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Articles 11-07-2014


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Albzona: The government told oil provinces not to the possibility of petro-dollars exchange 5
07/11/2014 12:49 | Number of Views: 82
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Basra / Source News / .. central government informed the oil-producing provinces is not possible to customize the petro-dollars for this 5 year exchange in addition to the lack of ability on the disbursement of the next year's budget in 2015.


 The head of the provincial council in Basra morning Albzona, on Friday, in a press statement that "the provincial council was frustrated by what has been put forward yesterday, through the upper Altenseeqh Committee meeting of the governorates not organized province by the government, which confirmed the inability to pay the allocation of petro dollars 5 provinces produced during the current year Besides reducing the government directed the allocation of the petro-dollar. "


He explained Albzona "our province and the oil-producing provinces They could put the government fiscal deficit in the budget and the challenges of security and lower the price of a barrel of oil, but the government has demanded that Atdf money at the moment and sufficiency as a religion of privilege on the government and the Ministry of Finance to issue exchange bonds to take over the oil-producing provinces contracting with companies to implement Projects based on the Ministry of Finance bonds. "


According to the new amendment, introduced by the previous parliament on governorates not organized province of Law No. 21 of 2008 he was awarded the oil-producing provinces of $ 5 for every barrel of oil produced after that and it was $ Ahadda.anthy / 19 p

Deputy likely not to send the government budget to Parliament in the form of bonds


MP for the change Amin Bakr

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Author: Editor: br reporter: na

Number of Views: 61

07/11/2014 12:44


Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: likely Kurdistan Alliance MP Amin Bakr, on Friday, the government does not send the budget to the House of Representatives in 2014 in the form of bonds, noting that each year must have a budget law, including in 2014.

Bakr said, "for tomorrow Press", that "each year must have its own budget law, so in any case, there must be the 2014 budget, or else fall into a legal vacuum," he said, adding that "in any case, must send the budget Government to Parliament, whether in the form of bonds or the law. "

He guessed Bakr, "the government not to send the budget to the parliament in the form of bonds, because some of the problems with the Kurdistan region has not yet been resolved, including the salaries of the Peshmerga," noting that "the government did not send the salaries of the Peshmerga until now."

He explained that "Baghdad and Erbil can not reach yet an agreement on the staff of the province, as well as the salaries of the Peshmerga, because the budget so far not yet clear."

It is noteworthy that the state budget for the current year has not yet recognize since it sent the government for nearly eight months to former House have not been included on the agenda, while procrastinated previous Presidency for inclusion due to the lack of political blocs agreement had been returned once again to the government, nor that harassment continues while people wait for things related material as well as projects stalled.

Nosard Messenger: differences between Baghdad and Erbil will end soon and visit infallible broke the deadlock


MP from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Nawzad Messenger

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Author: Editor: br reporter: ta

Number of Views: 114

06/11/2014 12:49


Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: Description of the MP for the National Union of Kurdistan Nawzad Messenger, on Thursday, visiting President of the Republic Fuad Masum, the Kurdistan region and meetings as the leaders of the Kurds contributed to break the deadlock that gripped the relationship between Baghdad and Erbil, likely ending the differences between the parties in the near future.

Said Kurdish lawmaker in a statement received "tomorrow Press", "The visit infallible President of the Kurdistan region and a series of meetings he held in Sulaimaniya and Arbil with Kurdish parties and government figures in the region's leaders have contributed greatly to break the deadlock that gripped the relationship between the center and the region in the last period." .

He pointed out that "the return of the dialogue is much better than the continuation of the rupture that occurred at the time of the previous government."

"The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan played an important role in opening the doors of dialogue between the center and the region by visiting high-level delegation headed by First Deputy Secretary-General of the National Union Rasool and the official body operating in the Union Mullah Bakhtiar of the Political Bureau and a number of party members to the capital Baghdad and their meeting with leaders of the Shiite parties and Sunni, as it contributed to these efforts and tireless efforts in the convergence of views between the two sides. "

He was the messenger for "hope that you find the outstanding way the files to the solution in the near future."

It is noteworthy that the relations between Baghdad and Erbil began to take the positive aspects, especially after mutual visits and meetings between politicians of both parties, while the country at this time needs to be everyone's efforts under occupation Aldoaash several areas in Iraq. "

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Jubouri: the confidence of the political blocs crisis moved to the public








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Author: Editor: mw Reporter:

Number of Views: 143

07/11/2014 08:43


Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, said Thursday that his country is facing a crisis of confidence between the political blocs have moved to the public.

He said al-Jubouri, during a speech at the crossroads of the Middle East for dialogue and reconciliation in Arbil, it "has to be diagnosed with the crisis, which led us to adopt a project of reconciliation and dialogue," explaining that "the crisis we face today is a crisis of confidence where there is no complete confidence between the political parties."

Jubouri said that "this crisis has moved to the public and took root until it became a community," noting that "reconciliation and dialogue faces several problems, including arms and extravagance that has occurred in the use of the term terrorism."

Jubouri and stressed that "reconciliation need to be bolder and not to fear", adding that "those who want to launch such a project must be bold and do not exclude anything, nor put red lines."

The first was launched in Erbil on Tuesday evening, the Middle East Forum for reconciliation and dialogue in the region, with the participation of representatives from more than 10 countries, in addition to political leaders, intellectuals, and is scheduled to conclude today.

It took the process of forming a new Iraqi government headed by Haidar al-Abbadi, some time until they were communicating L. yen political blocs agree, that there are several differences between them since the previous government of Nouri al-Maliki, though there are still differences between many of those blocks.




Side of the city of Arbil in the Kurdistan region of Iraq amid imaging (AA)
Securities Commission expects direct "exchange" trading Erbil end of 2014 and is seeking to open another in Basra


Author: ASJ, BS 
Editor: BK, BS 11.07.2014 forty-four past one p.m. number of readings: 88 




Long-Presse / Baghdad

Predicted Iraq Securities Commission, on Friday, the company directly "market Arbil Securities" working end of the current year 2014, attributed the delay to the lack of contribution in the Kurdistan region companies, while confirming its quest to open a stock exchange in the province of Basra.

The head of the body, Abdul Razzaq al-Saadi, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The Securities Commission and the Iraqi market for securities, support the establishment of Erbil Stock Exchange to enhance the investment service of the national economy," noting that "the market Arbil Securities is preparing to start trading After modifying the Iraq Stock Exchange system, electronic trading of Horizon to the X-stream, which is the most advanced in the world system, as well as enjoy its high flexibility to meet the growing needs of the market. "

He Saadi, expressed the hope that "the complexity of one direct one or more of the markets session, during the next few days, the real beginning of the work of the North Gate to invest in Iraq," noting that "the Commission aims to establish another stock market in Basra, the southern gate of the investment."

The President of the Iraq Securities Commission, that "the launch of Erbil Stock Exchange should have started work since last August, but was delayed due to lack of companies accept the insertion where, because the majority of family law does not allow it," pointing out that "the Securities and Market Authority Iraq Stock Exchange, seeking to convert a number of family companies in the Kurdistan region to facilitate the contribution to be included in the market, as well as a number of banks operating in the region. "


He said al-Saadi, that "the Commission has organized several seminars and conferences in the Kurdistan region to put forward the idea of ​​work and ways of Erbil market success," expected to "Erbil Stock Exchange held the first trading sessions before the end of the current year 2014"


It is noteworthy that the Kurdistan Regional Government, pledged in 2008 to be the "stock market," the upcoming independent of those in the capital, Baghdad, taking care to find "understanding and consensus" in the work between the two exchanges.

And became head of the Kurdistan attract capital and investors in the Middle East Center, where accept the business opportunities available in various sectors to take advantage of the privileges granted by the Government of the Territory under the law, which prepared for it.

It is noteworthy that the investment in the Kurdistan region, confirmed in (23 September 2014), the 716 local or Arab company or a foreign invested in the region nearly $ 41 billion currently, indicating that the delay in adoption of the state budget, security and political developments have affected the implementation of projects of these companies because of the departure of a significant proportion of foreign workers that depend on them, while the view of the investor, the investment law in the territory in which the situation in 2006 need to be developed, and revealed Financial and Economic Committee in Kurdistan Parliament, for its proposal amending the law about achieving a balance between the investor and the citizen.


Oil: $ 200 million in losses in Iraq per month since last March

  • Agency eighth day
  • November 7, 2014, 14:00
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  • 18 Reading
Baghdad _ ((eighth day)) The Oil Ministry announced on Friday that Iraq is losing billion a month and $ 200 million since last March because of Iraqi exports through the Kirkuk-stop tube - Ceyhan, as shown that this money was supposed to enter into the financial budget for 2014 revenues.   He said ministry spokesman Assem Jihad said that "Iraq is losing daily export rates between 300 to 400 000 barrels of Iraqi exports stopped because of a tube through the Kirkuk-Ceyhan line since the beginning of the month of March of this year," explaining that "export operations through this tube in the previous was achieved revenues of one billion and 200 million dollars per month. "     Jihad, adding that "this tube stopped working because of repeatedly targeted by terrorist gangs", adding that "realized from the tube this money who was supposed to enter Iraq to the financial revenues and the budget for 2014".   A spokesman for the oil ministry said that "terrorist groups and after control of some northern provinces after the tenth of June had vandalized some facilities and theft of oil in those provinces fields and smuggled across the border," pointing out that "these actions cause considerable damage to the Iraqi economy."   President carrier oil pipeline from the northern fields to Turkey and subjected to bombing and sabotage operations continuously, causing interruption of exports and lower general export rates for the oil ministry.

Source: Maliki will visit Tehran early next week, the official invitation
Friday, October 2 / November 07, 2014 15:06


Image of Archive


An informed source said the Vice President Nuri al-Maliki will travel to Iran soon.

The source told all of Iraq [where] that "al-Maliki will travel to Tehran early next week at the head of a political delegation on an official visit at the invitation of Iran."

He added that "Maliki will receive senior Iranian leaders and officials and discuss with them ways of strengthening bilateral relations in various fields between the two countries."

The visit to Iran is the second senior Iraqi official to visit after the Iraqi government delegation headed by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who visited Tehran in 19 of the last month's two-day visit during which the delegation met with senior Iranian leaders and officials to discuss the prospects of joint cooperation against terrorism and the challenges of Almntqh.anthy

Abadi transferred the powers 8 and visited the provincial councils

targetirq_1732501155_1415347947.jpg2014/11/7 11:12:27 AM 


Iraqi local official, said Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, the transfer of powers of the eight ministries of service to the provincial councils.

The head of the Anbar Provincial Council morning Krhot, that "Abadi chaired a meeting of the governors, and heads of provincial councils on Thursday, at the headquarters of the prime minister in Baghdad, for the purpose of discussing and discuss all the issues and problems faced by governors and heads of provincial councils work, and discuss the security file and the threat Daash for the majority of the provinces." .

Krhot and added that "the Prime Minister, agreed to grant the transfer of the powers of provincial councils 8 ministries of service for provincial councils, including the ministries of agriculture, immigration, oil, electricity and municipalities."

Alusi: Daash unable currency counterfeiting


Details Group: economy Published on Friday 0.07 2 October / November 2014 11:49 Written by: Laith Mohammed Reza Visits: 41

1492172_228604033979636_577284021_o.jpg?BAGHDAD / Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network ( IMN ) - President of the Civic Democratic Alliance confirmed Alusi, on Friday, that the gangs Aldaashah incapable of falsification of local or foreign currency, in order to provide liquidity in the areas controlled by them.


He explained Alaolci's ( IMN ) that "the Iraqi currency are high quality specifications of printing and paper, and can not be counterfeited by Daash terrorist gangs". Noting that "Daash unable to provide cash fake."

A member of the Committee on Economy and Investment parliamentary Ali al-Maliki, earlier, the central bank promised to remove the zeros of the currency over the next five years and make it tamper-proof.


 From: Sattar Jabbar, the Open: Ali Al-Shammari, n: m l

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Advisor to the Parliament of Kurdistan: the central government must determine the position of spending on the popular crowd


 BAGHDAD - Iraq Press - November 7: Media Advisor to the President of the Kurdistan Region Parliament called on the Federal Government to the final of the armed factions fighting against Daash decisively in the forefront of the popular crowd at the current stage and the announcement of a clear mechanism for coordination on its future.


He Johrl / Iraq Press / "The lack of agreement on a national mechanism for tunnels on the armed factions informal and supported by the government in its war against Daash will affect the service and the social side as a result of how the enormous money that they should be directed towards the reconstruction plans," adding that "Despite the decline The current Finance Minister, Hoshyar Zebari, for his statement that there reckless spending on the fight against Daash toward the popular crowd, but the talk is not without logical and needs a parking offerer being between some aspects of the imbalance in spending and the loss of some money. "


 He continued by saying that "the waste in tunnels reflected the difficulty of the adoption of the current year's budget by 2014 days after the last clear that will not be there at all."


