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Everything posted by truepatriot

  1. Thanks for the support man! Yeah at one time I bought into many of the same notions of how antichrist would appear that the mainstream church entertains.That the United Nations would somehow suddenly foist world government upon us overnight.Or even more hilarious..that the Muslim boogeyman the media and political shills keep telling us about would wage holy jihad and somehow conquer the entire world.At least the UN is actually an important part of the NWO beast system,like the Roman Catholic church.Muslims on the other hand are mainly convenient patsies the globalists are using to pave the way leading up to WW3 where they can destory the old system and bring in their new one and the World leader. Yes there are Islamic radicals no doubt.But their actual threat is far less than the controlled media and politicians will ever admit to us.Only by carrying out multiple false flags and laying the blame repeatedly on Jihadists can they maintain the level of fear and control they need to continue taking our remaining freedoms away. Only after they completely break this system and people are truly desperate for a time will they have the alien saviors come in with their promises of lasting peace and prosperity.As predicted by daniel 'they' will mingle themselves with the seed of man in the final earth kingdom just like the statues toes of iron and clay.And remember Jesus said we he returns it will be as the days of Noah.In other words a very sinful world with the fallen angels and their off spring mingling with mankind.Anyone doing research into aliens or many other paranormal subjects can find evidence that there are reports of people encountering various kinds of unexplained creatures and hybrids throughout the year.Of course if someone chose to stick their heads in the sand they could just laugh and say all these reports are from crazy people,or people wanting attention.People that take that stance obviously enjoy their slumber in ignorance Also I find it interesting to read this verse... 'And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.' Seems that John is describing these demonic spirits the best way he can.How strange that a description of 'like frogs' would mesh well with the etheric reptilean and amphibious like beings that many UFO abductee's and occultists are encountering.According to this verse mankind will be so deceived that these beings will gather whats left of the beasts followers to fight God himself upon his return.
  2. Maybe because some of us don't buy into the pre tribulation rapture fable like you do? Yet another example of 'It's what I've been told to believe all my life,therefore it's true.' It's hard to break away from the herd mentality..but possible.I was once like you when I was sitting there in the pew letting the preacher tell me what I could expect to happen for the end of the world.Then I saw some dissenting opinions and actually researched it for myself.There is no hard evidence of Christians going anywhere before the tribulation starts.There is nothing except for Darby fans twisting scripture to meet their agenda. Jesus told us the sequence of events of the end in Matthew.In his narrative there was no 'catching up' until the end when the 2nd coming happens.Paul likewise stated that the 'catching away' could never happen until there was a great falling away and the man of sin appeared.No matter your stance it is undeniable that two of the most influental figureheads of Christianity have quotes that directly contradict the pre tribulation rapture fable. The bible directly states that the antichrist will persecute and for a time overcome the saints of the most makes no distinction between 'church age saints' and 'tribulation saints' like the left behind book fanclub would like you to believe.Merely more of their made up man made doctrines. And lastly I can seemingly refute it with a simple logical question.The bible says there are only two of the saved and one of the damned right? Well then how does it make sense to have the first resurrection BEFORE the tribulation,when so many more saints are gonna die during the tribulation?You can't do like Darby believers and just make up multiple resurrections and 2nd comings to make your square peg fit in a round hole.Makes perfect sense though if you think Jesus would only be coming back as he stated ' immediately after those days of tribulation'.Because after that point (1st resurrection) there will be no Christians left,only the beasts followers and the judgement of God will begin in earnest. Sorry to say it but I'm thinking your pre tribulation rapture has about as much chance of happening as the New World Orders 'War on terror' has of actually ever ending terror.Pre Tribulation rapture is a very dangerous doctrine that gives Christians false hope that they will escape all persecutions to come.When it doesn't happen,many will question their faith because they thought it was scriptural.Which will leave them vulnerable and open to the influence of the great deception when the ET's and ascended masters finally reveal themselves.This I firmly believe is what Paul was calling 'the great falling away',soon after which point the antichrist (hailing as the world teacher) will present himself.
  3. Yeah seriously... Grow up already people. It's so ludicrous that some of you people just parrot whatever the media and politicians tell you,and actually think that makes you intelligent.Guess what it doesn' makes you a cute little tape recorder.No amount of circle jerking or herd mentality will ever make the truth any less so.
