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Articles 10-10-2014


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Faleh al-Khazali: There is an agreement on parliamentary approval of important laws and are keen on naming security minister soon
History of edits:: 10.10.2014 nine two • 38 visits readable
{Baghdad: Euphrates News} A member of the National Alliance MP Faleh al-Khazali said there was agreement on parliamentary approval of important laws, which meets the aspirations of the people, and ensuring the security minister named soon.
The MP said al-Khazali told {Euphrates News} that "among these important laws of the Federal Court that he had read the first reading, and the law of parties, and oil and gas law and the law of the Federal service who read also the first reading in addition to the thirty legally another, and we have the ministries of interior and defense which must be resolved commanded them. " 
added al-Khazali, "when what has been agreed on what progress by the political blocs, these laws and my bag and the interior and defense ministries will be announced only to vote, and we desperately need and are very careful to label the security minister; so as not to be returned, we issue the administration by proxy" . 
waiting for the House of Representatives a lot of business, but the most important approval and pass important laws which are Bmsas people's lives, as well as naming the ministers of interior and defense, and the rest of the financial budget of the Federal public for the current year is the most important, although the financial year is nearing completion, with only two of them. 
confirms Congress and the existence of an agreement within the corridors of Parliament on the importance of approving and pass laws, especially those that read the first reading. Ended FZE

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Special / cabinet session in order to feast next week, pending final accounts


Baghdad-Iraq-Presse -10 October / October: The secretary general of the Council of Ministers Mahdi Keywords, on Friday, the cabinet decided not to hold its special session this week to discuss the federal budget for 2014 due to technical reasons.

 Alak said L / Iraq Press / "The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi decided to postpone the cabinet meeting scheduled during the holiday to discuss the current year budget to next week for not completing the Ministry of Finance and the final accounts of the budget and submit it to the government."

He added, "It is hoped that the Ministry of Finance and send the final accounts to the government next week to discuss it in its final form and rushed to Parliament to devote government to discuss next year's budget in 2015."

 The relationship continued, that "next year's budget should be up to parliament shortly latest, the fifteenth of October Alshahralhali by the Financial Administration Act and the public debt."

It is said that the Council of Ministers decided, earlier, held a special session during the holiday of Eid al-Adha to discuss the final accounts for the balance of 2014 and accelerate sent to Parliament in order to read it. " Ended (1)

Maliki issued an order to the prospect of an official channel to prevent the emergence of some of the characters from the Dawa Party



BAGHDAD - Iraq Press - 10 October / October: detecting a leading exporter in the Dawa Party, which is led by former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, on Friday, issued an order that the latter is responsible for the satellite channel prospects of the party to prevent the emergence of some of the characters within the party on the silver screen.

The source told / Iraq Press / "Since last July, is no longer the leaders of the Dawa Party hello to them in that space because the Secretary General of the Party and former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki tightened his grip on the channel mentioned cross-chief of him and the prohibition of any dialogue or transfer of a permit for one of the party the call. "

The source added that "after the nomination of Dr. Haider Abadi, a substitute for al-Maliki for prime minister headed the prospects for satellite channel, which had been strongly promoted by the state's third of the owners to the exclusion of any party leaders to host a television and merely loyal to the owners."

He explained that "the exclusion of al-Maliki and the nomination Abadi, instead it was promoted within the channel as a conspiracy and betrayal within the party offset by fasting Foundation Party only so was prevented to host all MPs and party leaders who did not stand to the side of al-Maliki and boycott the media, Kalnaúben on the Keywords and Ali al-Adeeb, as well as More Abadi, who was hosted by the channel every week. "

The source asserts that "the decision-makers in the party have become disillusioned very role of the media practiced by the channel away from their will and limited to the directives of al-Maliki, despite the fact that the channel in fact a spokeswoman for the party and not on behalf of a person Maliki, who benefited from his position within the party secretary-general."

