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Everything posted by Kimjackie

  2. Thank you for this link, another step closer. Still think they need a fully seated government to have an RV so lets hope thats next.
  3. KTFM Conference Call Monday 1-17-11 Part 1 The rate on ONANDA changed the rate from float to fix often in the last 24 hours. 8:30pm Frank opened call - We will reviewing post last Thursday- Frank discusses other guest we will have on the call. Delta returns tonight. We could not send Dinars with our folks in Iraq to see if we could cash out - there are prohibited from coming into Iraq and out... Thursday night I said there would be on Friday 4 places 2 in Syria, Kuwait and one in Jordan we would study for 8 hours - the site came up at $3.22 at the Jordan Bank and we called and they said we know its there but oh it was a mistake they said....Frank said yes on one currency constantly??? then 72 hours out from there at saturday PM our team said they said OH It was our server that did this - oh Frank said on one currency- how can a server effect half of your website and not the other half? When I said the 8 hour period would be the ONLY time to see that rate it was true and now you will see it erratically from now on... WCinThai was curious about fractional banking? How else WC, fractional banking is behind the whole RI... 10-15% cash reserves and what we have in our hands right now - pay attention to the auctions an guess that 96% is going to other countries - they need to build credit with other countries... US has no gold to back it and we don't even have 5% on our currency the American Dollar runs on fumes estimated credit. An Article = Emir of Kuwait is passing out Cash to his citizens reads Darline. Darline plays Maliki and Frank plays the Emir of Kuwait - Emir tells Maliki to announce the GOI to the world NOW THIS WEEK - Maliki says yes sir... as the Emir has power to tell other countries its not good... PM of Iraq - over 20 years ago - its the anniversary of the Gulf War and the Emir of Kuwait has not come to Iraq since that time - 20 years... and he made a demand behind closed doors to Maliki to SIT the GOI NOW. Now he wants payback now. How many citizens are in Kuwait - 1 million citizens plus 2 million foreigners. ME countries do not take care of Foreigners but the Emir told them that he will pay tribute to them by handing out 1000 Dinar that now worth $3,559.00 and give them food now for 1 year. Emir is saying I take care of you...Keep the dinar till its time... UN rate still no change yet effective of the 12th of Jan and effective date of the 14th and it updates nightly and once a day - somebody turned off the automatic update... since Friday nothing... Ancient Lady is on the line to speak - you are part of my team and an expert in the ME - and define to us the people there... Ancient Lady says Prov 20:5 she reads- council in the heart of man is deep water but a man of understanding will draw it out... I have accepted personal responsibility in this investment and remove it from you or anyone else in my desire to see this happen... Some look for evidence to support opinion but we should study to find evidence and show are - encourage all to relax and remember the scripture the says to confess and forsake our sin and we shall prosper - rest belongs on our shoulders - all info we find all day long via all sorts of means be reminded it is out personal responsibility to be understanding - draw it out for ourselves... Ancient Lady says she has info from her sources from Jordan - re the $3.22 was seen and she called personally by phone and emailed to her folks on the ground - she reads their response- they went to the bank and found out that they are NOT exchanging IQD "at this time" – they sent me to the exchanger and when I got there he told me that anyone may exchange IQD and may purchase them and sell them and he gave me the exchange rate for today on the 16th – it’s a bank that deals only with ARABS ONLY – it’s the culture of the ME and respectfully of the one family in the ME - Americans could not be able to engage at that bank - only an Arab citizen can do that - but a currency exchange office they have used many years they have been there for30 years due to history its accurate and this exchange office person is trustworthy for many years - the info given on the rate as of the 17th of Jan to purchase new IQD you must pay $.83 per 1000 Dinar…. to sell its $.85 per 1000 - or $850 today for $1MM - as of several hours ago and however I took it a step further in another 6 or 8 hours they will go to a bank where they have a personal contact there who is the VP of the investment Dept in the bank and they will request around the clock monitoring of the exchange platform and in my opinion I see 2 things happening in my opinion based on my evidence I believe they will open the system in the Arab countries - 4 of them near - so the citizens can bring their dinar in