  4. If you can't handle dissenting opinions get out of the kitchen little doggy. Good luck with that war on terror thingy ma bob lol Nah..not much for alcohol these days Nyuk! Nyuk! woo woo woo woo
  5. About time he admitted he was a failure.We've known for years now,glad he finally got the memo.
  6. So you believe the antichrist,yet totally discount how he will come to power. You people seriously boggle my mind.Do you really think you are told what is really going on behind the scenes or what happened in the past in school or on the evening news?The one world government is not something that will just spring out of nothing the second this guy appears on the scene.It's foundation has been secretly laid for hundreds of years.The dawn of the industrial age having sped up it's completion many times over through the spread of globalism. The intentional exposure of previously unheard of levels of corruption within various governments has made the 'truther' and other 'anti NWO' movements explode over the last 10 yrs.Even the most hardened republican and democrat skeptics have woken up to this at some level,as evidenced by the formation of the tea party and OWS movements in recent years.They both expose very real corruption,but are still part of the NWO 'divide and conquer' plan seeing as they never acknowledge that both wall street/international banks and corporations have been used to rob and control us.Both movements only focus on one part of the problem. The new age movement while generally mocked at the moment,has also gained many more followers in the last few years.It shares the anti NWO sentiment with truthers,yet it goes even further by proclaiming that advanced beings will someday arrive to free us of the tyranny of the NWO when we are ready.As I have said before the globalists always create a problem and then provide a solution to further their goals.Common examples of them controlling both sides is the 9/11 attacks and the war on terror that followed.Republican vs Democrat elections is a very common example we see every 2-4 yrs.Makes no difference who we elect though when both sides are on the banks payrolls. The new age/ET deception will be the final stage of this.When people have finally had enough of this system,these beings will present themselves at the right time and mankind will accept them with open arms.There will finally be a one world government and religion and the population will likely accept it without much fanfare by that point.If there is WW3 and a global financial collapse prior to their coming,mankind will be thrilled for their intervention. Jesus said that when he returns it will be as in the days of noah.What was common in noahs day?Two things mainly..rampant sin and corruption..and the fallen angels and their half human hybrids were intermingling with mankind.I think there is evidence that this will be the case again soon.
  7. Ah yes...actually coming out with a fully asset backed currency is a big no no with the globalists.After all without massive debt through fiat currency and derivitives how will they ever finally get their global financial collapse they are wanting so much these days?Gadaffi was a very very naughty boy. Right now Assad and Little Kimmy are the main loners on the block.I expect the bigger kids on the playground to keep bullying and ganging up on them until they give in or their countries are 'liberated for democracy' ( LOL) like Sadaams citizens.Thats code for 'invade,grab assets,and establish new Rothschild bank.'
  8. Saddam might have been a ****** but he was dealt with because he refused to 'play ball'. Only good little obedient puppet leaders like Bush/Cheney and Obama/Biden can thrive in the new world order
  9. I always find it hilarious when those claiming to be Christian call folks who are actually warning people of the reality of the coming antichrist kingdom whacko.People like you are the ones who are wack.You are stuck in your sad little right vs left and Christian vs Muslim fantasy painted for you by the media and government,and can't see the forest for the trees Obama is NOT calling the shots.The chain of command goes way over his head.He is a mere figure head..a puppet.
  10. Sorry but you're wrong. There is soon coming a world leader that the bible calls the antichrist,whom will unite the globe into a world religion and economy.I firmly believe that the current shadow empire called the new world order working behind the scenes will be what helps bring him onto the scene.And the NWO always plays two seemingly different sides (one the threat,the other the solution) against others to attain their goals.In reality however both are working together with one playing good cop and the other the bad one. 9/11/AlQaeda and the Bush/Obama administration are the two newest examples of this.Both are given their marching orders by the same satan worshipping elite families.Alqaeda/radical Islam and 9/11 was the problem,and Bush/Obama's administrative actions were the solution.All part of a clever ruse to further their plan of the one world government. The next problem/solution should be the final one.In my humble opinion it will involve the aliens/ascended masters the new agers always talking about finally appearing and seemingly removing these ruling families from power as they claim they are going to do.After that they will set up their own government and tell the people of the world they need to set aside their differences and come together into a one world economy and religion.Because these advanced beings seem to bring so much peace and good will with their coming (things like global currency resets,prosperity packages,and advanced tech) the global community will comply.And their leader the world teacher (maitreya,antichrist etc) will reign over this empire and as the bible clearly says will 'destroy many with peace'.This will be the great deception and will cause the final falling away.Anyone who does not accept this one world govt will be killed.