Ring his speech by saying that "Iraq and for years spent on security more than it spent on energy and services provision in the tunnels did not find the security benefit, so the government should have a clear position on the continuation of military spending as well as service projects and the future of the popular crowd, who days after the last increase." . Admiral ended

Kirkuk is discussing with the Minister of Oil refinery in the possibility of creating and developing the energy sector where


Salahuddin - Iraq Press - November 7: Search governor of Kirkuk, during his visit to the capital of Baghdad, with the oil minister, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, and the reality of the oil sector and the importance of development in Kirkuk and the development of a large refinery in the province.


Necmettin discussed the possibility of establishing a large cream refinery card 150 thousand barrels per day, working to provide the needs of the province of all petroleum products.


He called on the governor of Kirkuk to "develop plans by the Federal Ministry of Oil for the advancement of the production of oil and gas company North because of its significant impact on increasing financial returns and contribute to the creation of an economic renaissance reflected on Iraq and the people of Kirkuk, in particular by increasing the returns share of the province's oil and gas production and increase financial allocations that are reflected on the reconstruction and consolidation and strengthening of infrastructure for Kirkuk. "


 For his part, the oil minister that he would "work to set up a new refinery in Kirkuk jointly to ensure the development of the oil sector."


It is said that Kirkuk includes the headquarters of the North Oil Company, which produced up to 670 000 barrels from which the Turkish and Iraqi Line stalled since March of this year, and the company currently produces 25 000 barrels. Admiral ended

Hassan Salem: 2014 budget and eroded a large corruption and Parliament approval of important laws
History of edits:: 11/7/2014 4:12 p.m. • 15 visits readable
{Baghdad: Euphrates News} The head of honest Bloc MP Hassan Salem said General of the Federal 2014 fiscal budget had been eroded and has been marred by corruption, and stressed the need for approval of the House of Representatives important laws that serve the people.
The MP said Salem told {Euphrates News} "dilemma main law the most important is to keep the financial budget for the current year which exposed to corrosion and corruption, presumably approved and passed because the people waiting and where employees and job grades and other salaries in spite of the financial year is nearing completion." 
He Salem said "Parliament approving a number of important laws, including social security, because the interests of the people and the country's stability and pension citizens, as well as reinforcing the military law of what we found from the weakness in the arming of the army and security services, and the law of civil hospitals and others." 
He revealed that "the House of Representatives future the adoption of these laws to their importance and the need of the country and the people have. " 
It is said that a lot of important laws had been deported from the current last parliamentary session to because of the differences that were on them, and most importantly {Basra, the economic capital of Iraq, the Federal service, oil and gas, the parties, the court Federal and other}, in the presence of signals to reach a consensus about it during the current parliamentary session and solving some of the problems outstanding, especially those that are between the center and the Kurdistan region. 
It should be that most of the members of the House of Representatives insist on the need to ensure the success of the current parliamentary session by approving and passing laws that Bmsas are people's lives and relate Musaúarham.anthy 2

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Side of the city of Arbil in the Kurdistan region of Iraq amid imaging (AA)

Securities Commission expects direct "exchange" trading Erbil end of 2014 and is seeking to open another in Basra

Author: ASJ, BS 
Editor: BK, BS 
07/11/2014 13:44 
Number of Views: 68

Long-Presse / Baghdad
Predicted Iraq Securities Commission, on Friday, the company directly "market Arbil Securities" working end of the current year 2014, attributed the delay to the lack of contribution in the Kurdistan region companies, while confirming its quest to open a stock exchange in the province of Basra.
The head of the body, Abdul Razzaq al-Saadi, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The Securities Commission and the Iraqi market for securities, support the establishment of Erbil Stock Exchange to enhance the investment service of the national economy," noting that "the market Arbil Securities is preparing to start trading After modifying the Iraq Stock Exchange system, electronic trading of Horizon to the X-stream, which is the most advanced in the world system, as well as enjoy its high flexibility to meet the growing needs of the market. "
He Saadi, expressed the hope that "the complexity of one direct one or more of the markets session, during the next few days, the real beginning of the work of the North Gate to invest in Iraq," noting that "the Commission aims to establish another stock market in Basra, the southern gate of the investment."
The President of the Iraq Securities Commission, that "the launch of Erbil Stock Exchange should have started work since last August, but was delayed due to lack of companies accept the insertion where, because the majority of family law does not allow it," pointing out that "the Securities and Market Authority Iraq Stock Exchange, seeking to convert a number of family companies in the Kurdistan region to facilitate the contribution to be included in the market, as well as a number of banks operating in the region. "

He said al-Saadi, that "the Commission has organized several seminars and conferences in the Kurdistan region to put forward the idea of ​​work and ways of Erbil market success," expected to "Erbil Stock Exchange held the first trading sessions before the end of the current year 2014".
It is noteworthy that the Kurdistan Regional Government, pledged in 2008 to be the "stock market," the upcoming independent of those in the capital, Baghdad, taking care to find "understanding and consensus" in the work between the two exchanges.
And became head of the Kurdistan attract capital and investors in the Middle East Center, where accept the business opportunities available in various sectors to take advantage of the privileges granted by the Government of the Territory under the law, which prepared for it.
It is noteworthy that the investment in the Kurdistan region, confirmed in (23 September 2014), the 716 local or Arab company or a foreign invested in the region nearly $ 41 billion currently, indicating that the delay in adoption of the state budget, security and political developments have affected the implementation of projects of these companies because of the departure of a significant proportion of foreign workers that depend on them, while the view of the investor, the investment law in the territory in which the situation in 2006 need to be developed, and revealed Financial and Economic Committee in Kurdistan Parliament, for its proposal amending the law about achieving a balance between the investor and the citizen.


Ministry of Finance: What Rogge of Zebari's remarks to outside the context of the interview was televised
BAGHDAD - Iraq Press - November 7: denied the statement of Finance of the Ministry, on Friday, to be "Zebari" has been described in a press interview, "the sons and fighters of the popular crowd militias, but it is a quotation out of the text, came on in accordance with the interpretation of the agency rep media outside the context of the interview. "
The statement pointed out that "the finance minister spoke during the interview about the economic and financial situation in the country and the damage caused by the organization Daash the country and urges all the costs of the war, and the reasons for increased expenditures in the state budget and ways to tackle the fiscal deficit."
The statement said that "the Finance Minister said that the political, security and economic situation will not be straightened without defeat Daash and re-impose government control over all the provinces and regions occupied by this terrorist organization."
He said Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, according to the statement to "major sources of spending as a result of the state of war, including armament contracts, and pdf crowd and all of the displaced were not unforeseen and extraordinary which has increased the burden on the budget."
It is said that Reuters agency published last Tuesday interview with Iraqi Finance Minister, Hoshyar Zebari, was quoted as saying that "wasteful spending by the government on its fight against al Daash, which included more than a billion dollars over the militias, undermining the preservation of the country's budget efforts ".hsp what was published by the Agency. Admiral ended

Active lawyers to clarify some of the cheating and fraud in some judges Mahmoudi era
Published November 7, 2014 | By Justice News

Methods of fraud and fraud when some judges


Publisher Abdul Rahman Daoud


Source social networking site: Facebook 
coconut pleadings Act complaint against the judge when he committed fraud in the issuance of the decision or the investigation of the case, and methods of fraud and fraud committed by intentionally judge and practical experience. 


1. Segmentation words discount and take it out of the general context: 


baptizing judge to hash words opponent to scattered sentences and breaks the coherence between them and that taking it out of context on the way (Woe to the worshipers), so be disciplined text that mentioned an opponent in his words text prematurely after entering fraud laboratory of the judge example: 


When advancing the complainant filed a complaint in which he says (that complained of sold me the car numbered well have demanded cancellation of the contract was found that the official documents fake, but he refused to do so, so ask to move the criminal complaint of forging official documents and Tdharra of this fraud) when the judge fraudulent wants to reject the complaint follows the way following the split request the complainant, after recording his words separating between the incident sell the car and the falsification of its cards is issued judge his decision as follows (and that's where the complainant asked to terminate the contract and return the case to what it was before the contract and where the demand is from the jurisdiction of the civil courts decided to reject the complaint and close the investigation final) Faqari decision he deems right, but the decision was based on fraud, because he did not mention the incident of fraud on which the complainant's complaint depicts that the complainant may limit the complaint refrain discount for termination of the contract, but the truth otherwise completely, Valmstki asks complaint against counterfeiting, said the issue of annulment to enlighten the court. 


Another example realistic by one of the employees complaint against fraud that took place in investigative papers administrative in his constituency caused directing death reprimand means the complainant wants investigation into the fraud in the administrative investigation, but the judge because of the fraud issue his decision as follows (and that's where the complainant asked to abolish the death reprimand and this outside the jurisdiction of the inquisitions and the responsibility of the administrative court decided to reject the complaint) therefore Adls and misrepresents asked the complainant to the investigation of fraud to the request to cancel the administrative penalty. 


For example, my last told me by a colleague said (I complained to the witness, who brought him the court to testify in my case, because he attended along with investigative to issue securities me without being a party and obtained by way of banditry in collusion with the investigating officer, I got up to move the criminal complaint against the witness for having investigative papers without a legal passport) individual judge complaint through fraud, said in his decision (and that's where the witness had attended based on directing the court and crime or because he has to perform due to appear as a witness) either the issue of obtaining the investigative papers without a legal passport These (Agls) by the judge to talk to the rest of the

The rest of the judiciary Mahmoudi courts impose on auditors from citizens and lawyers reproduction decisions because the Court of Cassation ordered it!
Published November 7, 2014 | By Justice News

One of the constitutional violations that refuses to be addressed (code) is the elimination of the achievement of the independence of the judiciary administratively and financially in accordance with paragraph III in Article 91 of the Constitution



And remained a professor uses b (shop) General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers in bridging the functional, administrative and financial needs, including, of course, benefits the real estate and facilities entering and leaving with protecting his area garnish ...... and we are not in Ward to comment on the reasons for personal failure and was born and lived and Astnft from the Government was able to greets or kill him , is spared or Tfqrh, Tgtth or return to his job by his experience of the days of the Presidential Office and the Office of the former regime in the former regime, al-Maliki.



But we want to point out the number of times we pointed to this shameful violation, and how grubby Professor of European and American projects and internationalist hundreds of millions of dollars he could help him to achieve functional, administrative and financial independence, and explained to him how these institutions to convey his experiences in making functional and administrative system Mali covers every formation judicial authority needs to deal modern by methods with the state and citizens organizations, including finding a decent legal means which determines the size of the quality of the fees imposed by the judicial authority in the provision of judicial services which, although measurements of neighboring countries of Iraq ... as Pena him to the importance of the independence of the judiciary administrative and financial Battabarha of the most important conditions for real independence, which spared for (Mzabl) security and services by government authorities, and did not leave a way to convince him of the need to devote the administrative and financial independence users constitutional and legal texts, and comparisons with the judicial trials in countries that respect the jurisdiction true independence, and entreaties Bamahmoud himself in more than occasion, and even sarcastic comments that we wanted to refer to implicate the formations of the judiciary and the corruption of institutions elements Federal and local problems ....




Indeed, the escalation of interceptions citizens and lawyers because of being forced to clone court decisions and rejected the objections by the heads of the courts under the pretext of the issuance of a letter from the Court of Cassation Federation by the suspension of a lawyer who androgenization at the end of Amodna this, referring to the degradation and misery of the judiciary administration in the era of independence to force people to Astsak decisions issued by it, including not happen even in the ancient times to the Iraqi judiciary on our courts were written and reproduced its hand,



The strange Chairman of the Board of the judiciary and the Federal Court has overturned by a few months the Board of Maysan province's decision to impose a five thousand dinars on asylum passports for the purpose of supporting the departments so that they can develop the administrative and financial means and helping the needy because, according to a statement (Berkdarh) cost the citizens burdens can not afford! , But when the interests of the citizens regarding the relationship with the judiciary, it is not permissible to talk or object to them, because the judiciary is independent and may not be interference affairs and Mahmudha and evasion and corruption because it is a taboo that require referral to a fair judiciary independent!



Mr. Mahmood primitive his understanding that passed down from previous regimes and his inferiority in front of the government and its institutions not able to explain the constitutional, legal and administrative definition of the meaning of functional, administrative and financial independence of the judiciary, but the limits of what was designed by him, with Aanramatna them, witness holders (MBA) in Management and Accounting from Harvard University, USA , necessity is the mother Majid Al-Haj Asaad Khammas and blind obedience to orders Bowl in granting or prevent the judiciary benefits and job Almnesbah, administrative and financial protections and trips to the elements of the judiciary according to their proximity or distance from Mahmood, but otherwise it is linked to the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and Ministry of Finance.




As to the manner of begging, which follows it Mahmood with the government and the rejection of projects the administrative and financial Emancipation initiated by his replacement, the victim of Professor Judge Hassan Humairi with some activist judges, known by all elements of the judiciary, but our loss is now in the President of the Bar, which ended his battle fierce against crusher elimination Iraq to talk of his time, as he calls it, with the promise of accepting judicial investigators in the judicial Development Institute to be part of the spending sitting! We did not ask the captain lawyers to say to the Chief Justice sitting that the armies of commentators more than the audience (standing for Labour judiciary), we did not ask him to say to Sheikh eliminate the use of mobile phones in directing complaints and lawsuits against the assets and honor judicial work to eliminate standing and sitting, did not ask him to say to the President of the Supreme that the participation of some of the sitting judges (to Boukachc) some delinquents from standing judiciary is religiously and legally, just ask him now to say to the head of the judiciary to impose Mhakmk the members of our union filming your decisions defect because they were you ... Can he do it?



