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Everything posted by ReachingHigher

  1. IMHO - Companies - especially large companies don't do things "out of the kindness of their hearts". They do things based on their bottom line and how much they stand to profit. For these cellular companies to be switching to using Iraqi dinars instead of US dollars - is the most hopeful sign to me. They (as others have stated) have been given assurances that making this change will be in their best financial interest. You know the old saying: Walks like a duck, talks like a duck, must be a DUCK (RV). Cool - and thanks for the post, sunshinelvr Peace.
  2. Another newbie question: Where are Medic, and Breitling "chatting"? Is it here at DinarVets? Or someplace else. Do we know they are not pumpers? No disrespect intended, but I am new to all of this and just wonder if there is more info about these particular experts? Thanks one and all. Peace.
  3. DaisyRN - you and your family are being lifted up in prayer. Blessings.
  4. Thanks Frank. Welcome. Here's to the journey! Will absorb anything you can share with us about the ways to be smart after RV. Peace.
  5. Ok, more painful questions from a newbie. Yesterday in some post (criminies I can't find which post) someone suggested (indirectly) that the "lop" might be from the current exchange rate. Meaning if the dinar is presently at 0.000865 (roughly) and then they "lopped" off three zeros then the exchange rate (RV) would be .86 - which would equal around 1.16 dinars to the USD. Any thoughts on this you ol' timers?
  6. This is where people are confused. Frank did not say it would RV at $3. He said 3.22 - this means 3.22 dinars to buy ONE (1) USD. This is so bloody frustrating because some people use numbers like 3.22, and some would say (meaning the same thing) the RV will happen at 0.31. This means 1 dinar would buy .31 cents US - thus it would take 3.22 dinars to purchase 1 USD. I know that others throw around numbers anywhere from 1:1 all the way to 10:1 (ten dinars to buy 1 USD) but the fact we are not all speaking the same lingo makes the numbers confusing. If you look at the rest of the Middle East, Isreal and Saudi Arabia are both in that 3+ to 1 USD ratio so I feel this is a reasonable estimate. The confusion (IMO) with Jigga is he/she is thinking that Frank was suggesting more of a Kuwaiti dinar rate which is 0.29 KD to 1 USD. This means that it takes $3.45 USDs to buy one Kuwaiti dinar. I DO NOT believe this is the 3 that Frank was suggesting - rather he was referring to something closer to Isreal's current exchange rate. Hope this at least helps the newbies. Peace.
  7. Thanks Riley. I know others have said it, but I felt compelled to join the chorus of thanks. Be well. Stay safe. Blessings.
  8. Mr Smith said: "Adam does not trust Ali for anything" Can someone direct me to previous posts so I can understand why this might be so? As a newbie I am playing catch up - but since we purchased all of our dinars from DinarTrade I would be very interested in know why someone (Adam or otherwise) does not trust Ali/Dinar trade. Thanks. PEACE!
  9. I've done well on a penny stock of a company owned by an associate of mine. This company has a new homeopathic analgesic (pain medicine) which really works, is as powerful as morphine for stage 2 pain, but with the side effects. It is just now being rolled out in national chain pharmacies across the USA. You should be able to get it at your local Walgreens by mid April. Anyway, the CEO (a man I know and trust) believe it will be at $1 by summer and $3 by early next year. You can read about the company - oh shoot don't think I'm allowed to give a website?? But the stock is NPHC. I bought at 3 cents per share back in July 2009, today it is at around 42 had made it up to 99 cents before the market went all helter skelter last fall. Anyway, I work in a cancer center and believe this is quite a hopeful company and product. It is a start-up pharma company. Peace.
  10. A newbie question - per DHT31's comment about "cash in only what you need initially then put the rest in a foreign currency acct as the value of the dinar is surely going to continue to go up over the next few years. It would stink to miss out on additional gains." If the RV happens and there is a deadline for cashing in the larger dinar notes - then how can we hold on to some for future gains in the dinar?? Thanks. Peace.
  11. Puzhalsta - thanks. Interesting info regardless...sure is an interesting time to be hangin' in with this group of investors...Appreciate your sharing.
