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Everything posted by oleman

  1. Tamiflyer, would you really do this? In my current location I am not allowed to stReam Video. I would love to know what they have to say. Thank you in advance.
  2. So now he is telling his sheeple that they have freedom of speech... just not on his site. What a quack!
  3. I used to own a convenience store that sold Bud and Pepsi product. They would bring the product in and I was on a 7 day account meaning I had 7 days to pay, other stores were on a cash basis. Once the product was in the store it was mine. They would not take it back. If the dates went out on the product they would exchange it with new product. They have no legal right to remove the product from the store. Now if they so choose they might not SELL any more product to a store. Still I like the way the story goes, just it is not completly true. By the way I gave you a +1
  4. Rangers wins the WS in 5 games
  5. WOW. I have sent this information to someone in the media that I have contact with. I am curious if they will carry this story.
  6. This is good. In the great words of bumper they seem to be PLAYING NICE.
  7. I understand about the house. I just think it is funny how the libs keep coming up with "ways" to pay for things such as this useless job plan. Taxation without representation. What gets me is how these clowns, no disrespect to clowns, keep getting re elected.
  8. Seems to me I can't think of anything that bunch has done that IS constitutional.
  9. Sources Say Sen. Reid Wants Millionaire Surtax to Pay for Jobs Bill WASHINGTON – Senate Democrats are considering a surtax on millionaires to offset the cost of President Barack Obama's $445 billion jobs bill, according to several party aides Read more: So If we should become Millionaires harry and the hendersons want 5% right up front. Sure makes a man not want to put a dime in a US bank.
  10. We Must not forget EQUINOX SEX. An equinox occurs twice a year, when the tilt of the Earth's axis is inclined neither away from nor towards the Sun, the center of the Sun being in the same plane as the Earth's equator. The term equinox can also be used in a broader sense, meaning the date when such a passage happens. The name "equinox" is derived from the Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night), because around the equinox, the night and day have approximately equal length. In Texican that means you get it once in the summer and once in the winter. Oleman
  11. It is not about Dinar but it is about a key Terrorist getting killed.
  12. Have him try 1St conv. bank in Walmart. There are 3 to choose from.
  13. Same happened to me. I really don't care. I think is IP addresses. I wouldn't give him the sweat of my ..... Anyway now the only time we see anything Okie is when it is drug over here.
  14. I really enjoyed visiting with all you fine folks. Take care and keep in touch. Add me as a friend if you like.
  15. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I go pee now????????
  16. It does show a guest down there hummmmmmm. Is that you pigster?
  17. wouldn't you know it get this close and my server crashes.
  18. Naw really she is a great lady. We both trust each other. Besides we get along great 8000 miles apart.
  19. Sorry to hear that. Guess I better turn off her internet.
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