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Everything posted by dlbfilm

  1. Thanks I am just frustrated because we are able to do so little but we can vote................. and be heard....... that we can do.....
  2. We have to say something it is time................
  3. I appreciate the post but I dont think they can get it done.... just sayin.....
  4. They better do something fast the American people will not stand for this forever......
  5. Agreed get rid of the Infidels...................................
  6. He is a Obamanation to this country.... just sayin........................
  7. It does matter... people are dying for nothing....................... have we become so callused that we just think of it as a normal day????? There are good people there that want freedom and the idiots there will not let it happen.... It makes me sick and it should make all of you sick..... Do you really want the Dinar to be blood money? Is is worth it if the Iraqi people dont get there freedom.... Maybe we should all take a look in the mirror.... If it was your family that was dying there would it just be another day there? I have family there that are fighting in this war everyday and it matters to me that this ends.... I want my family home safe just like the general people of Iraq want there family home safe. We all have no idea of the suffering this has caused we just think about how rich we will all be.... There is a much bigger picture out there.... dont take this gift lightly......
  8. They should take the insurgents and the cowardly politicians and just get them all out of the country..... Put some humble people in there and let them run the country.... it is what should happen.... it is very shameful what is going on.... makes me sick....
  9. They should be ashamed of what they are doing and there very freedoms should be taken from them and they should be outcast to a barren island together and naked.....
  10. I am feeling very patriotic today as I went to vote to hopefully start a change in this great country to get rid of the filth in Washington and in every state in this great country. I think of the people in Iraq that have suffered for hundreds of years by tyrants and this is there first time to experience freedom and look at the mess they are having to go through to get it. Look at how many of our great soldiers have died and there own and ours that still fight and risk there life to bring this gift to them. I have the greatest respect for our soldiers past and present that have paid the ultimate price for what we take for granted everyday. It makes me ashamed of how some of the leaders of this great country mock what the original founders of this great country died for to bring us freedom. Look at Iraq and all they suffer. We are in this for the Dinar but we must all remember the blessing we will all have because of the blood and tears so many have shed for us all. I pray, yes pray that it is not all in vain for the Iraqi people and all of us. So many can be blessed by this great sacrifice and we can all use it for good or the evil of the world can use it for more evil to curse our own great country and many others. All of the good people of this great country and all of the countries of the world cannot let that happen. We have to take a stand for what is good and right or our children and grandchildren will not be able to fix the mess we will be leaving them. It is time we remember and are not ashamed that God Blessed this great country.... call him what you want but in this country God Blessed it.... if you dont like it go back to where you came from..... I have so much respect for all of the great leaders on DV that are trying to guide and direct us. They are just like us people they want to help. Yes there are some with other motives but if the good people stick together we can get rid of them to. With this great blessing comes great responsibility not just for us but for all of the world.... I ask you will you be ready to do good with the blessing we are all about to receive? I pray the suffering will stop in Iraq and throughout all of the world... there is no joy in suffering... It is time to honor those that have honered us and paid the ultimate price for each one of us... Remember today is a day of change if you will stand up and be heard..... Just Do It..... God Bless America and our freedoms..... God Bless the humble people of Iraq and the rest of the world that suffer to have what we take for granted..... Semper fi.... to the greatest soldiers in the world.......
  11. Thanks Chief, just want you to know I personally have the greatest respect for you and all that are serving our great country right now or ever. You make me proud to be a part of what made this country great. I pray you and your family will always be blessed for the sacrifice you are making for all of us.... God Bless.... and yes I did vote to try to do my small part to help to save this great country..... Semper fi.....
  12. Did it first thing.... Its the least we can do for all of those that have died for our freedoms...... We have to clean house there and start over to save this great country or we will lose it..... GO VOTE>>>>>
  13. Im sorry to seem negative today but I am sick and tired of all of there excuses like most of us. It makes me sick they are hurting the people of there country so badly. You look at all of the guys in the suits and you know they have good places to live food, electricity and water. They are getting there checks and the rest of the country is suffering. Take away all of there perks and see how fast they form a government and get off of there a____ and do something that will help there country for a change. I have no disrespect for anyone in DV. I am just really sick and tired of the lies, the smoke and mirrors to confuse everyone for WHAT? So that the few can make the majority suffer. The United Nations are just as bad they are about as scarry as Bambi.... omg come on.....
  14. Yeah they cant even buy gum with it now.... uggggggggggg
  15. Assurance??????????????????? whatever.... thanks for the post though....
  16. Thanks for the post hopefully they will stop talking about it and do something.... omg.... come on.... actions speak louder than words....
  17. He couldnt find his seat if he was sitting on it.... uggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
  18. NO.............................
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