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Everything posted by pudge

  1. Well, how much would I need to buy to post? Besides I almost did back in 2010.
  2. Uh, I just noticed today that I cannot post anywhere but here. Something I said?
  3. Hey Goldielocks, what is this lopster talk nonsense? No where in this thread or anywhere else have I mentioned a lop. All I said three years ago is that Shabibi said he was going to RD the DInar. Haven't mentioned it since and certainly not here. I don't know if they will RD but I certainly know they will not RV which won't be PC here in DV.
  4. Exactly right, I don't understand. Neither does any other economist. You Dinarians frighten me with the level of ignorance here. It DOES NOT MATTER if they devalue the dinar or increase the value of the dinar (which they wouldn't and couldn't) purchasing and buying power remain the same. You cannot out of the blue declare a currency more valuable and believe that the extraordinary demand of goods and services from an RV would not create an equivalent price increase. Any RV would destroy Iraq's economy at this delicate juncture. I mean there would be no Dinar on the streets or in America anyway if it RV'd right? It would all be cashed in and in the vaults. I mean nobody would want it if they could get 3 dollars out of it. If you think the Dinar is wortless now wait until they say it's worth three US dollars. The dinar is NOT undervalued. It is priced exactly where it is suppose to be based on its US currency reserve. This whole charade is so silly. You guys would have to be smarter than that. You know this cannot ever happen. 30% increase in the Dinar against the dollar over the next ten years is the best you can hope for.
  5. You've got to be kidding. You're saying that if an entire populace became super wealthy the people who sold the goods and services would keep their pricing the same? My goodness, no wonder you bought dinar. But it would cost you $1.50 here in the US no? 3 to 1 RV
  6. I'm afraid it does, Dontlop. You couldn't sell the same toothbrush for 50 cents because you'd go under. The cost of you being in business would go up exponentially (your rent, payroll, utilites, advertising and especially your wholesale cost for the toothbrush) and be exactly commensurate with the amount of new currency in circulation. Your competition would be the same as before. Almost all inflation is caused by an increase in the money supply where M1 - M3 is greater than current economic activity. For example, if everyone in the US received a million dollars from the Fed would that not increase the price of real estate, consumer goods and wages?
  7. Atta way, Dontlop! Good speech, except that even if the Iraqi citizens became rich the prices in country would rise accordingly putting them in the same economic position as before. If they use dollars as well as the dinar holders here in the US rapid inflation would take place so no net gain. I mean imagine a quadrillion US dollars hitting the economy here. Could not happen of course. I don't believe export import implications is why it won't RV other than that Iraq wants a cheap tradeable currency to help exports. Good post though. You are becoming of sound mind.
  8. You certainly couldn't be talkin' about Pudge. It's been two years since I've talked about lopping. Doesn't everyone agree that if anything a lop will happen? Yes it is. That's probably the most compelling argument I've heard yet for an RV compared to the other jibberish. When they get a Walmart it's time to exchange.
  9. You mean things look better in Iraq now than in 2008? I must've missed something
  10. Those are all valid reasons why it won't happen. The same could be said of your reasons why it might happen. Problem is none of the 'positives' you are listing has anything to do with a currency's value. Oil is completely irrelevant. All of it is either sold or used in country. There is nothing left to 'back' any currency even if currencies were backed by commodities which they are not. Nations benefit from a devalued currency. Iraq has no interest in artificially raising its exchange rate against the USD. It would make the Dinar even more worthless. Speculations of currencies are done by major corporations and banks to hedge against future price swings in currency exchange rates in order to prognosticate and plan for future sales and purchases. To make money as an investment they have to buy millions of $USD worth due to the very minor fluctuations. It's no place for the novice investor, especially Dinarians. Welcome, MommaCaz
  11. Yes, that is what he is doing. He IS trying to get you to sell your Dinar. That's why he wrote the piece. The only possible 'return' you will get is a 20% loss and that's if anyone will buy it back. He evidently is not getting thru to anyone here because you are hanging on precisely for the reasons he gave.
