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  1. I was kind of thinking the same thing. In fact, I was just speaking with a friend of mine about the THREE hot topic issues that hit the press in the last 24 hours. 1.) Univision releases damning evidence in the Fast and Furious gun running scandal. 2.) Libyan Mission had been attacked or protested against 13 times in recent months and that THEY DID ask for additional security just DAYS before the attack. 3.) Barack Obama's impersonation of Jeremiah Wright released by the Daily Caller. And this doesn't even take into account the Biden gaff about the middle class being beaten down over the last four years OR that NOT ONE FBI agent has YET made it to Libya to even BEGIN an "investigation." The problem is that President Obama's entire world (literally) is falling apart and very few news organizations are reporting it. It's kind of like the old "if a tree falls in the forest but there's no one there to hear the sound, was there actually a sound to hear?" I'd like to thank reporters like Jake Tapper with ABC News, of all places, for his REAL news reporting and question asking, along with that reporter from Univision!
  2. I read about this on News Max's website. Apparently, there's nothing truthful about the above referenced assertion. In fact, they pretty much obliterated any hope, that anyone may have, for this to be true. The two party system thrives off of pitting one group of individuals against the other. It boils down to those that adhere to the traditional values intended when our country was formed VS those that feel there REALLY IS room for change in our values, as well as a foundational change in our concept of "Americanism." (Barack Obama is not the first president to espouse these values. He's just the first one to speak THAT openly and that directly about them) Regardless of my personal opinion on the matter, I believe I have respectfully described the two main groups pitted against one another during every election cycle. Their jobs (politicians) are to make sure they can whip everyone into a frenzy; in more recent times it seems they have been willing to bring us close to civil war again, while driving us just short of that impending eventuality. I say that because it's only a matter of time before one side, in one of these election cycles, WILL eventually take things too far. I think that all of us have a responsibility to keep these things in mind while we take part in the national debate. Don't fall for the "appalling" news story without fully researching the facts. Don't forget, it's "appalling" to you because it was INTENDED to be appalling to you. It doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum you represent, you are going to be poked and prodded by little stuff like this every day. Take all of this with a spoon full of sugar because it always boils down to the two main sides that are pitted against one another. The side that wants to maintain this nation's identity VS the side that believes "changing as we go" IS this nation's identity. When you look at things in this way, it's easier to "touche" a good body blow dealt by one campaign to another because you know it's not going to effect your vote anyway lol! There are no "moderates." The moderates are the folks that run back and forth over small issues and don't pay much attention to politics and when they do, they are normally swayed by the argument of the day or whatever is plastered on the headlines (don't necessarily read the stories). Don't get offended, it's just the truth. They represent about 18% of the voting crowd. *Remember that - "voting crowd" meaning those that are expected to vote. We know that the politicians speak reverently of this particular voting group but not to be out-done by the news anchors that talk about the moderates. They too speak of them affectionately because they too know that THESE are the folks that will tip the election one way or the other. So depending upon the news organization and the message being broadcast by that organization, the real motivation for treating the "moderates" aka "independents" aka "undecideds", respectfully is because THEY KNOW that these are the VAST MAJORITY, of the number of potential voters, that ARE willing to vote based on the news or the headlines of the day. And THESE are the people that determine their ratings. So, if you want to make things real simple politically, just boil it all down to what it essentially is and "vote your conscience!"
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