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Everything posted by dinarham

  1. Karsten ,you're spot on with your understanding of group thinking I'm a bit confuse with the fish and frog thing ,and will think on it more . Group thinking requires rigid thinking where everything is black and white ,no grey areas . If you've lived long enough ,raised a family , had a job , you have probably run into a grey area or two . For instance , I have guns but I don't see the need for automatic weapons . I'm all for strict borders and stringent immigration policy ,and rounding up all those criminals that are here illegally . I do believe that some exceptions can be made .
  2. Please disregard previous post ,not written by me .A family member took exception to her mom being called a criminal
  3. There is certainly a point about your entitlement point ,There are a number of people who feel entitled , and unfortunately that is their mindset that is hard to change . I can see I'll be getting flack about going to the Church of the Holy Mattress . That does not preclude the fact that I work hard to keep my employees , who are ALL LEGAL , with jobs . I love them and they love me
  4. i started the dreamer thread looking for an honest debate about a complex problem . Somehow this thread directed itself in a different direction ,like the paths that some urban landscapers use . They see where people establish their own paths and work around that "known " . The dreamer thread enlightened me on so many levels . It comes down to the world view that every one has ,and for the most part cannot be changed . I see on here that there are two factions , those that are super religious and those that hang a little looser , I go to the Church of the Hol;y Mattress . I also go to the Church of the Creator of the flower . It takes more guts to find your own path and your own unique way . But use J.C as your guide.
  5. News keeps getting better and better The "thousand points of light coming together "
  6. "It's only castles burning " . Thank you for your kind words
  7. Synopsis , please don't call me a criminal anymore .
  8. Synopsis ,would you please stop calling me a criminal ?
  9. I thought one of the rules here was to keep it respectful . I must say i was blown away and hurt by the anger directed towards me when i started the dreamer thread . Contrary to the name calling , I am not a criminal and I love my country .
  10. As defined by Merriam-Webster : A pattern of thought characterized by self deception ,forced manufacture of consent and conformity to group ethics and values . This is a fascinating subject ,lots of information on it . All the book needs is a picture of a die hard Dem on the cover . Am i guilty of group think? Ahhhhh, the human condition !
  11. Synopsis ,I posted earlier that this is not the case . I am talking about one individual . You are no doubt lacking in social graces as your response appears to be loaded with anger . I am not a criminal and I love my country .
  12. This is not my first time at the rodeo . Years ago ,I was a member of Dinar Speculators ,back when Med was SFMedic or something like that . I was an active member ,researching and such . I was shocked when Med banned me permanently when I commented that , "Iraq is going through a paradigm shift " . Boom ! I was cut off forever and ever . Go figure . It is my experience that some people are simply lacking in social graces . Making people feel bad because you just have to for some reason is not good , nor is rigid thinking
  13. Jim1 and Umberto , I'm sorry for all the rubies you have acquired for your sincere efforts here . I had no idea that such anger was associated with this . I was wanting a real debate on this subject . I never expected that I would be classified as something close to being a criminal . It confused me and hurt my feelings {I'm a gal } until I read your kind remarks . Much appreciation to both of you .
  14. I would like to add that I was talking about one individual .. Everyone employed at my business are US citizens ,paying taxes and into social security . I should have made that more clear .
  15. Thank you Umbertino , much appreciated
  16. Thank you jg1 . Kindness flows like a river, down from the mountains into the valley setting all of us free
  17. Maybe I should just say good bye .
  18. Yes i have ,Synopsis . Why do people think I am in favor of open borders when I mean to address individual and specific situations , "the innocent and hard working that have lived here for many years " . Believe me , I am all for intense border control , and tight immigration policy .
  19. I worked at Great Lakes Naval Hospital during Vietnam ,burn and surgical wards . Do you know what that means ,do you know what i witnessed ? I am a PATRIOT ,even though you don't agree with my opinions . My blood boils at anyone who would question the love I have for my country
  20. I am a patriot with a soft heart . Let's not be so fired up because it clouds clear thinking . You can hold two different opinions ,that's what a dilemma is
  21. You only need to look at what's happening in Belgium to convince you that strict immigration policy must be in place . Belgium is now being inundated with people from other countries that have no desire to assimilate into the culture of their host country . My more humanitarian view of allowing someone like my guy to attain US citizenship is not mutually exclusive to strict strict borders .
  22. Think ATM's . Anything above $100 note is not used in first world countries as far as I know . High notes will be used for banking purposes mainly ,or if you're a high roller .
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