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Everything posted by roger-write

  1. You wouldn't happen to be a communist weather man would you? As in, "Rudolph, the red, knows rain, dear!"
  2. Great post. +1 for a healthy dose of reality. Here is my 2 cents from another thread:
  3. This thread has stirred something up in me. And I agree with the previous post that it's one of the saddest threads I've read in awhile. If your happiness and well being is dependent upon something you have no control over, you will inevitably be disappointed. In the past 3 years I've made three separate significant investments. One is the dinar. I remain cautiously hopeful at best. The other was in oil wells which was to the tune of 10 times what I invested in the dinar. Not looking good at the moment and now finding out that much of what was said to the investors was probably wishful thinking. Finally, the third investment was time, education, learning a skill to augment my career, and something in which I do have a certain amount of control over. Care to take a stab at which investment I hold out the most hope for? Like everyone, I hope and pray the dinar will revalue as we all anticipate it will. But just consider for a moment what skill or knowledge you could develop to offer the world (preferably what they would pay you for). What could you do with 80% of the time you spend pining over the RV? I promise you will hear about it when it RV's. And, you are never too old to learn something new. My 2 cents, anyway.
  4. Well, I simply can't wait until the 8th. I guess I sell.
  5. Thanks, easy, for summarizing. I simply no longer have the patience to wade through the ever-growing length of the posts. It's amazing how much time people spend on this stuff. Your summaries are perfect.
  6. About the only thing I'm willing to say about how many dinars I hold is that: 1) If I buy any more, my wife will probably seriously consider a divorse 2) If it RV's at any reasonable rate, I'll be doing alright
  7. I concur on Glock/.45 ACP. Backup is a .357 Ruger. For some real power I'd go with a Saiga 12 gauge semi auto with 20 round clip loaded with 00. OK maybe I *am* a closet commando.
  8. My advice post RV: 1) Keep a low profile (bite your tongue at times if need be) 2) Discreatly give generously to well researched organizations, possibly through a third party 3) Stay well armed while it is still theoretically part of our constitution. Possibly obtain a carry permit in your state and learn the laws thoroughly concerning self defense. 4) If word gets out, be prepared to move to a galaxy far far away
  9. Since you mentioned other uses of gold (such as medicinal), just curious if you've heard anything about other properties besides this and conductivity. For example, I don't have a reference at the moment, but have read of studies where gold powder has been heated. Upon cooling, the weight becomes "lighter than air", implying there could be anti-gravity properties in certain conditions. Maybe that's what the wedge craft you mentioned earlier uses.
  10. I've known for some time that much of what we know as allopathic medicine and big pharma is demonically inspired. My eyes were opened to this a number of years ago when I researched a number of very powerful healing modalities. I even manufactured and sold gold and silver colloids for a while. But there are other powerful things as well, such as a modality that is absolutely safe for destroying cancer without harming healthy living cells (unlike chemotherapy or radiation). But the "powers that be" have done an absolutely excellent job of not only keeping people in the dark, but making anything outside of allopathic medicine seem like quackery or snake oil. Sad, because there are pockets of healthy cancer free people in the world that have now benefitted from these treatments and recovered from serious illness. But most people in the U.S. Have never even heard of them.
  11. As I understand it, the IRS is working on a crackdown of offshore account holders who have more than $10,000 in assets offshore. I don't know all the ins and outs, but apparently if you don't voluntarily disclose such offshore accounts by (interestingly enough) end of August, 2011 you could face serious consequences such as stiff penalties and possibly even jail time. This brings me to a couple of questions. First off, I have a Warka account, but it is currently valued less than $10k, so presumably there are no worries at the moment. However, if it RV's, I assume those of us with Warka accounts would need to immediately disclose to the IRS the account or face losing big or even imprisonment, which would be a sad day, immediately following one of the best days of our lives. Any comments on this? Equally as important as this issue is, is what I have read about concerning Warka's position that we can only wire up to, but not more than, $10k per day out of the account. Here is my concern and would appreciate any feedback. Let's say it RV's and, like good U.S. Citizens we report our Warka account which would then likely be valued in the millions of USD. So the IRS thanks us and then requires us to send them a check for some percentage of our gains. You might see where I'm going with this. How do we send the IRS a million or two in taxes if we can only get $10k per day out of Warka? Could this possibly end up being like those who win the $2 million dollar home but go broke because they can't possibly afford to pay the taxes on it?
  12. Ok, is it just me, or does anyone else find it odd that Jodie Foster and Ronald Reagan are mentioned in this thread. See John Hinkley for reference.
  13. Wow! I don't get on this site much anymore, but poke my head in from time to time to see if anything has changed. The top 2 rumor posts I see: (1) this one, saying it won't happen this year, and (2) another one saying it's a done deal and will go live in 3 hours. Wisdom suggests that the truth lies somewhere between these two extremes. Of course hopefully it will be closer to #2
  14. Yes, it works for me now as well. Their server must have been down for a while. Now I if I can just get them to restore my account so I can log in, I'll be good to go. Thanks.
  15. I've had a Warka account for little more than a year. I am currently trying to get them to restore my online access since it requires an annual fee and mine had timed out. But, the question is: I can no longer even get to the page to log in. I would appear their server is down or something. Anyone have any ideas as to what is going on with their server? Or did the domain name change or something? I haven't attempted this is quite some time, so something could have easily changed without me knowing it.
  16. As my may of expressing disappointment in what I thought should have certainly been THE year, here's a little poem adapted from Willie Wanka. There's no earthly way of knowing Which direction Shabibi's going. There's no knowing where this ride is rowing Or how deep the lies are flowing. Is it time? Is the rate showing? Is a financial hurricane a blowing? Not a speck of truth is showing So the RV "might" be growing. Are the oil fires glowing? Are the forex trader's groaning? For the pumpers keep on rowing. And they're certainly not showing any signs of slowing!!! Happy New Year, everyone!!! And I hope and pray that 2011 is the year!!!
  17. Reminds me of Sean Connery in Hunt for Red October. "One ping only...." Or I guess in this ping rumor only...
  18. As much as I'd like to say tithe or giving to my favorite charity, a good tax attorney will probably end up getting the first check.
  19. So I get Chinese food tonight. Here was my fortune in the cookie: "Look forward to great fortune and a new lease on life!" Sounds good to me and works well with the timing of a pending RV!!!! Just once I'd love to see one that says, "RV right now - GO CASH IN!!!" Hey even if it's not in a fortune cookie, at least a text from Adam.....
  20. I know some dinar dealers like have "dinar on reserve" programs. You can put 10% down and pay the balance within 30 days. In some cases it doesn't make sense, but if you're expecting a bonus or something and with all the current potential it might be something to consider.
  21. The key to me is that they have repeatedly said they plan to "raise the value of the dinar against the dollar." You can't do that with a LOP. Peace, goodwill, and have a very merry RV!
  22. You might pin him down on what he means by small bills. At the current dinar rate, the 50 notes would be considered very small.
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