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Investing in Dinars: Chapter 3 - The Next Step to Truth


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3. The Next Step to Truth

Now since posting this I have been fortunate enough, along with my partners at our forum, to add to this documented information. In fact the additional information is so powerful that each and every step confirms the prior one, and continues to build on the solid foundation of FACT that began this analysis. This section includes the one email in this whole document. As you will see as I proceed it is a powerful email and its content strongly suggests that it is legitimate.

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So I was intrigued when I saw the end of The Windchimer Walkers post:

So now--one and a half years later--we hear that Adnan Alzurufi, the leader of that Detroit area pro-war demonstration, has been named governor of Najaf, a real hotspot in the war-that-never-ends. Not only that, but this same individual was seen in a photo taken during the war in Iraq, wearing a U.S. military uniform. He's pretty tight with Bush and Rumsfeld, I'd say.

Clearly the last statement is a personal one made by the blogger. But that she also indicated that Adnan had served as an American soldier caught my eye. In light of the other data it makes clear sense.

At this point I began to wonder just how “connected” this man is and came to the conclusion that if he isn’t CIA he certainly should be! And in any case, it is now obvious that he has been molded to perform very important functions in the war in Iraq.

Now you might say that my last statement is a stretch, so I will show you another link in this story from August of 2004:


The relevant quote from this news story follows:

The governor of Najaf, Adnan Al-Zorfi, said Iraqi forces were ready and could attack at any time. ``We are waiting the decision by the political leadership,'' he said.


This statement truly amazed me. This young rebel from Saddam escapes, comes to Chicago and Detroit, marches in favor of the war, somehow joins the American armed forces, and then ends up in mid 2004 as the Governor of the Najaf region by appointment of the Pentagon and, presumably, Bush himself. That’s where we were until this last little tidbit.

Then, miraculously, only 4 months later, this man states unequivocally that he has prepared Iraqi forces to attack “at any time”.

Now I’ve never been in the military but I can say with some degree of certainty that NOTHING happens this quickly, especially in Iraq!

I begin now to put my thinking cap on and I am thinking that this guy is really something. In fact he is more than something. He is important. Can we not agree that it is reasonable to say that this guy is important?

It’s time to shift gears and set aside Adnan and his miraculous career until we can determine the meaning of “the rainbow”. Let’s go back to the original email and see if we can glean something on which to “hang our hats”.

Rainbow: symbolizing a rainbow connecting Iraq to US-the RV is completed

This is probably the most exciting linkage of the term Rainbow I could have imagined because it has Iraq, the US, and the complete RV in the same sentence!

But let’s not get too excited until we figure out what this term Rainbow really refers to. I guarantee you that you will all be blown away when this comes together. Why? Because it will confirm some of what I said last night in Chat about Obama’s role in the goings-on in Iraq.

Put on your new hats. It’s time to Google.

From the email we have these clues to attach to “rainbow”: the bombing of the rainbow, and a statement to the rainbow, and assure the rainbow.

Clearly these are strange statements. The first phrase would seem to indicate that the rainbow is a thing, or a place, or an event; but the second seems to indicate that it is a person, as does the third. How in the world can we unravel this?

So I started with the first and did a simple Google search of the phrase. Here is what I found:


Surprisingly this is a blog or some sort of personal website from a girl in New Zealand! But I’m patient so I read awhile and came upon this:

On the night of 10th July 1985 the Greenpeace flagship ‘Rainbow Warrior’ (easily recognised from its dark green hull with a rainbow and peace dove painted on the side), had already been in Auckland Harbour for three days preparing for a protest voyage to the French nuclear test site.

At 10 minutes to midnight a bomb blast ripped open the ‘Rainbow Warrior’. A crew member, photographer Fernando Pereira, returned to the ship after initially escaping to retrieve his equipment. A second bomb exploded. As the Rainbow Warrior sunk, Pereira drowned.

New Zealanders awake the next morning to hear that their country had hosted its first international terrorist act.

On the surface we see a terrorist act called “the Rainbow warrior”. But I kept reading and came upon this link:

And, once again, I found the relevant quote:

Initially, the French government denied all knowledge but it soon became obvious that they were involved. Soon French Prime Minister Fabius appeared on television to tell a shocked world, "Agents of the DGSE (Secret Service) sank this boat. They acted on orders." The French minister of defense resigned.


So, what do we see here? We see the following: the “Rainbow” was a ship that Greenpeace owned to attempt to stop nuclear testing by the French near New Zealand. People protested but eventually the French took out the ship. It was done by the French Secret Service and came to be known as “The Rainbow Warrior”.

So the Rainbow is both a thing, namely a ship, and an event. But what is the nature of that event? Was it a terrorist act? No, it was a covert act of a legitimate government made to look like a terrorist act.

At this point I knew that I’d come upon something VERY BIG. And at that instant I also knew what “the rainbow” is in Iraq today.

I will tell you clearly what “the rainbow” is: the “Rainbow” is a covert act done in concert between the US government and Iraq and made to look like a terrorist event. In other words, “Operation Rainbow” is a code name for a covert operation.

If you are with me up to this point you know it is time to go back to the email and see if we can “translate” this document into understandable English.

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Let’s quote one line at a time and rephrase it and this should become more clear.

