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Note from pheonix....Bring lots of sugar the kool-ade has a sour taste.


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Nemesis, It is difficult for me to remember that there are many people that do not know about such things. For the "brow beating", I apologize. It is a very passionate subject for me and I lose my ability to contain myself occassionally. I raised my children (seven of them), worked all I could work and studied world events out of a deep sense of patriotism and concern for posterity. You see, the world I leave behind for my children should be better than the world I was born into. Yet, for all our technology and social engineering, the world my grandchildren are set to inherit is on the verge of economic collapse and chaos. I'm not a doom-sayer, nor am I a conspiracy theorist, but it seems that there may actually be a conspiracy to erode personal freedoms to a non-existent state. The push toward multi-culturalism and the citizens of the world mentality will bring us down, because the world has proven that it will not come up to our level. Clearly, anyone can understand there is only free, or slave. The American people are being enslaved, first by their own individual lusts and secondly, by an ever present, ever growing federal government that is regulating jobs into oblivion. It is no wonder that businesses are fleeing CONUS for other countries. Our tax code is broken. Federal spending is out of control. It is difficult for me to remember that anyone, anyone, is naive regarding the national debt. Please forgive my rant and PLEASE educate yourself. There may not be as many things "too far out" of your control as you think. Any thing worth having is worth working for. I think the principals on which America was founded is worth the effort. The present insanity can be turned around, but people must be engaged in the process. My friends call me Furball and I guess I had a really big one in my throat earlier. Again, I apologize. B)

No worries, I have noticed everyone here is pretty passionate, and I can respect that. I am trying the best I can to educate myself fast. If i learned as fast as my two year old runs in the opposite direction, i would be a walking talking stephen hawking. Again thank you for the answer. I only got in this investment to make a better life for the lilun, and if this next one is a daughter, my rv money goes into the "get daddy outta jail again for killing my boyfriend" that will be needed in 16 years :D

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Wishwell, Thank you. I take it my little theory resonated with you. It is just too obvious. Our government is pouring trillions into so-called stimulus spending and a measly four hundred million or so would have done wonders. There are those who may be tempted to think giving a million to a foolish person would destroy them ("Wealth gained suddenly will destroy a fool." -- King Solomon), but I say a fool will destroy himself anyway. While the government is so busy with social engineering plans, let them stimulate my economy and I'll show them how the housing market can have one less defaulted mortgage... :D

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After reading the email from Phoenix and listening to his blog last evening (where he took a stand on his speculation as to the voluntary downgrade of the credit rating), I am confused as to what the incentive is for his executive "allow" this to happen. I understand how this benefits other countries buying the US debt, but what exactly is the benefit for the US. Let's face it, this would NOT be potenially happening unless there is a MAJOR benefit to the US/Obama. This is the part where I am scratching my head. If anyone can enlighten me, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

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Let me explain with what little education I have because I have taken a class on financial management but with that I at least know what the news is talking about and obviously Phoenix watches the news and understands it.

The countries all have credit ratings. They are given by Standard's and Poor's and Moody's, there is one other but not really spoken of as much. The US's credit rating believe it or not is like triple A, that is the highest a country or company can get. These two companies, and I believe S&P more than the other, have threatened highly to lower the US's credit rating. This would be bad, it would be devastating really. This is the downgrade he is talking about. Companies and Countries don't have credit scores, they have ratings. Our scores drop, their ratings get downgraded.

Make sense?

Let me just state the other half of Phoenix's post I didn't not agree with. The downgrade part I understand.

I personally understand the debt situation, if you need a degree to understand that I feel for ya. However I doubt it has anything to do with the RV.

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...Just a thought here. Our politicians are so actively trying to wind us up and there's all this BS about stimulus and quantitative easing, what would it have done for the economy if GW and O just gave every man woman and child in America one million dollars instead of spending trillions? Think about it. Let's speak in round numbers for sake of argument. Say there are three hundred fifty million American citizens and another fifty million illegal aliens in this country. Four hundred million people with one million dollars each, that is four hundred million dollars. Don't you think we could have paid off all the consumer debt in America? Wouldn't that immediately strengthen America? Why do you suppose they would never do that? Because they want to keep up enslave to the lender. The borrower is slave to the lender. Plain and simple. If we paid off all consumer debt in this country we wouldn't be easily subjugated. B)

I agree with your point of view, and not to be a smart-a$$, its just that four hundred million people with $1 = four hundred million dollars...your point is well taken and I didn't do the actual math on 400 million people X 1million dollars each....still probobly less than what we as a nation spend on BS....