to get cash flow in their hands and then in a moment when NO ONE KNOWS I believe the ball will drop and this currency times square will hit the international global market I have boots on the ground to see if it’s all at once or gradual - I urge everyone to take a deep breath = whatever the Lord wants will happen.. I can tell the KTFM people who I am – yes – because of the position that – I past my 70th birthday several years ago and I am still a University student still going for my Doctorate – I took a course in global finances, foreign exchange platform studies, I am also interested in global politics and am involved in ministry for 60 years and the biblical prophecy – so I watch carefully the UN – I was in DC Monday in front of the IMF Building and World bank Building and our capital and LOTS is going on subliminal and articles we read and we don’t understand this is the tip of the iceberg – I paid for every gray hair on my head so my advice is till I can hold it in my hand the jury is still out – I look pray and study and watch and we have to remember whatever the Lord wants… BE wise and Kind family to everyone… I thank Frank as CEO and he does have the responsibility to correct when necessary and let’s be very careful in these last days. In my mind personally in my opinion there is no doubt what we have come together for will happen but NO BODY can put a date or rate and by tomorrow if you did it could change – so step back and stick together and we will finish together so let’s walk across this finish line hand in hand TOGETHER we are in this together… Wise man says a man of understanding will draw out wise counsel… Keep the faith and stay in prayer… The banks are not involved in this – no matter who it is up the line – these banks are not making these mistakes showing and doing what they are doing – and these rates are there and they told us they are valid but these rate belong to the Arabs – the Middle East (ME) and no one else not use – and the rate being posted out there is not posted by us as its only for ME – Ancient Lady says do not let the news jerk you around and be steady hear it with your mind but not with your emotions. We do NOT know when this will happen and in my studies I have no doubt that it will in fact occur and I believe it can’t base d on other sources and research shows all things are taking place around the ME and 2+2=4 sooner or later will come so do not be discouraged – it will come… ____________________ Part 2 The PM of Kuwait is considered to me is the Omega - 1980 was the Alpha - and now what just happened between these two PM's that hate each other there is no way they would have met and they met on the 20th anniversary of the Gulf war and 50th anniversary of Kuwait... My lawyer is sending a group to Afghanistan and he is sending someone to Dubai - study the countries that belong to the GCC - cause we believe it might be the next bank to play some silly games with "the rate"... and its only on the IQD??? Something is happening to the Dinar value - we can see it in front of our face. Darline says that the Emir by spreading the wealth to his own country Kuwait is showing Maliki HE SHOULD NOT BE OUTDONE and he should RI his money for Iraq. Pretend Alquaida (sp?) has a country and they want to be friends well i can forgive but not forget - Emir went over there and demanded Maliki DO WHAT HE HAS TO DO TO GET IT OVER - Kuwait has to be pleased and the debt was forgiven and he went to trigger that basket and the GCC it looks like its those countries are playing around with the $3.22 figures of the IQD - they are "playing" with it - The Iraq TV tells their people what they need to know... on Friday we are sending two people to Jordan to get this information... I spoke to Ali today and woke him up... we have people all over the place studying it - the GCC seems to be following a pattern, Kuwait Jordan Syria and my lawyers friends are there to study this and I think Saudi Arabia seems to have been done and I think w missed it - a solider talked to a Warka Bank teller in Iraq and the shut down and do not talk to him anymore... Frank says its great... We think Dubai is next so watch $3.22 may pop up so don't call them and just pray as something is happening.... Medic 67 - do they need the 30 days after the sit to be sitting to release the rate? We see many rules being broken as we see them moving fast as lightening as in Kuwait Emir came and went at the speed of light as normally they take 2-3 months... pay attention to the fix and float of Oanda family - hourly times 24 to get a means average. Ali gets 1billion dinars every month and its GONE now and he has to get his own money from his own stash as he has raised his prices 4 times now... we have not heard anymore smuggling at the borders of Iraq. Delta had for us is the TV information there in IRAQ - one pattern from one station we stick with - he was going to tell us the 3rd and final reading of the budget and we