  12. I did try and it did not give me a decent overview. Neither did the 'Creature From Jeckyl Island' nor 'The Age of Inflation' or any publication from the John Birch Society. I do believe debt backed currency is better than gold and certainly know how this system works far better than gold ever did. Try reading anything from anybody from anywhere about the impossiblity and ignorance of going back to the gold-standard and you may at least get a glimpse of how monetary policy works. 1. The U.S. should not go back to the gold standard simply because it cannot because the U.S. Treasury does not, in fact, own any gold. The Fed owns it. 2. Gold is inelastic to the needs of the economy. When there is a demand for money the gold standard cannot provide for it unless the country who needs it finds and minds some more. And the reverse is true also. Too much gold and no demand causes defalation. 3. He who has the gold makes the rules. China has the most gold in the ground. Is that what we want? 4. We went of the gold standard in 1971 because the French were emptying our gold reserves by demanding an exchange from our dollars. 5. The great Depression lasted longer in the U.S. because we stayed on the GS whereas Britain got off it and recovered much sooner because they could raise the money supply. 6. Way too much price volatality under gold. We were on the GS when the economy collapsed in 1929. 16% of the work force was laid off under the GS in 1920, 1921. There were panics and recesions in 1833, 1834, 1873, 1893 and 1907 along with several other periods. All under the GS. I understand that the money created through fractional reserve banking and the buying of T bills does not create the interest to pay it back and eventually it will have to come from somewhere but that is a long way off. Debt based currency models have lasted way longer than GS models so the same can be said about the GS. It never lasted and never will.
  13. Lady Grace's Daddy said "they were never 'intended' to take Baghdad, implying it was pre-planned that they would be allowed to take over the North and be stopped just short of Baghdad. I don't know how else to read it. This made up theory about Maliki purposely allowing ISIS their barbaric aggression in order to save himself is a favorite among the gurus and their sheep. Maybe LGD isn't a full fledged conspiracy wacko (as I used to be) but every one who buys Dinar is at least partially one just by the fact they have to believe the Dinar RV is supposed to be a secret but we have somehow, and fortunately found out about it so we too can become millionaires along with the 'Cabal' who have already 'cashed in'. So silly That would be a big NO! Did, been there, done that and then I realized that George Will actually wasn't a liberal although the Birch Society folk claimed he was and that man really did land on the moon and that 9/11 was actually done by terrorists from Saudi Arabia and not W and while having dinner with Ed Griffin (nice guy but wrong) the Fed was absolutely a necessary creation to stablize the economy which had been smitten by one panic after another, etc many times over
  14. It's very telling that Iraq's continuing disintegration is what it is needed for the Dinarian's blinders to be removed when in fact an RV (as in the 100,000% investment return RV) was never going to happen anyway. If Iraq was ever stable economically, politically and militarily maybe a 10% increase in the value of the Dinar might be doable over a 5 to 10 year range. People inside DV and DR concooned themselves for years with feel good, made up 'intel' which had nothing to do with the outside world and reality. And intel? As if it was a secret that just happened to get out because of the difficult, courageous work of the gurus and we were just fortunate to have found out about it. I mean this whole drama has been so silly. To think that some people still now follow these scamsters with God like reverence. No wonder this country is doomed when you have such ignorance amongst the populace. Uuuh? Quick currency lesson. Greenbacks, during the Civil War, are the only currency ever issued which were not backed back gold or silver. Fed notes are backed by debt which is far better than gold, which there isn't enough of and would be hoarded which would cause world-wide economic collapse. Debt backed currency is elastic which can comport to the current monetary needs of the Nation. The only problem is where does the interest come from to pay it back? Fortunately debt backed securites are near 0%.
  15. I follow Okie and Tony quite a bit and would love to talk with one of their adoring followers just once. Unbelievable how thousands of people have fallen in line with these convicted con-artists.
  16. I'm not. Because I'm not bitter or negative at all. I couldn't be more upbeat and positive about life. What I am negative about is Dinar websites continually lying to the public about this stupid craze. Over on another site people worship these gurus with love and adoration posts and believe in the PTB's cashing in first and 800#s and NDA's and the secret nature of it all. I mean it really blows my mind that anyone who isn't mentally challenged would by 1 dinar worth of this worthless paper. Greed and ignorance make otherwise good, normal people do crazy things.