He pointed out that "most of the party leaders intend to edit the channel from the control of al-Maliki's followers, led by its director and football where Muhammad Praise known as ear Alsagah for the owners, but they do not engage in conflicts Iromon marginal." Q ended. P

Abadi receives a delegation from the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate
Friday, 10 October 1 / Okrudolf 2014 11:40









[baghdad - where]

His prime minister Haidar al-Abbadi and a delegation from the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate, headed by Captain journalists and pro-al-Lami, a number of directors of the channels and the space agencies of the Iraqi, Arab and international.

Abbadi said in a statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it on Friday that "Iraq is exposed to a terrorist attack by a fierce guerrilla Daash, a large part of media and myself, which requires the media that envisages the accuracy and credibility in the transfer of the facts enemy wants to pass his schemes and terrifying citizens. "

He said the "terrorists are using in the rumor spread the spirit of frustration among our fighters on the battlefield so the floor if misused, it will be shot in the body of the sons of our armed forces and, unfortunately, some of the media and others have been drawn to these schemes."

The Prime Minister praised the sacrifices made by Iraqi journalist for his victory and advancing the right word, referring to the need for concerted efforts of everyone to face the risk of a terrorist organization Daash and other terrorist groups.

Abadi called on the media to diagnose all cases, negative and positive, and evaluating the work of the government, with the objective that the media has an important role in the building and a great country and walk him on the right path.

During the meeting, gave his vision and plans for the next phase for the security and safety of Iraqis and prosperity and the unity of the country.

And took place during the meeting, they discussed ways to develop media work and unify the discourse to confront the terrorist attack fierce that target all Iraqis without exception. 
while feet Journalists Syndicate supporter of al-Lami, a presentation on the work of Iraqi journalists as well as the obstacles that stand in front of the work of the media in Iraq and plans journalists' union during the period Indeed, for the development of the next Alaalami.anthy

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Political Parliament will vote on the candidates for the security ministries Tuesday .. and Ameri adheres boarding and 5 new names for the defense
  09-10-2014 01:51 PM

09-10-2014 01:51 PM


 Waiting for the Iraqi political forces to provide the Prime Minister the names of candidates for the defense and interior ministries parliamentary vote next Tuesday.

 The MP for the «mass citizen» Salim Shawki, that the forces of «National Alliance supports the nomination of the head of the Badr Abdul-Hadi al-Amiri, and if they objected to the political parties or third parties may be delegated to other candidates of the mass of Ameri itself, including Major General Hamid al-Moussawi and MP Qassem al-Araji».

 He pointed out that «the Ministry of Interior agreement of all the blocks, to be assigned to block Badr or to a person close to the latter in accordance with the requirements referred to».

  Regarding the refusal of America Ameri, said that «the American administration does not have a veto on Ameri person is as much a reservation». It is noteworthy that the nomination of Ameri obligatory to reject some of the political blocs, which sees it leads the militia.


 For his part, MP for «national list» Hassan Chuird, that «from among the names submitted to fill the Ministry of Defence MP Hamid al-Mutlaq, and Khalid al-Obeidi, and Qais Cdhir, and Salem Daly, and Abdullah al-Jubouri, and Abdul Karim al-Samarrai».



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Parliamentary committee rejects amendment to the Convention of oil between Iraq and Jordan





BAGHDAD / JD / .. rejected the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary amendment to the Convention concluded oil between Iraq and Jordan, while suggesting that this agreement will serve both Iraq and Jordan will strengthen the bilateral relations of the two countries.
Said committee member MP Fatima Hamidi told / JD / "The parliamentary vote to amend the claim oil agreement signed between Iraq and Jordan have not looked at the details of this agreement, because there is a great benefit to the Iraqi side and the Jordanian side to herself."
She added: "The Commission on oil and energy parliamentary rejected a proposed amendment bill agreement to extend an oil pipeline between Iraq and Jordan, the fact that this agreement will strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries in various fields and levels, in addition to the multiplicity of export outlets for Iraqi oil on the grounds that the agreement include extending an oil pipeline up to Port of Aqaba, Iraq and in dire need of multiple ports, especially in the current situation, which is going through, while the Jordanian side will benefit from this agreement to import Iraqi oil to fill the needs of the local oil. "
A number of MPs had demanded earlier to amend the oil agreement signed between Iraq and Jordan, and considered that it will serve the Jordanian side more than the Iraqi.
And include the agreement signed between the governments of Iraq and Jordan, an oil pipeline from southern Iraq to the Jordanian port of Aqaba, in addition to the sale of Iraqi oil to Jordan at subsidized prices differ from the prices in the global markets. / Finished / 8 /







