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Medical mj stocks?


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Erbb,phot, hemp,among others? some of these stocks surely will emerge the [ big boys] from the mj industry. any suggestions?

Also, you may want to look at PHOT. I just sold my position to buy more MMTC, but I expect to re-invest in PHOT within the next two weeks. Ooops, I see you have listed PHOT. I think the entire sector should do well.


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Hey guys one that I have held for a few months now, made a little from it is cannabis science inc. CBIS on the pink sheets. They are doing some interesting things with certain parts of the plant. They are cash strapped so I am watching it close, but might worth taking a look at, do your DD.

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Hey guys one that I have held for a few months now, made a little from it is cannabis science inc. CBIS on the pink sheets. They are doing some interesting things with certain parts of the plant. They are cash strapped so I am watching it close, but might worth taking a look at, do your DD.

Thank you So. Cal Dinar. You are right, I forgot about CBIS. This is a stock to do DD on and watch closely.


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Mr. Chartman,

CBIS is definatley one to watch, sliped a little today so we will see. Take a look at peregrine pharmaceutical PPHM on the sheet and tell me what you think.


Is there a connection between marijuana and oncology other than helping with appetite and chemo affects? Actually, they are just down the road in Tustin, California. I can go down there and knock on their front door. Anything you want me to ask them?


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PPHM way out did its self this week, wow what a great week. I grew up in Tustin now live in south county so I feel a little just a little pride on this one. And yes skin cancer is being researched by CBIS with parts of the plant.

Far out!, er...I mean, Great! I hope their research is fruitful. When I get some deeenero from my dinaro investment, I'm into CBIS. Not long now.


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There is ton of money to be made with regards to the the above topic. My entrepreneurial brain is constantly working.

Honestly, I'd just like to have a few hundred pounds of that With all the stock recommendations on this thread, I think you could make a ton of money.


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Jeez Chartman,

Now I know where all the smoke in So. Cal. Is coming from, thought we were having a wild fire again.

Look, you have to test the product to make sure the quality is up to high standards...LOL


P.S. I've found that a glass of Merlot or Ninot Nior can put out a lot of, LMAOlaugh.giflaugh.gif

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  • 2 months later...

Erbb,phot, hemp,among others? some of these stocks surely will emerge the [ big boys] from the mj industry. any suggestions?

most of these stocks are pump and dump scams. i was following cbis for a while and it was at 0.06 cents, literally jumped to 1.50 within like 2 days and fell right back down to 0.06 cents all based on essentially nothing. turns out the companies headquarters is some abandoned building in denver orsomething like that.

i suppose if you get in and out at theright time you may be able to make some money but i dont trust these stocks

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