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    Full endorsement on this opportunity - but it's limited, so get in while you can!

To Lock-In or not To Lock-In


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Ali is offering a lock-in rate, or you can wait and get the rate at the time you show up at his office. My gut says let it float.

Do you think it will go up or down post RV?

What would cause the rate to go down after announcement?

What are you planning to do?

Any thoughts are appreciated

Your friendly neighborhood peace warrior,


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all it would take to make it go down is an insurgent attack. something big...something central....but unrest would hinder the dinar value....

considering that there are political figures (iran) that would like to control iraq, you can see that there is this possibility....but i'm not saying that it

is a strong possibility or not a worry...but it is possible.

my gut says it will rise in the time between your appointment being booked, and the appointment being met.

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It TOTALLY depends on the initial rate..for me, if it's around $3.00+ I'd be stupid not to lock in, sleep at night and be insanely grateful for what I have!

I'm with you too. Anything $3.00 or north thereof is good enough for me. I don't have enough invested to quit working, but if the return is $3.00 or more, I will be able to pay it forward to a lot of deserving people in my life while taking care of my debts and ensuring my daughter's future is a bit more comfortable than it is now.

I want to make it right with God. I made a lot of mistakes in the past that were motivated by ignorance or selfishness; I want to get it right this time.

May God grant us all the wisdom to make the best decision for our individual circumstances without letting personal greed interfere in the decision process.

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