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I personally understand the debt situation, if you need a degree to understand that I feel for ya. However I doubt it has anything to do with the RV.

I agree with you totally. I don't think it has anything to do with the RV either. Whoever it was that said "US Downgrade" and sounded like they didn't understand that part. That was what I was trying to explain. You are right, you don't need a degree in it, I simply took a entry level class on it financial management, it was not hard at all, my degree is in IT.

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Wishwell, Thank you. I take it my little theory resonated with you. It is just too obvious. Our government is pouring trillions into so-called stimulus spending and a measly four hundred million or so would have done wonders. There are those who may be tempted to think giving a million to a foolish person would destroy them ("Wealth gained suddenly will destroy a fool." -- King Solomon), but I say a fool will destroy himself anyway. While the government is so busy with social engineering plans, let them stimulate my economy and I'll show them how the housing market can have one less defaulted mortgage... :D

Yes, several of your posts did. I mistakenly referenced on only one of those. I personally have example after example to support your theory. The harder I go the worse it gets. My children's future is everything.

When my children were small daycare expenses left me with little to live on. I elected to do an in-home day care and worked my tail end off and made more had I remained in my job and paid daycare. I reported all of my income. Other mothers in the neighborhood followed my plan and did not report earnings. Of course I was audited on a flag for 50.00 table deduction with 11.00 to my name. The same neighbors who did not claim their income, met the low income requirements of full ride state scholarship with more money in their accounts than myself. Fast fwd..I am driving the same car from those days..they my neighbors have new cars, no debt to their children's children are maxed out in student loans and I've had to take government direct loans to ensure they can complete school. this obligation restricts me from getting a new mortgage at a lower interest rate that would save me from loosing my sinking ship now.

My child going into nursing was advised by his school to drop 1 of his classes due to the competitiveness of the program he was entering and they consider his schedule too heavy...much to his dismay..he did drop the course. On a side note our medical insurance had tripled in premiums without notice... but then.... I receive a notice that he is now dropped from medical insurance because he was 3/4 student problem, I'll have the school write something to support their advisement and the heavy schedule considered full time. They would not write it. damage done uninsured student...parents depleted with rising costs of unaddressed torn ACL and concussion later..Obama enables him to be insured again. That I am thankful for.

I spend countless hours searching for scholarships to reduce what I have to borrow against their education so I might stand a chance of saving my home. I find money...and what does the school do...they reduce THEIR contribution to their tuition by my work and grant amounts I found. They don't deduct it from the remaining balance that falls in my lap.

My job with an airline was lost when they closed the doors as a result of I take a job that pays less than what I made as a teenager but keeps me off unemployment. The company has you work for 6 months before permanent. I pay taxes, still hungry..still falling behind... and guess what... despite my working exclusively for this company, my tax return is kicked out claiming I have to file self employed and now owe thousands without a benefit of write offs as a self employed person....That would be a lie if I claimed them.

Why are we forgiving big company, and other countries debt..when I can't keep food on the table...begging utilities to give me 24 hours to find money to keep power on...knowing through this battle, no matter how hard I ship is sinking and very soon my fight to keep power and water on will be over,... as there will no longer be a house associated in my scenario. The lenders would prefer I keep my high-interest It is better to see me loose it vs qualify for a more reasonable loan. My neighbors who hide their money from taxes are better off and their 3 children's college paid for in full..and I follow the rules and my kids will be in debt for years after and their homestead from their youth...a fading memory.


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I agree with your point of view, and not to be a smart-a$$, its just that four hundred million people with $1 = four hundred million dollars...your point is well taken and I didn't do the actual math on 400 million people X 1million dollars each....still probobly less than what we as a nation spend on BS....

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Yes, yes. I stand corrected. My new Canadian acquaintance pointed out that I am wound a bit too tightly. I think some of my windings gave out on that one, but the point I'm sure you got is that a trillion dollars is a lot of money and if we doled it out to the people instead of all those businesses the economy would have been stimulated instantly. If my numbers are correct, a million is a thousand thousand, and billion is a thousand million and a trillion is a thousand billion. There had to be a more effective way to stimulate the economy and I think it would have been to just give it to the people. It would be like a Hebrew year of jubilee. Everyone's debt would virtually disappear. I know it's crazy, but so was giving it to mismanaged businesses...