Committee competent First reading Second reading Date Rating Law No. Posted in facts
| Foreign Relations Committee FIRST READING: 24/09/2014   
Project draft law on ratification agreement on the encouragement and protection of investment between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

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Mohammed Saleh D.mzar *: Equivalent General of values: a model Dollar

- PUBLISHED IN 10.10.2014
Dr. Mohammad Saleh appearance *: equivalent values: dollar general model

-Posted on 10/10/2014


Go out to the public the concept of equivalent values ​​Numeraire to the existence of a single commodity item represents the core which makes all other commodities are priced Whoosh termination of such commodity Portal that this comparison is possible to make the diagnosis of any commodity is the highest or less, but the value of the goods, but this basis, Li admitted Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944, the dollar equivalent of being a year of values ​​.ogery pricing per Ounce of gold being the equivalent of 35 dollars. Also that all the currencies of the world are either parts of the flimsiest of complications dollar or dollar Phew Gah.o Thus the role of the dollar resulted in the equivalent year values ​​due to the persistence of the price of gold over a quarter of a century of Elzimn.ala that the fixed exchange rate system to achieve global financial stability has lost his determination and ended completely in the early seventies of the last century because of the limited official gold to the United States, and solving dollarised alternative monetary system born from the womb Previous monetary system.



  Has been associated with Equalizer General Rate this time to a basket of commodities denominated in dollars himself and fluctuate their accordance with the market mechanism in supply and demand and are consistent with the system of flexible exchange of Dolar.oppema out the gold from under the official price for him to join it, but another to the market basket in a series of commodity president of integrated to form the mainstay equivalents the new values ​​.az included that basket of commodity oil with gold to be at the forefront of its components, in addition to agricultural crops and commodity groups various other being traded all dollar it wiki .babarh again moved the dollar as equivalent in the values ​​of unilateral gold the official fixed price (as a commodity essential) to pluralism commodity core, which was the gold from them, a commodities owns and function Storage value or wealth, which is a function of money as well ... as if the dollar is the same Hvbd not the stability of the coefficient of price between gold and Aldolarralnkadi (according to the Bretton Woods Agreement) in order to cause the dollar's role Equalizer year values ​​Numeraire .babarh the other, there is a causal relationship generated in the post-Bretton Woods institutions and mechanisms which links between the rising prices of basic commodities denominated in dollars (ie pluralism commodity) ..obin devaluation of the dollar itself, or vice versa within the business cycle Slaah- dollar cycle not limited to Gold denominated in dollars, but go to the oil dollar-denominated also a number of other commodities denominated in the currency of the United States, which is handled them all through monetary union, it Lycia Fa cycle population Rodeo -ataria, touched derived from new manifestations of the international financial system as promised denominated commodities dollar safe haven to save the value or hedging hedge instead of the dollar itself, which helps to stabilize the values ​​and vice versa when the rising value of the dollar goes down commodity prices without losing the dollar role in the correlation between money and alternatives denominated in the same currency .ana monetary system shadow was introduced the identity of the dollar and the real goods associated Bh.olaakhvy that the source of session cycle mentioned above is the power of the real economy and the effects of its market actors in the face of the movements of the economy, nominal and show cohesion true in maintaining competitiveness and hedge against the loss, which explains the phenomenon of a falling dollar with the increasing oil price and gold goods and other staples.


And this made ​​(financial globalization) of financial markets or stock exchanges fun affordable for anyone who wants to exercise financial speculation freely Aalah.fbomkan individual buy oil or gold or tons of copper from the futures market, without thinking that the garage of his home is the same for Aistoab ten barrels of crude oil or ton Alnhac.vcra comes from a view to selling the symbolic later to get the profit margins of speculation, but no! So regardless of your taste of oil or copper color! It's casino economy really symbolic or nominal.



