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Information about the Locals in Iraq From "Riley"


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"Riley" is in Iraq and shared this information today: 3-29-2010 1:00 PM CST

[audrey williams] Riley if you are in iraq .are you hearing anything

[Riley] audrey williams just the excitement of the locals....

[Riley] they are talking about the "dinar changing" - meaning the value

[truckerron49] Riley is it just normal as in one of their normal holidays??? Do you know what the excitement??

[Riley] they are saying that there would not have been a RV without Allawi

[truckerron49] Riley what RV??? is there a rumor of this?

[Riley] truckerron49 about Allawi....they said with Maliki it may have been another 5 years or so if even during that time frame

[markisuncfan] Riley so the locals seem to want Allawi? M is trying to powergrab

[Riley] markisuncfan very much so....they are dancing all the time - looking forward to the changes in Country and to have their dinars be worth something

[Riley] I will say this - the locals that used to ask everyone about buying their dinars for US currency now won't sell

[Riley] now that's them talking - not me

[Riley] I think it will get ugly if M doesn't have his way but I really don't think they will allow that

[nrwst] Riley He has a limited time 13 days I think, to make his claims stick for any change.

[Riley] nrwst I think it's down to 12 - it's end of our

[markisuncfan] Riley I think Allawi has a more Iron Hand and may get things done faster....just my thoughts though

[nrwst] Riley true. I think the news spot I saw regarding that may have been from Fri. or over the weekend some time

[Riley] markisuncfan very much so and is willing to work with all four major seats and M was not

[Tess] Not big E ran them off BUt Maliki

[Riley] nrwst that's coming from the mouths of the locals

[roseannaf200] so did adam come online today'?

[markisuncfan] Riley M has too much love for the Iranians I read. Not good

[nrwst] Riley even better

[Riley] markisuncfan that's what they were talking about today

[Tess] yes i agree iran is bad and m is frist for iran

[Linda Bower] Riley, Has anyone been using the ATMs yet?

[markisuncfan] Riley Tess Iran is one spooky country right now

[Riley] Linda Bower I haven't seen them here where I am located...I am not in Baghdad

[ToddS] Riley Do you mind if I post some of what you have been saying?

[ralpher] Linda Bower there are a couple of

[ToddS] Riley thank you

[Tess] Iran sorry I need to get it together this morning

[Linda Bower] ralpher What about Panama?

[Riley] ToddS The ones I work with are great people and they are looking for big changes as well as the RV

[ToddS] Riley thank you

[Tess] Iran sorry I need to get it together this morning

[Linda Bower] ralpher What about Panama?

[Riley] ToddS The ones I work with are great people and they are looking for big changes as well as the RV

[Riley] but the fact that they won't sell their dinar now....they know what's coming

[markisuncfan] Riley just wish we knew when*

[Riley] markisuncfan Me too - all they are saying is things have to be final and they said today that they are afraid if it happens I won't come back after R&R....LOL

[Riley] Linda Bower I bought from them three years ago....

[markisuncfan] Riley I am sure you would not go back* *

[Riley] markisuncfan No I wouldn't but you do get kind of attached....

[audrey williams] Riley i'm attached to my clients but will def say farewell with a smile on my fac

[Riley] audrey williams exactly.....

[Frosty] Riley just wondering I know when I left in nov KBR was sweating an rv because everybody would leave

[Riley] Frosty No sir....

[Riley] Frosty where were you at?

[bubbie] captspiffy congrats!

[captspiffy] ty

[ralpher] Frosty most KBR employees are invested??

[captspiffy] I figure I have enough now

[Frosty] Riley liberty BIAP

[Riley] I am north Frosty

[Frosty] ralpher about everyone I knew was

[Frosty] Riley you in the rough partthen

[Riley] ralpher too many newbies on COB...

[Riley] Frosty not too's been about three days

[markisuncfan] Frosty I spent time at Biap

[Frosty] markisuncfan Ive been to about all the bases I liked it there best

[Riley] BAMA69 Just the locals are still dancing and celebrating - they are waiting about 12 days or so and then it's on....they think give or take 30 days - I am hoping and so are they

Edited by ToddS
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