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...Just a thought here. Our politicians are so actively trying to wind us up and there's all this BS about stimulus and quantitative easing, what would it have done for the economy if GW and O just gave every man woman and child in America one million dollars instead of spending trillions? Think about it. Let's speak in round numbers for sake of argument. Say there are three hundred fifty million American citizens and another fifty million illegal aliens in this country. Four hundred million people with one million dollars each, that is four hundred million dollars. Don't you think we could have paid off all the consumer debt in America? Wouldn't that immediately strengthen America? Why do you suppose they would never do that? Because they want to keep up enslave to the lender. The borrower is slave to the lender. Plain and simple. If we paid off all consumer debt in this country we wouldn't be easily subjugated. B)

I think you need to recheck your math. Thats 400 TRILLION dollars. Yes, just a little more than the deficit.

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>>>I think some of my windings gave out on that one, but the point I'm sure you got is that a trillion dollars is a lot of money and if we doled it out to the people instead of all those businesses the economy would have been stimulated instantly. If my numbers are correct, a million is a thousand thousand, and billion is a thousand million and a trillion is a thousand billion. There had to be a more effective way to stimulate the economy and I think it would have been to just give it to the people. It would be like a Hebrew year of jubilee. Everyone's debt would virtually disappear. I know it's crazy, but so was giving it to mismanaged businesses...


I did the math and I believe there is 300 million people in US so 1 million dollars ea person would be 300 trillion. Ok so give it to hmmm head of household for reduction. shoot I'll take 250.00 g...

Well shoot!!!!! Brings us right back to the RV..roll out a speculation currency investment...3 million us investors with a 1:1 (no RD..all zeros included) into stimulating the economy and they'll donate to the rest of the citizens who were unaware of the opportunity.

That's the best plan B share the wealth IMHO


Edited by wishwell11
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Even though its already a ridiculous scenario for so many reasons, think about a few.

You mention giving every citizen 1 million dollars. Ok so now the bus driver,is he coming to work Monday? How about the guy you need to sort your mail? no sign of him either. Yes that's right it would be utter chaos and bring the country to a grinding halt, which is the opposite effect of what you were wanting.

Also you have in a sense just created mega inflation overnight.

Everyone has a million dollars now so shopkeepers start charging $50 for a lettuce.

At the end of these and the many other negative complications created by just dishing money you'd find that at least 80% of that money would eventually end back up in the hands of the rich controlling minority.

Edited by webup
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I don't know, I'm not Phoenix unsure.gif ........

The 'Downgrade" Has to do with the USA credit rating, ie.....Bonds Specificlly the 10 yr Note is a gauge on Economical/Financial strength. Moodys for example has Threatened a Downgrade Of the Triple AAA rating it currently holds........

Hope that helped the Question.........


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Even though its already a ridiculous scenario for so many reasons, think about a few.

You mention giving every citizen 1 million dollars. Ok so now the bus driver,is he coming to work Monday? How about the guy you need to sort your mail? no sign of him either. Yes that's right it would be utter chaos and bring the country to a grinding halt, which is the opposite effect of what you were wanting.

Also you have in a sense just created mega inflation overnight.

Everyone has a million dollars now so shopkeepers start charging $50 for a lettuce.

At the end of these and the many other negative complications created by just dishing money you'd find that at least 80% of that money would eventually end back up in the hands of the rich controlling minority.

Yes, it is a ridiculous scenario. All of this is true, however, the point is not that everyone has a million dollars because we all can see that it is unrealistic but that the people could stimulate the economy far better than the Fed could ever do it. Put the money back to the people in the form of reduced taxes and less regulation and the economy will be stimulated. It is unnecessary regulation and excessive taxes that are driving our economy down. A million dollars in the hands of fools and our streets would be full of fools bodies. There is a reason why there will always be successful and unsuccessful people and it is largely due to the fact that some people cannot handle success. There is a natural bottom to our economy and the Fed cannot do better than the natural rythm of the up turns and down turns.

As far as my numbers go I seriously blew a transducer and screwed the pooch on that out of an intensely aggravated disposition due the crap I see and hear coming from Washington... Oops. B)

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