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About regrider

  • Birthday 08/25/1952

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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  • Interests
    Making bags of money $$$ Helping others !

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  1. Thanks for the update news Adam ...........I'm Ready to take the plunge. Been waiting patiently for quite some time now ......let's Git' R' dun !
  2. Neil Keenan from the global currency reset has been explaining the cancer (along with many other ailments) treatment machine called the " Healing computer" The machine is from Germany and has cured 46 people out of 46 .....not bad odds if you ask me. Apparently there are some in the U.S. for anyone who cannot travel to Germany etc. The information is attached in the link below : Good luck to all & go RV already !!
  3. The information on how to get it and take are in the video .......... I have been taking it for years. I personally know a gal who had Hep C for years after taking MMS GONE ! Watch the video it will open your eyes as to what is truly taking place in the world of big pharma. It has saved hundreds of thousands of Malaria patients who would be long gone by now. It's all in the video. If you decide to forget about the MMS cure that is your prerogative, haowever I know it works and will continue to spread the word so MMS can help others with any and all ailments. Markinsa, I am sorry you feel that way. I only copied the link and posted it for people to be aware of this amazing product, I certainly did not mean it to be a phishing expedition just trying to spread the word is all.
  4. I took this for the first time 9 years ago when it was just taking off. This new video is definitely a must see for anyone and everyone who has or knows someone with an affliction. The video speaks for it self I know close friends who have rid themselves of Hep-C and met with many people who know others that have cured many other diseases. Check it out you life or a loved one's life may possibly depend on it. A Few Brave People Finally Broke the Silence A Few Brave People Finally Broke the Silence What if there was a simple cure for the majority of the world's diseases? Quantum Leap showcases the mind-blowing story of a simple cure for 97% of disease, and the... View on Preview by Yahoo
  5. I have been involved with this cure all for 9 years now please watch this video ......just out it explains much about out corrupt system and why right at this very moment are bent on stopping the progress of MMS ......this is an awesome eye opener. It's a brave new world out there folks and this video demonstrates everyone is ready for change. Good luck to all. A Few Brave People Finally Broke the Silence A Few Brave People Finally Broke the Silence What if there was a simple cure for the majority of the world's diseases? Quantum Leap showcases the mind-blowing story of a simple cure for 97% of disease, and the... View on Preview by Yahoo
  6. Thanks for the great news Adam !! and as always for the relentless work you do on all our behalf keeping us updated and in the loop buddy. I am ecstatic this arduous ride/journey is coming to a successful conclusion for all of us DinarVets ......whew I did have my doubts for sure but not anymore Yikes !!
  7. UPDATE 3-15-14: The latest from John at One World of Nations: We seem to be getting a lot of WHA tracking as each seek to be first at the trough, once the markets create a brief slot. The Site Manager seems to be trying to field the world out there the Dinarans congregate en masse for a fast escape from skid row for many. Its tough, we understand and sympathize. So lets give him a hand as a gesture of respect and goodwill to all or he will be sunk coping alone under a feeding frenzy of hungry grazers. 1. There are no absolutes and no organised markets in the Non Accredited Currencies such as Dongs,Dinars etc. Confusion reigns everywhere. It is all uncharted territory with the blind leading the blind. A recipe for chaos. There is NO existing infrastructure to follow for Dinarians. 2. Money is finite. The US is On Balance Sheet insolvent. Getting Off Balance Sheet funds converted is a tricky process monopolized by the Cabal. They have taken everything. For decades.So, of course having stolen the country blind, Bush the Neocons and the Zionist Mafias have no time or respect for who they perceive as the laid back, ignorant Plebs who let them get away with it. Their views, not ours. And you have. Nor will they willingly pay it back. This is stated with respect, but intended to Culture Shock to try to help get the point home. Your doing nothing, is why they take everything with impunity. You have to organize. Or fold. 3. Special groups HAVE organised themselves and gone out to find large scale Private Buyers to take in their Dongs, Dinars etc. So, they deserve any rewards they accomplish. Good luck to them and well done. They thought it out and self organised as Thinking groups. Success is deserved. 