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Everything posted by ocmba

  1. From the article they are going to LOP the dinar 1000:1 that is well understood. What I don't get is if you were one of the investors in their stock market do your actual amount of shares decrease when the redenomination happens? Seems to me that would rock the confidence of the business community not only in Iraq but here in the good ole USA. What I am getting at is that the basis is not going to be apples to apples.
  2. I am first of all really disappointed that muslims would act on their own people like this. You know there is a peaceful form of islam called suffi. Why can't they get radical and go from another direction and get upset about those children loosing their civil rights. Oh I forgot its the crazy leading the crazy over there. I should not say that but the analogy is sound. Personally I think that if the kids want to stick a rubber glove on there head and run up and down the block yelling i'm a squid I think that should be able to do so. hmmmffff!
  3. You know Turkey and all of those other countries do not have the wealth that the Iraqis have. The oil wells that they have in the middle east produce more oil than any of our most prolific wells in the gulf coast and they have a lot of em and they are drilling more as we speak. If these turkeys don't RV their money first and then re denominate IMHO they will ruin themselves as credible business people because they really do have the hard american cash to make this happen. I keep reminding myself that toward the conclusion there will all kinds of misinformation coming out of the country. Peace
  4. That is such a tease!!!!! I like it though, may I have another?
  5. Doesn't the Central Bank of Iraq have a flyer on their website about raising the value of the dinar to $1.13 USD equivalent. Its late now but I think that I have a copy of that letter. That is why I keep thinking that a redomination after a revalue makes the most sense. I think that the US wants Iraq to peg their dinar to the dollar.
  6. What I don't understand is that when Iraq had no running water, no electricity, and oil production was very low the dinar appreciated. Now they have some of the first two and apparently a great amount of oil production and they are saying inflation is out of control? It doesn't seem like they have lost or gained anything in unemployment in fact in may be better than it was. This inflation talk sounds fishy!
  7. JMHO but a sovereign nation that has used some of those bills to settle debts outside/inside their borders would not develop much trust/faith in Iraq's financial system. I know right now they are trying to develop foreign investment in their stock market. In other words, In would be a really bad idea to not stand behind their currency because a lot of business is based on the faith of its underlying currency.
  8. Iraq has been selling there own money and taking in dollars just like China to devalue their own money. Personally I think that their financial/business/ethics compass is so far off that I am surprised they don't drive to across the desert to find out if Israel has a nice bedroom community where they can commute from.
  9. I really have a problem with a country skirting the issue of hiding their wealth to the rest of the world. If these guys are truly on the road to producing 16 million barrels of oil ( and from I have heard they are refining it in iraq and then selling gasoline at much higher rate to other countries). Does anybody have any idea how much wealth they pull in from the rest of the world? I have no calculations but I can bet that it is a tremendous amount. So they would LOP their currency to keep outsiders (infidels) from profiting (albeit wildly) from their success is just below the belt. IMO what they came into the iraq war is what they will soon have again if they don't become honorable men.
  10. Great find. I believe you guys are teaching me how to be and stay positive. Go RV!!!
  11. obviously these politicians don't understand that they will not be able to please all the people. They will get lucky if they please half the people. I think they are so full of themselves thinking that they can make the government be for everybody that they are just frozen in their own bulls**t. Somebody needs to tell them to s**t or get off of the pot. And I really hope that they do care.
  12. Hey Woody if the money lops you have a future in writting short stories!
  13. Minimum Alternative Tax on investments greater than 200,000
  14. Given the situation that is present in Iraq I will have to agree with k98 because I think that there is one thing we all over look. Iraqi's are not stupid they know a lot of christians do own quite a bit of dinar and to make an infidel wealthy does not fit their belief system. I really hope that I am wrong I hope that they have better insight and gratitude for the folks that brought them freedom. Here again I hope that I am wrong. I have been praying that their leaders are able to help their folks see this. It appears that there is still a corroding thread among them. Anyway lets all pray that they get some divine intervention and guideance in their lives.
  15. Bunny I see no bunny Abby do you see a bunny!
  16. k98 why do you keep thinking that this medic person is a credible source for you? You must now something we do not. Please inform us.....???
  17. I have already talked to the big man about the tithing and none of this would have been possible had it not been for him seeing me through up to this point.
  18. I am not completely ruling out the fact that it just may float at 1170 until August. August is when our troops are to be pulled out. Until then I have not completely convinced myself that the Iraqi government will be allowed to function on its own until then. Reason being is that there are probably quite a few discrepencys between what is actually being produced in the oilfields that what is actually being reported. I am sure that there are those unreputable people that would pull up a tanker and divert oil if at all possible and it has happened in the past. I am not naming names but I think all of you might know who they would be.
  19. Thats very cryptic shogun6?!!!!! Put the article in the thread????
  20. I have been invested in the dinar since at least 2004. It has been a long time trying to get information on this subject. I have read most of the threads and there is good information for and against the dinar which is good. It keeps me hopeful that we will be proud of the work that our soldiers did and that it has become such a great success. You have no idea how happy I am that I found this site!!!
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