** Justice News

Peace, mercy and blessings of God  
when submitting list of open tables discriminatory decision of the judgment of a personal status in Baghdad courts and after the signing of the first judge and pay the legal fee Employee Contact Person for the court receiving the store list of open tables discriminatory and said you have to reprint the decision rule first after the piece received from you list of open tables refused and told This topic Lisse of specialist I am agent Prosecutor said employee instruction from the court administration, the spectrum for the presence of a book of excellence not received any suit to court after printing the decision went to the director of the court administration to inquire and intercept Aydaa and the same words the employee said, I am this from your competence said instructions from the first judge and went to the first judge Aydaa said Professor of Print Maku decision because computers are back Noting want Look competent judge and the case went to the competent judge to the case and the same speech and Agiraa I went to the outside of the court decision to print and I am surprised what you think and what silence on the piece ......... ..



President al-Jubouri up Erbil to participate at the crossroads of the Middle East for dialogue and reconciliation   November 6, 2014

The president of the House of Representatives, Dr. Salim al-Jubouri, on Wednesday evening, to Arbil to participate at the crossroads of the Middle East for dialogue and reconciliation hosted by the Middle East Research Foundation, with the participation of a number of officials and political leaders outstanding. 
He is scheduled to Mr. President throws during the Forum, the word in the reconciliation scheduled dialogue session This day, which will be based around the start of the process of nation-building in Iraq. will interview Dr. Salim al-Jubouri, head of the Council of Representatives directly broadcast at exactly one and a half hour of the afternoon and through the following frequencies: NSS 12. 57E SMp R. 2962 DOWN. 11607. V FEC. 5/6


The Information Office 
of the President of the Iraqi Council of Representatives 

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Relative calm prevails Kobanî after weeks of fightingNovember 7, 2014 – 16:09

NOV 7 2014

Alsumaria News / Baghdad
According to “Reuters” news agency, on Friday, that the relative calm prevailed Kobanî Syrian city after weeks of clashes. 
She added that he “could not see any sign of the fighting from the Turkish side of the border.” 
And militants clashed organization ” Daash “and fighters in response to control the Syrian town strategy. 
And besieging elements “Daash” Kobanî located on the border with Turkey for more than 40 days, and failed air strikes by the United States-led weeks ago to break the grip. 
Kobanî became symbolic test of the ability of the coalition that led the United States to stop the advance of “Daash.”
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TBomb, on 06 Nov 2014 - 2:32 PM, said:


Explains, that this Committee is concerned the transfer of powers within a period not exceeding two years in the case of failure to get it through this period, "the rule of law to be transmitted, what it is supposed that in the coming year, will transfer all powers to the provinces."

For his part, says a member of the Legal Committee Raad Aldhlki, "We do not know what the change is intended to take place at the provincial powers law," noting that the non-application of this law at the time of approval a year ago, came to the desire of the previous government on the existence of the will of the authoritarian administration.

He adds Aldhlki in an interview with the (long-Presse), "in the current session, there will be a change and open up to the provinces to be given powers to achieve something, but if there was a modification will be on this law, I think it is something new and did not inform him committees until this moment."

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D.kamil dentex *: Interview with Dr.. Ali Mirza about the essay is marked, "and being able to rely and economic decentralization in Iraq."

- PUBLISHED IN 11/03/2014

She essay colleague d. Ali Mirza, "and being able to rely and economic decentralization in Iraq," published on the web site of Iraqi economists on 10/25/2014 much attention, especially since Mr. Mirza assigns research, usually, with evidence and quantitative indicators, thus giving it a lot of objectivity, commendable. Lee's point of view on this subject, where I found that comment colleague Professor d. Mohammed Alaill, had addressed the impact of political factors actors, internal, basically, regional and foreign as well, which peppered with integrated search brother Mirza. And I say this to say, because I am, in fact, may be operated on this topic, through studies, first published under the title; "Now, now, begins to de facto partition of Iraq," and that after the attack Aldaasha Mosul on June 10 last, and after the conference Amman in Jordan later, some of the leaders of the Senate tribal year, and so-called factions of Sunni resistance, and the Community of Harith al-Dhari and Bashar al-Faidi, and others, where the crystallization of a sectarian position to hire occupation Daash connector happened in order to achieve the division of the area of ​​Mosul, the central and provincial neighbors, including will strengthen, in fact , the ferocity of the ongoing ethnic and sectarian conflict since shortly after the invasion of Iraq by the United States and its allies in April of 2003, where he was encouraged and employ state of the Iraqi people to transform conflicting components, sectarian / ethnic and sectarian Qomuah. The second study entitled, "Oil and the risk of fragmentation of Iraq," where we discussed the repercussions of sectarian and ethnic Alastaraa role, not only to miss the opportunity to exploit the oil revenue surplus centrally, out of the impasse rentier, but also in wasting the possibility of achieving sustainable development for the benefit of the Iraqi people, the entire social, religious and ethnic Bashraúha ; and we hope to deepen this second study near Ba opportunity.

While we appreciate the contribution of fellow d. Ali, also commend my colleague's remarks d. Mohammed Alaill. We would like in this limited area to offer comments center, and shown below, briefly, the most important observations about our brother Dr. essay. Ali:



1. Yes, that fears or doubts expressed by Dr. Ali about the form of the following partition, in the light of the sectarian conflicts and events of the occupation Aldaasha connector and large parts of the provinces of Anbar, Diyala, Salahuddin fears are realistic, it may lead to the creation of states rival and even warring, which it did not adopt such an opinion, but suggested formulations for the sharing of oil revenues within the system of decentralization baggy. But he suggests the application of the revised provincial system, as a solution to the problem of conflict over oil revenues.




2. Dr. Alaill pointed to the ferocity of the political factors of conflict, sectarian and ethnic Kurds, and called factors actors, which in the current conditions in Iraq, and the absence or low and the sense of national belonging Iraqi, do effect, unless awaken national consciousness Unionist, not on the basis of emotional or preaching, but on the basis of demonstrated that Iraq be divided into regions feuding over resources, without the availability of effective developmental factors in any of them, will lead not only to waste, but to the failure to achieve Tanmiyat economic sense at any of these three regions or more potential, arise where bitter conflicts over resources, compared to the loss of the economic situation of complementarity between these regions. Not the only oil revenues, which will dry in the Kurdistan region during a quarter-century, as well as in the Sunni region, but may last for two centuries in the Shiite region, in a case in which this region was not divided in turn into regions; Basra, Baghdad and its suburbs, and there are calls from Sumerian Republic Dhi Qar! But also established a struggle for water resources flowing from north to south, as will control only sea port of Basra. Moreover, we know that the development of economically rewarding and artistically, require extensive local market, and is known that the small states, with less than ten million people do not have the local market lucrative enough to establish development projects to enrich depleted from dependence on oil. Vakulaim Kurdistan residents not to exceed four million residents and is surrounded by walls neighboring countries, controlling and not encouraging for the establishment of a Kurdish mini-state on its borders, and the Sunni region market less than ten million people and without the non-oil sufficient resources and without access to the sea and without industrial ingredients, what to do with its share of oil revenues only to feed case Consumption ragged! Will suffer as a region or a regional Shiite ensure the flow of rivers and the lack of a wider market and to the communication lines to neighboring countries in western and northern Iraq. There are other factors Snfsalha in the next study.




3. After the parade d. Mirza, in his article this, sectarian conflicts and Alotheh; Kurdish Basically, what is in the game call adopted by the fragmented division into sectarian or ethnic territories of the political forces, the writer deliberately to submit a proposal, employing the amended law of the provinces, the provinces Tab within what he called economic areas, Then the distribution of oil revenues under the population weights, according to the system of non-centralized in order to achieve mastery and economic dependence of the provinces and the Kurdistan region. He calculates that this will enable the division to avoid regions or states. And quote the following text from page 4 of the article; " So no matter what form it will be adopted for the management of non-centralized, it is appropriate to apply, including the amended law of the provinces, the mechanism of "balance" between the powers decentralized to the provinces / regions and the continued effectiveness of a central authority the credibility of the national. " Here, we would like to Nakb as follows ;



A - regardless of the provinces Tab and the region to the economic areas, 76% of the production of the oil fields located in the Shiite-majority provinces, and that the Shiites are 58% of the total population, and the province of Basra and the south-central Baghdad, which constitute an absolute majority Shiite containing 82% of oil reserves, estimated initially by 144 billion barrels currently. Here would entail, as acknowledged brother Mirza, or that these areas are the provinces that have the weight of the oil, but some of the center and north-west provinces of Kurdistan and to some extent even after the seizure of Kirkuk, an oil deficit will be areas, which may not be able economically from the development point of view. And in front of some of the Shia writers, such as Mr. Sami al-Askari put in an article in the news site three months ago that the region has a Shiite population and oil Althaglin, why it should be funded Kurdish and Sunni regions?



( B) then, what is meant by being able to rely and, as Atrhama brother Mirza? Is it just the distribution of oil revenues depleted or employed to diversify the Iraqi economy by exploiting the advantages of economic integration and provide a vast domestic market, which includes more than 34 million people?



© required the reality is that the writers and specialists Iraqis diligent, basically, to prove that any division, even if followed by the division of the proceeds will not be conducive to achieving the diversification and integration of economic hurt in the opening prospects for sustainable economic development permeated Boukerha to everyone regardless of sub Antmeythm sectarian / religious ethnic and racial.Because of the presence of yielding oil now, will the Aatalib, not the Kurdistan region and the Sunni region full independence, because the formulation of the regions according to the Kurdish model fits all of it was investigating them get a disproportionate share of the population their size of the federal central government budget, and gives them the independence of full or semi Full act in their regions and in the management of resources, that is, they will be dividing Daza! It also will be a complete recipe for wasting resources and using them for consumption of ragged when depleted, without the availability of real conditions for sustainable development in any of these regions.



D. Yes, totally agree that the wording of decentralization is probably more appropriate administrative and political point of view, but from the planning and implementation of an integrated and sustainable development of hand, take full advantage of the human and geographical resources, natural and environmental resources, must be a central national authority supreme for this purpose. And can be removed by the Kurds and the Iraqi Sunni concerns by establishing a higher council to oversee and guide the employment of oil revenues, and even non-oil investment in development projects, which should be determined by their positions according to the criteria of economic and social viability, as long as the revenues or fruit will return for all Iraqis in all provinces and the region without any discrimination.

We conclude from the foregoing that the oil revenues depleted, without these scientific considerations, will turn into a curse and the conflicts and fragmentation and possibly endless wars, unless they are aware of each party from Almtemtrsen politicians in sectarian Ardithm sectarian and ethnic nationalism, as a result, will lose all of us, as well as the loss of their abilities bargaining, no turning belonging to the state or to those in the vicinity or outside, Iran and Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the oil companies, are all ready for the sharing of prey which has consented to become cheap prey:



(*) Researcher and former economic adviser to the United Nations

The opinions expressed in all articles published on the web site of Iraqi economists necessarily do not reflect the opinion of the editorial board, but only the opinion of the author and his al-Amaya and who bears the legal responsibility alone

Copyright network Iraqi economists. Permission to quote and re-deployment, provided reference to the source. 3. November 2014





  1. Farouk Younis
    Deployment of November 4, 2014 at 0:01

    Comes Notes professors Dr. Mohammed Alaill and Dr. Kamil dentex by my estimation as an explanation (the texts) by the legal expression of what the contents of the thesis, Dr. Ali Mirza (mastery and reliance on economic and Alammerkzah in Iraq) 
    and seems to me that there is a kind of compromise between the view of Dr. Mirza in his value and What to him ended Dr. dentex in summary commentary (that without taking considerations scientific - the oil revenues depleted will turn into a curse and the conflicts and fragmentation and possibly endless wars unless Aware of each party Alemtemrsien politicians in sectarian Ardihm sectarian and ethnic nationalism that they consequently lose all, as well as the loss of bargaining power ) and to further research in Iraq's natural resources and Alaguetsidih and further research into the nature of Iraqi society and the human factors and physical strength apparent and is a potential underground

  2. Morning Kaddouri
    Deployment of November 4, 2014 at 8:43

    To colleagues and professors dear

    Fragrant greeting

    Held aloft paper dear colleague d. Mirza and cognitive contents sober, and interventions Distinguished Professors value in question 
    , I see that the rage that Chhadha modern Iraq, since it was founded in 
    1921 and reduce the US occupation and its allies in 2003, was of a political nature on the form of the royal regime and the British Mandate. The ideology and ethnic conflicts in the era of Republican rule in 1958, the conflict continued in this vein since the arrival of the Baath in 1963 and until the fall of the dictatorial regime in 2003

    The rage that surfaced after this date, it was essentially doctrinal and sectarian and ethnic. It continues to reduce the day, and in a serious and complex processors between the parties involved, particularly with regard to self-worker and foreign interventions in the political agenda of the Iraqi decision. He must see that any type of proposed in the paper administrative forms, from the federal, regional, and decentralization, will not record a lasting success, unless it is to go hard in resolving these conflicts, according to Mbda democratic dialogue and the emphasis on the Iraqi identity on the basis of citizenship and national concern for the unity of the dust Iraq, whatever be the other factors in economic, Aljfrafah strong

    I am not a pessimist in addressing the situation in Iraq, but it needs a long time, and the will of the real intentions and good toward building a new future with all the real meaning of the word, even enrolled for Iraq and its people security and stability and to eliminate terrorism, and progress and prosperity, in light of the adoption of the vision and strategy are clear and transparent national and social development / Sustainable political

Najaf International Airport is granted access to Visa forty visit to all nations and nationalities
Najaf - Iraq Press - November 7: Media Najaf airport director, said Rahim al-Khafaji, on Friday, said that the airport management obtained the approval of the Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi, to give Visa access unforced inside Najaf International Airport and nationalities of all during the visit of the death of Imam Hussein (AS).
He said al-Khafaji's / Iraq Press / :, that "As a result of the efforts of the airport management has been obtaining the approval of the Prime Minister to grant visa access to the nationalities of all of Najaf International Airport," noting that "the decision is limited to visit the death of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) exclusively" .


