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The scams within the real potential of the IQD

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Dbfocus Post: The scams within the real potential of the IQD

September 28th, 2011 01:12 am ·

I want to thank you for your website and for the work you do to help the dinar investor. We share similar backgrounds in investing and I believe we both have a eye for the foul play going on with this investment as well. I run an international investment firm in Switzerland and also have been invested in the dinar myself for years. I can’t help but notice some very obvious trends that take place within these blogs so I thought I would take the time and write a few concerns as well as give some advice for those who may be open to it. I hope you post this.

All my best,


The reality is that while the IQD is legit, there are IMO numerous scams within this real investment opportunity. I have never seen anything quite like it in all my years in the financial services business that’s for sure! Just think about it for a minute, every single week according to some self professed guru the RV is supposed to happen. How ridiculous is that? They are even worse forecasters than meteorologists! :) And because people are desperate for the RV, they believe it over and over again! It’s really sad indeed! I guess that being in the investment business for years has given me a sharper eye for these sort of things. The scams are not only the pumping of dinar sales but strong resistance to a dinar sell back which many people will do if they sense it may take a lot longer or not happen at all, etc. I just cringe when i hear it has RV’d in Europe as i live in Switzerland which is smack dab in the middle of Europe and the center of International Banking!

IMHO, most of these lies are obviously broadcast by some of the dinar dealers as there is a lot of money at stake including millions of dinars to buy back which may even put them out of business if their worker bees stopped lying. So as a result, there are a plethora of outright lies about how close we are and how Iraq has to do this now. Lets not also forget the people seeking attention, the sick people who write anything for their own foolish reasons and the false prophets that chirp in their 2 cents every once in a while. The real disturbing thing is that most of these guru’s lie in the name of Jesus which i find pretty amazing. God have mercy on them for taking part to detour His people from His will for their lives!

But the good news is that despite these idiots running their scams and mind games, i believe an RV will happen one day, when, NO ONE KNOWS but only the Lord God Almighty. If possible, I promise to start to do my part to help educate the dinar investor as I see a real need there. So in the meantime, my simple advice would be to set a limit to how many dinars you will buy or even sell back some if you overbought and most of all, remember that is NOT the RV that will provide for you but that is the Lord who supplies all your needs in Christ Jesus!


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Unfortunately the vocabulary and language usage do not fit the area he claims to be from. He does not contain the intellectual level of one working many years in the financial field. While it appears he has a thesaurus at hand; language such as "smack dab" is not European but speaks more of southeastern US. Just an observance.



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Unfortunately the vocabulary and language usage do not fit the area he claims to be from. He does not contain the intellectual level of one working many years in the financial field. While it appears he has a thesaurus at hand; language such as "smack dab" is not European but speaks more of southeastern US. Just an observance.



Indeed, it kind of makes you wonder what their motivations were for writing this.

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