  11. I think he's another one of Okies personalities. I've heard he has at least 12 of them,all dinar intel gurus of course.
  12. It's not unfortunate at all. When you stop and actually think about it the only way we ever 'know' anything about the suspects at all is what the media chooses to divulge to us.And considering that the media is owned by the same cartel that runs Washington,'reality' for the public becomes only what these elites wants it to be.Not falling for the BS and lies anymore. At this point I merely watch the news to see what spin they are trying to put out to accomplish their next goals.War against Iran and North Korea, which amazingly happen to be two out of three or four countries left in the world without a Rothschild controlled bank *Surprise Surprise* (LOL yeah right ) is in the agenda.So is scaring Americans into giving up their fire arms through more mass shooting false flags,media propaganda, and finally an economic crash and a following martial law and confiscation of firearms. PS: as predicted the media shills have pinned the newest attack on one of the targets I mentioned.Surprised the stuck with their old muslim fear mongering tactics though instead of going for fresh blood like North Korea.Maybe they are planning to take Iran out of the picture first.
  13. Resonses like yours are always completely based off of emotion due to your indoctrination by the mainstream media and it's other outlets. People that get outraged when people claim that 9/11,sandy hook,the boston bombing etc could be a false flag make me laugh. They say it's an insult to the victims memory to say such things.Well you know what..whats truly insulting is just always accepting what you are told and not questioning our rulers and governments motives. Mock all you want folks,the sheeples era is soon ending and you will have no further excuses for your blindness or ignorance.
  14. At this point there is not much illuminati bastards could cook up that would surprise me. People have had similar questions about only planes being used to carry out 9/11 in the past.It sure took them long enough to release the sole video of the pentagon explosion didn't it? Wonder how long it will take the boston bombing and future mass shooting attacks to be connected to Muslims/Iran/North Korea or 'survivalist gun nuts'?
  15. No...I think people were angry with you because you apparently never bothered to go back to the bank worker and find out any explanation whatsoever for why things did not turn out as he had said.People do not appreciate being worked into an excited frenzy for a couple of days only to have the messenger suddenly drop off the face of the earth for a couple of weeks. I don't know you personally Hoosier,but if you want folks to quit being suspicious of you being a pumper you need to be a little more open.Pumpers are well known for using vague terms and explanations (can't name the source blah blah) when questioned to cover their butts,and disappearing when their predictions turn out to be false.First there was your bold claims during Christmas and then the one that got everyone excited back in february.I want to believe what you are saying about 4/20 but I'm not gonna hold my breath.
  16. Dear Betty,although I certainly disagree with your assessment I would like to thank you for managing to reply without snide and sarcastic comments. Something that most here seem incapable of accomplishing.The truth will show itself sometime in the future and you will be amazed at how inaccurate your perceptions of 'reality' actually were.Cheers Betty..and good luck with your prediction thread!
  17. Right..because people on the internet can't be right. We should only believe what is put out there for us on the media,in the press,and in textbooks and other publications. Yet another typical conditioned response.Ever realized that the only reason you trust those sources so much is because you are programmed to do so from birth? It's irrelevant,a lie is a lie no matter how good the guy behind the desk in a lavish well furnished studio looks reading it.
  18. I have to disagree with you there Rothsdad. The system is broken and evil and will remain so until Jesus Christ returns.Yes this old system will collapse soon and be replaced by another. Unfortunately it will be a demonic run society that at first will appear as a golden age for mankind,but will soon descend into hell.The forces of evil always love to play the good cop/bad cop routine.For instance they manufactered a crisis (9/11) and then provided a solution (the war on terror.Patriot act,NDAA etc).They are all on the same side but they cleverly use these tactics over time to inch their agenda forward.This is what is currently happening with the UFO/alien agenda.The new ager culture that is entering the conspiracy community is suggesting that these alien entities will help us overthrow the cabal and fully empower mankind.Both the cabal and the 'aliens' are on the same side and this transfer is simply the last good cop/bad cop game they will be playing.
