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Everything posted by TOMINVEGAS

  1. I think the parliament has been getting paid big bucks to stall everything important..... and they are collecting their paychecks too.....I can’t prove it, but to me, it’s the only thing that makes sense.....
  2. “Parliamentary Finance: Things are moving quickly towards the adoption of the budget”..... things????? what kind of things?........quickly???? come on now, nothing moves “quickly” in Iraq..... you mean like in a month?!?
  3. This could be good.... blatant threats from Iran.... could help spur the anti corruption, solidify the need for a U.S. troop presence, build more cohesion in the GOI, and since I don’t think Abadi will back down— may cause a serious cleaning of house of all that is pro-Iranian but probably in a politically correct sort of way.... idk...all imo......... heck, he might declare war on Iran ?! I feel for Abadi tho....he’s caught in the middle, but he needs to make a choice and take a stand....enough playing both sides
  4. That may be the problem....they don’t seem to be to be fair, this time around they do seem a little more serious than they have in the past.....but not by much
  5. Speaking of that, did they vote on the highly anticipated shoe throwing law yet?
  6. Should help massively...It’s about flipping time.....smh


    A friend of a friend of mine just got got back from Switzerland...He says It started in the men’s restroom at Davos. Abadi was in a stall and seated, and was overheard whispering “it will be hidden in Trumps speech”.... after running his written speech through letter algorithms, sure enough, it is there.... “one to one” is clearly spelled out...the rate will be one to one. It’s embedded in the part where he talks about Iraq. Also found was “Maliki wears high heels and thongs” , and “ Iraq is like a monkeys butt”.......only heresay so idk. The friend of a friend says that Abadi might have only said “ it will done when rump meets seat” but he’s not sure.
  8. Speaking of that, I think the price of oil needs to be lowered again by TPTB.... these Iraqi guys aren’t listening.....
  9. Ok well then, I guess I’ve let the years of bs get to me. As far as these companies go..... Well I hope they do invest in Iraq. And I hope Iraq is stabilized, investment pours in, jobs are created, a better economy takes shape, a real democracy is formed etc. etc. We will see what happens. I personally am not buying into their bs again. Heard it all before. Not selling, but just sitting back to see what happens. ( If an RV of sorts actually happens I’ll be just fine.) .....IMO Iraq is going to need some serious help from the U.S. and other countries if this mess is going to fly as it now. Think what you want. Do what you want. That’s just my opinion.
  10. Are you buying more Dinar? Do you feel that confident? Follow the money, right? .....
  11. Harsh words? Iraq is a joke. They really need to make some big changes. If I was a large investor or in charge of billions of dollars, I don’t think I would be investing in Iraq. There are too many other safer and better places to put that money to work. Let’s see if they can make things right going forward. Maybe the U.S. will step in as sort of an intermediary to make investors more comfortable..... is that part of our role in the SFA? Or maybe Kuwait or Saudi Arabia will play that role or help facilitate? Or maybe Iraq will actually get their act together? The hope of a successful Iraq (“successful” in western terms) seems to be more our dream than theirs. They have not done what they need to do to make investors feel assured....IMO.
  12. clown kloun/ noun noun: clown; plural noun: clowns 1. a comic entertainer, especially one in a circus, wearing a traditional costume and exaggerated makeup. synonyms: comedian; More jester, fool, zany "a circus clown" a comical, silly, playful person. "I was always the class clown" synonyms: joker, comedian, comic, humorist, wag, wit, prankster, jester, buffoon; More informallaugh, kidder, wisecracker "the class clown" a foolish or incompetent person. "we need a serious government, not a bunch of clowns" synonyms: fool, idiot, dolt, ass, simpleton, ignoramus;More bungler, blunderer; informalmoron, meatball, bozo, jackass, chump, numbskull, numbnuts, nincompoop, halfwit, hoser, bonehead, knucklehead, fathead, butthead, birdbrain, scissorbill, twit, nitwit, twerp "bureaucratic clowns"
  13. IMO we can thank parliament, and Maliki and his cronies for the severe and purposeful lack of progress....
  14. Yeah let’s hope this year, (sometime soon preferably), brings the RV etc. However, after all this time ( way more than a decade) of the GOI proving themselves to be corrupt, squirrely, incompetent, greedy, mouth breathing, inbred idiots, my hopes are more realistic...... For the most part, they don’t care about their own citizens or becoming a great country....they don’t have it in them......everyone else will have to lead them and do it for them, otherwise it won’t get done.....I will continue to make fun of them and this whole situation until I make a profit from these lying pieces os. They don’t deserve any better. Let’s hope the international community can keep bringing them towards sanity, a democracy, and of course, a currency that is worth something.... smh
  15. Reposting this his great article that Yota posted. Thaer al-Fili is telling it like it is RIGHT NOW in Iraq. ALL the government is comprised of THIEVES. There will need to be major controls for this to succeed and he recommends bypassing the government altogether basically to ensure it gets done.
  16. I heard they will meet at Michaels to discuss all the framing options. Maliki arranged the meeting and they will have camelhair crackers and tea.
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