  17. We're at the end of this ride? What ride? We're not even moving. Why do Dinarians continue to say they "Know the risks" and many admit it's a long shot yet they insist it's imminent and will positively happen someday? Stay focused on what? Your plan? Sound like a **************** post. Staying positive has nothing to do with an RV actually happening. Share our joy together? Oh brother. This is getting embarrassing. At least if it happens in 50 years it will happen. You should take that in a heartbeat. Better than not happening at all which is what is actually going to happen.
  18. soooooo, yer sayin' the gummint and the mainstream media really do know about an imminent RV for your Dinar but are secretly hiding it which is why you need 'intel' to tell you that WF bank tellers are on high alert and the IMF is on lockdown? That's what I thought.
  19. I see, well that philosophy of staying positive is in keeping with the most important tenet of the faith of Dinarland. And you may not suggest I do the same. No one would have to follow any events in Iraq to know there will not be an RV. One just needs to know simple arithmetic, logic and basic economics. Of course, the Dinar could gain in value over time once it's internationally traded and it is within the best interest of Iraq at the time. Right now Iraq needs a devalued currency for trade. No different than what China does with the yen to keep it's exprts cheap. It would be economic suicide to artificially raise it any amount right now. The Iraq money supply compared with its GDP is the same as the US. Right where it is supposed to be. There will be no changing it.
  20. Does there have to be a reason? People on this site rip scamming gurus as they should but yet they still believe in an RV. If an RV is imminent as you believe why is there a need for gurus to lie like they do? And that's the point. If the charlatons on DR know it's BS why don't you?
  21. WITK is not delusional. She knows what she's doing. She understands there will be no RV and is simply knowingly lying to make money on the her forthcoming website, call in 800#s and Dinar selling. She knows she has thousands of worshippers who lean on her every word. No different than any other Jim Jones Dinar follower.
  22. I've been over at DR the last few weeks studying the continuous cylce of indiscernable drivel given by scammers which is being swallowed whole-heartedly and worshipfully by complete zombies who are worse than sheep. It is an invigorating study on the human psyche on how heretofor normal, well-adjusted American citizens can be seduced and then hyptnotized into utter submission for this religion of Dinarianism. But then again, the immense gravitational pull (like the black hole in the center of our galaxy) of expected riches can cause people to really lose thir senses and bearings. It's interesting to hear people on this site bash Tony, Okie, etc. as if they're above the fray and have more common sense about this so called 'investment'. Maybe they are more measured but I just have to believe that the gurus at DR are simply laughing at everyone bashing them and certainly blown away by 90% of the posts which say "WE LOVE YOU, TONY!!!", "YOU MEAN SO MUCH TO ME, OKIE", "I WANT YOU TO FATHER MY CHILDREN, BLUWOLF". I'm sure the theory has been mentioned here before but I can't believe these gurus actually believe in an actual RV of any kind nor do they have any sources (obviously). Not to mention the use of the word 'intel'. I mean this is so silly. To think this RV is a huge secret by the 'powers that be' which only the gurus and their sources can crack defies the senses. I suppose it is possible they think an RV will happen sometime and are simply making money in the short run on the website or the selling of Dinar on the impulse of the followers but I doubt it. Or could it be that the gurus themselves are being scammed by the 'sources'? Some mastermind controlling the whole charade? Probably not. When Tony and others say things like "The IMF is on lockdown" or that "Bank tellers are on high alert and are seated at their terminals" waiting for giddy Dinarians with their 800#'s to call them when their NDA's are signed, it is self evident they are knowingly lying. And if they're knowingly lying they do not believe in an RV of the Dinar and are laughing their way to the bank. They have created a separate universe for the zombies which has nothing to do with real life except for the reality of their bank accounts being syphoned and time completely wasted on the internet. The disciples literally believe the whole world including the UST, IMF, international banks, the U.N., the World Bank, Iraqi officials, the CBI are all feverishly working around the clock to get these faithfull followers of the Dinar their milliions of dollars which of course are 'Blessings from God". Yet, there is not one credible source outside the Dinarian world that has reported any of this. I mean if the IMF was actually on lockdown would not anyone know outside DR? I mean this so inane I'm embarrassed having to write it. Although DR is allowig a few negative comments now the vast majority of posts are so filled with love letters to Gurus I'm beginning to think that these posts also are fiction in order to build more hype. I mean could people really be that transformed in mind that they can believe anything that is said over a computer and is never verified simply because it gives them hope. Several posts relay how "they needed that" when a guru says it will happen next Thursday. If true this is really sad and criminal on the part of DR. They can discalaimer all they want but when they don't allow 'negative posts', meaning any grain of truth which may protect people from their increasing dismay and depression I believe they are culpable in steering the conversation towards complete confidence that the Dinar will RV when it has no chance to do so. Certainly, people have to be responsible for their own actions and it is ultimately their fault but I feel like taking a club to that website and some of the posters. So the question is: If the gurus, who are leading these sheeple off the cliff, don't believe in an RV, why do you? Any theories on what these gurus actually know and believe about the RV?