The staples alternative to the dollar today is gold and agricultural crops in addition to the oil or its derivatives, which hedge their casino economy nominal or symbolic as well as various speculators in the financial market. Rise as the value of financial assets and derivatives increased by 20 times the value of the global GDP of about 73 trillion today to $
There .oan syndrome between the rise in the value of the dollar and the decline in oil and gold prices fall as gold prices today is about $ 1,200 per ounce, or for a little more with a significant increase in the value of the dollar over other currencies.


Valthot in these days has become Baldolarnevsh the rising value and probably will hedge less towards market futures oil or gold or food, and unlike what was happening in a period of booming prices of goods commodities, especially in my item gold and oil. Although, it has been observed through the evidence nearby historical consumption of crude oil has not Bnkhvd only 3% when it collapsed in oil prices in the global market of $ 140 per barrel to $ 40 a barrel himself at the beginning of the year 2009.kma noticed that all (five) barrels of oil product export go starting to market financial speculation or the casino in return for oil (one barrel) just goes directly to the refining and consumption. The rising share of the financial market of oil derivatives to (seven drums) for the purposes of speculation versus (barrel and only one) of those derivatives (especially gasoline) to take that barrel his way to the direct consumption.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the speculators enmeshed in buying and selling in the futures market, they are still in the absence in order to direct their questions sufficient to regulatory authorities in different countries about systemic risk and potential threats to their activities Almalahwalta are subject to the effects of government's economic policy, such as interest rates and exchange rates and put the balance of payments and the future of public debt policy and other macroeconomic variables with profound impact on the stability of the financial market and the safety of its operations.




We have turned the global monetary system in the characterization of the equivalent year values ​​Numeraire of monounsaturated commodity actress gold formal and on according to the fixed exchange rate system (the Bretton Woods system the past) to the plurality of commodity basic current and according to data from the international financial market and Systems flexible exchange and freedom of movement of capital, as it moves around 4-5 trillion dollars a day from short-term capital between markets in the world for the purposes of financial speculation and gain rapid, while we find that the total global trade of goods and services not exceeding 20 trillion Dolarsnuya.anha game market and is mired economic surplus Nations or looting surplus latent as he called the late economist Paul Baran in his famous book: the political economy of growth, whether playing a war field and create terrorist states (which the specimen Creator of the war in the Horn of atheist twenty which the specimen is able to drain the proceeds of oil wealth) or play price wars and falling .asar staples or major Ka oil Awalzhb or Mu Ed foodstuff Aúah .az facing the landing, the availability of a monetary system shadow or restraints across the daily movements of the financial market (as a market futures) and total speculation denominated in dollars in the economy, nominal, in the midst of the cycle hedge hedge fluctuate where the value of the dollar in the cash market F. Pacheco's opposite volatility Akiem multi Commodity main dollar-denominated himself in the financial market.



Vamah link is that the current monetary system, the dollar had created an investment portfolio and one variety of its assets Finance / commodity and monetary session and that the aforementioned given up to the balance and stability of the dollar value of the portfolio, which are summarized and the main function in the underlying surplus rotate around the world alone! .



Baghdad on October 9, 2014


(*) Writer and researcher economist, deputy governor of the Central Bank of the former
Copyright Network economists Iraqis. Allows quoting and re-deployment, provided reference to the source

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Al-Jubouri, the head of a parliamentary delegation to participate in the session of the 131 Inter-Parliamentary Union in Geneva




Follow-up - Iraq Press - 10 October / October: The president of the House of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri, today, Friday, at the head of a parliamentary delegation to the Swiss city of Geneva to participate in the session 131 of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, which will be held for the period from 12-16 October this.


A statement by the Presidency of the Council of Representatives received / Iraq Press / copy of "The conference will discuss a number of files, including the draft budget for 2015 for the Union and a list of vacancies for various positions which need to be distracting."


"We will also discuss the fourth nomination for President of the IPU in addition to other topics related to the session agenda, such as the recently released about youth parliaments."