He pointed to "open three additional gates in the airport area entry corresponding to the garage after it was two gates in the last year in order to receive the next visit millions .anthy Admiral


Friday, November 7, 2014 11:22 UAE aviation re trips to Erbil Airport after a lapse of three months

BAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / .. detect Baghdad International Airport, Friday, on the return flight to the United Arab Emirates Erbil Airport after a lapse of three months.


A source who declined to be named in the Baghdad International Airport to / Baghdadi News /, that "Friday was the first day for the return flight to the United Arab Emirates line Erbil International Airport."

The source added that "after a lapse of three months, was today re-UAE airline to Erbil International Airport."

The Emirates Airline announced that Dubai-based earlier stop flights to Arbil, the capital of the Kurdistan region of Iraq because of growing concerns Alomnah.anthy 21 / T

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The provincial government: oil revenues amounted to $ 3 billion
      Friday   07   November   2014 | 20:22



Kurdistan Regional Government drew to it sold 34.5 million barrels of crude oil worth about $ 3 billion, since last January, despite opposition from Baghdad independent of oil sales from the region.

The provincial government said in a statement, said that the sales revenue of $ 2.87 billion is being dealt with as part of what he said "constitutional right" to get 17% of government revenue, which says that Baghdad had not paid since January.

The provincial government has indicated it has received $ 2.1 billion in cash and $ 755 million of in-kind payments through sales of refined petroleum products.

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Jubouri: the confidence of the political blocs crisis moved to the public




He just confirmed our timeline to cash in.













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Author: Editor: mw Reporter:

Number of Views: 143


07/11/2014 08:43


Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: Iraqi Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, said Thursday that his country is facing a crisis of confidence between the political blocs have moved to the public.

He said al-Jubouri, during a speech at the crossroads of the Middle East for dialogue and reconciliation in Arbil, it "has to be diagnosed with the crisis, which led us to adopt a project of reconciliation and dialogue," explaining that "the crisis we face today is a crisis of confidence where there is no complete confidence between the political parties."

Jubouri said that "this crisis has moved to the public and took root until it became a community," noting that "reconciliation and dialogue faces several problems, including arms and extravagance that has occurred in the use of the term terrorism."

Jubouri and stressed that "reconciliation need to be bolder and not to fear", adding that "those who want to launch such a project must be bold and do not exclude anything, nor put red lines."

The first was launched in Erbil on Tuesday evening, the Middle East Forum for reconciliation and dialogue in the region, with the participation of representatives from more than 10 countries, in addition to political leaders, intellectuals, and is scheduled to conclude today.

It took the process of forming a new Iraqi government headed by Haidar al-Abbadi, some time until they were communicating L. yen political blocs agree, that there are several differences between them since the previous government of Nouri al-Maliki, though there are still differences between many of those blocks.الجبوري-أزمة-ثقة-الكتل-السياسية-انت





Side of the city of Arbil in the Kurdistan region of Iraq amid imaging (AA)

Securities Commission expects direct "exchange" trading Erbil end of 2014 and is seeking to open another in Basra


Author: ASJ, BS 

Editor: BK, BS 11.07.2014 forty-four past one p.m. number of readings: 88 




Long-Presse / Baghdad

Predicted Iraq Securities Commission, on Friday, the company directly "market Arbil Securities" working end of the current year 2014, attributed the delay to the lack of contribution in the Kurdistan region companies, while confirming its quest to open a stock exchange in the province of Basra.

The head of the body, Abdul Razzaq al-Saadi, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The Securities Commission and the Iraqi market for securities, support the establishment of Erbil Stock Exchange to enhance the investment service of the national economy," noting that "the market Arbil Securities is preparing to start trading After modifying the Iraq Stock Exchange system, electronic trading of Horizon to the X-stream, which is the most advanced in the world system, as well as enjoy its high flexibility to meet the growing needs of the market. "

He Saadi, expressed the hope that "the complexity of one direct one or more of the markets session, during the next few days, the real beginning of the work of the North Gate to invest in Iraq," noting that "the Commission aims to establish another stock market in Basra, the southern gate of the investment."

The President of the Iraq Securities Commission, that "the launch of Erbil Stock Exchange should have started work since last August, but was delayed due to lack of companies accept the insertion where, because the majority of family law does not allow it," pointing out that "the Securities and Market Authority Iraq Stock Exchange, seeking to convert a number of family companies in the Kurdistan region to facilitate the contribution to be included in the market, as well as a number of banks operating in the region. "


He said al-Saadi, that "the Commission has organized several seminars and conferences in the Kurdistan region to put forward the idea of ​​work and ways of Erbil market success," expected to "Erbil Stock Exchange held the first trading sessions before the end of the current year 2014"


It is noteworthy that the Kurdistan Regional Government, pledged in 2008 to be the "stock market," the upcoming independent of those in the capital, Baghdad, taking care to find "understanding and consensus" in the work between the two exchanges.

And became head of the Kurdistan attract capital and investors in the Middle East Center, where accept the business opportunities available in various sectors to take advantage of the privileges granted by the Government of the Territory under the law, which prepared for it.

It is noteworthy that the investment in the Kurdistan region, confirmed in (23 September 2014), the 716 local or Arab company or a foreign invested in the region nearly $ 41 billion currently, indicating that the delay in adoption of the state budget, security and political developments have affected the implementation of projects of these companies because of the departure of a significant proportion of foreign workers that depend on them, while the view of the investor, the investment law in the territory in which the situation in 2006 need to be developed, and revealed Financial and Economic Committee in Kurdistan Parliament, for its proposal amending the law about achieving a balance between the investor and the citizen.هيئة-الأوراق-المالية-تتوقع-مباشرة-ب



Oil: $ 200 million in losses in Iraq per month since last March

  • Agency eighth day
  • November 7, 2014, 14:00
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Baghdad _ ((eighth day)) The Oil Ministry announced on Friday that Iraq is losing billion a month and $ 200 million since last March because of Iraqi exports through the Kirkuk-stop tube - Ceyhan, as shown that this money was supposed to enter into the financial budget for 2014 revenues.   He said ministry spokesman Assem Jihad said that "Iraq is losing daily export rates between 300 to 400 000 barrels of Iraqi exports stopped because of a tube through the Kirkuk-Ceyhan line since the beginning of the month of March of this year," explaining that "export operations through this tube in the previous was achieved revenues of one billion and 200 million dollars per month. "     Jihad, adding that "this tube stopped working because of repeatedly targeted by terrorist gangs", adding that "realized from the tube this money who was supposed to enter Iraq to the financial revenues and the budget for 2014".   A spokesman for the oil ministry said that "terrorist groups and after control of some northern provinces after the tenth of June had vandalized some facilities and theft of oil in those provinces fields and smuggled across the border," pointing out that "these actions cause considerable damage to the Iraqi economy."   President carrier oil pipeline from the northern fields to Turkey and subjected to bombing and sabotage operations continuously, causing interruption of exports and lower general export rates for the oil ministry.


Source: Maliki will visit Tehran early next week, the official invitation

Friday, October 2 / November 07, 2014 15:06


Image of Archive


An informed source said the Vice President Nuri al-Maliki will travel to Iran soon.

The source told all of Iraq [where] that "al-Maliki will travel to Tehran early next week at the head of a political delegation on an official visit at the invitation of Iran."

He added that "Maliki will receive senior Iranian leaders and officials and discuss with them ways of strengthening bilateral relations in various fields between the two countries."

The visit to Iran is the second senior Iraqi official to visit after the Iraqi government delegation headed by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who visited Tehran in 19 of the last month's two-day visit during which the delegation met with senior Iranian leaders and officials to discuss the prospects of joint cooperation against terrorism and the challenges of Almntqh.anthy

Abadi transferred the powers 8 and visited the provincial councils

targetirq_1732501155_1415347947.jpg2014/11/7 11:12:27 AM 


Iraqi local official, said Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, the transfer of powers of the eight ministries of service to the provincial councils.

The head of the Anbar Provincial Council morning Krhot, that "Abadi chaired a meeting of the governors, and heads of provincial councils on Thursday, at the headquarters of the prime minister in Baghdad, for the purpose of discussing and discuss all the issues and problems faced by governors and heads of provincial councils work, and discuss the security file and the threat Daash for the majority of the provinces." .

Krhot and added that "the Prime Minister, agreed to grant the transfer of the powers of provincial councils 8 ministries of service for provincial councils, including the ministries of agriculture, immigration, oil, electricity and municipalities."

Alusi: Daash unable currency counterfeiting


Details Group: economy Published on Friday 0.07 2 October / November 2014 11:49 Written by: Laith Mohammed Reza Visits: 41

1492172_228604033979636_577284021_o.jpg?BAGHDAD / Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network ( IMN ) - President of the Civic Democratic Alliance confirmed Alusi, on Friday, that the gangs Aldaashah incapable of falsification of local or foreign currency, in order to provide liquidity in the areas controlled by them.


He explained Alaolci's ( IMN ) that "the Iraqi currency are high quality specifications of printing and paper, and can not be counterfeited by Daash terrorist gangs". Noting that "Daash unable to provide cash fake."

A member of the Committee on Economy and Investment parliamentary Ali al-Maliki, earlier, the central bank promised to remove the zeros of the currency over the next five years and make it tamper-proof.


 From: Sattar Jabbar, the Open: Ali Al-Shammari, n: m l

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A customer counts Iraqi dinars at a money changer in Baghdad, Oct. 1, 2012. (photo by REUTERS/Saad Shalash)

Economists divided over deletion of zeros on Iraqi dinar (OCTOBER 2013)

The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) has been attempting to delete three zeros from the Iraqi currency since 2003. This project has raised many concerns among the Iraqi public and within the business community, and Iraqi economists are divided. While some support the project and consider it a chance to decrease inflation and unemployment, others warn of economic shocks that may prevail over the Iraqi market as a result of the project’s implementation.

Summary⎙ Print While the Central Bank of Iraq has been considering deleting three zeros from the currency for several years, economists remained divided over how markets would be affected.
Author Amina al-DahabiPosted October 1, 2013
Translator(s)Joelle El-Khoury

Following amendments made by the CBI, implementation of the project has been postponed several times. This is because of fears that are mostly related to the lack of security, the presence of a market open to foreign commodities without any restrictions, the prevalence of counterfeit money in the market and rampant corruption in the country.


The independent Iraqi News Agency (INA) quoted  Abdul Hussein al-Yasiri, a member of the Iraqi parliamentary Finance Committee, as saying that 2014 will witness the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency. He noted that the deletion will occur in coordination with the CBI, and that as a result of the project, the number of banknotes in circulation will be reduced from 4 billion to 1 billion.



Haider al-Abadi, the head of the Iraqi parliamentary Finance Committee, told Al-Monitor that while deleting zeros from the current currency is possible, this has been postponed until after parliamentary elections. He noted that studies are being carried out to ensure that, following the currency change, counterfeiting is limited and that Iraqis don’t go back to trading in the old currency.



The step to delete zeros from the currency has been postponed several times, leading the parliamentary Economic Committee to demand that the CBI accelerate this project, as Al-Sharqiya reported. In a news conference held July 6, the Economic Committee confirmed that the deletion of zeros will lead to an increase in the value of the Iraqi dinar and will have positive repercussions, including a reduction in unemployment and poverty rates in the country.



Nafee Elias, a financial advisor at the North Bank, told Al-Monitor that the step to delete zeros is merely an administrative process, and the currency equation should remain the same. This means that the purchasing power of the new currency should be equal to that of the old currency. He added that the two currencies should both remain in the market for a period not exceeding three years, then the old currency should be gradually withdrawn. Elias expected problems to arise if debtor-creditor transactions are not set according to the new currency, or there are defects in withdrawal or payment transactions. He added that it is unlikely the change will affect inflation or poverty rates.