4. Then we have a market of millions who bought in, albeit in good faith, but are clueless how to get out. Dinar vast overprinting has been a colossal game and many innocent but naive speculators may get hurt. But step out of your knowledge zone in any field and the results are the same. How do you think this will end? Money is finite and it will go fast. 5. Banks have no Forex Systems ready to deal with the Public yet for these currencies. Nor is it imminent. Dreamers expecting to walk into Branches with non standard paper will get nowhere and it may be seized as suspect fraud or money laundering. History of Funds bought from non accredited Guru sites face real issues. Explaining unusual income gains from Zero to Hero is a minefield of Compliance problems ahead when Banks seek your History of Funds explanations via KYC and anti Money Laundering pre clearance rules.The mass Public have no idea of the complexity of what’s waiting. This is not the banks fault. An easy few million. You wish. Learn – the – Rules! 6. We are not there to offer any consultancy or guidance. This is not our fight, its yours. There is not the money on the planet to fund even 10% of what the Dinarians are seeking. If you are lucky you may well need your own Legal Advisers to help certify you to Banks and help you clear Compliance. Be prepared in case. Play this wrong and they will freeze your funds and close your accounts. Learn the rules for the majors. This IS real goodwill to try to help you. Life is tough. We will not correspond on this. Get all your paperwork ready to hand for a fast run at it. Blink and its gone. 500,000 S House Rats will be coming out of those traps in a Klondyke rush. So please, treat it as Tough Love goodwill. Free help one time. Take the tongue in cheek humor here as just that. Its not a Currency or Dinar site. Good luck with whats evolving and hopefully some will succeed. But its mainly very hard work, good planning and good contacts. If the chance comes cash out and and get safe. Then take your time and think out your next steps with great care. Don’t gamble and lose it.The hardest lesson in life is to understand that making money is not the hardest thing. Keeping it is. Never forget that. Priceless advice. Watch your site. ================================================== Once again, the warning goes out to those of you who wish to exchange your dinar or dong for a good rate. Be quick about it. The above words are from someone who is well positioned to know. Don’t be slow. I am appreciative of John to provide this information and to consider the increasing traffic we are getting as people suddenly wake up from their dogmatic slumber to see the reality of what it may be like ahead. According to those who look at this event from the top down, there is opportunity, but it wont last if you are slow. How ironic that today is the Ides of March. 2058 years ago today, Julius Caesar was assassinated by many whom he had earlier pardoned and forgave when they took up arms against him after he lead his legions across the tiny Rubicon river and marched on Rome – a gross act of high treason and insubordination. I know, it’s not a cheery topic. But, Caesar was known for his bravado, his daring and his propensity to take chances. He took bold actions and he did not prevaricate or drag his feet. Take a lesson in all this. Please, just act quickly. Don’t worry about why. Just be quick. And, remember, Caesar acted boldly and became dictator. But, he could not hold onto his prize because he disregarded warnings that there were murmurs of treachery against him. Don’t disregard the warnings about being quick. Caesar paid for his sudden lazy attitude. Please, don’t be like Caesar. WHA
  8. Happy Thanksgiving to all our American friends and around the world, I am very privileged to have located this spectacular message board and consider Dinar Vets to be the absolute best dinar board in existence. Thank you for being real and allowing us all the ability to tap into such a cornucopia of valid information from so many great posters. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your wonderful staff Adam you are all appreciated much more than you know. Cheers and God bless !
  9. My guess is Zero, Zip, Nada....there will be no auction because it will have RV'D Yikes ! Cheers and good luck to us all !