The statement continued, "It will be discussed in the file to stop violence against women will be invited to the members to adopt a resolution on the subject of international law and its relevance to sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of States and human rights."


The statement pointed out that "the visit is the first of its kind to House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, after assuming office." Q ended. P



Issawi: Anbar government sent to parliament for a decision to approve the deployment of American ground troops

Fri 10 Oct 2014 19:00 | (Voice of Iraq) - Sumerian News / Anbar 
revealed deputy head of the provincial council in Anbar Faleh al-Issawi, on Friday, sending the local county government decision to the House for approval of the deployment of international forces wilderness for the purpose of maintaining the Liberation of organizing "Daash" and the training and rehabilitation of the security forces and the National Guard, as explained that a large force of police and army waiting for the zero hour to break into the district of Hit lifting the siege on dozens of villages. Issawi, said in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "The local government in Anbar province, sent a resolution to House of Representatives for approval to the deployment of international military forces to restore security in the province and the training and rehabilitation of the security services and the National Guard, "pointing out that" the elders and dignitaries of Anbar in favor of the deployment of American forces in the province. " Issawi said that "the areas that still resist Daash began long ago prepare lists for the formation of the National Guard and outfitted with weapons self-funded and worked to find the headquarters of the Guard, especially in Amiriyat al-Fallujah. " With regard to trapping dozens of farming villages between the districts of Hit and Haditha, explained al-Issawi that "military supplies up to the security forces stationed in these villages by aviation , while unable to access food aid and fuel to those areas because of the siege of organizing Daash. " said al-Issawi that "there are security plans developed by the leaderships of Anbar and Dujail in order to break into the district of Hit by pieces of large military waiting for orders to attack, lifting the siege on the villages under siege," He pointed out that "the conference, which was held yesterday with the international coalition in Baghdad in order to deploy a ground force an American base in Ein al-Assad even take it upon themselves to training and rehabilitation of the Iraqi forces and the National Guard and provide advice to the leaders of the security forces." saw eliminate the Heat (70 km west of Ramadi) Friday morning the siege of militants "Daash" to dozens of villages between the Heat and spend modern and cut all supply routes to the food, medicine and fuel, according to a police source in Anbar.

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Information about the imminent fall of the al-Anbar province, however fighters "Daash"


Fri Oct 10 2014 2:12 p.m. | (Voice of Iraq) - comment.PNGAdd Comment - Erbil With all eyes to Kobanî city where the organization seeks "Islamic state" to control it, sources talking about the possibility of an imminent fall of the al-Anbar province, however, fully organization, which means a major setback for the alliance led by Washington. transfer site "Spiegel Online" the German said on Friday (the tenth of October / October 2014) from the newspaper "Washington Post" that the American Iraq's Anbar province on the verge of falling into the hands of the fundamentalist "Islamic State "known in the media as" Daash. " 
According to the American newspaper, the fighters of the organization are to them the upper hand in the ongoing fighting several days ago in this province with the Iraqi forces. , and if seized organizing "Daash" of this province, the Iraqi strategy will constitute a major defeat for the international coalition, which led the United States against this organization, and will strengthen line supplied in Syria, where he engaged in a fierce battle to capture the city Kobanî also. The fall of Anbar means that the rush military organization toward the capital, Baghdad will be in a matter of days, and will begin the decisive battle around the city with "Daash" an early and unexpected. , for its part quoted a Kuwaiti newspaper in its edition on Friday for a member of the security committee in Anbar province, saying that Washington warned that the continued decline of the Iraqi army in the land battles against the fighters "Daash" may lead to the fall of al-Anbar province in full, which means seize the extremists on military equipment comparable to those seized in Mosul. 
newspaper added that the NRF America, and strong 2300 military from the Marines, which deployed in Kuwait earlier this month, is preparing to intervene in Iraq during the coming period, to prevent the fall of Anbar province, the whole in the hands of gunmen organizing "Daash" who have finally wins at the expense of the Iraqi army. security source said a senior Iraqi newspaper The American military advisers stationed in bases Habbaniyah and eye-Assad in Anbar province, in western Iraq, to create requirements for the deployment of the rapid intervention of America, because the security situation has become very serious in maintaining that "estimated number of extremist fighters in which more than forty thousand."

