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Monday Night Opinions @ 11:50 PM CDT - 9/05/2022


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Remember, no one really  knows what will happen, or when. They're simply stating  their opinions based on what they perceive to be happening in Iraq... :twothumbs:RON 



*** Samson   Article:  "Integrity reveals the details of the arrest of a senior officer in Maysan and calls on citizens to cooperate" Quote: "The Federal Integrity Commission revealed, on Monday, the details of the arrest of a senior officer in one of the security services in Maysan Governorate, red-handed, noting that he "blackmailed citizens and bargained with them", while calling for reporting cases of "bargaining, extortion and bribery." [See Guru Nader's Post below about his friend's video of the arrest.]


*** Frank26  Article: "The Central Bank decides to activate the procedures for verifying licenses to import goods and merchandise". THE CBI IS IN CONTROL OF THE Monetary Reform WITH BANKS INSIDE OF IRAQ, AND OUTSIDE.


*** Sandy Ingram   Most of the Iraqi people do not care about a re-value of their currency to the point of one dinar equaling one US dollar. The Iraqi people just want money in their pocket, food, clean water, electricity, shelter, health care and money to pay their cell phone bill.  The majority of Iraqi people do not yet understand the benefits of having an international currency with a high exchange value.


*** Pimpy   Article: "The speaker of the Iraqi parliament calls for an agreement on setting a date for early elections They're already on a verge of civil war.  They started to go down that path and thanks to Sistani it was stopped.  Either they agree to go to early elections or there's no doubt in my mind there is going to be a civil war.  There's no other way around it.  I don't want that to happen...I think it's the right of the Iraqi people to decide who they want there...


*** MilitiaMan  [Reference Samson Article from this morning] What I like about this article is the timing of it and that the bullet point [3] takes us [foreign dinar investors] into consideration.  There is also something the economist left out...the money they have destroyed in the past. We had video of them destroying perfectly good large notes...


 *** Nader From The Mid East   My friend made [This "GoPro style" video]...this guys just got arrested for corruption. This is the head...if you need permit for construction or you need your passport being done or you need papers anything have to do with the government you go and he takes money...You have to pay a million dinar just to get some stuff done.  He's been doing this for many many years and he made a lot of money. This is corruption so he get arrested.  It's a lot of them getting arrested like this.  He's big.  He steals even from the government ...slowly, slowly it's gonna happen.


*** Mark [Q? What makes this time different than every other time we have been close to the RV?]  The CBI has made it very clear they are ready to move forward with the monetary reform. They have filed the paperwork with the UN and the IMF to reinstate their currency... This is something very different now than we have ever seen before.


*** Walkingstick   [Iraqi bank gentlemen in US banks update]  These banks [CBI satalite banks] are going to make it easy for Iraqi citizens abroad to turn in their 3-Zero notes.  Brilliant!  Because that's the state that we're at right now.  Not the political stage.  Not the killing in the streets and the arguments and the  How do you think everything is functioning in the country if they didn't have a government? ...the CBI knows a lot of these citizens are hording billions and billions of dinars in their mattresses outside of Iraq.... [See Samson's news article from this morning..]


Samson's Article & Postes are here: Monday Morning Opinions @ 9:35 AM CDT - 9/05/2022 



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