  10. Wow Great video on the Vanvouver canucks heading for the Stanley cup, performed by "Immaculate & Memo" my daughter's boyfriend. Help me make this video go viral. Thanks in advance. Please pass it on !! Regrider
  11. Excellent post Troyster, thank you for the time and thoughts you put into it. Even if some of the facts on oil production/gold reserves etc. may be out a little (according to some others input) your theory in general is bang on in my understanding, the logic you use is well researched and consequently You receive an A+ for your post in my books buddy ......thanks for the time it took you to inform others like myself, it is appreciated. Merry Christmas to you and yours Troyster Regrider
  12. I thought this was kinda interesting .....whatcha think people ?? I just received this message from a friendly today, and guess what, I just picked up my FED-EX package from dinar trade at about 10:30 this morning (with some more dinars in it) I had my FED-EX package I received re-sealed .....not a word of a lie. I thought it weird at the time but after reading this .......makes one go Hmmmmmm ! This was the first time it has happened after probably 15-20 purchases through Dinartrade. I felt it too coincidental. I thought everyone should be aware out there in dinar land; Big Brother is Watching. Canada Tells Scotia Bank: Don't Open Accounts for Canadians in your Offshore Branches , US Postal Service has been opening your mail since 1997 with the blessing of the US Government - Did you Know? Some of Our Readers Report: YOU’VE GOT MAIL – But who else is reading it? We had reported some time ago that the US Postal Service was opening mail if it was financially related and if it had come from outside the US. I would like to say that this is just the opinion of a conspiracy theory fanatic, but we did a small test a while back, which proved otherwise. We started to notice that any mail bound for a US address, which looked like it was coming from a bank, investment company, etc. was routinely opened and then resealed in one of those plastic bags the postal service uses. This of course under the premise that the letter got caught in the sorting machine at the post office facility and the nice people at the post office were resealing it for you. However, it would seem that only financial related correspondence was constantly getting caught in the sorting machine, while everything else was not. In conjunction with this, we also noticed that almost every single piece of correspondence passing through the hands of Fedex courier service were also being opened (coming from or going to a location outside the US), with of course the formal US Customs Dept. seal across the top. While every country has the right to screen for contraband and dangerous materials, it seems very odd that a flat 8x11 envelope containing paper documents only should be opened. After all, I would tend to think that the expensive x-ray equipment and drug sniffing dogs would quickly determine if a package was suspicious or not, but a flat envelope with paper documents? All this is mentioned because one of our clients from Canada recently reported that a courier envelope containing bank account application forms (from a bank outside of North America) was opened by Canadian Customs. Not only was the envelope opened, but also just a few short days later, the gentlemen received a call from Revenue Canada indicating that he was being audited. Is this a simple coincidence? Well, considering that the Canadian Customs Department and Revenue Canada are now one and the same government agency, it would seem a little too convenient or coincidental to me. CANADA: The New Police State? Very recently one of our readers reported difficulty in obtaining some information from a bank in Belize (for the purposes of getting an account opened). Here is what the gentlemen found out, and wrote to us accordingly (the following paragraph is what he reported to us in his own words exactly): Thank you for your response about Panama Foundations. The opening of a bank account in an off shore location is something that I have tried. I contacted the Scotia bank in Belize and got no response. I then asked the local Manager of Scotia bank to contact Belize. He did, and the letter he received from Belize stated that Revenue Canada had told Scotia bank not to open accounts for Canadian citizens. What do you make of that? What do I make of it? Well, This is nothing more than a continuance in the old bag of tricks displayed previously. How is it possible for a government agency to ORDER or DIRECT that a Canadian Bank may not permit that accounts be opened at a branch office outside of Canada - for Canadian citizens. How is this possible indeed, coming from a so-called democratic government? What is the Canadian government so afraid of? Are there more Canadians leaving the country than we might be lead to believe? Why the strong-arm tactics? We have always advocated the idea of staying away from branches or subsidiaries of banks or financial institutions from your home country. For Canadians, this means Scotia Bank and quite possibly US banks as well. For Americans, this means Citibank, First Union and all the rest. In fact, I would say to a citizen of either country, stay away from any bank that has a banking license in or is a subsidiary of any North American bank. Why? Because even in so-called tax-haven jurisdictions whereby banking privacy is the local law, government agencies from the high tax governments have been known to threaten the parent bank in their own jurisdiction (to release account information about its citizens that may be banking in the offshore jurisdiction). The flip side of the argument is that many clients know a particular bank name or feel comfortable with the bank’s size and international presence. However, at what price do you pay for banking with such an institution? Possibly your confidentiality to start off with.
  13. Great inspirational story Jeff5588 thanks for sharing .....I have much less dinars than you but I am equally optimistic at a positive outcome very soon. Good luck to us all !! " Go Dinars Go " Git'R'Dun
  14. Thanks for the warm welcome, it's appreciated. Cheers !
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