Ahmed Faizullah, deputy head of the parliamentary Finance Committee, agreed with Elias. Speaking to Al-Monitor, he noted that the deletion of zeros will not affect the Iraqi dinar’s purchasing power, because the latter is linked to the size of industrial production and imports. He added that the CBI’s hard currency reserves have saved the Iraqi dinar and served as a cover for it. Faizullah called for not applying the project at the moment, because it will confuse Iraqis and disrupt the market.



Amid these views, Enas Mohamed, deputy director at Naseem Al Shemal Brokerage Company, told Al-Monitor that the stock market will be harmed the most by a change of currency and the deletion of zeros. The price of a share is one dinar, so currently 1,000 dinars are equal to 1,000 shares. Following the deletion of zeros, the new dinar will be equal to 1,000 shares, which would further confuse the stock market, which is already muddled as a result of the security situation.



Amina al-Dahabi is a political-economic researcher and reporter trained in the field of oil and energy journalism. She holds a doctorate in American Containment Policy

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D. Maytham Laibi *: switch (Abu ten) partial implementation of the project raise zeros

- PUBLISHED IN 09/24/2014
Ask a CBI weeks before the currency category 10 000 dinars new look, a measure came to a variety of reasons that clarified the bank said in a statement he had issued on 09.09.2014 ...

Ask a CBI weeks before the currency category 10 000 dinars new look, a measure came to a variety of reasons that clarified the bank said in a statement he had issued on 09.09.2014 and published on its official website.


Focused properties that have been developed in the paper on two essential components; technical and security. It is intended to increase the efficiency of the currency and add security features high protection, as well as pro forma additions to avoid what she referred Notes on old leaves (dilapidation).


The most important of these additions is to replace the image world of optics-Hasan Ibn al-Haytham erected freedom of the late Jawad Salim, and update dates Hijri and Gregorian (2014 -1435 e) In addition to the security labels magnetic Kalhabr variable color (color change when you tilt the paper) and the window transparent (Image minaret appears when and put it on a light background and No. Al10000 when placed on a dark background) as well as the blind prominent signs.


According to our point of view, it is a good thing, to be replaced by the currency process another more efficient and safer, especially if ten years have passed since the issuance of the currency the old edition, which is long enough to issue a currency other copy,


which is what seems to be available in the new currency, and in light of The presence of high-resolution imaging techniques in banknotes printed (banknotes), especially given that there counterfeiting operations suffered in addition to the category of 25 thousand dinars this category; two more groups that came to the counterfeiting operations, because they are bigger than the rest of the categories, so as to increase the difference between the price printed currency and purchasing power, especially if the work is being pumped into the counterfeit market prices less than their value in the habit.


With this reservation that counterfeiting operations witnessed by the Iraqi market, were not large, clear, and did not much affect the decline in currency confidence. In turn, there is more than one note can be printed on the currency Taakhz current edition:


First, the currency of 25 category thousand dinars is the largest, and Mntiqa was more beneficial in terms of economic efficiency and the fight against counterfeiting and reduce the effects of that are starting to replace them safer specifications and not the 10 thousand dinars category, unless I want to start this currency because they are less risky, or that operations counterfeiting, which was witnessed by the largest.


Secondly, has been replaced by the signing of (conservative) signed (conservative agency) and this is what is declining, because he will remain registered in the new currency for at least ten years to come, which is a very long time, and it was better to postpone the procedure to be installed authentic governor.


Third, it was hoped that the new currency bilingual issue; Arabic and Kurdish, which is stipulated in the Constitution, and to our knowledge, the project raise zeros (the former) and categories of currencies that was supposed to be issued Duh; at the time of Dr. Sinan Cpie and his deputy, the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, designed to issue a bilingual, not monolingual.



This issue poses more of a question to be answered (I do not own now) like, Who is responsible for the accountability of the central bank (the parliament or the government) was checked and whether or taking consent! What is the position of the Kurds on this matter! Or that he is not a pal were passed under the most serious problems facing the country!



Fourth: the Tracker, the new currency the form of a class of (10) thousand dinars, and most of the security marks and additions such as replacing Haytham image pitched sound, were present among the proposals of the categories of currency within the (draft raise zeros) before the time Shabibi and Saleh (the beginnings of the formulation of the project in 2005, and approvals by Parliament in 2010 and implemented in the seminal 2014).



But the project raise zeros was suspended because of objections by the government in a timely manner, despite the feet of the arguments in favor of it consisted Baaadah structuring currency and address the problem of inflation and reduce the cost of cash transactions and to facilitate transactions in addition to the positive psychological effects.



Fifth, there is an intention to complete the replacement of the remaining large denomination (25000.5000) dinars, and with small groups of (1000, 500, 250) dinars, Nearby the next phase, and the addition of security and technical signs, and most of these amendments agreed a long time ago, and in the Under the same project raise zeros, but these amendments; its importance, will be carried out without the original project.



In the latter, we hope that the project is implemented at once, meaning that the project will be paid raise zeros enriched by the additions of security and technical amendments to the denomination of the project so that it becomes an integral and ensures efficiency and decrease counterfeiting in addition to the virtues of the project raise zeros that we have mentioned. But it seems that the intention went to stop the project and benefit from part of it.


*) Professor of Economics at Mustansiriya Mosque, Baghdad


All articles published on the web site of Iraqi economists necessarily do not reflect the opinion editorial board, but only about her book and they alone bear the scientific and legal responsibility

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Reasons of economic reform in Iraq and the expected effects

November 6 2014 Issue


Adnan Jourani

The first part


Iraq's economy has suffered from abnormal conditions persisted for a long period extended for a period of 23 years starting from the Iran-Iraq war in 1980, passing through the Gulf War in 1991 and the period of the economic blockade, which lasted until 2003, and these conditions led to the transformation of the Iraqi economy from the economy has many of the economic fundamentals most notably the vast natural resources and human potential eligible to put a disastrous economy goes on all the economic, social and environmental levels, where the above-mentioned circumstances led to the destruction of infrastructure, and the deterioration of economic activity, and high levels of poverty, unemployment and inflation rates to dangerous levels.



And entered Iraq a new phase after the former political regime change following the recent war in 2003, and in June 2003 specifically embarked Coalition CPA authority to develop its project to reform the Iraqi economy in the framework of his decree issuing legislation and laws and taken measures affected many areas, including foreign investment, infrastructure infrastructure, the banking system, taxation, property, monetary stability ..... etc.



Today we are in front of a devastating economy and in maximum cases of degradation and suffering from depression is evident in the production and the domestic market is exposed to flood the commodity is impossible to confront locally, as the economy suffers, which in reality this from abnormalities in the structure of prices and imbalances structure in the balance of trade, labor, public deficits and debts shackle movement towards progress and achieve the rate of economic growth economically acceptable security conditions and bad defiance of attracting foreign investment.



So reform is necessary, but the important thing now is not to reform, but also the quality of this reform and substance of it: The reform can be random unregulated manner which threatens the potential for growth and development and involves expensive social cost, this is what happens if, for example, was the reform by adopting harsh contractionary policy, the regulator must reform its prerequisites are:



1. helping to reduce the external deficit level to the extent that it can continue.



2. To be consistent with the external balance to achieve acceptable economic growth and price stability rates.

The overall crisis of the Iraqi economy emphasizes the need to initiate economic reforms based on a development strategy aimed at changing the structure of the economy unilateral Iraqi side through the diversification of the production structure and to achieve a more equitable distribution of income and wealth and care for low-income social groups.



First, the concept of economic reform:



Intended economic reform measures taken by the state or economic authorities set in order to mitigate or remove distortions in the structure or economic performance, or for the purpose of achieving a steady increase in the rates of economic growth, also known as the reform that achieves better resource mobilization and surplus economic directed to the areas of most economic activity The most effective and achieve the requirements of the National Social Security reform is necessary, which creates motivation and integration mechanisms and packaging material and moral energies to Azjha humans in the process of creation and innovation, reform is pick up the pieces, or what has become corrupt.



And economic reform is happening at two levels:



1. macroeconomic level: and be reform here in response to the challenges and opportunities, or to cope with external shocks or in reaction to the results were not account for economic measures targeted or to cope with the imbalance in the balance of payments and the consequent imbalances such as the imbalance between savings and investment and the budget deficit.



2. microeconomic level: performance targets and economic units corrected through the implementation of a set of measures that aim to rationalize the performance and achieve better use of available resources and to increase the size of the competition and leave the pricing mechanism of the forces of supply and demand.

Economic reform and aims in general to provide the basic needs of goods and services to all members of the public in general and the poor in particular from, also aims to create and provide jobs to accommodate the continued increase in the labor force caused by the increase in population, in addition to improving the situation of the balance of payments, and to achieve revenue balance with expenses the state budget and controlling inflation and eliminate gradually, and requires a greater reliance on market mechanism and encourage the private sector to do the financing and investment management, editing and management of economic, financial, monetary and administrative policies to achieve better use of investments available and to compensate the depreciation of production capacities and add new productive capacities of the national economy.



There are two entrances to economic reform:



The first is the reform of the State, depending on their own resources or rely on the funding source is the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, have been going reform without the need for external financing, and so with the help of financial, monetary and some direct control procedures policy to achieve the desired goals, and this kind of reform is applied in the capitalist countries and oil-exporting countries. II: economic reform, which is in collaboration with the IMF and the World Bank, which starts the economic reform program of what is known as the letter of intent, a detailed letter issued by the Government of the Member State requesting funding from the Fund, explains this speech problem of the state's economic and objectives that seek to Thakaha and methods that can be followed to achieve These objectives.



Second, the reality of the Iraqi economy and the case for reform:



Iraqi economy exposed to shocks and crises of many, did not in fact strong enough to cope with these shocks and crises in spite of the enormous economic potential, that is not invested in a balanced manner to achieve a cultural renaissance and economic development desired.



What distinguishes this economy, it's a yield depends mainly on the extractive sector (oil), and all development plans that have been adopted previously relied on funding of public revenue from this sector, it has formed a crude oil exports ratio of not less than (94%) of the value of exports from Iraq During the period 1990-1970, as the proportion of capital and intermediate of the total imports during the period mentioned Iraq goods amounted to (74%) also form part of the imported intermediate goods used in the manufacturing sector, the proportion (53%). 



We lose the totalitarian direction of economic policies ingredients efficiency and competitiveness of production of commodity in the context of Iraq's relations of reciprocity, so distanced market advantages for achieving economic benefits for members of the community, they were completely dominant state on these policies, which weakened the role of the private sector, which is illustrated by the decline in manufacturing output in This sector contribution to the GDP from 2.5% in 1988, to (0.07%) in 1994, although the state at least partially directed towards the privatization of some state firms in 1987. It is possible to say that the beginning of the real shock was the Iran-Iraq war that drained completely the physical resources of the community (not to mention human), it is a surplus estimated at 35 billion dollars during the beginning of the war to the heavy indebtedness of the International Monetary Fund B (125) billion dollars in 2004, through the accumulation of the results of wars (the first Gulf War, Second, Mapadahma). At the time of the war imposed mentioned increasing spending on military needs, as this spending contributed rate (42.5%) of GDP in 1985, the economy has been subjected to more than one economic shock Perhaps in the forefront of the fluctuation of oil prices and therefore revenues from foreign exchange as a result fluctuations in oil revenues, so the trend towards the privatization of State-as Anva- was reminded of some of the reasons for trying to offset part of the public revenue lost due to the fluctuation of oil prices and the need for the necessary spending to finance the war Astnzvth. It also was the second Gulf War factor down to destroy the economy, especially after the release of a large number of international resolutions and the most important decision (661) issued on 6 / August / 1990 containing the imposition of economic sanctions, including the economic blockade which has led to the isolation of Iraq and its economy to the outside world, and therefore increased inflationary pressures With the passage of time and became affect the value of exchange rates, the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar has risen from 7.5 dinars per dollar in 1991, to more than 2,500 dinars per dollar, the end of the year 1995.



I like the nineties of the last century the base engine in the worsening deterioration of the economy after that combined with poor economic management of the state and directed towards the new cash version and the erosion of the value of savings and real wages and increasing numbers of unemployed Alaml.oma recent war led by the United States against Iraq in the first quarter of 2003, it has Ojhzat on most structures are basic and included the destruction of all formal and informal institutions and companies, and the war did not Ttalh, unemployment, looting and burning, until it was destroyed (158) companies out of 192 state-owned company, and the rest stopped all production work for various reasons, including security conditions (uncontrolled), The power outages and the unavailability of spare parts or raw materials. And others.


Iraq applied «customs tariff» on «luxury» the beginning of 2014 and 80 percent alcohol fees
November 6 2014

BAGHDAD - Akram al-Haj

The Minister of Planning Ali Shukri, on Tuesday, the Cabinet decided only the application of the customs tariff system on luxury items from the second day of the next year, 2014, explaining that the tariff includes the imposition of a fee of 5% above the prices of those materials and 80% of the price of drinks alcoholic.

Shukri said at a news conference that "the Council of Ministers took the decision to the gradual application of the customs tariff for the protection of national production and support of the private sector."

Shukri added, "the application will be in the second day of the next year in 2014".

He continued, "The decision will include luxury and secondary materials, with the exception of food, clothing and construction materials used in local industries and agricultural materials and any material related to the life of the citizen."