Rainbow: symbolizing a rainbow connecting Iraq to US-the RV is completed.

Retranslation: Operation Rainbow is a covert joint operation between the US government and the Iraq, clearly “connecting” them now; it has occurred and the RV is a “done deal”.

Now before you say I’m stretching let’s move to the next line, and on from there:

Governor of Najaf, confirmed that the bombing of the rainbow of the latest terrorist goal to cause chaos and make media.

Retranslation: The Governor of Najaf, (who is in charge of this operation) confirms that “Operation Rainbow” is successful in terms of making it look like a terrorist event, which will allow the appearance of chaos and become a media event.

You see the phrase “of the latest terrorist goal” now can be understood that it isn’t the goal of the terrorists themselves but a covert goal to look terrorist! It is THEIR goal, i.e., the goal of the US/Iraq coalition.

The governor of Najaf, Adnan al in a statement to the rainbow that the latest terrorist bombing in the city caused by a number of devices manufactured locally and aims to cause confusion and make a media and political.

Retranslation: I, Adnan Zurufi, (soldier of the US and Governor of Najaf under your command) send this statement about Operation Rainbow (“to” means “in reference to”) that the latest terrorist bombing in the city was made possible (by us!) through the use of a number of devices which we found manufactured locally (so we remain anonymous). This will cause confusion and increase media and political turmoil.

On the other hand he Zurfi to tighten security measures, including a comprehensive review of the work of the security services may include changing the leadership of some regions, as well as to prevent vehicles from entering certain areas and to identify special places for parking.

Retranslation: As a result I, Adan Zurufi will tighten security measures, including a comprehensive review of the work of the security services. This may include changing the leadership of some regions in Iraq. In addition we may also prevent vehicles from entering certain areas as well as identify special parking zones (for added security).

Hassani assure the rainbow: the decline in the export of Iraqi oil caused by a region.

Retranslation: (My agent) Hassani reports that Operation Rainbow is a success. However we do have a concern in that oil exports in one region are less than projected.

Between a member of the House of Representatives Hadi al-Hassani of the rainbow, the share of Iraq's oil in the fifties of the last century were narrow with lots of Saudi Arabia and Iran in terms of productivity, but wars that the policy pursued by the dictatorial regime and the policy of regional intervention led to the decline in the share of Iraq's oil should have been to Iraq today to issue a A total of five million barrels a day.

Retranslation: (My agent) Hadi al Hassani, member of the House of Representatives, a part of Operation Rainbow, reported to me that the share of Iraq’s oil in the 50s of the last century were lower in comparison to Saudi Arabia and Iran, and that the wars of Saddam Hussein plus his interventionist policies caused Iraq’s oil export share to decline. Had this not happened we should be at 5 million barrels a day.

On the political position of the hidden and declared to Saudi Arabia from the overall process of political transition in the country; Hassani, the deputy pointed out that Riyadh is opposed to any project renaissance wakes up from the rubble of dictatorship and the ravages of war brought down the debt evidenced by the lack of Iraq's support for the result of the tyranny of unjust wars, as they look to their interests in the region look purely sectarian.

Retranslation: As far as keeping Operation Rainbow hidden except to Saudi Arabia in regard to the process of politically transforming Iraq, (my agent) Hassani says that the deputy from Saudi Arabia told him that Riyadh is opposed to anything that might lead to a new dictatorship in Iraq. He reminds us that Saudi Arabia has already reduced the debt of Iraq to them but also that they are happy that Iraq has shown no support for local insurrections. In summary, Saudi Arabia finds it in their interests to deal with this as a sectarian issue (and not religious).

Once we have unraveled this email we now can discuss the implications of it. There are several implications that can be drawn from this. Let me enumerate the most obvious:

(1) Operation Rainbow is a real operation that has been identified, finally.

(2) It involves covert operations done jointly by the US and Iraq in which acts are committed that “appear” to have been done by terrorists.

You have witnessed Operation Rainbow in action this week. And what does it tell us? It tells us that the Obama administration, as I said yesterday, is in concert with Maliki to give the “appearance” that they have nothing to do with this operation.

What do they get from this? They get a huge media hype that says that the terrorists are still a serious concern, but also that the wonderful Maliki government efficiently squelched this coup attempt in quick order. Everyone say, “Yeah, Maliki!”

But in addition they also get to remove 500 dissidents from the streets (news release) and restricted parking.

And, if necessary some of the leaders of other regions may even be removed (prior to the election).

Did I leave something out? Think!

Rainbow: symbolizing a rainbow connecting Iraq to US-the RV is completed.

Now I’m a firm believer in the concept of “plausible deniability” so I will state, for the record, that I do not know the source of this memo. I trust the person who sent it to me and he trusts his source. That is all that can be said at this point.

At the same time, folks, you have to admit this: what we just saw from a simple Google search and some logic sure makes sense.

The conclusion of the email is stated in the first line: The RV is completed.

I can safely tell you that in my opinion this email is not only genuine: it also confirms the following: Obama and Maliki are a team and the passage of the ECC and the 11th hour calls by Obama proved that.

Now we can confidently add that the undercover Operation Rainbow is another key element in this process.

But more than that: Operation Rainbow is a precursor to the RV.

And even more: Its success ensures that “the RV is complete.”

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