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Thursday Afternoon Opinions @ 4:15 PM CDT - 11/30/2023


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REMEMBER, no one really  knows what will happen, or when.  They're simply stating their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... So, take everything with a grain of salt ... :twothumbs: RON 



Frank26  Can the CBI, Alaq and the board of directors reduce the exchange rate of the American dollar No, of course not.  They don't have jurisdiction to do that.  Who can do that The US Treasury.  Alaq and Sudani said to the citizens, 'Private banks will give support to the Iraqi citizens by reducing the dollar exchange rate. What that means is they're going to give value to the Iraqi dinar...It reduces the value of the American dollar in the country of Iraq.


MarkZ   Very little out of Iraq overnight. But everything coming out of Iraq this week has been overwhelmingly positive. I know this is tough…I know we have been sitting at the edge of our seats for entirely too long…But, it’s hard to nail down a world-wide historic, once in a millennium event…But we know its coming.


Sandy Ingram  Article: "Inflation rate in Iraq declines in 2023 compared to 2022"  The Central Bank of Iraq announced the inflation rate decreased in 2023 compared to 2022.  Inflation in Iraq reached approximately 3.7% in August 2023, compared to 4.4% in August 2022.  Iraq's inflation rate is good compared to many countries where inflation has reached 30% and 40%...


Pimpy  It looks like Iraq is pushing for its own monetary sovereignty... Article: "Iraq is moving towards applying the principle of monetary sovereignty. What does that mean?" This is actually really good news...This is what we've been bugging Iraq to do - get out of the shadow of the United States and do your own thing...In other words, our little child is wanting to be all grown up and make a move to be on its own.  This is exactly what we've been looking for...Once we kick the training wheels off of Iraq, you have to trust the people who are making the decisions about the Iraqi dinar make smart ones and not screw everything up...


Frank26   Every day those that were against it [The dinar/monetary reform], those that were negative like parliament are complimenting and cheering on what is about to happen.  Everyday they come up with new ways of saying the same thing. Article: "Advisor to the prime minister: Economic policy in Iraq is moving towards implementing the principle of monetary sovereignty MONETARY SOVEREIGNTY... ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL WAY OF SAYING WE HAVE A NEW CURRENCY.




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