believe it has ALREADY has been read.... __________ Part 3 Delta is now on the phone: Budget was read once and tomorrow on the 18th will be for the 2nd time per Delta... they have some Kurd issues but minor - the important info is 2-3 weeks ago that the PM had a advisory committee of finance of the monitory policy came up with that finance cabinet PM have the Map for the exchange of the monitory policy to fix it... The plan of the committees and the Map and educate the people is being done... the Map is the 2011 Budget to fix the currency. The 2007 plan show the Financial Advisory Committee from the PM suggested the CBI and FM help this and then they collected the 3 zeros and ordered the CBI to do that and a week ago the plan should be ready to kick in and the info coming right now no date no rate , the next window should not exceed Feb 1st to do this... not going to fill the remaining security ministry positions till after the Arab summit that is taking place in Egypt NOW not the one in March - Then Maliki will put all ministries in one basket next week to get this done - they asked Iraq to join the World Trade organization and you have to have a currency a viable currency - Chapter 7 is out yes but the IQD can't be traded to the CBI revalues and the will pull the trigger to the IMF and they will trigger this to happen all over the world - rate will trade at one time - the rate in Jordan and Kuwait it was NOT a mistake at all - the point it the rate did show changes and something is going on under a test - Iraq will not be able to join without a national currency the World Trade Organization... The Plan has to be completed hopefully this month - the GOI and CBI might not even wait for the Budget cause they have a need to get this done - this came from sources as it's urgent to do this so they can join the WTO and the GCC on Feb is another meeting that they need to join and need only 1-2 days to reinstate their currency to join the GCC, not a 30 day wait... Is there any problems with the road systems in Iraq from the TV - transportation road - next week o the 26th they have one of those holidays that they walk 7-10 days long to remember a prophet of theirs and the roads from Kuwait to Baghdad to honor that and a lot of roads for days and days walking and on the 26th they will have a holiday for about 2 weeks... Tomorrow is the 2nd reading of the Budget....Jan 18th Frank asks Delta to tell his Opinion about the Emir of Kuwait coming to Iraq to visit Maliki. Delta said Iraq has had problems for years and no one wanted to even look at Maliki and they were very happy and kissing each other and very happy press conference said put past in the past new brothers and met behind closed doors... and they had conditions to be met BEFORE they were to come to Iraq - that was huge for our investment... Kuwait is the key and the Kurds are in charge - its coming. Watch for the PM of Syria coming to Iraq - was in Iraq on Saturday says Delta - next time Delta and Frank in Iraq - LOL - and Syria is done - Delta feels 1-2 weeks this has to happen to start trading... Frank says When I see the budget as they used $$$ I need now one more setting so we have a 3 different ways to interpret the rate - I want Iraq, Jordanian dollars so far have shown $3.22 as the possible rate... Delta says that this morning on Iraq TV they said one of the news paper had we will raise the value of the IQD in the paper and TV to the people... That was important says Delta... We have people in Dubai, Jordan and a retired General from Russian province - and Ancient Lady has a team scattered all over and the moment they try this "game" one more time we will know about it... Delta says one last thing that today 2-3 hours ago they changed the Iraq dinars from fixed to moving. Frank says thanks to all on the call , Je'sus, Delta, Darline, Joe and Debbie Frank sings to end the call... END OF TYPING.... GREAT thanks to Angel R for her wonderful support once again! __________________ For all the promises of God in him [are] yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us. 2 Cor. 1:20 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Heh Earth Secrets, thanks but its already in motion and started and the RV is In January. Thanks for the fun. GO RV
  5. Dont know how long you have been around but Its not all of a sudden. Most people have been saying NO LOP. Only those that dont understand talk about a lop. Medic, Frank (especially Frank) Adam, other gurus have said NO LOP. Those that wanted to talk us out of this investment talk lop. Not happening.
  6. Just go to the chat logs and check it out. Always consider it a rumor....
  7. IT WILL HAPPEN ONE DAY...........Thanks for posting. Not sure these are verified, but if they are I will be happy to hear that,.
  8. Be careful where you say this because I was banned from another site for saying this. Okie is considered a sacred individual at some places. Thanks for post , I highly agree.