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Friday, October 10th, 2014 17:28

2300-strong American force soldiers preparing to enter the ground to stop the progress in Anbar Daash






Baghdad / follow Baghdadi Uz..khevc policy Kuwaiti newspaper, on Friday, that the NRF American that has spread in Kuwait beginning of the month of October / October current en route to Anbar province in the coming days.


The newspaper quoted in its edition on Friday, a source in the security committee in Anbar province as saying that "the NRF American and 2,300 military deployed in Kuwait earlier this month, will be transferred to the province of Anbar to stop victories wild achieved by finally militants organize" Daash "in Ramadi, Hit and eliminate areas of Saqlawiyah and vine from the nearby city of Fallujah. "

The source added, according to the newspaper that "American military advisers stationed in bases Habbaniyah and al-Assad appointed to prepare the requirements for the deployment of the Rapid Intervention American in Anbar, because the security situation has become extremely dangerous in this province is estimated that the number of extremist fighters in which more than forty thousand."

He was Vice Chairman of the Board of Anbar, Faleh al-Issawi, revealed in an earlier will submit a formal request by the Board of Anbar to the Iraqi parliament, it is proposed to Washington sending American ground troops to the province to fight the "Daash" Ended 21 / j


Last modified on Friday, October 10th, 2014 17:49


Information on the imminent fall of Anbar but fighters "daash"

Posted on October 10, 2014

Information on the imminent fall of Anbar but fighters "daash"

With desolation to the town of kobani, Arab eye as the "Islamic State" to control sources of possible impending downfall of Anbar in full however, regulation, means a major setback for the US-led coalition.

Move the location of the "Spiegel Online" on Friday (October 10, 2014) of the Washington Post that the Iraqi province of Anbar, about to fall into the hands of the fighters the "Islamic State", known in the media as "daash". According to the American newspaper the Tanzim is gain the upper hand in fighting several days ago in this province with Iraqi forces.

And if you took the "daash" on the Iraq strategy, that would be a major defeat for the international coalition led by the United States against the Organization, and will provide line in Syria where he engaged in a fierce battle to capture the town of kobani known as Arab eye also. The fall of Anbar means that military rush to Regulation towards the capital Baghdad will be within days, and begin the decisive battle around the city with "daash" early and unexpected.

For its part quoted Kuwaiti politics Friday by a member of the Anbar provincial Security Committee, as saying that Washington had warned that the Iraqi army continued to decline in land battles fighters "daash" could lead to the downfall of the entire province of Al-Anbar, a takeover by extremists as the military equipment seized in Mosul.

The rapid reaction forces, the military strength of 2,300 Marines, deployed in Kuwait early this month, is preparing to intervene in Iraq during the coming period, to prevent the entire province in the hands of the militant organization "daash" who achieved finally WINS at the expense of the Iraqi army.

And a senior Iraqi security official told the newspaper that US military advisers stationed in bases Habbaniyah and Al-Anbar province, Western Iraq, to create the rapid reaction force needs us, because the security situation has become very serious in the province that "extremist combatants are estimated to more than 40,000."
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Just want to post the link to sign the petition to free Mohamed Saleh.  He's going back up for trial on the 19th of October.



all of economists, professionals and intellectuals Iraqis to renew solidarity with the national economic efficiency d. The appearance of Mohammed Saleh, former deputy governor of the central bank after the postponement of his trial for the sixth time, at least until the day of 19 October 2014 - Click here to participate in the campaign of solidarity

- PUBLISHED IN 06/20/2013
>> To sign the petition, click here <<

After the campaign defamatory, which affected the central bank and its governor article illegally nor constitutional, Dr. Sinan al-Shabibi, and his deputy, the appearance of Dr. Mohammed Saleh and his arrest, and the arrest of a number of employees and staff of the Central Bank of each was responsible for the acts of an executive auction of foreign currency to the Central Bank, now came the role of Deputy Governor the appearance of Dr. Mohammed Saleh, after his release, to appear before the judiciary on charges is unclear, but the series completed so the absence of qualified Iraqi known for contributing to the formulation of monetary policy in Iraq, which has achieved remarkable stability at the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar after decades of collapse. As is known widely, the last campaign on economic castles professional work in the Iraqi state, the CBI, the aim was to reach the foreign currency reserves who stood against the former governor used illegally to lend to the government .

