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I thought Ron Paul already had 5 states???


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He has but for TP, jonjon, and cris, this is entertainment so they can think they are getting under the Ron Paul supporters skin. It is only a media stunt. He has won 7 states for delegate counts, and almost all delegates are binded to there candidate which means that they can vote their conscience. The fat lady has no sung yet, the fat lady has not even taken the stage yet.

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It's good whiz alot of folks think that Dr Paul won more states that is just another opinion out there but now since Nebraska has spoke, no acts of chaos just people agreed to disagree and did what was best for the party. On to Tampa and next month Mitt Romney goes on the offensive to reclaim the white house. A grand race ran but in the end the people not just a group has spoken.

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He has but for TP, jonjon, and cris, this is entertainment so they can think they are getting under the Ron Paul supporters skin. It is only a media stunt. He has won 7 states for delegate counts, and almost all delegates are binded to there candidate which means that they can vote their conscience. The fat lady has no sung yet, the fat lady has not even taken the stage yet.

Scrum this is for you and your crew a tribute to Paul that you can understand.

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Scrum this is for you and your crew a tribute to Paul that you can understand.

The Fat Lady is hollering In Nebraska, time to move forward united to retake the white house. Now the RP express can do 1 of 2 things. Stay home and sit on the side lines and wave RP flags hoping for some attention or fall in formation and move the Romney Crew toward the Nov and the White house. That's the way it was 15 July 2012. RP Express finally made it to the station.

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