared to prices to the month of March 2010. 9- قسم الترفيه والثقافة :- سجلت أسعاره في العراق إنخفاضاً خلال الشهر الحالي بنسبة 0.3% مقارنة بالشهر السابق ، نتيجةً لإنخفاض أسعاره في منطقة كردستان بنسبة 0.2% وفي منطقة الوسط بنسبة 0.5% ، في حين ارتفعت أسعاره منطقة الجنوب بنسبة 0.1%. 9 - Department of Recreation and Culture: - prices were recorded in Iraq during the current month decreased by 0.3% compared to the previous month, due to lower prices in the Kurdistan region by 0.2% and in the central region increased by 0.5%, while the South rose in price by 0.1%. سجلت أسعار هذا القسم إنخفاضاً بنسبة 2.6% مقارنة بأسعاره في شهر آذار 2010 . Prices this section decreased by 2.6% compared to prices to the month of March 2010. 10- قسم التعليم :- سجلت أسعار هذا القسم إرتفاعاً خلال الشهر الحالي مقداره 0.3% مقارنة بالشهر السابق، نتيجةً لإرتفاع أسعاره في منطقة الوسط بنسبة 0.6% ، في حين استقرت أسعاره في منطقة كردستان وانخفضت في منطقة الجنوب بنسبة 0.2%. 10 - Department of Education: - the prices of this section increased during the current month rate of 0.3% compared to the previous month, as a result of the high prices in the central region by 0.6%, while prices stabilized in the Kurdistan region and decreased in the South by 0.2%. سجلت أسعار هذا القسم إرتفاعاً بنسبة 5.5% مقارنة بأسعاره في شهر آذار 2010 . This section prices increased by 5.5% compared to prices to the month of March 2010. 11- قسم المطاعم :- سجلت أسعاره في العراق إنخفاضاً خلال الشهر الحالي مقداره 0.2% مقارنة مع الشهر السابق نتيجة لانخفاض أسعاره في كل من منطقتي الوسط والجنوب بنسبة 0.1% ، في حين استقرت اسعاره في منطقة كردستان. 11 - Department of restaurants: - prices were recorded in Iraq during the current month decreased by 0.2% compared with the previous month due to lower prices in both the central and southern regions by 0.1%, while prices stabilized in the region of Kurdistan. سجلت أسعار هذا القسم إرتفاعاً بنسبة 5.9% مقارنة بأسعارها في شهر آذار 2010 . This section prices increased by 5.9% compared to prices in the month of March 2010. 12- قسم السلع والخدمات المتنوعة :- سجلت أسعاره في العراق إرتفاعاً خلال الشهر الحالي بنسبة 0.7% عن الشهر السابق، حيث ارتفعت أسعاره في منطقة الوسط بنسبة 1.3% وفي منطقة الجنوب بنسبة 0.2% ، في حين انخفضت اسعاره في منطقة كردستان بنسبـة 0.3%. 12 - Department of miscellaneous goods and services: - recorded price in Iraq has increased during the current month by 0.7% from the previous month, rising prices in the central region by 1.3% in the South rose 0.2%, while lower prices in the Kurdistan region increased by 0.3%. سجلت أسعار هذا القسم إرتفاعاً بنسبة 8.8% مقارنة بأسعاره في شهر آذار 2010 . This section prices increased by 8.8% compared to prices to the month of March 2010. 13- بلغ التضخم الأساس (130.4%) مسجلاً إرتفاعاً بنسبة(0.2%) عن الشهر السابق وبنسبة(5.7%) عن شهر آذار من العام الماضي. 13 - Inflation baseline (130.4%) registering an increase (0.2%) from the previous month, a rate (5.7%) for the month of March last year. ثانياً :- مؤشرات الأرقام القياسية لأسعار المستهلك على مستوى المناطق Second: - indicators indices of consumer prices at the district level 1- سجلت الأسعار في منطقة كردستان في شهر آذار 2011 مقارنة بالشهر السابق إرتفاعاً طفيفاً مقداره 0.1% نتج بصورة رئيسية عن إرتفاع في أسعار الملابس والاحذية بنسبة 5.5% ، أسعار السكن بنسبة 1.3% . 1 - recorded price in the Kurdistan region in the month of March 2011 compared to the previous month increased slightly 0.1% resulted primarily from the increase in the prices of clothing and footwear by 5.5%, housing prices rose 1.3%. 2- في منطقة الوسط سجلت الأسعار في شهر آذار 2011 مقارنة بالشهر السابق إنخفاضاً مقداره 1.0% نتج بصورة رئيسية عن إنخفاض في أسعار الاغذية والمشروبات غير الكحولية بنسبة 3.2% ، أسعار الملابس والاحذية بنسبة 0.1% ، أسعار التجهيزات والمعدات المنزلية والصيانة بنسبة 0.1% ، أسعار الترفيه والثقافة بنسبة 0.5%، أسعار المطاعم 0.1%. 2 - in the center recorded prices in the month of March 2011 compared to the previous month, a decrease of 1.0% resulting primarily from a decrease in the prices of food and non-alcoholic beverages by 3.2%, prices of clothing and footwear by 0.1%, prices of household furnishings and equipment and maintenance by 0.1%, prices recreation and culture increased by 0.5%, 0.1%, prices of restaurants. 3- في منطقة الجنوب سجلت الأسعار في شهر آذار 2011 مقارنة بالشهر السابق إنخفاضاً مقداره 0.4% نتج بصورة رئيسية عن إنخفاض أسعار الاغذية والمشروبات غير الكحولية بنسبة 1.1% ، أسعار التجهيزات والمعدات المنزلية والصيانة بنسبة 0.2% ، أسعار النقل بنسبة 0.8% ، أسعار التعليم بنسبة 0.2% ، اسعار المطاعم بنسبة 0.1%. 3 - in the south recorded prices in the month of March 2011 compared to the previous month decreased by 0.4% resulting primarily from lower food prices and non-alcoholic beverages by 1.1%, prices of household furnishings and equipment and maintenance rose 0.2%, transport prices by 0.8%, prices of education per 0.2%, prices of restaurants increased by 0.1%.
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