The appearance of Dr. Mohammed Saleh economic seasoned affairs of monetary policy and knows many of us also through his meetings with the media, has worked at the central bank since the seventies, and included in his work there, until he became vice-governor during the past few years, and has also posts known in the economic literature Iraqi and other .

We Kaguetsadaan and professionals and intellectuals Iraqis, express strong concern, which continued to happen for a few months, targeting the central bank by targeting competencies and cadres professional, including our colleague Dr Mazhar, who stand in solidarity with him, and with Dr. Sinan al-Shabibi, with Messrs Hassan Hashim al-Haidari, and resolute star Ani, who ruled unjustly for six months, in addition to the two women Fauzia Kazim Ali and Haifa Peter, from bank employees who continue to languish in detention for a few months without the right to release them on bail despite the conditions difficult humanitarian. We demand their immediate release, and Champions all prosecutions of illegal and unconstitutional against them, and the return of all of their rights as employees in the central bank.

We Kaguetsadaan and professionals and intellectuals Iraqis express once again our solidarity moral complete with a colleague Economic known appearance of Dr. Mohammed Saleh, who is suffering from chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases difficult for those in the age, and we hold the state and its judicial responsibility in the event that the validity of any deterioration.We also demand the respect of the Central Bank Law issued on March 6, 2004 and applied to the staff of the Central Bank of Iraq and to free them from this legal arbitrariness, their experience in this case a lot of the staff of central banks globally respected.

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First IMF document about Iraq, and region, since July 25th, 2014.

Statement by His Excellency Minister Obaid Humaid Al Tayer, 
Minister of State for Financial Affairs for the United Arab Emirates 
On Behalf of Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Maldives, Oman, 
Qatar, Syria, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen 
International Monetary and Financial Committee Meeting 
October 11, 2014

Interesting read, here's a quote, "...The risk of prolonged low growth is now of concern and underscores the need for policy actions to support productivity and aggregate supply."

Another quote, "...Meanwhile, the authorities should remain vigilant to the buildup of financial risks and deploy macroprudential tools."

Saleem al-Jubouri arrives to Geneva to participate in the Inter-Parliamentary Union session print-icon.gif save-icon.gif 10/10/2014 21:58:00

BAGHDAD / NINA / Speaker of the House of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri arrived on Friday, at the head of a parliamentarian delegation to Geneva to participate in the one hundred and thirty first session of the IPU. 

A statement by the Office of al-Jubouri said that he would discuss a number of files, including the draft budget for 2015 of the International Parliament and a list of vacancies of the different positions that need to be occupied, as well as filtering the fourth president of the IPU in addition to other topics related to the session, such as the agenda, which was released recently on parliaments of young people. 

The statement added that he will discuss the file to stop violence against women, and will invite the members to adopt a resolution on the subject of international law and its relevance to sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of States and human rights. / End

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A method of economic analysis that evaluates the health, soundness and vulnerabilities of a financial system. Macroprudential analysis looks at the health of the underlying financial institutions in the system and performs stress tests and scenario analysis to help determine the system's sensitivity to economic shocks. Macroeconomic and market data are also reviewed to determine the health of the current system. The analysis also focuses on qualitative data related to financial institutions' frameworks and the regulatory environment to get an additional sense of the strength and vulnerabilities in the system.

When looking at the health of the underlying financial institutions in the system, macroprudential analysis uses indicators that provide data on the health of these institutions as a whole including capital adequacy, asset quality, management performance, profitability, liquidity and sensitivity to systematic risks. Macroeconomic data used includes gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates, inflation, interest rates, balance of payments, exchange rates, asset prices and the correlation of markets within the system. Finally, macroprudential analysis looks at key components of the financial markets, including prevailing credit ratings and the yields and market prices of financial instruments. 

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