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Everything posted by roger-write

  1. I was considering making another dinar cash purchase. I currently have most of my investment in a Warka account and about 1/4 in 25K bills. My question is: does anyone have an idea what the largest denomination bill would be that "will not be removed" from circulation after the RV? My logic is such that if I decide to hang onto some of the cash after the RV I could do so without turning it in. Presumably the answer would be 500 notes, since they have talked about removing 3 zero notes from circulation. Speculation? Also, does anyone know if is a reputable dinar dealer? Or are there better options for low denoms? Thanks
  2. Can someone clarify when Warka deposits interest into accounts? I've had my account since December of 2009 and I have never seen an interest deposit. Someone on this forum in the past said they pay interest 2 times per year. 6 months have already gone by since opening the account and still no interest.
  3. Wonder how much it would cost to die-cast possum game pieces? Hey, if it RV's this month, why not.......
  4. All great ideas. We can call the banker player Warka.
  5. I was surfing the web and came across a parody game called Iraqopoly. See here: It gave me an idea. I bet some of the creative minds on this forum could use some of their RV seeking energy to come up with a really cool Iraqi board game. Just might end up making a fortune whether it RV's or not. For the sake of priming the creative juices, I'll offer a few suggestion of my own to kick things off: - You could buy and sell oil fields and develop them instead of real estate. - If you do something wrong, you go to the Shi'ite house (as in "Go directly to the Shi'ite house - do not pass go, do not collect 200,000 dinar) - If you draw a "Hold a Monetary Policy Meeting" card, you get to spin a little dial that could land on one of the following: + Hear great rumor, buy more dinar + Sorry, rumors are lies, no RV today + RV at $0.10, get out of debt + RV at $0.86, buy a new house & car + RV at $1.17, buy a new house & car and take the family to Disney World + RV at $2.30, time to retire, no more financial worries + RV at $3.22, filthy rich, swimming pools, movie stars, best friend is Mr. Drysdale The other benefit to creating such a game is we could pull out our dusty dinars and use them for the play money. At least then if it doesn't RV we'll still be able to use them for something.
  6. While I appreciate the encouragement, please stop shouting. I've had enough noise for one day.
  7. I predict that the character formed through patience and various hardships people on this message board have endured will pay off handsomely!
  8. JMO, but I don't know if a Warka account helps much for dinar in hand. I have both. Some cash and then wired some funds to a Warka account. In order to deposit your cash into the Warka account directly, you'd have to ship dinars to Warka in Iraq, which I would be very very reluctant about since it could get lost. The reason I got the Warka account was to help avoid the dealers surcharge. Also, if we have a limited time to turn in large bills and they come out with a sucker rate, you trade in the cash for an immediate (but limited) profit, and hang onto the funds in the Warka account for the longer haul in case the exchange rate goes higher. Or at least that's how I understand it.
  9. tonight, RV tonight!!!!
  10. Actually, it would be worth $22.41 trillion at $.83
  11. Here's roughly the content that's in my home safe
  12. It really makes me wonder how many online "persona's" dinar dealers have in cyberspace on all the dinar sites. Let's face it: if they make 10%-20% premium on all the sales, they could easily hire wannabe screen writers to come up with marvelous stories to keep the sales pumping. I'd bet dollars to donuts most of the "immediate" type rumors could be traced back to the dealers. Just follow the money. Don't get me wrong: I own dinar cash and have a Warka account and will be rejoicing along with everyone "if" this happens. But ultimately this isn't the source of my income or my joy.
  13. The EURO RV? Huh??? What kind of nonsense is being propagated? The Euro is an internationally traded currency. The market determines it's value. If by some chain of events that happened, there are traders and banks and such that are currently holding highly leveraged positions on currency pairs like the EUR/USD that would either instantly be wiped out or made incredibly rich if such an event occurred. The mere statement wreaks of misinformation.
  14. Here's a prediction of my own: when it does finally RV, we'll all (including the gurus at each others throats) get along much better!
  15. Would be nice if at least one good rumor were true. When it RV's I suspect everyone involved will suddenly and magically get along swimmingly. Here's to the end of the rainbow!!!
  16. Quick currency exchange lesson: When you have a traded currency pair like EUR/USD, if it is going up, that means the left side (in this case EUR) is strengthening and the right side (USD) is weakening. When it is going down, the opposite is true, which has been the case lately for EUR/USD, meaning the EUR is weakening and the USD is strengthening. So when EUR/USD goes down and USD/CHF goes up, it's a clear sign the dollar is strengthening relative to these other currencies. Sorry if I'm being pedantic. It's just that many may not be aware of how to read the rates.
  17. That's all we need: one more dinar guru.
  18. I believe it, I really do! And here's me after my morning workout.
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