He explained that "all materials entering Iraq will be subject to standardization and quality control."

He pointed out that "after 2003 there was a decision to the authority of the coalition that would impose a fee of 5% on all subjects," pointing out that "at the present time, there will be a tariff conductor; ticket man differs from the material to the other, where he will be of 5% and above material luxury and 80 % of alcoholic drinks. "

And announced that the General Authority for Customs, in January 2010, the application of the new tariff law No. 22 of 2010, by up to 20 percent.

Iraq was imposed fees conductor; ticket man on the goods according to law 77 of 1955 before the stop that with the entry of US troops in 2003 to issue a civil administrator in Iraq, Paul Bremer, a fee worth five percent on goods entering Iraq, known then charges the reconstruction of Iraq.

And gives the customs tariff law to the Council of Ministers, at the request of the Minister of Finance, the right to modify the graphic Alkmarki stipulated in the tariff of fees and prices of agricultural products tables attached to this law in the emergency economic and monetary conditions need to call for protection procedures or treatment.

Former House approved the customs tariff law in 2010, and was the most prominent justification for setting tariff issued in line with the reform of the Iraqi economy and the many adjustments made to the law.

Committee for Economy and Investment parliamentary and suggested that the income earned from customs duties placed if the tariff law applied in special fund to support the local product, rather than she went to the state treasury.

The law provides for a levy on imported goods not included in the customs tariff schedule of fees by no more than 20% of its value, while exempt samples and models that are not of commercial value of the fees.

And taken into account in the application of the provisions of law facilities granted under the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006, as amended on imported goods exclusively for the purposes of investment projects, and it comes in order to attract the maximum amount of the investment companies and businessmen to work in Iraq.

Iraq has become a market dumped goods and shoddy goods that are cheap and often subsidized from the countries of origin to encourage export industries.

Economists believe that most of the injured "open" national industry market already suffering from the recession because of the right of the Iraqi economy from the devastation along the three over three decades, during which Iraq wars and nearly 12 years of blockade.

MP says, Najiba Najib, the implementation of the law is designed to protect the citizen from the expected increases in prices and what may consequent restlessness and mass protests in accurate internal and regional circumstances.

Edited by TBomb
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Deputy for the National: Legislation parties gate economic reform law in the country
الجمعة November 7, 2014 - 14:55

Baghdad (where) - National Alliance MP Jawad al-Bolani said the legislation parties law will reduce the powers of the parties and determined. He Bolani said in a statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of "The enactment of the law will be transferred Iraq to a transitional phase to market free trustworthy and reliable side in the field of investment, to end what had prevailed during the four governments earlier period had parties where the upper hand in the awarding of contracts, which enriched the treasury parties and emptied the state treasury through a decade ago. " He added that "the vote on the law of parties and its entry into force actually will be an essential input for economic reform which is guaranteed by the government of Prime Minister program Haider al-Abadi. " The head of the House of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri said in 17 of last September, "We are working to Parliamentary strategy development and will focus on legislation to build the state and Bmekdmha parties and the Council of EU law and federal court, one of the priorities of the work of Parliament and we would be keen so that Mullah declare it on to their sensitivity and will deal with them. "




Deputy for the National: Legislation parties gate economic reform law in the country

Friday, October 2 / November 07, 2014 16:12



National Alliance MP Jawad al-Bolani said the legislation would reduce the powers of the law of parties and determined by the parties.

He said al-Bolani said in a statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of "The enactment of the law will be transferred Iraq to a transitional phase to market free trustworthy and reliable side in the field of investment, to end what had prevailed during the four governments earlier period had parties where the upper hand in the awarding of contracts, which enriched the treasury parties and emptied the state treasury during the past decade. "

"The vote on the law of parties and its entry into force would be actually an essential input for economic reform guaranteed by the government of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi program."


The head of the House of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri said in 17 of last September, "We are working to Parliamentary development of the strategy will focus on legislation to build the state and Bmekdmha parties and the Council of EU law and federal court, one of the priorities of the work of the parliament and we will be very keen on to announce that the Mullah of sensitivity and will deal with them "



The arrest of more than 300 accused in oil smuggling operation with «Daash»
Kurdistan Parliament: the number of party members and military officials involved in the process
الجمعة November 7, 2014 - 01:52



Erbil: Dilshad Abdullah «Middle East» - announced to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Region Parliament yesterday that the investigative committee for the issue Daash oil smuggling, continue to investigate with persons suspected of involvement in this case, and confirmed that a number of those involved were thrown arrested on this charge , pointing to the existence of a number of military officials within those involved.


The Circo Cevdet Chairman of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources in the region's parliament «Middle East»: that «investigations resulted in the arrest of a group of Almtalpsin who was to prove the charges against them to trade oil with militants Daash, and would be arrested on the others involved in this case, we demanded regional government to punish those involved in this case, according to Article 4 terrorism ».


He Judt: «We can not determine the number of those arrested, because this number continues to increase, and those of all the categories, where there are officials in the ranks of all the regions and their employees and dealers », stressing that Parliament wants that this issue ends legally, so that the government announces in the region to stop the bleeding, and the territorial Government and the Department of the province of Kirkuk would head to take action to remedy this issue procedures.


Informed sources said investigations, preferred not to be named told «Middle East»: the «number of those arrested for their involvement oil smuggling with Daash and provide facilities for the operation of more than 300 accused, including officials, traders and military officials and drivers of tankers from the Arabs and the Kurds people».


turn denied Rioaz Ultra, a member of the Kurdistan Regional Parliament for the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), the arrest of hundreds of those involved in oil smuggling operation with Daash, she told «Middle East»: «the news that the arrest of hundreds of those involved is not correct, yes there are a large number of those involved were arrested, but did not reach the hundreds, ongoing investigations, initially arrested 11 people, but later it became clear during the investigation that there are other people involved in this issue ».


high and added that «involved consisted of several categories, There are arranged different between the defendants, including military and partisans and citizens and merchants, department of those accused of trading oil with Daash, and another accused of easing of the trade, and there is another section accused of neglect of duty ».


and called placeholders in the Government of the Territory Bmhakmtin, one of them a military court, and the other trial according to the Anti-Terrorism Act, According to anti-terrorism law in the region tried all those who contributed directly or indirectly to help the terrorists, so they were a source financially Daash, then contributed directly strengthening the physical condition of Daash.


Turn official security source in the district DAQUQ province said Kirkuk, who preferred not to be named, told the «Middle East»: «The militants Daash they intend to transport oil smuggled across dirt roads to spend DAQUQ, Vchklna joint force of police and Asaish in the judiciary, and we were able in a short period of arrest of a number of drivers tanks contraband were seized their cargo, and handed drivers to the local police to turn later to eliminate, for trial. »


He pointed out that the number of these drivers was 7 turned to the police for interrogation, but DAQUQ court released them on bail, noting that the drivers of Arab and Kurdish national groups, has received for the smuggling of each tank of these tanks US $ 600 by traders and terrorists, stressing saying: «Currently smuggling operations stopped, and with a few attempts to smuggle oil through the dirt roads, which is addressed by the security forces in DAQUQ down and arrest those involved in these operations» .


He declined Shareco Judt, chairman of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources in the Parliament of the region, identifying Kurdish party to which he belongs Partisans who referred to them as involved in Daash oil smuggling operations identity, but the source indicated that Kirkuk and areas of need, including DAQUQ and Tuz, located under PUK control.


The «Middle East» had been published in the October 17 (last October), an extensive investigation for Daash oil smuggling, which officials and businessmen Kurds details about oil smuggling operations occur. Revealed waterfall Abdoul, the district head of Tuz in the province of Salahuddin told «Middle East», that «al (Daash) fleeing Iraqi crude oil in the tanks», pointing out that «dozens of tankers pass through or near spend Tuz loaded with crude oil towards the region Kurdistan or behaving in ways dirt toward the west of Iraq. » He said: «Peshmerga forces, which controls the judiciary has been able to book more than 50 tankers of crude oil stolen loaded, has ordered the former Minister of Peshmerga Jaafar Sheikh Mustafa, refer the drivers to the judiciary and the confiscation of stolen oil, but many interventions from several quarters, in addition to that the security situation in the judiciary and the irregularity of the government departments, led to the closure of courts that consider the issues of these drivers, have been released.

Iraq existential crisis: sectarianism is just part of the problem
Source: Getty


Most analyzes pursued about the invasion of the Islamic State of Iraq's sectarian narrative, much of it focused on linking the rise of the jihadist group to deny the rights of the Year and the steady rage of the way by the former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki Baqsaúhm power systematically. Others felt that the recent developments is the best expression of the " crisis of a century ago formed "alarm and the demise of the post-World War I system, considering the debt, not the state, the basic unit of analysis.

This analysis is at the level of narratives that was left, but turned into a mainstay for some to justify the subsequent policy recommendations, which considered that the division along religious and ethnic lines is the best solution to the problems of Iraq chronic. Withholds such analysis to formulate military response to the crisis, according to frameworks, but also to formulate long-term solutions to the crisis assumed. This perspective makes the sectarian division of Iraq's self-verification prophecy.


Needless to say, that the exclusion of Maliki's Sunni community of political power resulted in disastrous consequences for the Iraqis, but the roots of the current Iraqi crisis far beyond the issue of sectarianism. For many Iraqis, their struggle is the struggle for their rights as citizens and not a religious conflict, sectarian, Old and chronic as portrayed by commentators and international policy Iraqi men , including al-Maliki.Even in light of the ongoing efforts to restore the areas controlled by the Islamic State in June 2014, the rest of the country to address complex social and economic problems is necessary to achieve the recovery of Iraq over the long term.

Haider al-Abadi pledge, behind al-Maliki, to address the grievances of the Sunni sect. But it is also working to restore confidence in the political system in Iraq and improve the lives of all Iraqi citizens.


Approach has been offering Islamic State in Iraq in the summer of 2014 from a sectarian perspective to a large extent, and re-crisis policy-makers and politicians to put sectarian familiar to heal chronic Iraq: dividing the country into Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish regions.

Among the most prominent of these US Vice President Joe Biden , who built the resort to establish "an effective federal system" in Iraq essay.Biden's comments were reminiscent of a proposal Remarkably, was launched in 2006, when he was a member of the Senate, which called for a solution for Iraq is in the image of the Dayton peace agreement that put an end to the crisis in Bosnia, through the division of the country into federations ethnic her own armies.

But Iraq is divided into three smaller entities, each of which has its own identity sectarian, will keep many of the country's deep problems unresolved. And this approach will exacerbate tensions and conflicts among Iraqi Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds, in light Tnazaahm on the border, security, resources, and political power.

In a broader range of acute and intense sectarian polarization regional context, "Hiastan" may easily be subject to the presumed influence of Iran which has deepened its ties with oil-rich Basra . "Snstan" may provide a safe haven for the Islamic state to continue to campaign for a cross-border succession comprising Iraq, Syria, and serve as a destabilizing force in the region. On the other hand, it may be more than likely to overdo the various groups in their quest to emulate the Islamic state.

This division may serve as a model to re-examine the limits of the nation-state of modern Arab country exceeds the impact of the Iraqi border much. In fact, the fighters of the Islamic state they publish this thinking, and declare the end of Iraq as a modern nation-state, and the abolition of the Sykes-Picot, the French-British agreement that painted the borders of the Arab Mashreq countries. And outside the Arab Mashreq, announced some groups, including Ansar al-Sharia in Tunisia, Libya, allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who fancied himself caliph of the Islamic State.

Would eliminate the division of Iraq, about seven centuries of accumulated history and cultural exchanges, and will raise new waves of ethnic cleansing and displacement of millions of people from their homes and communities. This is particularly grave in the mixing of ethnic areas such as the provinces of Diyala, Salahuddin, Nineveh and bearing the name of the great Assyrian city, and where the Islamic state in recent months launched a campaign of ethnic cleansing.

The judgment of the Islamist fighters in July 2014, which called for the Christians of Mosul either convert to Islam or leave the city , making the connector, for the first time in its history, free range contributed to the formation of identity over the centuries. The violent killing and displacement of other minorities living in the attacks on the plain neon face particular - including the Yazidis, Shabak, Turkmen and Shiites - to undermine the moral and cultural structure of the region have long cherished Ptaddatha.

There are clear indications that many Iraqis are still reject this kind of sectarianism. Has reported an interview survey was conducted in 2013 for the Universal Values ​​Survey (World Values ​​Survey) that more than 81 percent of the year, prefer separation of religion and politics.Perhaps it is not surprising that support for this proposal amounted to only 34 percent among Iraq's Shiites, who shares a history of marginalization and persecution at the hands of the secular former regime of Saddam Hussein apparently, in the formation of identity and cultural awareness. But, according to the same poll, both Sunnis and Shiites tend to define themselves as Iraqis, rather than Muslims or Arabs.

The basic data for the poll himself analysis showed that more than 89 percent of Iraqis believe they are part of Iraq , regardless of their ethnic, religious or geographical location, and that more than 88 percent consider that democracy is the system's best to govern the country background. 1  and more disclosure, and with the exception of Kirkuk, it appeared that most Iraqis do not trust Avasamthm respondents (60 percent) and political Bahzabhm (88 percent), and also regardless of their ethnic background or geographic location. The survey also showed that there is a marked preference for politicians who promote national interests, to those who have strong religious convictions.