  9. First of all thank you for this post and Happy New Year. Policy to delete the zeros is an internationally known, particularly in developing countries that have suffered from excessive levels of inflation, monetary, and was among the targets of that action is to reduce the masses of cash circulating in the economy and remove the (monetary illusion) and boost confidence in local currency and absorb inflation or to control the pace along with the goals related to supporting economic stability and control of internal and external imbalances ... Iraq doesnt have these problems, they are low inflation and have very little cash floating around. I believe they will remove the larger notes from their currency after an RV. Edited to add a word.
  10. I also think the people at Just--4--dinar need to see the light about Okie. I complained the other day that we were tired of his lies and his intel. I stated that Okie was stating everything as facts and in the end it was just rumors. About 10 minutes after I posted that I was BANNED FOREVER. They love Okie over there, but I guess they are just sipping the kool-aid. So far he has been wrong even though he stated his intel as TRUE. He seems to be a lonely old man that wants attention and he is getting it. He himself has been banned from several sites.[/b]
  11. Trew, spend the afternoon reading the LOP articles on LOP talk and make your own decision. Those of us that have been here awhile have seen this and commented thousands of times. It may or may not happen and you and I will not know til it happens. The article is old. I will tell you this--Usually if a country has low inflation they DO NOT lop. Its reserved for high inflation countries. Iraq is very low inflation......Iraq wants to bring their value of their dinar up not down. We will know when it happens, but thats why its an investment-not a sure thing, its not a done deal.. This dinar speculation is not for the faint of heart. Do not spend money purchasing dinar unless you can afford to lose it. It may go way up in value and then again it may not. Happy New Year.....
  12. Hello Newbie--The link not working properly so cannot respond.. Since you are new here please search this forum for answers you seek to this link because most links ( like what I assume this is) have been hashed over for months and years. Most are smoke and mirrors so dont worry......Welcome and Happy New Year.
  13. Hello earth to Plasticsman--------- You waited this long why not wait this next few months or this year. I dont know what money you can make on a $20k investment that will make more than what you get on the dinar but its your investment so do whatever you have to do.
  14. Amen and thanks for the post.
  15. Well First of all owning another country's currency is not a scam and trading on Forex is not a scam as it has been done forever and owing Iraqi dinar is allowed by George Bush's executive order and Ali at Dinar Trade is licensed with the U.S Treasury so how is this a scam? The word Scam means to swindle or defraud somone out of their money. Well we havent had that done to us becasue we can sell it back to Ali if we desire and if it RV's we make money. Even if Iraq decided to change currency we would swap our dinars in for the new currency. I am not worried.
  16. Thats not FRank at KTFM missions and people shouldnt post things that are not correct. This gets someones name out there in a bad light. Frank cares about people and helps a few from time to time with money. I have seen pics of him and he looks Hawaiian in real life, nothing like this skinny pinhead.
  17. I believe it will be between 85 cents and the Euro of about $1.32 currently right around midnight on the 31st December. I will take 30 cents LOL. I am afraid that if it doesnt happen before end of JANUARY we will be waiting a long while.
  18. I agree, GO RV Thanks for the post
  19. Hello-- A Giants Man -----I was banned yesterday from another site for saying essentially the same thing. I was very nice when I said it and only said I am tired of the lies we hear from Okie as we are honest people and I felt like his dates and rates come and go all the time. I said that Okie says he is not spreadiing rumors only telling the truth. Because I said that the very next thing I know is that I was banned. Go figure. !!!!! Lots of people love the guy, but I dont. !
  20. Frank seems like a decent human being and I for one like him. I dont like Okie although I must be in the minority because when I posted at another site yesterday (the one with the number 4 and dinar in it.) I got banned FOREVER for saying I was tired of the Guru lies. Okie has said straight out that his info is not rumor and its solid. He states its all true, which we know is wrong because his dates and rates have come and gone, yet he continues to post. I questioned it and got banned which tells me the viewers/members are not as important as the Gurus. People are blindly loyal to Okie too. Guess you cannot speak the truth anymore. One of these days all the viewers/members will be outnumbered by Gurus. .
  21. I have the first one listed up right now. Havent tried the other one though.
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