  19. You are even worse than a blinded scoffer then,because you know of all the lies that we are told yet can't bring yourself to realize who is behind it.I don't know about the FEMA camps but if you oppose the new world order when it arises yes you WILL be imprisoned or killed. You might or might not have your guns taken away.Even though I am pro 2nd amendment there is no denying it will not make much of a difference anyways.The NWO will use their military force too annihilate patriot dissenters that try to oppose armored govt thugs with machine guns by using shotguns and assault rifles.Like it or not we will fall to them until God sets things right. will have a chip or mark implanted in you or you will die.This is likely the mark of the beast. You WILL have one currency namely digital and items will be paid for by scanning your implanted chip in your hand or forehead. And once again yes you WILL bow to the fallen angels masquerading as ET's.If you do not you will die..simple as that. As said before the NWO has been a work in progress for over 200 yrs,but we are now nearing the endgame.The fact that people have been awake to their system for decades means nothing except they were awake earlier than the rest of us.Try harder.
  20. Wiggle wiggle wiggle little Keep. Guess what..despite all your big words you are STILL basically calling me insane just because my words don't fit your flawed worldview. Apparently your reading comprehension is also undeveloped considering that I clearly said that the 'aliens' would be satan and his angels posing as beings of light.It is the way that they will convince mankind into worshipping them as gods.This is not some random theory I am shooting off the top of my head.It has come from much study into how the truther/anti NWO movement is slowly being infiltrated by new agers that communicate with these entities that claim they are bringing a golden age to mankind.Many conspiracy theorists are Christians and the new age movement is a way to convince Christians as well as others that the NWO were the bad guys and they (the aliens) will be our saviors.But actually the devil worshipping elites serve these demonic entities and this golden age will be a great deception spoken of in the pages of the bible. And if you can't believe that spiritual beings exist without having scientists verifying them for you in a lab I would say that is your own personal problem.Some of us aren't so closed off to reality
  21. Wow reading your post was like having a full bag that has 'ignorance in a nutshell' written on the side.My oh to even begin to address this... 1: The country is going into the crapper because the elites are leading the world into a purposeful economic collapse;so that they can bring in their one world government.The NWO that you refuse to accept even exists will be the very catelyst that will bring about total chaos. Now whether you want to accept the truth or still entertain the delusion that electing a republican/democratic based govt roster is gonna fix our problems is up to you.It's your butt you're pulling into the fire not mine. 2: It is alright that you served your country,but do you even know what you are fighting for anymore?Why do you think rushing off to fight people you don't even know based off of govt and media propaganda is a nobel endeavor? 3: Well maybe the day you stop parading govt and media testimony as 'facts and evidence' my type will take you more seriously.How many times do you have to be lied to by the same morons in power before you stop listening to their BS?
  22. 1: Actually it does make you closed minded..seeing as you are labeling me as insane simply for not believing in the daily dose of lies and secrecy like you. I grew up on your side of the fence for many years and eventually found most of what I believed as truth to be a crock.I have done my part,have you ever delved into my side of the story and outlook on things? Of course not..ganging up in your ignorance and calling names is so much easier ain't it? 2: And more jokes about me being insane.Wow Keep that was so original buddy,noones ever told me that one That goes two ways.Maybe one day you and Pudge will find out what reality is all about.But until then I suppose your little bubble of delusion is fine. Calling someone insane for not adhering to your worldview is a favorite tool of brainwashed worker bees. It's similar to the atheists that delude themselves into thinking that anyone who has a spiritual encounter with God or another entity of the spirit world must either be lying or insane. They are terrified of having their little bubbles burst and facing an alternate version of the world they thought they knew
  23. I did for over 18 yrs..because I was once one of you..thinking that reality only consisted of what I was told by the media,government,and educational system. The media ALWAYS spins and twists the truth,it has become very obvious and anyone with a functioning brain should have caught up with it by now.
  24. True patriot..yes. In other words the kind that focuses on the REAL enemy and is not obsessed with chasing scary shadow mooslum boogeymen around the world for decades;because the gooberment and media shills on the dum dum box told you you should. Good luck with that war on terror thingy ma
  25. I am wide awake Keep. It is most unfortunate that the same cannot be said for you. So how do you know that Pudge is not a shill or simply ignorant?After all both him and I are both nameless faces on an internet forum are we not. Oh thats right...he simply repeats the flawed worldview that you are accustomed to and therefore he is automatically the one in the right.Sad that Pudge once had in his grasp a semblance of truth,only to again fall asleep into the delusion web the god of this world (satan) has woven for us DV members here feel free to give me all the negs you want for telling it like it is.All the imaginary negative points in the world will not turn lies into the truth.
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