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Everything posted by digital11

  1. Yea, I'll know in approx 9 hours when the funds will clear. Could clear as early as Thurs morning.
  2. Last June, I was preparing to move from Virginia to California to go to ministry school. During that time, I had a dream about my journey there. I dreamt my brother and our wives went to this new place in an RV. We got there, and many specific events happened which are not relevant to this context, but two things that specifically stood out: One is that I met a man in the dream who showed me great favor and worked at the tech department of the church which the ministry school is at. The other is that I had been carrying my laptop around with me the whole time in the dream, and at the end of the dream was looking for a place to put it down. Finally I ended up stashing it in the RV (which would be a logical place naturally since that is where we were living), but it was a very specific point in the dream. A month after I moved here, I was contacted out of the blue by a man who asked to meet with me. He had heard about me from a mutual acquaintance and wanted to show me around and talk about some project ideas he had. When I met him, I realized he was the man from the dream. This past December, he and another man we're friends with were at my house hanging out, and they told me about the Dinar. Later when I was talking with the other guy, explaining the dream and how I thought the laptop being put away represented me not having to support myself (because my laptop is my means of support), but I didn't mention where I put the laptop away. I also mentioned that the other guy was the guy from the dream. He said, "Yea, that definitely sounds like the RV" and it all clicked. I explained to him about the RV in the dream and we both just sat there mouths agape, realizing what we had just discovered. Ever since I found out about the Dinar, I've been praying that God would give me a dream about the timing of it, but haven't had a single RV dream once since learning about it… Until last week. I dreamt I was speaking with a client about an iPhone app we had just finished, and as we were going out to lunch, I was explaining to him that I wouldn't be able to do any more work for him because the RV was about to happen. Then I was telling him about a mutual friend of ours who is also a client of mine, how it would be very hard for me to explain that i can't work for them anymore because they have me on retainer. He asked if I really believed it was going to happen soon and I said yes. Then I awoke, but in the place between asleep and awake, I had this thought in my head: "The RV will come before the check clears" You see, my one client that has me on retainer was supposed to have had a check in the mail to me on the day that I had that dream. They didn't end up mailing it until this past Thurs (I had the dream last Tues) I just received the check in the mail today (Tuesday), to be deposited tomorrow morning. Update: Deposited the check this morning without a hold, so it clears tomorrow. Here's to hoping I'm right! Update: Well, the timing wasn't right... But the first dream is still significant.
  3. This room is now moderated. All messages submitted will be directed to room moderators for consideration before being made public. [Adam Montana] evening everyone [Adam Montana] i spent the day at a birthday party for a 2 year old godson** [jwb] MOD THE room?? yabba dabba doo, it's real!! [Adam Montana] and also answering my phone** [Adam Montana] it rang AT LEAST 30 times [Adam Montana] I had to turn my ringer off [jwb] can I have your number, too?? [Adam Montana] no [Adam Montana] sorry** [Adam Montana] I mentioned August [Adam Montana] look, you guys! [Adam Montana] just because I mentioned August doesn't mean we can't cash in till August! [Adam Montana] there's a ton of reasons why this should and coud happen way before then [Adam Montana] and I have a few friends that do major investments for huge firms [Adam Montana] that are thinking August woudl be the END of the cash in period if it happens quickly [Adam Montana] because they will want to have a specific end date on a few thigns [Adam Montana] so please chll out - I mention on date further out than Tuesday and my phone blows up [Adam Montana] and that's not what I meant at all** [Adam Montana] this is still looking good for the very near future [Adam Montana] my CBI contact is still optimistic that things are going great right now [grumpy] whats up with the August you chated about this morning? [Adam Montana] and I've ben speaking to some major players in investment world that are in agreement [Adam Montana] all roads are leading to RV right now [Adam Montana] so tell your friends to stop telling their friends to tell their momns and uncles to call me [Adam Montana] this is not bad news** [Adam Montana] that's all, unmod [Adam Montana] I only have a couple minutes This room is no longer being moderated.
  4. [kyundertaker] digital11: I got 3 emails, are they true??? I DO NOT know. That the RV took place and the Maliki has left the US and is going back to Iraq. I DO NOT know if it is true, just emails and phone calls. Two rates were mentioned low to mid 3's......That is ALL I know and ALL have heard......
  5. The IQD is currently pegged against the dollar. Any change you see is nothing more than fluctuation of the dollar.
  6. [Adam Montana] my contact at CBI followed up and said no movement was made today [Adam Montana] they pushed pretty hard, but didn't get the stuff accomplished that they needed to [Adam Montana] this week is over... they DO have weekend meetings over there, late night conferences and workshops [Adam Montana] so it's possible that we'll see some movement Suday morning [Adam Montana] but I'm inclined to believe Monday at the soonest [Adam Montana] there's no stoppers right now [Adam Montana] just delays [Adam Montana] so I guess it's not that bad [Adam Montana] I just really hoped to see something major by today [Adam Montana] so... if something happens over the weekend, we may have news Sunday morning (Saturday evening for us) [Adam Montana] but my gut says we won't see anything till Monday or Tuesday
  7. Also, love the fact that it appears 3.86 is very doable! C'mon RV!!
  8. Steve, Thanks for all of the hard work you've put into all of these posts. Your reasoning is soundand very reassuring. Great job.
  9. I really think this is the week. Can't wait to find out!
  10. 7:33 PM [sonny1] ok as we know over the last 3 weeks the news has dropping hints of a rv 7:35 PM [sonny1] like the article that said we are waiting for a new exchange rate before we approve the budget, and the jan 31st article, and the we were going to change the exchange rate, but civil unrest, and political unrest caused a halt 7:35 PM [sonny1] now as we know the exchange rate is done 7:36 PM [sonny1] how they did it i have no clue, i am surprised, very surprised 7:37 PM [sonny1] the erm will be implemented so when iraq does rv and it should be soon now ( i hate saying that) they wont take a huge exchange rate hit with all the dinar coming back to them 7:38 PM [sonny1] there budget is roughly 80 billion u.s, if they didnt put the erm in place there exchange rate if a dollar lets say, could drop 50 cents with huge dinar exchanged 7:39 PM [sonny1] and there budget would be screwed, and they would be way short 7:40 PM [sonny1] my guys did the math with there budget, and all the infrastructure work they have planned the rate should be around 1.50-1.60, or the euro 7:41 PM [sonny1] now for the chapter 7 guys, i agree 7 is huge for them to get out of, but there is no chance of them getting out, without rv'ing first, they arent get out of 7 at 1170 7:42 PM [sonny1] u.n wont give them 150 billion in cash and assets back at 1170, it defeats the purpose 7:44 PM [sonny1] they have been meeting with the u.n now for the last 3 days, my guess is that they needed the u.n approval on the rate, and they needed to know if that rate will help them get out of 7, and by the budget passing tells me they all are on the same page 7:45 PM [sonny1] and its odd that its coming together 6 weeks before the elections, think maliki is a dummy, think again when this goes down, he will be a hero 7:46 PM [sonny1] i hate saying this, cause in the past it hasnt happened, but the numbers are adding up, we are within a few days to two weeks of cashing in. 7:47 PM [sonny1] imo 7:47 PM [sonny1] in my mind, i could get the call anytime, and it wouldnt surprise me in the least 7:47 PM [sonny1] done
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