  12. I don't think tax evasion is the answer - but rather looking for the way to make the "rules" work in our favor. I don't see anything wrong with this - as telestar mentions, everyone's situation is different so engage a good tax specialist to make sure you are not missing something which could work in your favor. This will sound off topic, but it makes a point...I see this with cancer patients everyday - they do not ask questions, they just do as they are "told" by their doctors and don't do their due diligence which could save their lives!! ASK QUESTIONS! Know the rules, learn what your alternatives and your choices are beyond what you are "told". If you want what is on the "top shelf" in life you need to get it by standing on the books you read (and the good questions you ask!) Just be smart. Plan ahead. You might legally save yourself thousands of dollars this way. My 2 dinars worth. Peace.
  13. Thanks Joyce. Educating ourselves is our best defense. Appreciate the You Tube recommends. Peace.
  14. Color me confused, but I think there are those who get the numbers muddled up. If the RV comes in at. 23 cents thismeans 1 dinar would buy .23 cents US. That means (stating it another way) the RV would be around 4.25 dinars = $1 US. Saudi Arabia is around 4 Saudi riyals to $1 US. which means 1 Saudi riyal = about .25 cents US. I personally find it less confusing if we say the RV would be at ie: 4 dinars to the dollar. This is MUCH more clear to me. Kuwaiti dinars are at around 0.29 Kuwaiti dinar high against the dollar. This means $1 USD will only buy 0.29 of one Kuwaiti dinar. SO you would need $3.45 USD to buy 1 Kuwaiti dinar. But if you see that 0.29 it can be confusing because it is higher than a 1:1 ratio against the USD. BUT when someone says it will RV at .23 cents....they are talking about lower than a 1:1 ratio against the USD. I personally can't believe the RV would come in at anywhere near the Kuwaiti dinar rate. Hope this helps some newbies to better understand the numbers. If we look at the exchange rates of the surrounding countries in the Middle East: Saudi Arabia is 3.75 riyals = $1USD (= 0.27) Qatar Rial is 3.64 = $1USD (= 0.27) Isreal sheqel is 3.77 = $1.USD (=0.26) Bahrain dinar is 0.37 will buy $2.65 USD Different people state the numbers in different ways which makes it more of a muddle. Oh - and my exchange rates may be off a bit - forgive me that as I was just trying to give a clear example vs. being exact on exchange rates exactly today. Peace!
  15. I believe offering "strategies" is helpful. We're all grown ups here and will take actions according to our own belief systems when the time comes. Thanks for your thoughts. Peace
  16. Welcome, Diacin. The fastest way to get up to speed it to buy Adam's book - gives you all the lingo, the inside scoop on understanding this investment. Worth every penny. Peace.
  17. "The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start!" - John Brigham Thanks for sharing, Barbann! We must remember (though it is tough sometimes) to live our dreams - not just dream our lives! Glad to land in a place where folks are living their dreams! In-Joy.
  18. Amen and awesome. Thanks for sharing. Peace.
  19. Thanks Bumper 64. I am actively looking into the Vietnam currency. Just don't want to purchase too much if they are going to introduce new currency anytime soon. Not enough hours in the day to keep up on all of this - but you know the old saying: If you always do what you've always done; you'll always get what you've always gotten." Thus, motivation is high to explore options for changing my family's fortunes over the next few years. Peace.
  20. My education here at Dinar University sure is INTERESTING. Taking it all in...and I thought cancer research was a tangled web! HA! Thanks everyone.
  21. Welcome Lana. My what a road you have seen in 7 years. Good on ya. Hoping your dinar journey (our journey) is nearly at the end in the positive way we all are hoping for.
  22. Here here. All excellent points. Well presented, well considered. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and all of this information & links. Awesome.
  23. Thanks GT Ace. Any insights you can share on tax shelters would be greatly appreciated. In return I'd be happy to talk with you about ways to prevent cancer! I know that is out of left field, but hey, we bring to the party what we can, right!? Thanks again for your post. I am a newbie to all of this and working as fast as I can to get myself an education. Perhaps we need to set up a site for each of us to share other good stock tips, tax tips, etc. God knows we could all use any good insights for how to keep our money in OUR OWN pockets! ;o)
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