Although the poll was conducted before the recent events in northern Iraq, Chi results that many Iraqis the fact that they realize that they will not prosper under built on the basis of religion political system. The results also indicated that in spite of all the difficulties they face, still the nation-state in Iraq constitute a point of reference for many Iraqis.But they want to operate in a different manner to what it is today.


Delinquency government in Iraq is not granted towards the sub-national identities of certain privileges to its own range. It has the effect of inequality and poverty, and large segments of the Iraqis, regardless of sect or ethnicity. Shows the size of the economic and social problems through the prevalence of poverty across the various provinces . In 2007, the highest poverty rate recorded (defined by the World Bank as a proportion of the population where the per capita expenditure below the poverty line) in Muthanna Shia (49 percent), and Babel (41 percent), and Salah al-Din mixed (40 percent). These areas have also experienced the most poverty.

In addition, according to a recent poll conducted by the Gallup Organization (Gallup), a growing number of Iraqis are dissatisfied with their standard of living. Iraqis generally rated their lives in the year 2011, it is much worse than it was in previous years. He said about 20 percent of them (except for Iraqis living in the most prosperous Kurdistan) they suffered difficulties in providing food for their families - this percentage has increased from 10 percent in 2009.

Similarly, affected access to health services and education gap between rural and urban areas are much more affected than the sectarian divide. And exceeds the deterioration of development indicators in the country also sectarian and ethnic boundaries. For example, recorded the highest stunting rates of moderate to severe in Anbar province, the Sunni majority, and the provinces of Baghdad, Diyala Almokhtlttin, and the province of Najaf, the Shiite majority. Widespread shortage of housing and housing is appropriate in most provinces, while the illiteracy rate (which affected 20 percent of the Iraqi population in 2010) continue to rise.

In this context, many Iraqis in recent years has focused increasingly on ensuring a decent living, as equal citizens, and to fight the feeling of injustice. These worries and embodied demonstrations swept the streets in the February 25, 2011, any " day of rage ", in various parts of the country. South of Basra to the northern cities of Kurdistan, poets, writers, journalists and Iraqi citizens gathered from different ethnic and religious backgrounds, to protest against corruption, high unemployment, poor services, and to demand more political and civil rights. These crowds and led to the resignation of the governor of Basra and all members of the local council of the city of Fallujah.


Considered a pluralistic society within a country at the heart of the challenges facing Iraq today governance. While the Iraqi constitution, equal rights and fundamental freedoms guaranteed to all citizens, the political elite of the country worked in the period after the American invasion in 2003 to develop a system of governance based on what differentiates between communities, rather than united.

At the central level, the maximum Maliki year for various levels of governance, enhanced control over the political process and the security device - and undermining the already weak state institutions, which is suffering under decades of sanctions and regional wars and internal conflict. And contributed to the sharp polarization in the creation of the regional framework of the pods of these policies, in addition to decades of divisive identity politics , and patronage-based networks , and rampant nepotism, and the massive levels of corruption.

At the district level, with the councils and governors are elected locally, but that al-Maliki did not allow little room for self-governance. The income from financial provinces went through Baghdad, where he often stays mostly where. Even Basra, which provides about $ 50 billion from oil and natural gas revenues every year , equivalent to about 75 percent of total government revenues, only a small part of this money is no longer a need. 

This led to financial constraints, as well as the central government's ability to reject infrastructure projects, to very little on the important services at the provincial level spending, and paved the way for a significant decline in the human development indicators. For example, allowed to Basra in 2011 to spend only 3 percent of the budget allocated to it. This was the slow pace of construction, and remained communities in Iraq are deprived of basic services, including electricity, and adequate stocks of water, and sewage. This has led a number of provinces - with a Shiite majority and Sunni alike - to claim local autonomy in decision-making and spending in 2011 and 2014, a demand quickly rejected by Baghdad.


There are many local interpretations of the crisis that is currently taking place in Iraq. But what is also exacerbated by the regional and international political polarization around the country, which is open to the yard of global jihad.

Ghazoan who their leaders the United States, has resulted in the two years 1991 and 2003, in addition to a decade of sanctions between them to the systematic destruction of the country on more than one level. Syria also supported Islamist militants and facilitated their movement in the past decade to Iraq, in the context of its pursuit of regional influence. After the start of the conflict on its territory system was released prisoners Islamist militants, and refrained from attacking the areas under the control Daash the aim of undermining the political opposition within its territory. Moreover, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar continue to compete for influence in Iraq.

Moreover, established these various forces and other close relationships with a number of local political players and factions in Iraq, who are characterized by many of them bent sectarian and clear, which undermined the political process in the country. It is also the responsibility of these powers in the future developments in Iraq.

The international players and the Iraqi politicians need to look beyond the current campaign to defeat Islamic state in the approach to the solutions to the problems of Iraq's immediate and long-term. Even with the military efforts continue to restore land dominated by hard-liners, has to be a renewed focus on building an effective state-building, and on the overall political processes, and to restore the confidence of the communities in between them, and the confidence of citizens in the country. Can be regional and international forces that support this process by focusing on institutions rather than focusing on individual politicians, as it did with al-Maliki. Also, it can be to build the capacity of Iraqi staff in the public sector to play an important role in advancing a national agenda, and to restore the faith of the various sects in Iraq, its government. The international community can also play a significant role in this context.


Iraqi Prime Minister faces a newly appointed, Haider al-Abadi, and his gigantic tasks. His Government is a government crisis must repel military invasion of the Islamic state, and regain control of the national territory, and resistance to some of the repercussions of the political legacy of the owners, and to address the social and economic well-established crisis in Iraq. This should also be on the government, which was formed as a government of national unity comprising representatives of all political parties, to deal with potential terrorists , including al-Maliki, who is currently one of the three vice-president, recently accused of organizing demonstrations against al-Abadi .

In fact, the Abadi has yet few political steps in the right direction, and promised to address some of the basic demands of the Sunni sect.These demands include getting a bigger share in the legal and political powers in Iraq, as well as amnesty for thousands of Sunnis who were arrested without trial during the reign of al-Maliki. Seeks Sunni political leadership, as well as other groups, to transfer the basic administrative and financial powers to the provincial level, and the establishment of local military forces under the management of provincial governors in order to ensure its security.

Abadi has proceeded to discuss at least three themes: the establishment of a higher security council comprising the Prime Minister and President of the Parliament of the President; and the transfer of some of the financial authorities to the provincial level; andthe formation of a national guard is subject to the authority of the provinces. (Some expressed concern that the establishment of the National Guard, a step that has not been studied carefully, it may pave the way for the further disintegration of the country through the creation of a Sunni militia in the face of Shiite militias. But what might dwell this concern is the establishment of the proposed Security Council and put the National Guard in custody). In this regard, the good of the country Aabashr appointment of Mohammed Salem Ghaban interior minister in October / October, a senior member of the Badr militia, one of the largest Shiite militias and the worst reputation.Moreover, Abadi trying to tackle the bureaucratic legacy of the owners , who hired his group in the ministries, and conducted a series of appointments to senior positions of days before leaving office.

But even if Abadi In its promises, it will not be enough to restore confidence in the political system in Iraq. What would revive this trust is to restore the state's role as a single state for all citizens, and to address grievances of everyday Iraqis all as belonging to a national system of governance, the rule is not a system without a national. Can this effort includes a quick and short-term initiatives, such as a quick investment in the infrastructure of roads, schools, health clinics, as well as an expanded fan of social assistance, such as the provision of conditional cash transfers to vulnerable families programs. These initiatives can provide jobs, and contribute to improving the lives of individuals in concrete. As the Iraqi government that such steps would reduce the adoption of some Iraqis on sectarian political parties to secure their livelihood, and that helps them to emphasize once again the rights of citizens as enshrined in the Constitution.

But other challenges remain essential list probably for a period of time in the absence of political will to address them and the initiative of national dialogue to ward off the dangers For. They include the repeal or modify the de-Baathification law demanded by the year, and make adjustments to the oil and gas law, which is demanded by the Kurds to allow them to export directly, and a new bill to the Senate. Moreover, it should address the issue of the politicization of the security forces in the country, including the army, and the issue of rampant corruption(Class Iraq ranked 171 out of 177 countries corrupt according to the survey conducted by Transparency International in 2013), which undermined state structures and facilitated the rapid expansion Islamic State. The societal point of view, it is the political imperatives that are processed repercussions decades of violence, and dictatorship, sanctions, and occupation, civil war, especially ethnic and sectarian displacement and widespread, though this necessity involve enormous challenges. A local peace-building initiatives that promote dialogue at the community level and allow citizens most affected participation and responsibility, can play an important role in this context.  

Finally, and more broadly, should the proper governance of Iraq measures that "year grant share in power, rest assured the Shiites that they will not be subjected to ostracism, and ensure the fulfillment of the promises in regard to grant the Kurds autonomy," according to a former adviser to former President Jalal Talabani. 2  mentions The current debate about the abolition of the decentralization of some administrative authorities, and granting the provinces greater autonomy in spending, is a positive step in addressing one of the fundamental causes of this conflict. 


Would look at Iraq from a purely sectarian perspective that makes the split based on the identity of the country in a clear solution and the self-fulfilling prophecy. However, it is an approach would cause more devastation to the country and the region.

Must, instead, from the recognition of the broad scope of the problems experienced by Iraq and complexity. The difficulties which intersect with the country's sectarian divisions, and processing require structural changes in the way the rule Iraq, quick and investments designed to  improve the lives of Iraqi citizen.

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Cabinet discusses the economic reform and Balancing Act 2014 -ANOTHER REMINDER ARTICLE/COM PRESS RELEASE FROM OCTOBER 2014





Shafaqna - Director of the Office of the Prime Minister Mahdi Keywords said that the cabinet will discuss the project of economic reform law in the coming sessions.

Keywords and said to the reporter (IMN) "The draft economic reform law will be introduced in future meetings of the Council of Ministers, the Council will discuss the reasons brought back by the previous board and make adjustments needed it."

It is noteworthy that the Council of Ministers in the previous session request to reconsider the draft project of economic reform law after it was approved by 13 / August 2013 and referred to the House of Representatives.

Economists and researchers believe that the problem of the Iraqi economy, summed up, he lacks laws that provide the necessary protection in the markets and reduce Tdharrh security and political events in the country.

In the context Tlک detect the House of Representatives decision Imad Youkhana Yako said the first sessions of Parliament following the holiday will be devoted to the discussion of the federal budget and voting on the law and on the vacant ministries, especially the ones after the security provided by the government indicating that it has become a requirement of religious authority and the Iraqi people.

Yako said in a statement to Radio tow Council that the next parliamentary session will see also vote on Hoshyar Zebari, Minister of Finance and Rose Nuri Shaways as deputy prime minister after he was sharing those sites between the parties based on the directives of the Kurdish leadership.


MP for the coalition of state law Zebari demanded an apology and the withdrawal of the charges of the popular crowd

  • hakaek.gif


MP for the coalition of state law, Haitham al-Jubouri, on Friday, Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari demanded an apology for the "sons accused of the popular crowd that they violated human rights", in what was considered the popular crowd abuse is abuse each components of the Iraqi people.

Jubouri said in an interview that "the offending statements made by Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, against the sons of the popular crowd who gave their lives and their blood for the liberation of the Iraqi territory denouncing strongly," and urged Zebari to "apologize to the people and the crowd and popular pull accusing them that they have violated human rights."

He said al-Jubouri, "was the first to talk about Daash crimes against humanity as a whole Bzibari," adding that "the abuse to the popular crowd abuse are each components of the Iraqi people."

And demanded the MP for the coalition of state law emotions grace, in (November 6, 2014), Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari to apologize for his recent comments about the government spending huge amounts of money on the popular crowd forces, while invited to respond to what he described as the "smuggling" of oil by the government Kurdistan region.

As announced the Office of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, in (November 6, 2014), the Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari said in a Cabinet meeting yesterday that his remarks on the popular crowd did not convey accurate, noting that Zebari stressed that he did not use a lot of sentences that were transferred him.

It is said that Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari described in an interview conducted by the agency "Reuters" with him, on Wednesday (November 5, 2014), the popular crowd and factions of the Islamic Resistance to "militia" forces, with those forces considered part of the economic and financial problem faced by Iraq.




Deputy for the National: Legislation parties gate economic reform law in the country
الجمعة November 7, 2014 - 14:55

Baghdad (where) - National Alliance MP Jawad al-Bolani said the legislation parties law will reduce the powers of the parties and determined. He Bolani said in a statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of "The enactment of the law will be transferred Iraq to a transitional phase to market free trustworthy and reliable side in the field of investment, to end what had prevailed during the four governments earlier period had parties where the upper hand in the awarding of contracts, which enriched the treasury parties and emptied the state treasury through a decade ago. " He added that "the vote on the law of parties and its entry into force actually will be an essential input for economic reform which is guaranteed by the government of Prime Minister program Haider al-Abadi. " The head of the House of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri said in 17 of last September, "We are working to Parliamentary strategy development and will focus on legislation to build the state and Bmekdmha parties and the Council of EU law and federal court, one of the priorities of the work of Parliament and we would be keen so that Mullah declare it on to their sensitivity and will deal with them. "




Deputy for the National: Legislation parties gate economic reform law in the country

Friday, October 2 / November 07, 2014 16:12



National Alliance MP Jawad al-Bolani said the legislation would reduce the powers of the law of parties and determined by the parties.

