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Everything posted by Dfrog

  1. What is so hard to understand here......They used to be paid 950,000. Their new pay will be 950, which will be equal in purchasing power to the 950,000 they used to get........................................GET IT?
  2. How did I go from a ton of posts and thanks to 30 posts and one thanks??? I'm going back on hiatus. Thanks Spec
  3. Only posted cause there was some IMF talk
  4. Article IV and Iraq to preliminarily enter the IMF GDDS. Take it for what it's worth
  5. I haven't posted here in a long time. It looks like for good reason. Why is it that the people who think it's going to lop persistantly take that stance on any article or news that is posted? If I new nothing of this investment and I saw the info on the first page I would read it like this..... They are getting paid almost a million Dinar right now. Next week they will be paid almost a thousand. If they are not getting raises then they will have the same purchasing power with the roughly 950 Dinars as they did with the close to a million Dinar. So their currency will be worth 1000 times more than it is right now. Simple math folks. It's not going to lop, or they would be getting paid MORE Dinar. Right? If they lopped then they would need a billion Dinar for the same amount of purchase power. If you are so wrapped up in this that you can't see through the smoke then it's time to turn off the computer. Quit being miserable and get on with what you do. UGH and sorry I didn't proof read
  6. If you read the post from the start it says specifically that it is a 2 year old article. Also said it would take 2 years to impliment.
  7. Anyone can be anybody they want here in the magical world of the internet!
  8. Adam: Why is it you feel you do not need to post here any more?
  9. Kaperoni dude you are such a buzz kill. Keep your negativity to yourself. It is pretty well explained what the exchange rate mechanism is above. I am not blind to all the facts, but you seem to want the opposite of everyone on here. Being determined to make everyone else think they are wrong just to make yourself right is lame.
  10. I don't think it is the fact that this doesn't coincide with all the rumors. It says they will be out of CH 7 within 6 months. That doesn't mean that they won't be out in 6 days. This is all a big mind F right now. The IMF being known to do a lot of changes at the 1st of the year, 3-4 days of banks being closed, all the talk of the GCC after the 1st....There are plenty of other facts that would lead me to believe that this could very well happen over the weekend. Again none of this is rumor, the times of my friend has a friend who knows someone are over. It is all in the news. It is all out there for anyone who has an interest to read. I think of the people in this for the last 5+ years....All you had to go on were rumors cause all the pieces were not in place. Well I think it is safe to say that they are now. I can definitely wait 6 months....No problem at all, but things do look good for this weekend. Good find as well. Hoppy New Year folks
  11. You have to know how to read this stuff. What I was posting was from the first post from Mike that Iraq was involved until the first Gulf war. They were kicked, but they have been in EVERY meeting for this even when they had sanctions put on them The second post is a newer article. It says 1981-1982 at the end, but that is stating when they started this. Right below it is signed by the current members. If they were invovled before invading Kuwait, then when did they join? They will eventually be part of the GCC
  12. Not all of the countries neighboring the Persian Gulf are members of the council. Iran and Iraq are currently excluded although both nations have a coastline on the Persian Gulf. The associate membership of Iraq in certain GCC-related institutions was discontinued after the invasion of Kuwait.[3] The GCC States have announced that they support the Document of The International Compact with Iraq that was adopted at Sharm El-Sheikh on 4-5 May 2007. It calls for regional economic integration with the neighboring states but there is no prospect of Iraqi accession to the GCC.[4]
  13. Sorry there BigMike, Iraq essentially started the GCC originally in the 80s. They have always been involved in the GCC, through both wars, and all the oil for food stuff. Not trying to bash, just educate
  14. I have been here for months. Don't quite get this? DF
  15. Same as I think, although I saw MATAF as # 1 currency exchange site in the world out of either 100 or 1000 sites
  16. Yup Scooter, don't take Phoenix as bashing you for posting the info. I think it is extremely important info that Iraq is open for business. They are going to need a currency with a value to conduct business. This just isn't the RV itself. Thanks for the post!
  17. Totally different situation. Venezuela is a Dictatorship, Iraq used to be. Historically Iraq had a very valuable currency. The US didn't go in there to not get re paid. Not to mention the Trillions of NID that we have in the US Treasury. You're not stupid, and I don't know how long you have been vested in IQD's? You may have gone through the roller coaster of this thing. Every few months saying this RV is going to happen. I only bought in 4 months ago. I have known about it for years, but I have now seen enough legitimate info that it seems this is imminent. JMHO, but I don't see what good taking it from 1170 to 600 per dollar is going to do.(other than double my money invested)
  18. Mkerr, If you really want to look at the big picture, you need to look at the entire region. How can you explain Iraq being a part of OPEC and selling their natural commodity at such an undervalued rate? All these new oil contracts have been done in the past weeks, some of the largest in history, and you think their currency is going to be valued at under a penny? I am not a Kool Aid drinker, I am a realist. There are so many other factors other than oil, sulfur, and natural gas that the entire world wants from Iraq. Not to mention the US Govt being paid back by Iraq for going in and liberating the Country. A great example is the contract with CMS Forex. Why would you announce that you are doing business in Iraq and have the minimum balance of $200 to start an acct? No one in the country would be able to start an acct as no one has that type of money at this point. I could go on forever, but if you are too jaded because you have been waiting too long for this to happen then...well....okay. I understand, but something good is in the pipe right now.
  19. Yeah I knew the company that did it. All I am saying is there is no info as to where this will be on the tube (if at all). IMO this was a web based commercial for anyone who has not purchased IQDs. I wouldn't make much of it, just think the RV is right around the corner. JMHO
  20. No one has said where of IF that commercial is actually going to be on the TV. Which channels? When? I think that was for all of us Dinar investors as just another place to buy. Really think we are in the home stretch here folks.......As Phx would say, stay grounded. As I am saying, get ready for some fun.
  21. UN Security Council supports Iraq's parliamentary elections Middle East News Nov 16, 2009, 18:15 GMT New York - The UN Security Council on Monday welcomed Iraq's amended electoral law which sets up parliamentary elections in January, which a UN official said signals the maturity of Iraqi democracy. The council discussed the election plans, one in a series of democratic steps undertaken by Baghdad to consolidate its democratic reform, and it praised the amendments to the law made last week. The council reaffirmed in a statement 'its commitment to Iraq's independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity' and emphasized 'the importance of the stability and security of Iraq for its people, the region, and the international community.' Both the council and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged 'all political blocs and their leaders in Iraq to demonstrate true statesmanship during the election campaign and participate in a spirit of national unity.' Ad Melkert, the UN special representative in Iraq, told the council that the electoral law will be adopted automatically on Wednesday unless the parliament rejects it. Melkert praised the parliament's debate on the law as a 'clear example of the capacity of the political leadership to embrace sovereignty and define the process of people's representation.' He said preparation for the parliamentary elections was underway and more than 1.5 million Iraqis have so far visited voter registration centres throughout the country. Melkert is heading the UN Mission in Iraq, which is tasked to assist the Baghdad government in various programmes from the economy to democratic reform. The UN mission is assisted by a team of 20 international technical advisers for the elections. The parliamentary elections in January will mark the end of the first full term of a freely-elected parliament in Iraqi history. 'It has been a period of great challenges and achievements,' Melkert said, adding that the Iraqis have demonstrated impressive energy and optimism inside and outside the government to build a better future for their country. Read more:
  22. It COULD mean something, but the translation is awful....No offense to anyone on that comment, I know it's done as best can be done with a trans. Has some cool words that if we jumble would mean something. As you kids could tell I would have posted it, but don't know what to think of it?
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