  23. There is just no mathematical way the Dinar can revalue in the way Dinarians ha originally hoped for. Now, over the years these Dinar "investors" have had to reinvent themselves as such to remove the stain and embarrassment of getting into an impulsive, mania driven cult. Now the reaction is "Oh, it's just another investment. I knew there was risk and I am a seasoned, well educated, currency trader. Easy come, easy go." Really sad to see so many other wise normal people got so hoodwinked. Right now Iraq has the appropriate GDP/monetary supply ratio. Same as the US. To revalue them to even 1 cent would obligate the CBI to come up with $850 billion (if demanded). Yet the CBI has only $80 in currency reserves. The annual GDP of Iraq is only $210 billion. If the CBI (which is a separate, private entity) somehow could confiscate the entire productivity of Iraq, it would still take 4 years to redeem every dinar. It is such an absurd, preposterous notion that it should be summarily dismissed by anybody with half a brain. Unfortunately, greed and envy are powerful emotions and can easily overwhelm a rational thought process. If someone can successfully appeal to our greed emotion, even reasonable, rational people can start to believe such idiocy.
  24. You have so little understanding of the Word of God. That parable of the rich man has nothing to do with socialism or that selling all you have and giving it to the poor is required to go to Heaven. Notice Joseph of Arimathea and Zacheus nor Matthew were required to do so. All rich. He gave the parabel to show how hard it is for someone on earth who is materially rich and attached to the things of the world and who doesn't have a proper perspective on wealth, to enter into the Kingdom of God. He said it right at the end of the parable. Or did you miss that part? Jesus, being labeled a socialist is just another attempt by the left to find some reasoning or backup to justify the way they are. How ironic is it that conservatives far outgive to charity than Liberals do while liberals have more money. Liberals believe the ultimate act of kindness is voting to take money from someone else to whom it belongs and giving it to someone who it doesn't belong to thereby absolving themselves of having to do anything at all personally. You need to start listening to Fox to get both sides of all issues.
  25. Your point? About Socialism? What does healing the sick have anything to do about Jesus being a socialist? Are you warped? He gave a parable about casting a servant into outer darkness because he buried his money and didn't go out and earn more with it by lending or commerce! In other words he didn't tell the servant to give it to the poor. When his disciples were chastising May Magdelene for wiping his feet with expensive oil because she could've given it to the poor Jesus said "The poor you will have always. Me you have but a little while". His disciples worked as Jesus did before age thirty and He did not say or teach anything about equality of outcome. His lessons about giving to their own community as taught in the early Church were indeed communistic but it was by choice and was done to help with the needs of all Christians but it was not forced as the Apostle Peter told Aninias and Saphira. Jesus never gave money to poor people ever. Nor did he say governments should. He taught the Kingdom of Heaven and had little to say about politics other than someday he would rule and reign and no amount of liberals/socialists or communists are going to be able to do anything about it. It's comical the way Hollywood, Academia and the State-approved press do nothing but disparage Christianity on a daily basis then they go out and claim Jesus, whom they persecute, was a socialist. As if to try and poke the eyes of conservatives. Such hypocrites.
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