He said al-Bolani said in a statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of "The enactment of the law will be transferred Iraq to a transitional phase to market free trustworthy and reliable side in the field of investment, to end what had prevailed during the four governments earlier period had parties where the upper hand in the awarding of contracts, which enriched the treasury parties and emptied the state treasury during the past decade. "

"The vote on the law of parties and its entry into force would be actually an essential input for economic reform guaranteed by the government of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi program."


The head of the House of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri said in 17 of last September, "We are working to Parliamentary development of the strategy will focus on legislation to build the state and Bmekdmha parties and the Council of EU law and federal court, one of the priorities of the work of the parliament and we will be very keen on to announce that the Mullah of sensitivity and will deal with them "



Jawad al-Bulani

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jawad al-Bulani 210px-Jawad_al-Bulani.jpg Jawad al-Bolani, Baghdad, 2007. Interior Minister of Iraq In office
8 June 2006 – 21 December 2010 President Jalal Talabani Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Preceded by Nouri al-Maliki Succeeded by Nouri al-Maliki Personal details Born 1960
Al DiwaniyahIraq Political party Iraqi Constitutional Party Profession Air Force engineer, Politician Religion Shia Islam Military service Allegiance Iraq Service/branch Iraqi Army

Jawad al-Bulani (Arabic: جواد البولاني‎) (also spelled Al-Bolani; born in 1960) served as the Interior Minister of Iraq within the Council of Ministers under Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki from 8 June 2006 to 21 December 2010. Bulani is a Shi'a independent member of the United Iraqi Alliance.

Bulani's family is originally from the Diwaniyah region. He grew up in Al-Amarah and graduated with a degree in either mechanical engineering or aeronautical engineering from the BaghdadUniversity of Technology. An Air Force engineer under the government of Saddam Hussein, he left the military in 1999.

Bulani has been a member of several political parties since Coalition forces removed Hussein from power:

He was a member of the committee that drafted the Constitution of Iraq.

Bulani is seen as an independent figure with no militia ties by the U.S. and many in Iraq. However, there have been calls from some within the UIA for him to be sacked due to a lack of improvement in security. Bulani has defended himself by announcing a major security operation to be rolled out in September. He has also vowed to clean up corruption in Interior Ministry forces.

In the 2010 Iraqi Elections he was the leader of the Unity Alliance of Iraq and was their nr. 1 candidate in Baghdad. However, the list performed disappointingly winning only 4 seats nationwide. Jawad al-Bulani himself did not manage to win a seat, getting only 3,972 votes in Baghdad.[1] He was not reappointed to the position of Interior Minister when the new Council of Ministers was formed in December 2010; the position of Interior Minister was left vacant, with the result that Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki held the position of acting Interior Minister.

One of the list's four MPs, Ali al-Sajri, was appointed a Minister of State in Maliki's new government. He therefore resigned his seat and it was awarded as a "replacement seat" to al-Bulani. However, the Federal Supreme Court struck down this appointment, ruling that al-Bulani, who had stood in Baghdad governorate as part of the Constitutional Party element of the list, could not replace Sajri, who had been elected from the Salahuddin governorate as part of the "Peoples' Current" (Tayyar al-Shaab) element.[2]

References[edit] External links[edit]Political offices Preceded by
Bayan Jabr Interior Minister
2006–2010 Succeeded by
Nouri al-Maliki

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Side of the city of Arbil in the Kurdistan region of Iraq amid imaging (AA)
Securities Commission expects direct "exchange" trading Erbil end of 2014 and is seeking to open another in Basra


Author: ASJ, BS 
Editor: BK, BS 11.07.2014 forty-four past one p.m. number of readings: 88 




Long-Presse / Baghdad

Predicted Iraq Securities Commission, on Friday, the company directly "market Arbil Securities" working end of the current year 2014, attributed the delay to the lack of contribution in the Kurdistan region companies, while confirming its quest to open a stock exchange in the province of Basra.

The head of the body, Abdul Razzaq al-Saadi, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The Securities Commission and the Iraqi market for securities, support the establishment of Erbil Stock Exchange to enhance the investment service of the national economy," noting that "the market Arbil Securities is preparing to start trading After modifying the Iraq Stock Exchange system, electronic trading of Horizon to the X-stream, which is the most advanced in the world system, as well as enjoy its high flexibility to meet the growing needs of the market. "

He Saadi, expressed the hope that "the complexity of one direct one or more of the markets session, during the next few days, the real beginning of the work of the North Gate to invest in Iraq," noting that "the Commission aims to establish another stock market in Basra, the southern gate of the investment."

The President of the Iraq Securities Commission, that "the launch of Erbil Stock Exchange should have started work since last August, but was delayed due to lack of companies accept the insertion where, because the majority of family law does not allow it," pointing out that "the Securities and Market Authority Iraq Stock Exchange, seeking to convert a number of family companies in the Kurdistan region to facilitate the contribution to be included in the market, as well as a number of banks operating in the region. "


He said al-Saadi, that "the Commission has organized several seminars and conferences in the Kurdistan region to put forward the idea of ​​work and ways of Erbil market success," expected to "Erbil Stock Exchange held the first trading sessions before the end of the current year 2014"


It is noteworthy that the Kurdistan Regional Government, pledged in 2008 to be the "stock market," the upcoming independent of those in the capital, Baghdad, taking care to find "understanding and consensus" in the work between the two exchanges.

And became head of the Kurdistan attract capital and investors in the Middle East Center, where accept the business opportunities available in various sectors to take advantage of the privileges granted by the Government of the Territory under the law, which prepared for it.

It is noteworthy that the investment in the Kurdistan region, confirmed in (23 September 2014), the 716 local or Arab company or a foreign invested in the region nearly $ 41 billion currently, indicating that the delay in adoption of the state budget, security and political developments have affected the implementation of projects of these companies because of the departure of a significant proportion of foreign workers that depend on them, while the view of the investor, the investment law in the territory in which the situation in 2006 need to be developed, and revealed Financial and Economic Committee in Kurdistan Parliament, for its proposal amending the law about achieving a balance between the investor and the citizen.






Expectations of the initiation of Erbil Stock Exchange trading end of the year


predicted Iraq Securities Commission, on Friday, directly Inc.'s market Arbil Securities' work the end of the current 2014, attributed the delay to the lack of contribution in the Kurdistan Region companies, while confirming its quest to open a stock exchange in the province of Basra .
The head of the body, Abdul Razzaq al-Saadi, in a press statement, seen by (Basenyoz), that 'the stock market Iraq Securities Commission, support the establishment of Erbil Stock Exchange to enhance the investment service of the national economy', noting that 'market Arbil Securities is preparing to start trading after the modification Iraq Stock Exchange system, from electronic trading Horizonto system X-stream , which is the most advanced in the world, as well as enjoy its high flexibility to meet the growing needs of the market '.
He Saadi, expressed the hope that 'the complexity of one direct one or more of the markets session During the next few days, the real beginning of the work of the North Gate to invest in Iraq ', noting that' the Commission aims to establish another stock market in Basra, the southern gate of the investment '.
He said al-Saadi, that 'the Commission has organized several seminars and conferences in the Kurdistan Region to ask The idea of the Erbil market and ways to success ', predicting that' the complexity of Erbil Stock Exchange first trading sessions before the end of 2014, the current '.
It is noteworthy that the Kurdistan Regional Government, pledged in 2008, to be forthcoming and Alborsho independent of those in the capital Baghdad, with care to find understanding and consensus in the work between the two exchanges .
and now Kurdistan attract Head of capital and investors in the Middle East Center, where he accepted the business opportunities available in various sectors to take advantage of the privileges granted by the Government of the Territory under the law drafted so .
It is noteworthy that the investment in the region Kurdistan, confirmed in 23 of last September, the 716 local or Arab company or a foreign invested in the region nearly $ 41 billion currently, indicating that the delay in adoption of the state budget, security and political developments have affected the implementation of projects of these companies. 
The Union of Arab Stock Exchanges (AFE) has approved the membership of the Erbil Stock Exchange which has become the User No. 18 in Union, through the participation of Arbil Stock Exchange at an annual meeting of the Arab bourses in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, the middle of this year. 
He announced Abdullah Ahmad Abdul Rahim Chairman of Erbil Stock Exchange in a statement ( Basenyoz), for 'approval of the Union of Arab Stock Exchanges on request Erbil Stock Exchange to join the Union' . stressing that 'membership of the Union of Arab Stock Exchanges will open the doors of the various markets participating in it in front of the membership Erbil Stock Exchange, and therefore the possibility of training and rehabilitation of cadres Erbil Stock Exchange and take advantage of the existing expertise in the rest of the market to participate in the Union ', adding that' the exchange of experiences will be
through meetings, workshops, courses qualifying, in addition to the issuance of market studies and statistics '.
Regarding the preparations carried out for the opening of Erbil Stock Exchange, Abdul Rahim pointed out that 'preparations going according to plan its stomach and are awaiting your work mail stock market system, and to be prepared by the US Nasdaq company ' .
He added, is expected to be the opening of Erbil Stock Exchange later this year, and work on the buying and selling shares of companies, especially that there are large numbers of well-known companies registered in Burstna They gave guarantees required credits, is expected that the majority of companies involved in the province of Kurdistan in Erbil Stock Exchange '.

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Instructions No. (1) for the year 2014 granting leave open for tourism and hospitality institutes


Publication Date: 

 2014 Oct 20

    Attachment Size pdf.gif hhkv.pdf 636.9 K.baat

Legal documents related to: 


 Posts of type image of the original legislation
E-mail address:





Tourism Authority Act
user warning: in /var/www/drupal-6.22/includes/ on line 108.


Law No. Alutaiqa- identity Altarivih-: 



Type of Law: 



Release Date: 

 2010 Aug 3


Publication Date: 

 2010 Aug 3





Due to the necessity of having one central body to sectoral responsibility for tourism activity in the country and for the development of services and tourist facilities and directing tourist activity in accordance with the general policy of the state and the rules of morality prevailing in society and the development plan, in order to provide better services to the citizens in this recreational area. And provide the best conditions and the potential for attracting tourists to archaeological and cultural sites that abound in the ancient Qtrna. This law has been initiated.

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Competent Committee First reading Second reading Date Rating Law No. Posted in facts | Legal Committee | Commission on Higher Education and Scientific Research | Committee on Culture and Media 28/10/2014         Project Iraqi Academy of Sciences
Competent Committee First reading Second reading Date Rating Law No. Posted in facts | Legal Committee | Commission on Higher Education and Scientific Research 28/10/2014         Project private universities and colleges Law
Competent Committee First reading Second reading Date Rating Law No. Posted in facts | Legal Committee | Committee on Security and Defense Committee | Labor and Social Affairs 28/10/2014         Project reform inmates and depositors

Competent Committee First reading Second reading Date Rating Law No. Posted in facts | Committee on Culture, Media | Human Rights Commission 20/10/2014         Project freedom of expression and assembly and peaceful protest law


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There's one more thing I wanted to post tonight because I do believe this does affect Iraq's and Syria's economy.  



Of the 16 officers are the US team that killed bin Laden arriving Baghdad to track down al-Baghdadi


Follow-up - Iraq Press - November 7: published, local media reported on the arrival of the US team that was expensive or killing of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden's arrest to Iraq to track down the leader of the Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Daash.

According to the report, which quotes an Iraqi military officer holds the rank of Brigadier General in the Presidency of the Army Staff, that "the number of team members 16 officers American, 7 elements arrived them to Baghdad, and began to collect information and the establishment of an extensive database as well as recruiting local Iraqis from tribal members and citizens In the areas where the organization "Daash." It is expected the arrival of others, according to leaks obtained by the army. "

The media did not reveal the identity of the Iraqi officer, who confirmed that the US team is working within an isolated circuit for the US and the Iraqi army, and held three visits to locations outside Baghdad since their arrival last week to Iraq.

It describes the Iraqi official, the team members that they are fluent in the Arabic language fluently, and took from the former governor's residence civil American in Iraq, Paul Bremer, based in the southern part of the Green Zone, on the Tigris River, and asked the charge of the military forces secured Green Zone no objection personalities who Iksdonhm at the headquarters of their presence, and to facilitate the entry process without being searched or questioned, Like entrants into the Green Zone since the establishment of the United States in 2003.


And refers to the charge that "Americans believe in the overthrow of Balbgdada important factor in the destabilization of the organization and weaken, especially his personal alternative that does not exist in" Daash "such stature, and be persuasive to elements of the organization, after the failure could kill him. Which would lead to a weakening of the organization, if the efforts of the killing of al-Baghdadi succeeded. Q ended. P.

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