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Everything posted by a1911handler

  1. Click on the button that says 'exchange rates' and a history will come up of every auction ever held. Type in page 52 or 53 in the .pdf doc and look at the auction trend. After that I can only wonder that if the reduced auction numbers were a good sign, then today's elevated number does not look good. Especially if this is the beginning of a trend. How does that saying go? Back to square one.
  2. At 50K or better in bank accounts, WF will elevate you to 'Personal Banker' Status. There you will have one person, who is not a 'front line' (their definition) employee who will handle all of your transactions for you. I strongly reccomend moving to a personal banker. The answers you get there are specifically tailored to make you feel good.
  3. Absolutely. I've seen so much stuff I'll be telling sea stories till the day I die....all of them true!
  4. Drinking cofee is a given, comes with the anchors right? Air conditioning for me too. AIMD.
  5. Three deployments on my first enlistment. Ship's Company Beeeeeeyotches! Welcome to the real Navy. CVN68 Shellback. P3 Wogs, you all are stinking up the place!
  6. Dinar does not come from the gas station.
  7. Actually Mike, if you were to buy 1,000 items at a dollar store, you would be able to easily spend that 1K dollar bill. Just my newbie .02
  8. My weather forecaster doesn't tell me I am a new millionaire every day.
  9. My deciding factor will be the rate I get. Ali? BofA? The guy in the box at the airport? I'll do my research and make my decision based on numbers and security of transaction.
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